Compound Module StandardHost

Package: inet.node.inet
File: src/inet/node/inet/StandardHost.ned

IPv4 host with SCTP, TCP, UDP layers and applications. IP forwarding is disabled by default (see forwarding).

NodeStatus IEnergyStorage IEnergyManagement IEnergyGenerator IMobility INetworkLayer IRoutingTable InterfaceTable PcapRecorder LoopbackInterface IWirelessNic IWiredNic IWiredNic IExternalNic ITunNic ITunApp ITCPApp ITCP IUDPApp IUDP ISCTPApp ISCTP IPingApp

Usage diagram:

The following diagram shows usage relationships between types. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram.

Inheritance diagram:

The following diagram shows inheritance relationships for this type. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram.


Name Type Description
NodeBase compound module

Contains the common lower layers (linklayer and networklayer) of Router, StandardHost, WirelessHost etc.

Known subclasses:

Name Type Description
MyHost compound module (no description)
RTPHost compound module

TODO document!

SCTPNatRouter compound module

\IP router.

StandardHost6 compound module

IPv6 host with TCP, SCTP and UDP layers and applications. see StandardHost for configuration.

WirelessHost compound module

Models a host with (default) one wireless (802.11) card in infrastructure mode. This module is basically a StandardHost with an Ieee80211Nic with mgmtType = Ieee80211MgmtSTA added. It should be used in conjunction with AccessPoint, or any other AP model which contains Ieee80211Nic with mgmtType = Ieee80211MgmtAP.

Used in compound modules:

Name Type Description
IPv4LargeLAN compound module

Several hosts and an Ethernet hub on a switch. One port of the hub connect to a 10Base2 segment.

IPv4MediumLAN compound module

Several hosts and a router on an Ethernet hub and a switch

IPv4SmallLAN compound module

Several hosts on a router; part of IPv4LargeNet.

OneNetArea compound module (no description)
OSPF_Area3 compound module (no description)
OspfLan compound module (no description)
TestArea compound module (no description)
TwoNetsArea compound module (no description)


Name Type Description
advanced network (no description)
ARPTest network (no description)
ARPTest network (no description)
Backbone network (no description)
ber network (no description)
BGPNet network (no description)
BGPTest network (no description)
BGPTest network (no description)
BGPTest network (no description)
BGPTest network (no description)
BGPTest network (no description)
BulkTransfer network (no description)
ClientServer network (no description)
ClientServerWithSM network (no description)
ClientServerWithSM network (no description)
CloudAndHosts network (no description)
CloudAndRouters network (no description)
Complexer network (no description)
ConfiguratorA network (no description)
ConfiguratorC network (no description)
ConfiguratorF network (no description)
DataLinkVisualizerEnablingWiredShowcase network

TODO documentation

DataLinkVisualizerFilteringShowcase network

TODO documentation

DHCPShutdownReboot network (no description)
DiffservNetwork network (no description)
DiffservNetwork network

This network contains a router with an 10Mbps Ethernet interface, and with a 128kbps dialup connection to a server.

DynamicTest network (no description)
DynamicTest network (no description)
FilteringShowcase network (no description)
FlatNet network (no description)
Http10Servers network

10-nodes test scenario for sockets.

HttpNnodes network

n-nodes test scenario for sockets.

HttpSockPair network (no description)
IconAppearanceShowcase network

TODO documentation

InterfaceTableVisualizationAdvancedFeaturesShowcase network (no description)
InterfaceTableVisualizationEnablingVisualizationShowcase network (no description)
IPv4LargeNet network

A large Ethernet LAN -- see model description

KIDSNw1 network (no description)
LDPTEST network (no description)
MixedNetwork network

TODO Auto-generated network

multi network (no description)
MulticastNetwork network (no description)
multihomed network (no description)
NClients network (no description)
NClients network (no description)
NClients network (no description)
NClients2 network (no description)
Network network

TODO documentation

Network network (no description)
Network network

A generated network with grid topology.

NetworkNodeVisualizationExample network (no description)
NetworkPathComplexShowcase network

TODO documentation

NetworkPathRIPShowcase network

TODO documentation

NetworkPathSimpleShowcase network

TODO documentation

OSPF_mininet network (no description)
PacketDropInterfaceNotConnectedShowcase network (no description)
PacketDropNoRouteToDestinationShowcase network (no description)
PacketDropQueueOverflowShowcase network (no description)
PcapRecorderTest network (no description)
PIM_SM_Network network (no description)
pimDMFinal network (no description)
R37 network (no description)
RoutingTableVisualizationDisplayingAllShowcase network (no description)
RoutingTableVisualizationFilteringShowcase network (no description)
RSVPTE4 network

Example network to demonstrate RSVP-TE.

RSVPTE4 network

Example network to demonstrate RSVP-TE.

RSVPTE4 network

Example network to demonstrate RSVP-TE.

RSVPTE4 network

Example network to demonstrate RSVP-TE.

RSVPTE4 network

Example network to demonstrate RSVP-TE.

SimpleConfiguratorNetwork network (no description)
SimpleContinentCloud network (no description)
SimpleTest network (no description)
SimpleTest network (no description)
StaticNetworkRouteVisualizationExample network (no description)
tcpsack network (no description)
tcptimestamps network (no description)
tcpwindowscale network (no description)
TransportConnectionVisualizationEnablingShowcase network (no description)
TransportConnectionVisualizationMultipleConnectionsShowcase network (no description)
TransportPathVisualizerExtendedShowcase network

TODO documentation

TransportPathVisualizerServerClientsShowcase network

TODO documentation

TransportPathVisualizerSimpleWiredShowcase network

TODO documentation

UDPBroadcastNetwork network (no description)
UDPBurst network (no description)
VisualizationE network (no description)
VisualizationH network (no description)
VisualizationTutorialA network (no description)
Voip network

A generated network with star topology.

WiredAndWirelessHostsWithAP network (no description)
WiredNetWithDHCP network (no description)
WirelessNetWith2DHCP network (no description)
WirelessNetWithDHCP network (no description)


Name Type Default value Description
hasStatus bool false
numExtInterfaces int 0
numRadios int 0

the number of radios in the router. by default no wireless

numPcapRecorders int 0

no of PcapRecorders.

numTunInterfaces int 0
osgModel string ""

3D model for OSG visualization, no 3D model by default

osgModelColor string ""

tint color, no colorization by default

mobilityType string numRadios > 0 ? "StationaryMobility" : ""
networkLayerType string "IPv4NetworkLayer"
routingTableType string "IPv4RoutingTable"
forwarding bool false
multicastForwarding bool false
energyStorageType string ""
energyManagementType string ""
energyGeneratorType string ""
numTcpApps int 0

no of TCP apps. Specify the app types in INI file with tcpApp[0..1].typename="TCPEchoApp" syntax

numUdpApps int 0

no of UDP apps. Specify the app types in INI file with udpApp[0..1].typename="UDPVideoStreamCli" syntax

numSctpApps int 0

no of SCTP apps. Specify the app types in INI file with sctpApp[0..1].typename="SCTPServer" syntax

numPingApps int 0

no of PING apps. Specify the app types in INI file with pingApp[0..1].typename="PingApp" syntax

hasTcp bool numTcpApps > 0
hasUdp bool numUdpApps > 0
hasSctp bool numSctpApps > 0
hasTun bool numTunInterfaces > 0
tcpType string firstAvailableOrEmpty("TCP", "TCP_lwIP", "TCP_NSC")

tcp implementation (e.g. TCP, TCP_lwIP, TCP_NSC) or TCPSpoof

udpType string firstAvailableOrEmpty("UDP")
sctpType string firstAvailableOrEmpty("SCTP")


Name Value Description
display i=device/pc2
labels node


Name Direction Size Description
radioIn [ ] input numRadios
pppg [ ] inout
ethg [ ] inout

Unassigned submodule parameters:

Name Type Default value Description
status.initialStatus string "UP"

TODO @signal, @statistic

routingTable.forwarding bool
routingTable.multicastForwarding bool
interfaceTable.displayAddresses bool false

whether to display IP addresses on links

pcapRecorder.verbose bool false

whether to log packets on the module output

pcapRecorder.pcapFile string ""

the PCAP file to be written

pcapRecorder.snaplen int 65535

maximum number of bytes to record per packet

pcapRecorder.dumpBadFrames bool true

enable dump of frames with hasBitError

pcapRecorder.moduleNamePatterns string "wlan[*] eth[*] ppp[*] ext[*]"

space-separated list of sibling module names to listen on

pcapRecorder.sendingSignalNames string "packetSentToLower"

space-separated list of outbound packet signals to subscribe to

pcapRecorder.receivingSignalNames string "packetReceivedFromLower"

space-separated list of inbound packet signals to subscribe to

pcapRecorder.alwaysFlush bool false

flush the pcapFile after each write to ensure that all packets are captured in case of a crash

lo0.lo.interfaceTableModule string

The path to the InterfaceTable module

lo0.lo.mtu int 4470B

Source code:

// IPv4 host with SCTP, TCP, UDP layers and applications.
// IP forwarding is disabled by default (see forwarding).
// - Can be connected via ethernet interface to other nodes using
//   the ethg gate. By default full-duplex connections are supported
//   only (twisted pair). Set **.eth[*].typename="EthernetInterface" for
//   a full/half-duplex CSMA/CD implementation (coaxial cable)
// - By default contains no wireless cards, however it can be configured
//   by the numRadios parameter. Wireless card type is configured by the
//   **.wlan[*].typename parameter. see:  inet.linklayer.ieee80211 or other
//   modules implementing ~IWirelessNic
// - Also external interfaces can be configured for HW in the loop simulation
//   using the numExtInterfaces parameter and setting the type using
//   **.ext[*].typename in the INI file. see: ~ExtInterface and ~IExternalNic
// - If wireless card is present, node mobility can be set using **.mobilityType
//   see: inet.mobility and ~IMobility
module StandardHost extends NodeBase
        int numTcpApps = default(0);  // no of TCP apps. Specify the app types in INI file with tcpApp[0..1].typename="TCPEchoApp" syntax
        int numUdpApps = default(0);  // no of UDP apps. Specify the app types in INI file with udpApp[0..1].typename="UDPVideoStreamCli" syntax
        int numSctpApps = default(0); // no of SCTP apps. Specify the app types in INI file with sctpApp[0..1].typename="SCTPServer" syntax
        int numPingApps = default(0);  // no of PING apps. Specify the app types in INI file with pingApp[0..1].typename="PingApp" syntax
        bool hasTcp = default(numTcpApps > 0);
        bool hasUdp = default(numUdpApps > 0);
        bool hasSctp = default(numSctpApps > 0);
        bool hasTun = default(numTunInterfaces > 0);
        string tcpType = default(firstAvailableOrEmpty("TCP", "TCP_lwIP", "TCP_NSC"));  // tcp implementation (e.g. ~TCP, ~TCP_lwIP, ~TCP_NSC) or ~TCPSpoof
        string udpType = default(firstAvailableOrEmpty("UDP"));
        string sctpType = default(firstAvailableOrEmpty("SCTP"));
        forwarding = default(false);  // disable routing by default
        networkLayer.proxyARP = default(false);
        tunApp[numTunInterfaces]: <> like ITunApp {
        tcpApp[numTcpApps]: <> like ITCPApp {
        tcp: <tcpType> like ITCP if hasTcp {
        udpApp[numUdpApps]: <> like IUDPApp {
        udp: <udpType> like IUDP if hasUdp {
        sctpApp[numSctpApps]: <> like ISCTPApp {
        sctp: <sctpType> like ISCTP if hasSctp {
        pingApp[numPingApps]: <default("PingApp")> like IPingApp {
    connections allowunconnected:
        for i=0..numTcpApps-1 {
            tcpApp[i].tcpOut --> tcp.appIn++;
            tcpApp[i].tcpIn <-- tcp.appOut++;

        tcp.ipOut --> networkLayer.transportIn++ if hasTcp;
        tcp.ipIn <-- networkLayer.transportOut++ if hasTcp;

        for i=0..numUdpApps-1 {
            udpApp[i].udpOut --> udp.appIn++;
            udpApp[i].udpIn <-- udp.appOut++;

        udp.ipOut --> networkLayer.transportIn++ if hasUdp;
        udp.ipIn <-- networkLayer.transportOut++ if hasUdp;

        for i=0..numSctpApps-1 {
            sctpApp[i].sctpOut --> sctp.from_appl++;
            sctp.to_appl++ --> sctpApp[i].sctpIn;
        sctp.to_ip --> networkLayer.transportIn++ if hasSctp;
        networkLayer.transportOut++ --> sctp.from_ip if hasSctp;

        for i=0..numPingApps-1 {
            networkLayer.pingOut++ --> pingApp[i].pingIn;
            networkLayer.pingIn++ <-- pingApp[i].pingOut;

        for i=0..numTunInterfaces-1 {
            tunApp[i].tunOut --> tun[i].appIn if hasTun;
            tunApp[i].tunIn <-- tun[i].appOut if hasTun;