Cinet::Macho::_EmptyBox | |
►Cinet::Macho::_IEventBase | |
►Cinet::Macho::IEvent< TOP > | |
Cinet::Macho::_Event0< TOP, R > | |
Cinet::Macho::_Event1< TOP, R, P1 > | |
Cinet::Macho::_Event2< TOP, R, P1, P2 > | |
Cinet::Macho::_Event3< TOP, R, P1, P2, P3 > | |
Cinet::Macho::_Event4< TOP, R, P1, P2, P3, P4 > | |
Cinet::Macho::_Event5< TOP, R, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5 > | |
Cinet::Macho::_Event6< TOP, R, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6 > | |
►Cinet::Macho::_Initializer | |
Cinet::Macho::_AdaptingInitializer | |
Cinet::Macho::_Initializer1< S, P1 > | |
Cinet::Macho::_Initializer2< S, P1, P2 > | |
Cinet::Macho::_Initializer3< S, P1, P2, P3 > | |
Cinet::Macho::_Initializer4< S, P1, P2, P3, P4 > | |
Cinet::Macho::_Initializer5< S, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5 > | |
Cinet::Macho::_Initializer6< S, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6 > | |
►Cinet::Macho::_StaticInitializer | |
Cinet::Macho::_DefaultInitializer | |
Cinet::Macho::_HistoryInitializer | |
Cinet::Macho::_KeyData | |
►Cinet::Macho::_MachineBase | |
Cinet::Macho::Machine< TOP > | |
Cinet::Macho::Machine< fsm::TopState > | |
Cinet::Macho::_SameType< T, U > | |
Cinet::Macho::_SameType< T, T > | |
►Cinet::Macho::_StateInstance | |
Cinet::Macho::_RootInstance | |
Cinet::Macho::_SubstateInstance< S > | |
►Cinet::Macho::_StateSpecification | |
Cinet::Macho::TopBase< T > | |
Cinet::_VS8_Bug_101615 | |
Cinet::serializer::abort_chunk | |
Cinet::AccessModuleWrap< T > | Finds and returns the pointer to a module of type T |
Cinet::ospf::LinkStateUpdateHandler::AcknowledgementFlags | |
Cinet::serializer::add_ip_parameter | |
Cinet::serializer::add_streams_request_parameter | |
Cinet::IPv6InterfaceData::AddressData | |
Cinet::MACAddressTable::AddressEntry | |
Cinet::IPv6NeighbourDiscovery::AdvIfEntry | |
Cinet::IPv6InterfaceData::AdvPrefix | For routers: advertised prefix configuration |
Cinet::Macho::Machine< TOP >::AfterAdvice | |
Cinet::Macho::Alias | |
Cinet::visualizer::AnimationPosition | |
Cinet::visualizer::AnimationSpeedInterpolator | |
Cinet::visualizer::NetworkNodeCanvasVisualization::Annotation | |
Cinet::sctp::SCTP::AppAssocKey | |
Cinet::tcp::TCP::AppConnKey | |
Cinet::AppSocketOptions | |
Cinet::physicallayer::APSKPhyFrameSerializer | |
Cinet::PostureTransition::AreaBound | Data type for one instance of the area (space) boundary |
Cinet::PostureTransition::AreaType | Data type for one instance of area type |
Cinet::physicallayer::Argument | Defines an argument for a mapping |
Cinet::ARP::ARPCacheEntry | |
Cinet::GlobalARP::ARPCacheEntry | |
Cinet::serializer::asconf_ack_chunk | |
Cinet::serializer::asconf_chunk | |
Cinet::PIMBase::AssertMetric | |
Cinet::sctp::SCTP::AssocStat | |
Cinet::units::units::atto< Unit > | |
Cinet::AudioOutFile | Records audio into a file |
Cinet::serializer::auth_chunk | |
Cinet::ospf::AuthenticationKeyType | |
Cinet::BVHTree::Axis | |
Cinet::BVHTree::AxisComparator | |
Cinet::Flood::Bcast | |
Cinet::physicallayer::BerParseFile | Radio model for IEEE 802.11 |
Cinet::bgp::BGPOptionalParameters | Struct generated from inet/routing/bgpv4/BGPMessage/BGPOpen.msg:40 by nedtool |
Cinet::bgp::BGPParameterValues | Struct generated from inet/routing/bgpv4/BGPMessage/BGPOpen.msg:34 by nedtool |
Cinet::bgp::BGPUpdateAttributeFlags | Struct generated from inet/routing/bgpv4/BGPMessage/BGPUpdatePathAttributes.msg:42 by nedtool |
Cinet::bgp::BGPUpdateAttributeType | Struct generated from inet/routing/bgpv4/BGPMessage/BGPUpdatePathAttributes.msg:50 by nedtool |
Cinet::bgp::BGPUpdateNLRI | Struct generated from inet/routing/bgpv4/BGPMessage/BGPUpdate.msg:48 by nedtool |
Cinet::bgp::BGPUpdateWithdrawnRoutes | Struct generated from inet/routing/bgpv4/BGPMessage/BGPUpdate.msg:42 by nedtool |
Cbinary_expression | |
►Cbinary_function | |
Cinet::IPv6Tunneling::equalTunnel | |
Cinet::ospf::LSAKeyType_Less | |
Cinet::BindingCache::BindingCacheEntry | |
Cinet::BindingUpdateList::BindingUpdateListEntry | |
Cinet::BitVector | |
Cinet::ieee80211::BlockAckRecord | |
Cinet::ieee80211::BlockAckReordering | |
Cinet::BonnMotionFile | Represents a BonnMotion file's contents |
Cinet::BonnMotionFileCache | Singleton object to read and store BonnMotion files |
Cinet::httptools::HttpBrowserBase::BrowseEvent | |
Cinet::VoIPStreamSender::Buffer | |
Cinet::serializer::Buffer | Buffer for serializer/deserializer |
Cinet::EtherBus::BusTap | Implements the physical locations on the bus where each network entity is connected to on the bus |
Cinet::BVHTree | |
Cinet::visualizer::LineManager::CacheEntry | |
Cinet::sctp::SCTPAssociation::calcBytesToSend | |
►Cinet::SCTPSocket::CallbackInterface | Abstract base class for your callback objects |
Cinet::SCTPClient | Implements the SCTPClient simple module |
Cinet::SCTPNatPeer | Accepts any number of incoming connections, and sends back whatever arrives on them |
Cinet::SCTPPeer | Implements the SCTPPeer simple module |
►Cinet::TCPSocket::CallbackInterface | Abstract base class for your callback objects |
Cinet::bgp::BGPRouting | |
Cinet::httptools::HttpBrowser | Browser module |
►Cinet::httptools::HttpServer | HttpServerDirect module |
Cinet::httptools::HttpServerEvilA | An evil attacker server demonstration - type A |
Cinet::httptools::HttpServerEvilB | An evil attacker server demonstration - type B |
Cinet::LDP | LDP (rfc 3036) protocol implementation |
►Cinet::TCPAppBase | Base class for clients app for TCP-based request-reply protocols or apps |
Cinet::TCPBasicClientApp | An example request-reply based client application |
►Cinet::TCPSessionApp | Single-connection TCP application |
Cinet::PacketDrillApp | Implements the packetdrill application simple module |
Cinet::TelnetApp | An example Telnet client application |
►Cinet::TCPServerThreadBase | Abstract base class for server processes to be used with TCPSrvHostApp |
Cinet::TCPGenericSrvThread | Example server thread, to be used with TCPSrvHostApp |
Cinet::CanvasProjection | |
►CcArray | |
Cinet::rtp::SDESChunk | The class SDESChunk is used for storing SDESItem objects for one rtp end system |
►CcClassDescriptor | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211ConfigureRadioCommandDescriptor | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211ReceptionIndicationDescriptor | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211TransmissionRequestDescriptor | |
►CcDatarateChannel | |
Cinet::ThruputMeteringChannel | A cDatarateChannel extended with throughput calculation |
Cinet::units::units::centi< Unit > | |
►CcFigure | |
Cinet::cPanelFigure | Sets up an axis-aligned, unscaled coordinate system for children, canceling the effect of any transformation (scaling, rotation, etc.) inherited from ancestor figures |
►CcGroupFigure | |
CCounterFigure | |
CGaugeFigure | |
CIndexedImageFigure | |
Cinet::BoxedLabelFigure | |
Cinet::LabeledIconFigure | |
Cinet::LabeledLineFigure | |
Cinet::LabeledPolylineFigure | |
Cinet::SignalFigure | |
Cinet::TrailFigure | |
Cinet::visualizer::NetworkNodeCanvasVisualization | |
CLinearGaugeFigure | |
CPlotFigure | |
CProgressMeterFigure | |
CThermometerFigure | |
Cinet::units::internal::check_terms_equal< Term, T1, T2 > | |
Cinet::units::internal::check_terms_equal< compose< T1, T2 >, T3, T4 > | |
Cinet::units::internal::check_terms_equal< pow< Unit, N, D >, T1, T2 > | |
Cinet::units::internal::check_terms_equal< scale< Unit, N, D >, T1, T2 > | |
Cinet::units::internal::check_terms_equal< translate< Unit, N, D >, T1, T2 > | |
Cinet::serializer::chunk | |
►CcIListener | |
Cinet::DelegateSignalConfigurator::DelegatingListener | |
►CcISimulationLifecycleListener | |
Cinet::MACAddress::SimulationLifecycleListener | |
►CcLabelFigure | |
CIndicatorLabelFigure | |
►CcListener | |
Cinet::AODVRouting | |
Cinet::DHCPClient | Implements a DHCP client |
Cinet::DHCPServer | Implements a DHCP server |
Cinet::dymo::DYMO | This class provides Dynamic MANET On-demand (DYMO also known as AODVv2) Routing based on the IETF draft at |
Cinet::EtherBus | Implements the shared coaxial cable in classic Ethernet |
Cinet::EtherHub | Models a wiring hub |
Cinet::GenericRoutingTable | A C++ interface to abstract the functionality of a routing table, regardless of address type |
Cinet::GlobalARP | ARP implementation |
Cinet::GPSR | This class implements the Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing for Wireless Networks |
Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211AgentSTA | Used in 802.11 infrastructure mode: in a station (STA), this module controls channel scanning, association and handovers, by sending commands (e.g |
Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211MgmtAP | Used in 802.11 infrastructure mode: handles management frames for an access point (AP) |
Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211MgmtSTA | Used in 802.11 infrastructure mode: handles management frames for a station (STA) |
►Cinet::ieee80211::ModeSetListener | |
Cinet::ieee80211::CtsPolicy | |
Cinet::ieee80211::Dcaf | |
Cinet::ieee80211::Dcf | Implements IEEE 802.11 Distributed Coordination Function |
Cinet::ieee80211::Edcaf | Implements IEEE 802.11 Enhanced Distributed Channel Access Function |
Cinet::ieee80211::Hcf | Implements IEEE 802.11 Hybrid Coordination Function |
Cinet::ieee80211::OriginatorAckPolicy | |
Cinet::ieee80211::OriginatorBlockAckAgreementPolicy | |
Cinet::ieee80211::OriginatorProtectionMechanism | |
Cinet::ieee80211::OriginatorQoSAckPolicy | |
Cinet::ieee80211::QoSCtsPolicy | |
Cinet::ieee80211::QoSRateSelection | |
Cinet::ieee80211::QoSRtsPolicy | |
►Cinet::ieee80211::RateControlBase | |
Cinet::ieee80211::AARFRateControl | Implements the ARF and AARF rate control algorithms |
Cinet::ieee80211::OnoeRateControl | Implements the Onoe rate control algorithms |
Cinet::ieee80211::RecipientAckPolicy | |
Cinet::ieee80211::RecipientQoSAckPolicy | |
Cinet::ieee80211::RtsPolicy | |
Cinet::ieee80211::SingleProtectionMechanism | |
Cinet::ieee80211::TxopProcedure | |
Cinet::ieee80211::RateSelection | |
Cinet::IGMPv2 | |
Cinet::IGMPv3 | |
Cinet::InterfaceTable | Represents the interface table |
Cinet::IPv4 | Implements the IPv4 protocol |
Cinet::IPv4RoutingTable | Represents the routing table |
Cinet::IPv6RoutingTable | Represents the IPv6 routing table and neighbour discovery data structures |
Cinet::L2NodeConfigurator | Configures L2 data of a node |
Cinet::LDP | LDP (rfc 3036) protocol implementation |
Cinet::LinkStateRouting | Implements a minimalistic link state routing protocol that employs flooding |
►Cinet::MACBase | Base class for MAC modules |
►Cinet::EtherMACBase | Base class for Ethernet MAC implementations |
Cinet::EtherMAC | Ethernet MAC module which supports both half-duplex (CSMA/CD) and full-duplex operation |
Cinet::EtherMACFullDuplex | A simplified version of EtherMAC |
Cinet::ExtInterface | Implements an interface that corresponds to a real interface on the host running the simulation |
Cinet::Loopback | Loopback interface implementation |
Cinet::PPP | PPP implementation |
Cinet::TunInterface | |
►Cinet::MACProtocolBase | |
Cinet::BMacLayer | Implementation of B-MAC (called also Berkeley MAC, Low Power Listening or LPL) |
Cinet::CSMA | Generic CSMA Mac-Layer |
Cinet::CsmaCaMac | |
Cinet::IdealMac | Implements a simplified ideal MAC |
Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211Mac | Implements the IEEE 802.11 MAC |
Cinet::LMacLayer | Implementation of L-MAC (Lightweight Medium Access Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks [van Hoesel 04] ) |
Cinet::NetAnimTrace | Records a NetAnim trace |
Cinet::PcapRecorder | Dumps every packet using the PcapDump and PacketDump classes |
Cinet::physicallayer::RadioMedium | The default implementation of the radio medium interface |
Cinet::physicallayer::StateBasedCcEnergyConsumer | This is a simple radio energy consumer model |
Cinet::physicallayer::StateBasedEpEnergyConsumer | This is a simple radio power consumer model |
Cinet::PIMDM | Implementation of PIM-DM protocol (RFC 3973) |
Cinet::PIMInterfaceTable | PIMInterfaceTable contains an PIMInterface entry for each interface on which PIM is enabled |
Cinet::PIMSM | Implementation of PIM-SM protocol (RFC 4601) |
►Cinet::power::CcEnergySinkBase | |
►Cinet::power::CcEnergyStorageBase | |
Cinet::power::SimpleCcBattery | |
►Cinet::power::CcEnergySourceBase | |
Cinet::power::CcEnergyStorageBase | |
►Cinet::power::EpEnergySinkBase | |
►Cinet::power::EpEnergyStorageBase | |
Cinet::power::IdealEpEnergyStorage | This class implements an ideal energy storage |
Cinet::power::SimpleEpEnergyStorage | This class implements a simple total power integrating energy storage |
►Cinet::power::EpEnergySourceBase | |
Cinet::power::EpEnergyStorageBase | |
Cinet::power::SimpleEpEnergyManagement | |
Cinet::RIPRouting | Implementation of the Routing Information Protocol |
Cinet::RoutingTableRecorder | Records routing table changes into a file |
►Cinet::STPBase | Base class for STP and RSTP |
Cinet::RSTP | Implements the Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol |
Cinet::STP | Implements the Spanning Tree Protocol |
►Cinet::visualizer::Ieee80211VisualizerBase | |
Cinet::visualizer::Ieee80211CanvasVisualizer | |
Cinet::visualizer::Ieee80211OsgVisualizer | |
►Cinet::visualizer::InterfaceTableVisualizerBase | |
Cinet::visualizer::InterfaceTableCanvasVisualizer | |
Cinet::visualizer::InterfaceTableOsgVisualizer | |
►Cinet::visualizer::LinkBreakVisualizerBase | |
Cinet::visualizer::LinkBreakCanvasVisualizer | |
Cinet::visualizer::LinkBreakOsgVisualizer | |
►Cinet::visualizer::LinkVisualizerBase | |
►Cinet::visualizer::LinkCanvasVisualizerBase | |
Cinet::visualizer::DataLinkCanvasVisualizer | |
Cinet::visualizer::PhysicalLinkCanvasVisualizer | |
►Cinet::visualizer::LinkOsgVisualizerBase | |
Cinet::visualizer::DataLinkOsgVisualizer | |
Cinet::visualizer::PhysicalLinkOsgVisualizer | |
►Cinet::visualizer::MediumVisualizerBase | |
Cinet::visualizer::MediumCanvasVisualizer | |
Cinet::visualizer::MediumOsgVisualizer | |
►Cinet::visualizer::MobilityVisualizerBase | |
Cinet::visualizer::MobilityCanvasVisualizer | |
Cinet::visualizer::MobilityOsgVisualizer | |
►Cinet::visualizer::NetworkConnectionVisualizerBase | |
Cinet::visualizer::NetworkConnectionCanvasVisualizer | |
Cinet::visualizer::NetworkConnectionOsgVisualizer | |
►Cinet::visualizer::NetworkNodeVisualizerBase | |
Cinet::visualizer::NetworkNodeCanvasVisualizer | |
Cinet::visualizer::NetworkNodeOsgVisualizer | |
►Cinet::visualizer::PacketDropVisualizerBase | |
Cinet::visualizer::PacketDropCanvasVisualizer | |
Cinet::visualizer::PacketDropOsgVisualizer | |
►Cinet::visualizer::PathVisualizerBase | |
►Cinet::visualizer::PathCanvasVisualizerBase | |
Cinet::visualizer::NetworkRouteCanvasVisualizer | |
Cinet::visualizer::TransportRouteCanvasVisualizer | |
►Cinet::visualizer::PathOsgVisualizerBase | |
Cinet::visualizer::NetworkRouteOsgVisualizer | |
Cinet::visualizer::TransportRouteOsgVisualizer | |
►Cinet::visualizer::RadioVisualizerBase | |
Cinet::visualizer::RadioCanvasVisualizer | |
Cinet::visualizer::RadioOsgVisualizer | |
►Cinet::visualizer::RoutingTableVisualizerBase | |
Cinet::visualizer::RoutingTableCanvasVisualizer | |
Cinet::visualizer::RoutingTableOsgVisualizer | |
►Cinet::visualizer::StatisticVisualizerBase | |
Cinet::visualizer::StatisticCanvasVisualizer | |
Cinet::visualizer::StatisticOsgVisualizer | |
►Cinet::visualizer::TracingObstacleLossVisualizerBase | |
Cinet::visualizer::TracingObstacleLossCanvasVisualizer | |
Cinet::visualizer::TracingObstacleLossOsgVisualizer | |
►Cinet::visualizer::TransportConnectionVisualizerBase | |
Cinet::visualizer::TransportConnectionCanvasVisualizer | |
Cinet::visualizer::TransportConnectionOsgVisualizer | |
►CcMessage | |
►Cinet::dymo::RREQTimer | Class generated from inet/routing/dymo/DYMO.msg:54 by nedtool |
Cinet::dymo::RREQBackoffTimer | Class generated from inet/routing/dymo/DYMO.msg:62 by nedtool |
Cinet::dymo::RREQHolddownTimer | Class generated from inet/routing/dymo/DYMO.msg:66 by nedtool |
Cinet::dymo::RREQWaitRREPTimer | Class generated from inet/routing/dymo/DYMO.msg:58 by nedtool |
Cinet::NetPerfMeterTransmitTimer | Class generated from inet/applications/netperfmeter/NetPerfMeter.msg:38 by nedtool |
Cinet::RegisterTransportProtocolCommand | Class generated from inet/networklayer/contract/NetworkProtocolCommand.msg:22 by nedtool |
Cinet::rtp::RTPControlMsg | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/rtp/RTPInterfacePacket.msg:60 by nedtool |
►Cinet::SignallingMsg | Class generated from inet/networklayer/rsvp_te/SignallingMsg.msg:51 by nedtool |
Cinet::HelloTimeoutMsg | Class generated from inet/networklayer/rsvp_te/SignallingMsg.msg:119 by nedtool |
Cinet::HelloTimerMsg | Class generated from inet/networklayer/rsvp_te/SignallingMsg.msg:109 by nedtool |
Cinet::PathNotifyMsg | Class generated from inet/networklayer/rsvp_te/SignallingMsg.msg:129 by nedtool |
Cinet::PsbTimeoutMsg | Class generated from inet/networklayer/rsvp_te/SignallingMsg.msg:69 by nedtool |
Cinet::PsbTimerMsg | Class generated from inet/networklayer/rsvp_te/SignallingMsg.msg:59 by nedtool |
Cinet::RsbCommitTimerMsg | Class generated from inet/networklayer/rsvp_te/SignallingMsg.msg:89 by nedtool |
Cinet::RsbRefreshTimerMsg | Class generated from inet/networklayer/rsvp_te/SignallingMsg.msg:79 by nedtool |
Cinet::RsbTimeoutMsg | Class generated from inet/networklayer/rsvp_te/SignallingMsg.msg:99 by nedtool |
Cinet::WaitForRREP | Class generated from inet/routing/aodv/AODVControlPackets.msg:111 by nedtool |
CPacketDrillInfo | Class generated from inet/applications/packetdrill/PacketDrillInfo.msg:20 by nedtool |
►CcMessagePrinter | |
Cinet::InetPacketBytesPrinter | |
Cinet::InetPacketPrinter | |
Cinet::InetPacketPrinter2 | |
►CcModule | |
Cinet::physicalenvironment::BVHObjectCache | |
Cinet::physicalenvironment::FlatGround | |
Cinet::physicalenvironment::GridObjectCache | |
Cinet::physicalenvironment::PhysicalEnvironment | This class represents the physical environment |
►Cinet::physicallayer::AnalogModelBase | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::DimensionalAnalogModelBase | |
Cinet::physicallayer::DimensionalAnalogModel | |
Cinet::physicallayer::LayeredDimensionalAnalogModel | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::ScalarAnalogModelBase | |
Cinet::physicallayer::LayeredScalarAnalogModel | |
Cinet::physicallayer::ScalarAnalogModel | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::AntennaBase | |
Cinet::physicallayer::ConstantGainAntenna | |
Cinet::physicallayer::CosineAntenna | |
Cinet::physicallayer::DipoleAntenna | |
Cinet::physicallayer::InterpolatingAntenna | |
Cinet::physicallayer::IsotropicAntenna | |
Cinet::physicallayer::ParabolicAntenna | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::CommunicationCacheBase | |
Cinet::physicallayer::MapCommunicationCache | |
Cinet::physicallayer::ReferenceCommunicationCache | |
Cinet::physicallayer::VectorCommunicationCache | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::ErrorModelBase | |
Cinet::physicallayer::APSKErrorModel | Implements the APSKErrorModel model, see the NED file for details |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211BerTableErrorModel | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211ErrorModelBase | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211NistErrorModel | A model for the error rate for different modulations |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211YansErrorModel | Model the error rate for different modulations |
Cinet::physicallayer::StochasticErrorModel | Implements the StochasticErrorModel model, see the NED file for details |
Cinet::physicallayer::IdealAnalogModel | Implements the IdealAnalogModel model, see the NED file for details |
Cinet::physicallayer::IsotropicDimensionalBackgroundNoise | |
Cinet::physicallayer::IsotropicScalarBackgroundNoise | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::LayeredErrorModelBase | |
Cinet::physicallayer::APSKLayeredErrorModel | |
Cinet::physicallayer::StochasticLayeredErrorModel | |
Cinet::physicallayer::MediumLimitCache | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::PathLossBase | |
Cinet::physicallayer::BreakpointPathLoss | Implementation of a breakpoint path loss model |
►Cinet::physicallayer::FreeSpacePathLoss | This class implements the deterministic free space path loss model |
Cinet::physicallayer::LogNormalShadowing | This class implements the log normal shadowing model |
Cinet::physicallayer::NakagamiFading | This class implements the Nakagami fading model |
Cinet::physicallayer::RayleighFading | This class implements the probabilistic Rayleigh fading model, see Rappaport for more details |
Cinet::physicallayer::RicianFading | This class implements the stochastic Rician fading model |
Cinet::physicallayer::TwoRayGroundReflection | This class implements the two ray ground radio path loss model |
Cinet::physicallayer::SUIPathLoss | This class implements the empirical Stanford University Interim path loss model |
Cinet::physicallayer::UWBIRStochasticPathLoss | Implements the Ghassmezadeh stochastic UWB channel path loss model |
►Cinet::physicallayer::PropagationBase | |
Cinet::physicallayer::ConstantSpeedPropagation | |
Cinet::physicallayer::ConstantTimePropagation | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::ReceiverBase | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::IdealReceiver | Implements the IdealReceiver model, see the NED file for details |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211IdealReceiver | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee802154UWBIRReceiver | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::SNIRReceiverBase | |
Cinet::physicallayer::APSKLayeredReceiver | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211LayeredOFDMReceiver | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::NarrowbandReceiverBase | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::FlatReceiverBase | |
Cinet::physicallayer::APSKDimensionalReceiver | |
Cinet::physicallayer::APSKScalarReceiver | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211ReceiverBase | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211DimensionalReceiver | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211ScalarReceiver | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee802154NarrowbandScalarReceiver | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::TracingObstacleLossBase | |
Cinet::physicallayer::DielectricObstacleLoss | This class computes obstacle loss based on the actual straight path that the radio signal travels from the transmitter to the receiver |
Cinet::physicallayer::IdealObstacleLoss | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::TransmitterBase | |
Cinet::physicallayer::APSKLayeredTransmitter | |
Cinet::physicallayer::IdealTransmitter | Implements the IdealTransmitter model, see the NED file for details |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211LayeredOFDMTransmitter | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee802154UWBIRTransmitter | This generates pulse-level representation of an IEEE 802.15.4A UWB PHY frame using the mandatory mode (high PRF) |
►Cinet::physicallayer::NarrowbandTransmitterBase | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::FlatTransmitterBase | |
Cinet::physicallayer::APSKDimensionalTransmitter | |
Cinet::physicallayer::APSKScalarTransmitter | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211TransmitterBase | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211DimensionalTransmitter | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211IdealTransmitter | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211ScalarTransmitter | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee802154NarrowbandScalarTransmitter | |
Cinet::physicallayer::TwoRayInterference | Two-Ray interference model borrowed from Veins (default parameterization) |
►CcNamedObject | |
Cinet::InterfaceEntry | Interface entry for the interface table in IInterfaceTable |
Cinet::physicalenvironment::Material | This class represents a material with its physical properties |
Cinet::physicalenvironment::PhysicalObject | This class represents an immobile physical object, a rigid body and its physical properties |
►Cinet::rtp::RTPParticipantInfo_Base | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/rtp/RTPParticipantInfo.msg:40 by nedtool |
►Cinet::rtp::RTPParticipantInfo | This class is a super class for classes intended for storing information about RTP end systems |
Cinet::rtp::RTPReceiverInfo | This class, a subclass of RTPParticipantInfo, is used for storing information about other RTP endsystems |
Cinet::rtp::RTPSenderInfo | The class RTPSenderInfo is used by an RTP end system for storing information about itself |
Cinet::rtp::RTPProfile::SSRCGate | |
Cinet::serializer::IPv4OptionSerializerRegistrationList | |
►CcNamedObject | |
Cinet::serializer::SerializerRegistrationList | |
►CcNumericResultRecorder | |
Cinet::DelegateSignalConfigurator::FigureRecorder | |
Cinet::FigureRecorder | |
Cinet::visualizer::StatisticVisualizerBase::LastValueRecorder | |
►CcObject | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::IIeee80211HeaderMode | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211DsssHeaderMode | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211FhssHeaderMode | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211HrDsssHeaderMode | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211HTSignalMode | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211IrHeaderMode | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211OFDMSignalMode | |
►CcObject | |
Cinet::AODVRouteData | |
Cinet::bgp::BGPASPathSegment | Class generated from inet/routing/bgpv4/BGPMessage/BGPASPathSegment.msg:30 by nedtool |
Cinet::bgp::BGPSession | |
Cinet::bgp::BGPUpdatePathAttributeList | Class generated from inet/routing/bgpv4/BGPMessage/BGPUpdate.msg:58 by nedtool |
►Cinet::bgp::BGPUpdatePathAttributes | Class generated from inet/routing/bgpv4/BGPMessage/BGPUpdatePathAttributes.msg:56 by nedtool |
Cinet::bgp::BGPUpdatePathAttributesASPath | Class generated from inet/routing/bgpv4/BGPMessage/BGPUpdatePathAttributes.msg:69 by nedtool |
Cinet::bgp::BGPUpdatePathAttributesAtomicAggregate | Class generated from inet/routing/bgpv4/BGPMessage/BGPUpdatePathAttributes.msg:93 by nedtool |
Cinet::bgp::BGPUpdatePathAttributesLocalPref | Class generated from inet/routing/bgpv4/BGPMessage/BGPUpdatePathAttributes.msg:81 by nedtool |
Cinet::bgp::BGPUpdatePathAttributesNextHop | Class generated from inet/routing/bgpv4/BGPMessage/BGPUpdatePathAttributes.msg:75 by nedtool |
Cinet::bgp::BGPUpdatePathAttributesOrigin | Class generated from inet/routing/bgpv4/BGPMessage/BGPUpdatePathAttributes.msg:63 by nedtool |
►Cinet::ByteArray_Base | Class generated from inet/common/ByteArray.msg:27 by nedtool |
Cinet::ByteArray | Class that carries raw bytes |
Cinet::ByteArrayBuffer | Buffer that carries BytesArrays |
►Cinet::Coord | Class for storing 3D coordinates |
Cinet::PolyhedronPoint | |
Cinet::DHCPOptions | Class generated from inet/applications/dhcp/DHCPMessage.msg:74 by nedtool |
Cinet::DiffservUtil::ColorAttribute | |
Cinet::dymo::AddressBlock | Class generated from inet/routing/dymo/DYMO.msg:37 by nedtool |
Cinet::dymo::DYMORouteData | DYMO-specific extra route data attached to routes in the routing table |
Cinet::GenericMulticastRoute | |
►Cinet::GenericNetworkProtocolControlInfo_Base | Class generated from inet/networklayer/contract/generic/GenericNetworkProtocolControlInfo.msg:33 by nedtool |
Cinet::GenericNetworkProtocolControlInfo | |
Cinet::GenericRoute | A generic route that uses generic addresses as destination and next hop |
Cinet::GenericRoutingDecision | Class generated from inet/networklayer/contract/generic/GenericNetworkProtocolControlInfo.msg:52 by nedtool |
►Cinet::HelloOption | Class generated from inet/routing/pim/PIMPacket.msg:60 by nedtool |
Cinet::DRPriorityOption | Class generated from inet/routing/pim/PIMPacket.msg:78 by nedtool |
Cinet::GenerationIDOption | Class generated from inet/routing/pim/PIMPacket.msg:84 by nedtool |
Cinet::HoldtimeOption | Class generated from inet/routing/pim/PIMPacket.msg:65 by nedtool |
Cinet::LANPruneDelayOption | Class generated from inet/routing/pim/PIMPacket.msg:71 by nedtool |
Cinet::IARP::Notification | Sent in ARP cache change notification signals |
Cinet::ieee80211::BasicReassembly | |
Cinet::ieee80211::Defragmentation | |
Cinet::ieee80211::Fragmentation | |
►Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211FrameBody | Class generated from inet/linklayer/ieee80211/mgmt/Ieee80211MgmtFrames.msg:143 by nedtool |
Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211ActionFrameBody | Class generated from inet/linklayer/ieee80211/mgmt/Ieee80211MgmtFrames.msg:251 by nedtool |
►Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211AssociationRequestFrameBody | Class generated from inet/linklayer/ieee80211/mgmt/Ieee80211MgmtFrames.msg:197 by nedtool |
Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211ReassociationRequestFrameBody | Class generated from inet/linklayer/ieee80211/mgmt/Ieee80211MgmtFrames.msg:207 by nedtool |
►Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211AssociationResponseFrameBody | Class generated from inet/linklayer/ieee80211/mgmt/Ieee80211MgmtFrames.msg:216 by nedtool |
Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211ReassociationResponseFrameBody | Class generated from inet/linklayer/ieee80211/mgmt/Ieee80211MgmtFrames.msg:227 by nedtool |
Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211AuthenticationFrameBody | Class generated from inet/linklayer/ieee80211/mgmt/Ieee80211MgmtFrames.msg:158 by nedtool |
►Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211BeaconFrameBody | Class generated from inet/linklayer/ieee80211/mgmt/Ieee80211MgmtFrames.msg:234 by nedtool |
Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211ProbeResponseFrameBody | Class generated from inet/linklayer/ieee80211/mgmt/Ieee80211MgmtFrames.msg:247 by nedtool |
Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211DeauthenticationFrameBody | Class generated from inet/linklayer/ieee80211/mgmt/Ieee80211MgmtFrames.msg:169 by nedtool |
Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211DisassociationFrameBody | Class generated from inet/linklayer/ieee80211/mgmt/Ieee80211MgmtFrames.msg:178 by nedtool |
Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211ProbeRequestFrameBody | Class generated from inet/linklayer/ieee80211/mgmt/Ieee80211MgmtFrames.msg:187 by nedtool |
Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211MgmtAP::NotificationInfoSta | |
►Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211MgmtSTA::APInfo | |
Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211MgmtSTA::AssociatedAPInfo | |
Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211Prim_BSSDescription | Class generated from inet/linklayer/ieee80211/mgmt/Ieee80211Primitives.msg:124 by nedtool |
►Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211PrimConfirm | Class generated from inet/linklayer/ieee80211/mgmt/Ieee80211Primitives.msg:104 by nedtool |
►Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211Prim_AssociateConfirm | Class generated from inet/linklayer/ieee80211/mgmt/Ieee80211Primitives.msg:193 by nedtool |
Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211Prim_ReassociateConfirm | Class generated from inet/linklayer/ieee80211/mgmt/Ieee80211Primitives.msg:208 by nedtool |
Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211Prim_AuthenticateConfirm | Class generated from inet/linklayer/ieee80211/mgmt/Ieee80211Primitives.msg:162 by nedtool |
Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211Prim_ScanConfirm | Class generated from inet/linklayer/ieee80211/mgmt/Ieee80211Primitives.msg:139 by nedtool |
►Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211PrimRequest | Class generated from inet/linklayer/ieee80211/mgmt/Ieee80211Primitives.msg:97 by nedtool |
►Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211Prim_AssociateRequest | Class generated from inet/linklayer/ieee80211/mgmt/Ieee80211Primitives.msg:183 by nedtool |
Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211Prim_ReassociateRequest | Class generated from inet/linklayer/ieee80211/mgmt/Ieee80211Primitives.msg:201 by nedtool |
Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211Prim_AuthenticateRequest | Class generated from inet/linklayer/ieee80211/mgmt/Ieee80211Primitives.msg:152 by nedtool |
Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211Prim_DeauthenticateRequest | Class generated from inet/linklayer/ieee80211/mgmt/Ieee80211Primitives.msg:174 by nedtool |
Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211Prim_DisassociateRequest | Class generated from inet/linklayer/ieee80211/mgmt/Ieee80211Primitives.msg:219 by nedtool |
Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211Prim_ScanRequest | Class generated from inet/linklayer/ieee80211/mgmt/Ieee80211Primitives.msg:112 by nedtool |
Cinet::ieee80211::MsduAggregation | |
Cinet::ieee80211::MsduDeaggregation | |
►Cinet::Ieee802Ctrl_Base | Class generated from inet/linklayer/common/Ieee802Ctrl.msg:77 by nedtool |
Cinet::Ieee802Ctrl | Represents a IEEE 802 control info |
Cinet::InterfaceEntryChangeDetails | |
►Cinet::InterfaceProtocolData | Base class for protocol-specific data on an interface |
Cinet::GenericNetworkProtocolInterfaceData | Generic network protocol specific data for an InterfaceEntry, stores generic network address |
Cinet::Ieee8021dInterfaceData | Per-interface data needed by the STP and RSTP protocols |
Cinet::IPv4InterfaceData | IPv4-specific data in an InterfaceEntry |
Cinet::IPv6InterfaceData | IPv6-specific data for InterfaceEntry |
Cinet::IPRegisterProtocolCommand | Class generated from inet/networklayer/common/IPProtocolId.msg:62 by nedtool |
►Cinet::IPv4ControlInfo_Base | Class generated from inet/networklayer/contract/ipv4/IPv4ControlInfo.msg:63 by nedtool |
Cinet::IPv4ControlInfo | Control information for sending/receiving packets over IPv4 |
►Cinet::IPv4MulticastGroupInfo | |
Cinet::IPv4MulticastGroupSourceInfo | |
Cinet::IPv4MulticastRoute | IPv4 multicast route in IIPv4RoutingTable |
►Cinet::IPv4Route | IPv4 unicast route in IIPv4RoutingTable |
Cinet::bgp::RoutingTableEntry | |
Cinet::ospf::RoutingTableEntry | |
►Cinet::IPv6ControlInfo_Base | Class generated from inet/networklayer/contract/ipv6/IPv6ControlInfo.msg:68 by nedtool |
Cinet::IPv6ControlInfo | Control information for sending/receiving packets over IPv6 |
►Cinet::IPv6ExtensionHeader | Class generated from inet/networklayer/ipv6/IPv6Datagram.msg:71 by nedtool |
Cinet::IPv6AuthenticationHeader | Class generated from inet/networklayer/ipv6/IPv6ExtensionHeaders.msg:108 by nedtool |
►Cinet::IPv6DestinationOptionsHeader | Class generated from inet/networklayer/ipv6/IPv6ExtensionHeaders.msg:96 by nedtool |
►Cinet::HomeAddressOption_Base | Class generated from inet/networklayer/xmipv6/MobilityHeader.msg:173 by nedtool |
Cinet::HomeAddressOption | Represents an IPv6 Home Address Option |
Cinet::IPv6EncapsulatingSecurityPayloadHeader | Class generated from inet/networklayer/ipv6/IPv6ExtensionHeaders.msg:119 by nedtool |
Cinet::IPv6FragmentHeader | Class generated from inet/networklayer/ipv6/IPv6ExtensionHeaders.msg:82 by nedtool |
Cinet::IPv6HopByHopOptionsHeader | Class generated from inet/networklayer/ipv6/IPv6ExtensionHeaders.msg:54 by nedtool |
►Cinet::IPv6RoutingHeader_Base | Class generated from inet/networklayer/ipv6/IPv6ExtensionHeaders.msg:66 by nedtool |
Cinet::IPv6RoutingHeader | |
Cinet::IPv6MulticastGroupInfo | |
Cinet::IPv6NDControlInfo | Class generated from inet/networklayer/icmpv6/IPv6NDMessage.msg:186 by nedtool |
Cinet::IPv6NDPrefixInformation | Class generated from inet/networklayer/icmpv6/IPv6NDMessage.msg:55 by nedtool |
Cinet::IPv6Route | Represents a route in the route table |
Cinet::JoinPruneGroup | Class generated from inet/routing/pim/PIMPacket.msg:108 by nedtool |
Cinet::L2NetworkConfigurator::InterfaceInfo | Represents an interface in the network |
►Cinet::LifecycleOperation | Base class for operations used by the ILifecycle interface |
►Cinet::NodeOperation | Base class for operations that manipulate network nodes |
Cinet::NodeCrashOperation | TODO: This operation represents the process of suspending (hybernating) a network node |
Cinet::NodeShutdownOperation | This operation represents the process of orderly shutting down a network node |
Cinet::NodeStartOperation | This operation represents the process of turning on a network node after a shutdown, crash or suspend operation |
Cinet::MIPv6HAInformation | Class generated from inet/networklayer/icmpv6/IPv6NDMessage.msg:76 by nedtool |
Cinet::MIPv6NDAdvertisementInterval | Class generated from inet/networklayer/icmpv6/IPv6NDMessage.msg:69 by nedtool |
►Cinet::NetworkConfiguratorBase::InterfaceInfo | Represents an interface in the network |
Cinet::IPv4NetworkConfigurator::InterfaceInfo | Represents an interface in the network |
Cinet::NetworkConfiguratorBase::LinkInfo | Represents a "link" in the network |
Cinet::ospf::Area | |
Cinet::ospf::Link | Class generated from inet/routing/ospfv2/OSPFPacket.msg:129 by nedtool |
Cinet::ospf::OSPFASExternalLSAContents | Class generated from inet/routing/ospfv2/OSPFPacket.msg:181 by nedtool |
►Cinet::ospf::OSPFLSA | Class generated from inet/routing/ospfv2/OSPFPacket.msg:110 by nedtool |
►Cinet::ospf::OSPFASExternalLSA | Class generated from inet/routing/ospfv2/OSPFPacket.msg:194 by nedtool |
Cinet::ospf::ASExternalLSA | |
►Cinet::ospf::OSPFNetworkLSA | Class generated from inet/routing/ospfv2/OSPFPacket.msg:154 by nedtool |
Cinet::ospf::NetworkLSA | |
►Cinet::ospf::OSPFRouterLSA | Class generated from inet/routing/ospfv2/OSPFPacket.msg:142 by nedtool |
Cinet::ospf::RouterLSA | |
►Cinet::ospf::OSPFSummaryLSA | Class generated from inet/routing/ospfv2/OSPFPacket.msg:163 by nedtool |
Cinet::ospf::SummaryLSA | |
Cinet::ospf::OSPFLSAHeader | Class generated from inet/routing/ospfv2/OSPFPacket.msg:96 by nedtool |
►Cinet::physicallayer::ConfigureRadioCommand | Class generated from inet/physicallayer/contract/packetlevel/RadioControlInfo.msg:45 by nedtool |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211ConfigureRadioCommand | Class generated from inet/physicallayer/ieee80211/packetlevel/Ieee80211ControlInfo.msg:132 by nedtool |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211ModeSet | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::IIeee80211Band | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211BandBase | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211ArithmeticalBand | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211EnumeratedBand | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::IIeee80211DataMode | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211DsssDataMode | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211FhssDataMode | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211HrDsssDataMode | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211HTDataMode | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211IrDataMode | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211OFDMDataMode | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::IIeee80211Mode | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211ModeBase | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211DsssMode | Represents a Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum PHY mode as described in IEEE 802.11-2012 specification clause 16 |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211DsssOfdmMode | Represents a Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum with Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing PHY mode as described in IEEE 802.11-2012 specification subclause |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211FhssMode | Represents a Frequency-Hopping Spread Spectrum PHY mode as described in IEEE 802.11-2012 specification clause 14 |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211HrDsssMode | Represents a High Rate Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum PHY mode as described in the IEEE 802.11-2012 specification clause 17 |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211HTMode | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211IrMode | Represents an Infrared PHY mode as described in IEEE 802.11-2012 specification clause 15 |
►Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211OFDMMode | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211ErpOfdmMode | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::IIeee80211PreambleMode | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211DsssPreambleMode | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211FhssPreambleMode | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211HrDsssPreambleMode | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211HTPreambleMode | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211IrPreambleMode | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211OFDMPreambleMode | |
Cinet::physicallayer::ITracingObstacleLoss::ObstaclePenetratedEvent | |
Cinet::physicallayer::ListeningDecision | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::ReceptionBase | |
Cinet::physicallayer::IdealReception | This model characterizes receptions with a simplified reception power that falls into one of the categories: receivable, interfering, detectable, and undetectable |
Cinet::physicallayer::LayeredReception | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::NarrowbandReceptionBase | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::FlatReceptionBase | |
Cinet::physicallayer::DimensionalReception | |
Cinet::physicallayer::ScalarReception | |
Cinet::physicallayer::ReceptionDecision | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::ReceptionIndication | Class generated from inet/physicallayer/contract/packetlevel/RadioControlInfo.msg:69 by nedtool |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211ReceptionIndication | Class generated from inet/physicallayer/ieee80211/packetlevel/Ieee80211ControlInfo.msg:157 by nedtool |
►Cinet::physicallayer::ReceptionResult | |
Cinet::physicallayer::LayeredReceptionResult | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::TransmissionBase | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::IdealTransmission | This model characterizes transmissions with the communication range, interference range, and detection range |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211IdealTransmission | |
Cinet::physicallayer::LayeredTransmission | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::NarrowbandTransmissionBase | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::FlatTransmissionBase | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::DimensionalTransmission | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211DimensionalTransmission | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::ScalarTransmission | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211ScalarTransmission | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::TransmissionRequest | Class generated from inet/physicallayer/contract/packetlevel/RadioControlInfo.msg:58 by nedtool |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211TransmissionRequest | Class generated from inet/physicallayer/ieee80211/packetlevel/Ieee80211ControlInfo.msg:146 by nedtool |
Cinet::PIMInterface | An entry of PIMInterfaceTable holding PIM specific parameters and state of the interface |
Cinet::PIMNeighbor | Class holding information about a neighboring PIM router |
Cinet::RIPRoute | |
►Cinet::rtp::ReceptionReport_Base | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/rtp/reports.msg:38 by nedtool |
Cinet::rtp::ReceptionReport | The class ReceptionReport represents an RTP receiver report stored in an RTPSenderReportPacket or RTPReceiverReport |
►Cinet::rtp::RTPControlInfo | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/rtp/RTPInterfacePacket.msg:65 by nedtool |
Cinet::rtp::RTPCIEnterSession | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/rtp/RTPInterfacePacket.msg:78 by nedtool |
Cinet::rtp::RTPCILeaveSession | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/rtp/RTPInterfacePacket.msg:114 by nedtool |
Cinet::rtp::RTPCISessionLeft | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/rtp/RTPInterfacePacket.msg:121 by nedtool |
►Cinet::rtp::RTPSessionControlInfo | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/rtp/RTPInterfacePacket.msg:71 by nedtool |
Cinet::rtp::RTPCICreateSenderModule | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/rtp/RTPInterfacePacket.msg:128 by nedtool |
Cinet::rtp::RTPCIDeleteSenderModule | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/rtp/RTPInterfacePacket.msg:142 by nedtool |
Cinet::rtp::RTPCISenderControl | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/rtp/RTPInterfacePacket.msg:95 by nedtool |
Cinet::rtp::RTPCISenderModuleCreated | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/rtp/RTPInterfacePacket.msg:136 by nedtool |
Cinet::rtp::RTPCISenderModuleDeleted | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/rtp/RTPInterfacePacket.msg:148 by nedtool |
Cinet::rtp::RTPCISenderStatus | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/rtp/RTPInterfacePacket.msg:105 by nedtool |
Cinet::rtp::RTPCISessionEntered | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/rtp/RTPInterfacePacket.msg:89 by nedtool |
Cinet::rtp::SDESItem | The class SDESItem is used for storing a source description item (type of description, description string) for an RTP end system |
►Cinet::rtp::SenderReport_Base | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/rtp/reports.msg:17 by nedtool |
Cinet::rtp::SenderReport | The class SenderReport represents an RTP sender report as contained in an RTCPSenderReportPacket |
►Cinet::sctp::SCTPAlgorithm | Abstract base class for SCTP algorithms which encapsulate all behaviour during data transfer state: flavour of congestion control, fast retransmit/recovery, selective acknowledgement etc |
Cinet::sctp::SCTPAlg | |
Cinet::sctp::SCTPAssociation | |
Cinet::sctp::SCTPDataVariables | |
Cinet::sctp::SCTPNatEntry | |
Cinet::sctp::SCTPPathVariables | |
Cinet::sctp::SCTPQueue | Abstract base class for SCTP receive queues |
Cinet::sctp::SCTPReceiveStream | |
Cinet::sctp::SCTPSendStream | |
►Cinet::sctp::SCTPStateVariables | |
Cinet::sctp::SCTPAlgStateVariables | State variables for SCTPAlg |
►Cinet::SimpleLinkLayerControlInfo_Base | Class generated from inet/linklayer/common/SimpleLinkLayerControlInfo.msg:10 by nedtool |
Cinet::SimpleLinkLayerControlInfo | Represents a SimpleLinkLayer control info |
►Cinet::SimpleNetworkProtocolControlInfo_Base | Class generated from inet/networklayer/common/SimpleNetworkProtocolControlInfo.msg:31 by nedtool |
Cinet::SimpleNetworkProtocolControlInfo | |
►Cinet::tcp::SackItem | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/tcp_common/TCPSegment.msg:116 by nedtool |
►Cinet::tcp::Sack_Base | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/tcp_common/TCPSegment.msg:122 by nedtool |
Cinet::tcp::Sack | |
►Cinet::tcp::TCP_NSC_ReceiveQueue | |
Cinet::tcp::TCP_NSC_ByteStreamReceiveQueue | Receive queue that manages actual bytes |
Cinet::tcp::TCP_NSC_VirtualDataReceiveQueue | Send/Receive queue that manages "virtual bytes", that is, byte counts only |
►Cinet::tcp::TCP_NSC_SendQueue | Abstract base class for TCP_NSC send queues |
Cinet::tcp::TCP_NSC_ByteStreamSendQueue | Send queue that manages actual bytes |
Cinet::tcp::TCP_NSC_VirtualDataSendQueue | Send queue that manages "virtual bytes", that is, byte counts only |
►Cinet::tcp::TCPAlgorithm | Abstract base class for TCP algorithms which encapsulate all behaviour during data transfer state: flavour of congestion control, fast retransmit/recovery, selective acknowledgement etc |
Cinet::tcp::DumbTCP | A very-very basic TCPAlgorithm implementation, with hardcoded retransmission timeout and no other sophistication |
►Cinet::tcp::TCPBaseAlg | Includes basic TCP algorithms: adaptive retransmission, PERSIST timer, keep-alive, delayed acks – EXCLUDING congestion control |
Cinet::tcp::TCPNoCongestionControl | TCP with no congestion control (i.e |
►Cinet::tcp::TCPTahoeRenoFamily | Provides utility functions to implement TCPTahoe, TCPReno and TCPNewReno |
Cinet::tcp::TCPNewReno | Implements TCP NewReno |
Cinet::tcp::TCPReno | Implements TCP Reno |
Cinet::tcp::TCPTahoe | Implements Tahoe |
Cinet::tcp::TCPVegas | |
Cinet::tcp::TCPWestwood | |
Cinet::tcp::TCPConnection | Manages a TCP connection |
►Cinet::tcp::TcpLwipReceiveQueue | |
Cinet::tcp::TcpLwipByteStreamReceiveQueue | Receive queue that manages "data stream", that is, actual bytes |
Cinet::tcp::TcpLwipMsgBasedReceiveQueue | Receive queue that manages "objects" |
Cinet::tcp::TcpLwipVirtualDataReceiveQueue | Receive queue that manages "virtual bytes", that is, byte counts only |
►Cinet::tcp::TcpLwipSendQueue | Abstract base class for TCP_LWIP send queues |
Cinet::tcp::TcpLwipByteStreamSendQueue | Send queue that manages "data stream", that is, actual bytes |
Cinet::tcp::TcpLwipMsgBasedSendQueue | Send queue that manages "objects" |
Cinet::tcp::TcpLwipVirtualDataSendQueue | Send queue that manages "virtual bytes", that is, byte counts only |
►Cinet::tcp::TCPOption | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/tcp_common/TCPSegment.msg:129 by nedtool |
Cinet::tcp::TCPOptionEnd | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/tcp_common/TCPSegment.msg:135 by nedtool |
Cinet::tcp::TCPOptionMaxSegmentSize | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/tcp_common/TCPSegment.msg:147 by nedtool |
Cinet::tcp::TCPOptionNop | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/tcp_common/TCPSegment.msg:141 by nedtool |
Cinet::tcp::TCPOptionSack | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/tcp_common/TCPSegment.msg:167 by nedtool |
Cinet::tcp::TCPOptionSackPermitted | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/tcp_common/TCPSegment.msg:161 by nedtool |
Cinet::tcp::TCPOptionTimestamp | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/tcp_common/TCPSegment.msg:174 by nedtool |
Cinet::tcp::TCPOptionUnknown | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/tcp_common/TCPSegment.msg:182 by nedtool |
Cinet::tcp::TCPOptionWindowScale | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/tcp_common/TCPSegment.msg:154 by nedtool |
►Cinet::tcp::TCPReceiveQueue | Abstract base class for TCP receive queues |
►Cinet::tcp::TCPVirtualDataRcvQueue | Receive queue that manages "virtual bytes", that is, byte counts only |
Cinet::tcp::TCPByteStreamRcvQueue | TCP send queue that stores actual bytes |
Cinet::tcp::TCPMsgBasedRcvQueue | |
►Cinet::tcp::TCPSendQueue | Abstract base class for TCP send queues |
Cinet::tcp::TCPByteStreamSendQueue | Send queue that manages messages |
Cinet::tcp::TCPMsgBasedSendQueue | Send queue that manages messages |
Cinet::tcp::TCPVirtualDataSendQueue | Send queue that manages "virtual bytes", that is, byte counts only |
►Cinet::tcp::TCPStateVariables | Contains state variables ("TCB") for TCP |
Cinet::tcp::DumbTCPStateVariables | State variables for DumbTCP |
►Cinet::tcp::TCPBaseAlgStateVariables | State variables for TCPBaseAlg |
Cinet::tcp::TCPTahoeRenoFamilyStateVariables | State variables for TCPTahoeRenoFamily |
Cinet::tcp::TCPVegasStateVariables | State variables for TCPVegas |
Cinet::tcp::TCPWestwoodStateVariables | State variables for TCPWestwood |
►Cinet::TCPCommand | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/contract/tcp/TCPCommand.msg:91 by nedtool |
Cinet::TCPConnectInfo | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/contract/tcp/TCPCommand.msg:182 by nedtool |
Cinet::TCPErrorInfo | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/contract/tcp/TCPCommand.msg:101 by nedtool |
Cinet::TCPOpenCommand | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/contract/tcp/TCPCommand.msg:154 by nedtool |
Cinet::TCPSendCommand | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/contract/tcp/TCPCommand.msg:171 by nedtool |
Cinet::TCPStatusInfo | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/contract/tcp/TCPCommand.msg:198 by nedtool |
Cinet::TCPServerThreadBase | Abstract base class for server processes to be used with TCPSrvHostApp |
Cinet::TEDChangeInfo | Class generated from inet/networklayer/ted/TED.msg:57 by nedtool |
►Cinet::TLVOptionBase | Class generated from inet/common/TLVOption.msg:28 by nedtool |
Cinet::GPSROption | Class generated from inet/routing/gpsr/GPSR.msg:52 by nedtool |
►Cinet::IPv4Option | Class generated from inet/networklayer/ipv4/IPv4Datagram.msg:96 by nedtool |
Cinet::IPv4OptionEnd | Class generated from inet/networklayer/ipv4/IPv4Datagram.msg:106 by nedtool |
Cinet::IPv4OptionNop | Class generated from inet/networklayer/ipv4/IPv4Datagram.msg:100 by nedtool |
Cinet::IPv4OptionRecordRoute | Class generated from inet/networklayer/ipv4/IPv4Datagram.msg:115 by nedtool |
Cinet::IPv4OptionStreamId | Class generated from inet/networklayer/ipv4/IPv4Datagram.msg:147 by nedtool |
Cinet::IPv4OptionTimestamp | Class generated from inet/networklayer/ipv4/IPv4Datagram.msg:129 by nedtool |
Cinet::IPv4OptionUnknown | Class generated from inet/networklayer/ipv4/IPv4Datagram.msg:154 by nedtool |
Cinet::TLVOptionRaw | Class generated from inet/common/TLVOption.msg:34 by nedtool |
►Cinet::TLVOptions_Base | Class generated from inet/common/TLVOption.msg:39 by nedtool |
Cinet::TLVOptions | |
Cinet::TxNotifDetails | Details class for the NF_PP_TX_BEGIN, NF_PP_TX_END and NF_PP_RX_END notifications (normally triggered from PPP) |
►Cinet::UDPControlInfo | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/contract/udp/UDPControlInfo.msg:68 by nedtool |
Cinet::UDPBindCommand | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/contract/udp/UDPControlInfo.msg:83 by nedtool |
Cinet::UDPCloseCommand | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/contract/udp/UDPControlInfo.msg:131 by nedtool |
Cinet::UDPConnectCommand | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/contract/udp/UDPControlInfo.msg:99 by nedtool |
Cinet::UDPDataIndication | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/contract/udp/UDPControlInfo.msg:142 by nedtool |
Cinet::UDPErrorIndication | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/contract/udp/UDPControlInfo.msg:160 by nedtool |
Cinet::UDPSendCommand | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/contract/udp/UDPControlInfo.msg:116 by nedtool |
►Cinet::UDPSetOptionCommand | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/contract/udp/UDPControlInfo.msg:171 by nedtool |
Cinet::UDPBlockMulticastSourcesCommand | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/contract/udp/UDPControlInfo.msg:289 by nedtool |
Cinet::UDPJoinMulticastGroupsCommand | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/contract/udp/UDPControlInfo.msg:266 by nedtool |
Cinet::UDPJoinMulticastSourcesCommand | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/contract/udp/UDPControlInfo.msg:313 by nedtool |
Cinet::UDPLeaveMulticastGroupsCommand | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/contract/udp/UDPControlInfo.msg:279 by nedtool |
Cinet::UDPLeaveMulticastSourcesCommand | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/contract/udp/UDPControlInfo.msg:325 by nedtool |
Cinet::UDPSetBroadcastCommand | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/contract/udp/UDPControlInfo.msg:210 by nedtool |
Cinet::UDPSetMulticastInterfaceCommand | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/contract/udp/UDPControlInfo.msg:222 by nedtool |
Cinet::UDPSetMulticastLoopCommand | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/contract/udp/UDPControlInfo.msg:236 by nedtool |
Cinet::UDPSetMulticastSourceFilterCommand | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/contract/udp/UDPControlInfo.msg:341 by nedtool |
Cinet::UDPSetReuseAddressCommand | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/contract/udp/UDPControlInfo.msg:250 by nedtool |
Cinet::UDPSetTimeToLiveCommand | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/contract/udp/UDPControlInfo.msg:183 by nedtool |
Cinet::UDPSetTypeOfServiceCommand | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/contract/udp/UDPControlInfo.msg:198 by nedtool |
Cinet::UDPUnblockMulticastSourcesCommand | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/contract/udp/UDPControlInfo.msg:301 by nedtool |
CPacketDrillBytes | |
CPacketDrillEvent | |
CPacketDrillExpression | |
CPacketDrillOption | |
CPacketDrillSctpChunk | |
CPacketDrillSctpParameter | |
CPacketDrillStruct | |
CPacketDrillTcpOption | |
►CcObjectResultFilter | |
Cinet::utils::filters::ApplicationPacketSequenceNumberFilter | Filter that expects an ApplicationPacket, and outputs its sequence number |
Cinet::utils::filters::MessageAgeFilter | Filter that expects a cMessage and outputs its age in seconds (t - msg->getCreationTime()) |
Cinet::utils::filters::MessageSourceAddrFilter | Filter that expects a cMessage and outputs its source address as string |
Cinet::utils::filters::MessageTSAgeFilter | Filter that expects a cMessage and outputs its age from the timestamp field in seconds (t - msg->getTimestamp()) |
Cinet::utils::filters::MobilityPosFilter | Filter that expects an IMobility and outputs its current coordinate |
Cinet::utils::filters::ThroughputFilter | Filter that expects a cPacket and outputs the throughput as double |
Cinet::utils::filters::XCoordFilter | Filter that expects a Coord and outputs its X coordinate |
Cinet::utils::filters::YCoordFilter | Filter that expects a Coord and outputs its Y coordinate |
Cinet::utils::filters::ZCoordFilter | Filter that expects a Coord and outputs its Z coordinate |
Cinet::visualizer::ColorSet | |
Cinet::PostureTransition::CombinationType | Data type for one instance of space-time combination |
Cinet::TCPSessionApp::Command | |
Ccommand_spec | |
Cinet::serializer::common_header | |
Cinet::physicallayer::CommunicationLog | |
►Ccomplex | |
Cinet::physicallayer::APSKSymbol | |
Cinet::units::compose< Unit1, Unit2 > | |
Cinet::sctp::SCTPAssociation::congestionControlFunctions | |
Cinet::VoIPStreamReceiver::Connection | |
►Cconst ConstMapping | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::BaseDelayedMapping< const ConstMapping > | |
Cinet::physicallayer::ConstDelayedMapping | Moves another ConstMapping in its time dimension |
Cinet::physicallayer::ConstInterpolateableIterator< _Interpolator, _IteratorType > | Template for an interpolateable const iterator for any container which maps from a key to a value |
►Cinet::physicallayer::ConstInterpolateableIterator< TInterpolator, TInterpolator::iterator > | |
Cinet::physicallayer::InterpolateableIterator< TInterpolator > | Provides an interpolateable iterator for any Container which maps from keys to values which is able to change the underlying Container |
►Cinet::physicallayer::ConstMapping | Represents a not changeable mapping (mathematical function) from domain with at least the time to a Argument::mapped_type value |
Cinet::physicallayer::ConcatConstMapping< Operator > | Defines it values by concatenating one or more Mappings to a reference Mapping |
►Cinet::physicallayer::Mapping | Represents a changeable mapping (mathematical function) from at least time to Argument::mapped_type |
►Cinet::physicallayer::BaseDelayedMapping< Mapping > | |
Cinet::physicallayer::DelayedMapping | Moves another Mapping in its time dimension |
Cinet::physicallayer::ConstMappingWrapper | Wraps an ConstMapping into a Mapping interface |
Cinet::physicallayer::FrequencyMapping< Interpolator > | Implements the Mapping-interface with an InterpolateableMap from double to double between which values can be interpolated to represent a Mapping with only frequency as domain |
Cinet::physicallayer::LinearIntplMapping | Helper class which represents a linear interpolation between two other mappings |
Cinet::physicallayer::MultiDimMapping< Interpolator > | Implementation of the Mapping-interface which is able to represent arbitrary dimensional instances of Mappings by using a tree-like structure of sub-mappings, each representing the values for one of the dimensions |
Cinet::physicallayer::TimeMapping< Interpolator > | Implements the Mapping-interface with an InterpolateableMap from simtime_t to double between which values can be interpolated to represent a Mapping with only time as domain |
►Cinet::physicallayer::MultiDimMapping< Linear > | |
Cinet::physicallayer::FilledUpMapping | Takes a source ConstMapping with a domain A and a set of KeyEntries for a domain B and creates a clone of the source mapping with the domain B and the KeyEntries passed |
►Cinet::physicallayer::SimpleConstMapping | Abstract subclass of ConstMapping which can be used as base for any ConstMapping implementation with read access of constant complexity |
Cinet::physicallayer::ConstantSimpleConstMapping | Represents a constant mathematical mapping (f(x) = c) |
Cinet::physicallayer::SimpleTimeConstMapping | A simple constant mapping for one value over time |
►Cinet::physicallayer::ConstMappingIterator | Defines an const iterator for a ConstMapping which is able to iterate over the Mapping |
►Cinet::physicallayer::MappingIterator | Defines an iterator for a Mapping which is able to iterate over the Mapping |
►Cinet::physicallayer::BaseFilteredIterator< MappingIterator > | |
Cinet::physicallayer::FilteredMappingIterator | Non-Const version of the BaseFilteredIterator |
Cinet::physicallayer::ConstMappingIteratorWrapper | Wraps an ConstMappingIterator into a MappingIterator interface |
Cinet::physicallayer::FrequencyMappingIterator< Interpolator > | Provides an implementation of the MappingIterator- Interface which is able to iterate over FrequencyMappings |
Cinet::physicallayer::LinearIntplMappingIterator | Helper-class for the MultiDimMapping which provides an Iterator which linear interpolates between two other Mapping iterators |
Cinet::physicallayer::MultiDimMappingIterator< Interpolator > | Implementation of the MappingIterator-interface which is able to iterate over every value in a MultiDimMapping |
Cinet::physicallayer::TimeMappingIterator< Interpolator > | Provides an implementation of the MappingIterator- Interface which is able to iterate over TimeMappings |
►Cinet::physicallayer::MultiDimMappingIterator< Linear > | |
Cinet::physicallayer::FilledUpMappingIterator | MappingIterator implementation for FilledUpMappings |
Cinet::physicallayer::SimpleConstMappingIterator | A fully working ConstIterator-implementation usable with almost every ConstMapping |
►Ccontainer_type | |
Cinet::physicallayer::InterpolateableMap< Interpolator< std::map< argument_value_t, argument_value_t > > > | |
Cinet::physicallayer::InterpolateableMap< Interpolator< std::map< argument_value_t, Mapping * > > > | |
Cinet::physicallayer::InterpolateableMap< Interpolator< std::map< simtime_t, argument_value_t > > > | |
►Ccontainer_type | |
Cinet::physicallayer::InterpolateableMap< Linear< std::map< argument_value_t, Mapping * > > > | |
Cinet::serializer::Context | Class for data transfer from any serializers to subserializers e.g |
Cinet::units::internal::convert< T1, T2 > | |
Cinet::units::internal::convert2< T1, T2 > | |
Cinet::units::internal::convert2< scale< T, Num, Den >, U > | |
Cinet::units::internal::convert2< translate< T, Num, Den >, U > | |
Cinet::units::internal::convert3< T1, T2 > | |
Cinet::units::internal::convert3< T, scale< U, Num, Den > > | |
Cinet::units::internal::convert3< T, T > | |
Cinet::units::internal::convert3< T, translate< U, Num, Den > > | |
Cinet::units::internal::convert< T, T > | |
Cinet::units::internal::convertible< T1, T2 > | |
Cinet::serializer::cookie_ack_chunk | |
Cinet::serializer::cookie_echo_chunk | |
Cinet::serializer::cookie_parameter | |
Cinet::units::internal::count_terms< Term, List > | |
Cinet::units::internal::count_terms< Term, compose< T1, T2 > > | |
Cinet::units::internal::count_terms< Term, pow< Unit, N, D > > | |
Cinet::units::internal::count_terms< Term, scale< Unit, N, D > > | |
Cinet::units::internal::count_terms< Term, Term > | |
Cinet::units::internal::count_terms< Term, translate< Unit, N, D > > | |
Cinet::sctp::SCTPAssociation::counter | |
►CcOwnedObject | |
►Cinet::serializer::IPv4OptionSerializerBase | |
Cinet::serializer::IPv4OptionDefaultSerializer | |
►Cinet::serializer::SerializerBase | Converts between cPacket and binary (network byte order) packet |
Cinet::serializer::ARPSerializer | Converts between ARPPacket and binary (network byte order) ARP header |
Cinet::serializer::ByteArraySerializer | |
Cinet::serializer::DefaultSerializer | |
Cinet::serializer::EthernetSerializer | Converts between EtherFrame and binary (network byte order) Ethernet header |
Cinet::serializer::EtherPhySerializer | Converts between EtherFrame and binary (network byte order) Ethernet header |
Cinet::serializer::ICMPSerializer | Converts between ICMPMessage and binary (network byte order) ICMP header |
Cinet::serializer::ICMPv6Serializer | Converts between ICMPMessage and binary (network byte order) ICMP header |
Cinet::serializer::Ieee80211Serializer | Converts between Ieee802.11Frame and binary (network byte order) Ieee802.11 header |
Cinet::serializer::IGMPSerializer | Converts between IGMPMessage and binary (network byte order) IGMP header |
Cinet::serializer::IPv4Serializer | Converts between IPv4Datagram and binary (network byte order) IPv4 header |
Cinet::serializer::IPv6Serializer | Converts between IPv6Datagram and binary (network byte order) IPv6 header |
Cinet::serializer::SCTPSerializer | Converts between SCTPMessage and binary (network byte order) SCTP header |
Cinet::serializer::TCPSerializer | Converts between TCPSegment and binary (network byte order) TCP header |
Cinet::serializer::UDPSerializer | Converts between UDPPacket and binary (network byte order) UDP header |
►Cinet::Topology | Routing support |
Cinet::L2NetworkConfigurator::L2Topology | |
►Cinet::NetworkConfiguratorBase::Topology | Represents the network topology |
Cinet::IPv4NetworkConfigurator::Topology | |
►CcPacket | |
►Cinet::AODVControlPacket | Class generated from inet/routing/aodv/AODVControlPackets.msg:48 by nedtool |
Cinet::AODVRERR | Class generated from inet/routing/aodv/AODVControlPackets.msg:92 by nedtool |
Cinet::AODVRREP | Class generated from inet/routing/aodv/AODVControlPackets.msg:75 by nedtool |
Cinet::AODVRREPACK | Class generated from inet/routing/aodv/AODVControlPackets.msg:103 by nedtool |
Cinet::AODVRREQ | Class generated from inet/routing/aodv/AODVControlPackets.msg:56 by nedtool |
Cinet::ApplicationPacket | Class generated from inet/applications/base/ApplicationPacket.msg:24 by nedtool |
Cinet::ARPPacket | Class generated from inet/networklayer/arp/ipv4/ARPPacket.msg:62 by nedtool |
►Cinet::bgp::BGPHeader | Class generated from inet/routing/bgpv4/BGPMessage/BGPHeader.msg:49 by nedtool |
Cinet::bgp::BGPKeepAliveMessage | Class generated from inet/routing/bgpv4/BGPMessage/BGPKeepAlive.msg:33 by nedtool |
Cinet::bgp::BGPOpenMessage | Class generated from inet/routing/bgpv4/BGPMessage/BGPOpen.msg:64 by nedtool |
►Cinet::bgp::BGPUpdateMessage_Base | Class generated from inet/routing/bgpv4/BGPMessage/BGPUpdate.msg:82 by nedtool |
Cinet::bgp::BGPUpdateMessage | |
Cinet::BPDU | Class generated from inet/linklayer/ieee8021d/common/Ieee8021dBPDU.msg:30 by nedtool |
►Cinet::CsmaCaMacFrame | Class generated from inet/linklayer/csmaca/CsmaCaMacFrame.msg:28 by nedtool |
Cinet::CsmaCaMacAckFrame | Class generated from inet/linklayer/csmaca/CsmaCaMacFrame.msg:35 by nedtool |
Cinet::CsmaCaMacDataFrame | Class generated from inet/linklayer/csmaca/CsmaCaMacFrame.msg:39 by nedtool |
Cinet::DHCPMessage | Class generated from inet/applications/dhcp/DHCPMessage.msg:97 by nedtool |
►Cinet::dymo::DYMOPacket | Class generated from inet/routing/dymo/DYMO.msg:73 by nedtool |
Cinet::dymo::RERR | Class generated from inet/routing/dymo/DYMO.msg:105 by nedtool |
Cinet::dymo::RREP_ACK | Class generated from inet/routing/dymo/DYMO.msg:99 by nedtool |
►Cinet::dymo::RteMsg | Class generated from inet/routing/dymo/DYMO.msg:77 by nedtool |
Cinet::dymo::RREP | Class generated from inet/routing/dymo/DYMO.msg:93 by nedtool |
Cinet::dymo::RREQ | Class generated from inet/routing/dymo/DYMO.msg:87 by nedtool |
Cinet::EchoPacket | Class generated from inet/networklayer/common/EchoPacket.msg:37 by nedtool |
Cinet::EtherAppReq | Class generated from inet/applications/ethernet/EtherApp.msg:33 by nedtool |
Cinet::EtherAppResp | Class generated from inet/applications/ethernet/EtherApp.msg:42 by nedtool |
►Cinet::EtherFrame | Class generated from inet/linklayer/ethernet/EtherFrame.msg:87 by nedtool |
►Cinet::EtherFrameWithLLC | Class generated from inet/linklayer/ethernet/EtherFrame.msg:112 by nedtool |
Cinet::EtherFrameWithSNAP | Class generated from inet/linklayer/ethernet/EtherFrame.msg:130 by nedtool |
Cinet::EthernetIIFrame | Class generated from inet/linklayer/ethernet/EtherFrame.msg:100 by nedtool |
Cinet::EtherPauseFrame | Class generated from inet/linklayer/ethernet/EtherFrame.msg:144 by nedtool |
Cinet::Ethernet1ahITag | Class generated from inet/linklayer/ethernet/EtherFrame.msg:168 by nedtool |
Cinet::Ethernet1QTag | Class generated from inet/linklayer/ethernet/EtherFrame.msg:152 by nedtool |
►Cinet::EtherTraffic | Class generated from inet/linklayer/ethernet/EtherFrame.msg:40 by nedtool |
Cinet::EtherFilledIFG | Class generated from inet/linklayer/ethernet/EtherFrame.msg:56 by nedtool |
Cinet::EtherJam | Class generated from inet/linklayer/ethernet/EtherFrame.msg:47 by nedtool |
►Cinet::EtherPhyFrame_Base | Class generated from inet/linklayer/ethernet/EtherFrame.msg:69 by nedtool |
Cinet::EtherPhyFrame | Represents an Ethernet PHY frame |
Cinet::GenericAppMsg | Class generated from inet/applications/tcpapp/GenericAppMsg.msg:37 by nedtool |
►Cinet::GenericDatagram_Base | Class generated from inet/networklayer/generic/GenericDatagram.msg:47 by nedtool |
Cinet::GenericDatagram | Represents a generic datagram |
Cinet::GPSRBeacon | Class generated from inet/routing/gpsr/GPSR.msg:41 by nedtool |
►Cinet::httptools::HttpBaseMessage | Class generated from inet/applications/httptools/common/HttpMessages.msg:72 by nedtool |
Cinet::httptools::HttpReplyMessage | Class generated from inet/applications/httptools/common/HttpMessages.msg:111 by nedtool |
Cinet::httptools::HttpRequestMessage | Class generated from inet/applications/httptools/common/HttpMessages.msg:88 by nedtool |
Cinet::httptools::HttpServerStatusUpdateMsg | Class generated from inet/applications/httptools/common/HttpEventMessages.msg:31 by nedtool |
Cinet::ICMPMessage | Class generated from inet/networklayer/ipv4/ICMPMessage.msg:123 by nedtool |
►Cinet::ICMPv6Message | Class generated from inet/networklayer/icmpv6/ICMPv6Message.msg:105 by nedtool |
Cinet::ICMPv6DestUnreachableMsg | Class generated from inet/networklayer/icmpv6/ICMPv6Message.msg:115 by nedtool |
Cinet::ICMPv6EchoReplyMsg | Class generated from inet/networklayer/icmpv6/ICMPv6Message.msg:151 by nedtool |
Cinet::ICMPv6EchoRequestMsg | Class generated from inet/networklayer/icmpv6/ICMPv6Message.msg:140 by nedtool |
Cinet::ICMPv6PacketTooBigMsg | Class generated from inet/networklayer/icmpv6/ICMPv6Message.msg:120 by nedtool |
Cinet::ICMPv6ParamProblemMsg | Class generated from inet/networklayer/icmpv6/ICMPv6Message.msg:131 by nedtool |
Cinet::ICMPv6TimeExceededMsg | Class generated from inet/networklayer/icmpv6/ICMPv6Message.msg:126 by nedtool |
►Cinet::IPv6NDMessage | Class generated from inet/networklayer/icmpv6/IPv6NDMessage.msg:93 by nedtool |
Cinet::IPv6NeighbourAdvertisement | Class generated from inet/networklayer/icmpv6/IPv6NDMessage.msg:159 by nedtool |
Cinet::IPv6NeighbourSolicitation | Class generated from inet/networklayer/icmpv6/IPv6NDMessage.msg:141 by nedtool |
Cinet::IPv6Redirect | Class generated from inet/networklayer/icmpv6/IPv6NDMessage.msg:175 by nedtool |
Cinet::IPv6RouterAdvertisement | Class generated from inet/networklayer/icmpv6/IPv6NDMessage.msg:118 by nedtool |
Cinet::IPv6RouterSolicitation | Class generated from inet/networklayer/icmpv6/IPv6NDMessage.msg:103 by nedtool |
Cinet::IdealMacFrame | Class generated from inet/linklayer/ideal/IdealMacFrame.msg:34 by nedtool |
Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211AMsdu | Class generated from inet/linklayer/ieee80211/mac/Ieee80211Frame.msg:239 by nedtool |
►Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211Frame | Class generated from inet/linklayer/ieee80211/mac/Ieee80211Frame.msg:105 by nedtool |
►Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211OneAddressFrame | Class generated from inet/linklayer/ieee80211/mac/Ieee80211Frame.msg:123 by nedtool |
Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211ACKFrame | Class generated from inet/linklayer/ieee80211/mac/Ieee80211Frame.msg:130 by nedtool |
Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211CTSFrame | Class generated from inet/linklayer/ieee80211/mac/Ieee80211Frame.msg:157 by nedtool |
►Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211TwoAddressFrame | Class generated from inet/linklayer/ieee80211/mac/Ieee80211Frame.msg:139 by nedtool |
►Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211BlockAck | Class generated from inet/linklayer/ieee80211/mac/Ieee80211Frame.msg:397 by nedtool |
Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211BasicBlockAck | Class generated from inet/linklayer/ieee80211/mac/Ieee80211Frame.msg:415 by nedtool |
Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211CompressedBlockAck | Class generated from inet/linklayer/ieee80211/mac/Ieee80211Frame.msg:443 by nedtool |
Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211MultiTidBlockAck | Class generated from inet/linklayer/ieee80211/mac/Ieee80211Frame.msg:464 by nedtool |
►Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211BlockAckReq | Class generated from inet/linklayer/ieee80211/mac/Ieee80211Frame.msg:323 by nedtool |
Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211BasicBlockAckReq | Class generated from inet/linklayer/ieee80211/mac/Ieee80211Frame.msg:335 by nedtool |
Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211CompressedBlockAckReq | Class generated from inet/linklayer/ieee80211/mac/Ieee80211Frame.msg:353 by nedtool |
Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211MultiTidBlockAckReq | Class generated from inet/linklayer/ieee80211/mac/Ieee80211Frame.msg:375 by nedtool |
►Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211DataOrMgmtFrame | Class generated from inet/linklayer/ieee80211/mac/Ieee80211Frame.msg:166 by nedtool |
►Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211DataFrame | Class generated from inet/linklayer/ieee80211/mac/Ieee80211Frame.msg:177 by nedtool |
Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211DataFrameWithSNAP | Class generated from inet/linklayer/ieee80211/mac/Ieee80211Frame.msg:208 by nedtool |
►Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211ManagementFrame | Class generated from inet/linklayer/ieee80211/mac/Ieee80211Frame.msg:217 by nedtool |
►Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211ActionFrame | Class generated from inet/linklayer/ieee80211/mac/Ieee80211Frame.msg:222 by nedtool |
Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211AddbaRequest | Class generated from inet/linklayer/ieee80211/mac/Ieee80211Frame.msg:247 by nedtool |
Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211AddbaResponse | Class generated from inet/linklayer/ieee80211/mac/Ieee80211Frame.msg:274 by nedtool |
Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211Delba | Class generated from inet/linklayer/ieee80211/mac/Ieee80211Frame.msg:298 by nedtool |
Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211AssociationRequestFrame | Class generated from inet/linklayer/ieee80211/mgmt/Ieee80211MgmtFrames.msg:298 by nedtool |
Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211AssociationResponseFrame | Class generated from inet/linklayer/ieee80211/mgmt/Ieee80211MgmtFrames.msg:318 by nedtool |
Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211AuthenticationFrame | Class generated from inet/linklayer/ieee80211/mgmt/Ieee80211MgmtFrames.msg:258 by nedtool |
Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211BeaconFrame | Class generated from inet/linklayer/ieee80211/mgmt/Ieee80211MgmtFrames.msg:338 by nedtool |
Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211DeauthenticationFrame | Class generated from inet/linklayer/ieee80211/mgmt/Ieee80211MgmtFrames.msg:268 by nedtool |
Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211DisassociationFrame | Class generated from inet/linklayer/ieee80211/mgmt/Ieee80211MgmtFrames.msg:278 by nedtool |
Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211ProbeRequestFrame | Class generated from inet/linklayer/ieee80211/mgmt/Ieee80211MgmtFrames.msg:288 by nedtool |
Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211ProbeResponseFrame | Class generated from inet/linklayer/ieee80211/mgmt/Ieee80211MgmtFrames.msg:348 by nedtool |
Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211ReassociationRequestFrame | Class generated from inet/linklayer/ieee80211/mgmt/Ieee80211MgmtFrames.msg:308 by nedtool |
Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211ReassociationResponseFrame | Class generated from inet/linklayer/ieee80211/mgmt/Ieee80211MgmtFrames.msg:328 by nedtool |
Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211RTSFrame | Class generated from inet/linklayer/ieee80211/mac/Ieee80211Frame.msg:148 by nedtool |
Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211MsduSubframe | Class generated from inet/linklayer/ieee80211/mac/Ieee80211Frame.msg:230 by nedtool |
►Cinet::IGMPMessage | Class generated from inet/networklayer/ipv4/IGMPMessage.msg:44 by nedtool |
►Cinet::IGMPQuery | Class generated from inet/networklayer/ipv4/IGMPMessage.msg:49 by nedtool |
Cinet::IGMPv1Query | Class generated from inet/networklayer/ipv4/IGMPMessage.msg:54 by nedtool |
►Cinet::IGMPv2Query | Class generated from inet/networklayer/ipv4/IGMPMessage.msg:65 by nedtool |
►Cinet::IGMPv3Query_Base | Class generated from inet/networklayer/ipv4/IGMPMessage.msg:90 by nedtool |
Cinet::IGMPv3Query | |
Cinet::IGMPv1Report | Class generated from inet/networklayer/ipv4/IGMPMessage.msg:59 by nedtool |
Cinet::IGMPv2Leave | Class generated from inet/networklayer/ipv4/IGMPMessage.msg:77 by nedtool |
Cinet::IGMPv2Report | Class generated from inet/networklayer/ipv4/IGMPMessage.msg:71 by nedtool |
Cinet::IGMPv3Report | Class generated from inet/networklayer/ipv4/IGMPMessage.msg:117 by nedtool |
►Cinet::IPv4Datagram_Base | Class generated from inet/networklayer/ipv4/IPv4Datagram.msg:174 by nedtool |
Cinet::IPv4Datagram | Represents an IPv4 datagram |
Cinet::IPv6::ScheduledDatagram | |
►Cinet::IPv6Datagram_Base | Class generated from inet/networklayer/ipv6/IPv6Datagram.msg:52 by nedtool |
Cinet::IPv6Datagram | Represents an IPv6 datagram |
►Cinet::LDPPacket | Class generated from inet/networklayer/ldp/LDPPacket.msg:64 by nedtool |
Cinet::LDPAddress | Class generated from inet/networklayer/ldp/LDPPacket.msg:126 by nedtool |
Cinet::LDPHello | Class generated from inet/networklayer/ldp/LDPPacket.msg:93 by nedtool |
Cinet::LDPIni | Class generated from inet/networklayer/ldp/LDPPacket.msg:113 by nedtool |
Cinet::LDPLabelMapping | Class generated from inet/networklayer/ldp/LDPPacket.msg:75 by nedtool |
Cinet::LDPLabelRequest | Class generated from inet/networklayer/ldp/LDPPacket.msg:84 by nedtool |
Cinet::LDPNotify | Class generated from inet/networklayer/ldp/LDPPacket.msg:103 by nedtool |
Cinet::LinkStateMsg | Class generated from inet/networklayer/ted/LinkStatePacket.msg:33 by nedtool |
►Cinet::MACFrameBase | Class generated from inet/linklayer/base/MACFrameBase.msg:27 by nedtool |
Cinet::BMacFrame | Class generated from inet/linklayer/bmac/BMacFrame.msg:28 by nedtool |
Cinet::CSMAFrame | Class generated from inet/linklayer/csma/CSMAFrame.msg:36 by nedtool |
Cinet::LMacFrame | Class generated from inet/linklayer/lmac/LMacFrame.msg:15 by nedtool |
►Cinet::MobilityHeader | Class generated from inet/networklayer/xmipv6/MobilityHeader.msg:53 by nedtool |
Cinet::BindingAcknowledgement | Class generated from inet/networklayer/xmipv6/MobilityHeader.msg:98 by nedtool |
Cinet::BindingError | Class generated from inet/networklayer/xmipv6/MobilityHeader.msg:121 by nedtool |
Cinet::BindingRefreshRequest | Class generated from inet/networklayer/xmipv6/MobilityHeader.msg:165 by nedtool |
Cinet::BindingUpdate | Class generated from inet/networklayer/xmipv6/MobilityHeader.msg:59 by nedtool |
Cinet::CareOfTest | Class generated from inet/networklayer/xmipv6/MobilityHeader.msg:154 by nedtool |
Cinet::CareOfTestInit | Class generated from inet/networklayer/xmipv6/MobilityHeader.msg:147 by nedtool |
Cinet::HomeTest | Class generated from inet/networklayer/xmipv6/MobilityHeader.msg:138 by nedtool |
Cinet::HomeTestInit | Class generated from inet/networklayer/xmipv6/MobilityHeader.msg:131 by nedtool |
Cinet::MPLSPacket | Represents a packet with MPLS headers |
►Cinet::NetworkDatagramBase | Class generated from inet/networklayer/base/NetworkDatagramBase.msg:28 by nedtool |
►Cinet::FloodDatagram_Base | Class generated from inet/networklayer/flood/FloodDatagram.msg:27 by nedtool |
Cinet::FloodDatagram | Represents an flood datagram |
►Cinet::ProbabilisticBroadcastDatagram_Base | Class generated from inet/networklayer/probabilistic/ProbabilisticBroadcastDatagram.msg:28 by nedtool |
Cinet::ProbabilisticBroadcastDatagram | Represents an ProbabilisticBroadcast datagram |
►Cinet::WiseRouteDatagram_Base | Class generated from inet/networklayer/wiseroute/WiseRouteDatagram.msg:28 by nedtool |
Cinet::WiseRouteDatagram | Represents an WiseRoute datagram |
►Cinet::ospf::OSPFPacket | Class generated from inet/routing/ospfv2/OSPFPacket.msg:52 by nedtool |
Cinet::ospf::OSPFDatabaseDescriptionPacket | Class generated from inet/routing/ospfv2/OSPFPacket.msg:216 by nedtool |
Cinet::ospf::OSPFHelloPacket | Class generated from inet/routing/ospfv2/OSPFPacket.msg:67 by nedtool |
Cinet::ospf::OSPFLinkStateAcknowledgementPacket | Class generated from inet/routing/ospfv2/OSPFPacket.msg:255 by nedtool |
Cinet::ospf::OSPFLinkStateRequestPacket | Class generated from inet/routing/ospfv2/OSPFPacket.msg:235 by nedtool |
Cinet::ospf::OSPFLinkStateUpdatePacket | Class generated from inet/routing/ospfv2/OSPFPacket.msg:243 by nedtool |
Cinet::physicallayer::APSKPhyFrame | Class generated from inet/physicallayer/apskradio/bitlevel/APSKPhyFrame.msg:21 by nedtool |
►Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211PLCPFrame | Class generated from inet/physicallayer/ieee80211/bitlevel/Ieee80211PLCPFrame.msg:32 by nedtool |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211OFDMPLCPFrame | Class generated from inet/physicallayer/ieee80211/bitlevel/Ieee80211OFDMPLCPFrame.msg:45 by nedtool |
Cinet::physicallayer::RadioFrame | |
►Cinet::PIMPacket | Class generated from inet/routing/pim/PIMPacket.msg:117 by nedtool |
Cinet::PIMAssert | Class generated from inet/routing/pim/PIMPacket.msg:145 by nedtool |
►Cinet::PIMHello_Base | Class generated from inet/routing/pim/PIMPacket.msg:125 by nedtool |
Cinet::PIMHello | |
►Cinet::PIMJoinPrune | Class generated from inet/routing/pim/PIMPacket.msg:134 by nedtool |
►Cinet::PIMGraft | Class generated from inet/routing/pim/PIMPacket.msg:157 by nedtool |
Cinet::PIMGraftAck | Class generated from inet/routing/pim/PIMPacket.msg:165 by nedtool |
Cinet::PIMRegister | Class generated from inet/routing/pim/PIMPacket.msg:187 by nedtool |
Cinet::PIMRegisterStop | Class generated from inet/routing/pim/PIMPacket.msg:196 by nedtool |
Cinet::PIMStateRefresh | Class generated from inet/routing/pim/PIMPacket.msg:172 by nedtool |
Cinet::PingPayload | Class generated from inet/applications/pingapp/PingPayload.msg:30 by nedtool |
Cinet::PPPFrame | Class generated from inet/linklayer/ppp/PPPFrame.msg:49 by nedtool |
►Cinet::RawPacket_Base | Class generated from inet/common/RawPacket.msg:31 by nedtool |
Cinet::RawPacket | Message that carries raw bytes |
Cinet::RIPPacket | Class generated from inet/routing/rip/RIPPacket.msg:69 by nedtool |
►Cinet::RSVPMessage | Class generated from inet/networklayer/rsvp_te/RSVPPacket.msg:57 by nedtool |
►Cinet::RSVPHelloMsg_Base | Class generated from inet/networklayer/rsvp_te/RSVPHello.msg:30 by nedtool |
Cinet::RSVPHelloMsg | RSVP HELLO REQUEST message |
►Cinet::RSVPPacket_Base | Class generated from inet/networklayer/rsvp_te/RSVPPacket.msg:65 by nedtool |
►Cinet::RSVPPacket | RSVP message common part |
►Cinet::RSVPPathError_Base | Class generated from inet/networklayer/rsvp_te/RSVPPathMsg.msg:72 by nedtool |
Cinet::RSVPPathError | RSVP PATH ERROR message |
►Cinet::RSVPPathMsg_Base | Class generated from inet/networklayer/rsvp_te/RSVPPathMsg.msg:44 by nedtool |
Cinet::RSVPPathMsg | RSVP PATH message |
►Cinet::RSVPPathTear_Base | Class generated from inet/networklayer/rsvp_te/RSVPPathMsg.msg:59 by nedtool |
Cinet::RSVPPathTear | RSVP PATH TEAR message |
►Cinet::RSVPResvError_Base | Class generated from inet/networklayer/rsvp_te/RSVPResvMsg.msg:60 by nedtool |
Cinet::RSVPResvError | RESV ERROR message |
►Cinet::RSVPResvMsg_Base | Class generated from inet/networklayer/rsvp_te/RSVPResvMsg.msg:38 by nedtool |
Cinet::RSVPResvMsg | RSVP RESV message |
►Cinet::RSVPResvTear_Base | Class generated from inet/networklayer/rsvp_te/RSVPResvMsg.msg:49 by nedtool |
Cinet::RSVPResvTear | RESV TEAR message |
►Cinet::rtp::RTCPCompoundPacket_Base | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/rtp/RTCPPacket1.msg:45 by nedtool |
Cinet::rtp::RTCPCompoundPacket | |
►Cinet::rtp::RTCPPacket_Base | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/rtp/RTCPPacket1.msg:34 by nedtool |
►Cinet::rtp::RTCPPacket | |
►Cinet::rtp::RTCPByePacket_Base | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/rtp/RTCPPacket2.msg:44 by nedtool |
Cinet::rtp::RTCPByePacket | |
►Cinet::rtp::RTCPReceiverReportPacket_Base | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/rtp/RTCPPacket2.msg:29 by nedtool |
►Cinet::rtp::RTCPReceiverReportPacket | |
►Cinet::rtp::RTCPSenderReportPacket_Base | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/rtp/RTCPPacket3.msg:28 by nedtool |
Cinet::rtp::RTCPSenderReportPacket | |
►Cinet::rtp::RTCPSDESPacket_Base | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/rtp/RTCPPacket2.msg:37 by nedtool |
Cinet::rtp::RTCPSDESPacket | |
►Cinet::rtp::RTPInnerPacket_Base | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/rtp/RTPInnerPacket.msg:61 by nedtool |
Cinet::rtp::RTPInnerPacket | This class is used for communication between submodules of the RTP layer module |
Cinet::rtp::RTPMpegPacket | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/rtp/profiles/avprofile/RTPMpegPacket.msg:36 by nedtool |
►Cinet::rtp::RTPPacket_Base | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/rtp/RTPPacket.msg:40 by nedtool |
Cinet::rtp::RTPPacket | This class represents an RTP data packet |
Cinet::rtp::RTPSenderControlMessage | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/rtp/RTPSenderControlMessage.msg:54 by nedtool |
Cinet::rtp::RTPSenderStatusMessage | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/rtp/RTPSenderStatusMessage.msg:43 by nedtool |
Cinet::sctp::NatMessage | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/sctp/SCTPMessage.msg:372 by nedtool |
►Cinet::sctp::SCTPChunk | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/sctp/SCTPMessage.msg:50 by nedtool |
Cinet::sctp::SCTPAbortChunk | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/sctp/SCTPMessage.msg:202 by nedtool |
►Cinet::sctp::SCTPAsconfAckChunk_Base | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/sctp/SCTPMessage.msg:326 by nedtool |
Cinet::sctp::SCTPAsconfAckChunk | |
►Cinet::sctp::SCTPAsconfChunk_Base | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/sctp/SCTPMessage.msg:317 by nedtool |
Cinet::sctp::SCTPAsconfChunk | |
Cinet::sctp::SCTPAuthenticationChunk | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/sctp/SCTPMessage.msg:309 by nedtool |
Cinet::sctp::SCTPCookieAckChunk | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/sctp/SCTPMessage.msg:126 by nedtool |
Cinet::sctp::SCTPCookieEchoChunk | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/sctp/SCTPMessage.msg:110 by nedtool |
Cinet::sctp::SCTPDataChunk | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/sctp/SCTPMessage.msg:151 by nedtool |
►Cinet::sctp::SCTPErrorChunk_Base | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/sctp/SCTPMessage.msg:236 by nedtool |
Cinet::sctp::SCTPErrorChunk | |
Cinet::sctp::SCTPForwardTsnChunk | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/sctp/SCTPMessage.msg:170 by nedtool |
Cinet::sctp::SCTPHeartbeatAckChunk | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/sctp/SCTPMessage.msg:215 by nedtool |
Cinet::sctp::SCTPHeartbeatChunk | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/sctp/SCTPMessage.msg:208 by nedtool |
Cinet::sctp::SCTPInitAckChunk | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/sctp/SCTPMessage.msg:82 by nedtool |
Cinet::sctp::SCTPInitChunk | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/sctp/SCTPMessage.msg:58 by nedtool |
Cinet::sctp::SCTPPacketDropChunk | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/sctp/SCTPMessage.msg:249 by nedtool |
Cinet::sctp::SCTPSackChunk | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/sctp/SCTPMessage.msg:177 by nedtool |
Cinet::sctp::SCTPShutdownAckChunk | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/sctp/SCTPMessage.msg:227 by nedtool |
Cinet::sctp::SCTPShutdownChunk | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/sctp/SCTPMessage.msg:222 by nedtool |
Cinet::sctp::SCTPShutdownCompleteChunk | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/sctp/SCTPMessage.msg:231 by nedtool |
►Cinet::sctp::SCTPStreamResetChunk_Base | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/sctp/SCTPMessage.msg:260 by nedtool |
Cinet::sctp::SCTPStreamResetChunk | |
Cinet::sctp::SCTPCookie | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/sctp/SCTPMessage.msg:117 by nedtool |
Cinet::sctp::SCTPDataMsg | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/sctp/SCTPMessage.msg:130 by nedtool |
►Cinet::sctp::SCTPMessage_Base | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/sctp/SCTPMessage.msg:36 by nedtool |
Cinet::sctp::SCTPMessage | Represents a SCTP Message |
►Cinet::sctp::SCTPParameter | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/sctp/SCTPMessage.msg:244 by nedtool |
Cinet::sctp::SCTPAddIPParameter | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/sctp/SCTPMessage.msg:333 by nedtool |
Cinet::sctp::SCTPAddStreamsRequestParameter | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/sctp/SCTPMessage.msg:294 by nedtool |
Cinet::sctp::SCTPDeleteIPParameter | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/sctp/SCTPMessage.msg:339 by nedtool |
Cinet::sctp::SCTPErrorCauseParameter | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/sctp/SCTPMessage.msg:356 by nedtool |
►Cinet::sctp::SCTPIncomingSSNResetRequestParameter_Base | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/sctp/SCTPMessage.msg:274 by nedtool |
Cinet::sctp::SCTPIncomingSSNResetRequestParameter | |
Cinet::sctp::SCTPOutgoingSSNResetRequestParameter | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/sctp/SCTPMessage.msg:266 by nedtool |
Cinet::sctp::SCTPSetPrimaryIPParameter | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/sctp/SCTPMessage.msg:345 by nedtool |
Cinet::sctp::SCTPSimpleErrorCauseParameter | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/sctp/SCTPMessage.msg:362 by nedtool |
Cinet::sctp::SCTPSSNTSNResetRequestParameter | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/sctp/SCTPMessage.msg:281 by nedtool |
Cinet::sctp::SCTPStreamResetResponseParameter | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/sctp/SCTPMessage.msg:286 by nedtool |
Cinet::sctp::SCTPSuccessIndication | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/sctp/SCTPMessage.msg:367 by nedtool |
Cinet::sctp::SCTPSupportedExtensionsParameter | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/sctp/SCTPMessage.msg:351 by nedtool |
Cinet::sctp::SCTPResetTimer | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/sctp/SCTPMessage.msg:301 by nedtool |
►Cinet::SCTPCommand | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/contract/sctp/SCTPCommand.msg:59 by nedtool |
Cinet::SCTPConnectInfo | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/contract/sctp/SCTPCommand.msg:172 by nedtool |
Cinet::SCTPErrorInfo | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/contract/sctp/SCTPCommand.msg:78 by nedtool |
Cinet::SCTPInfo | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/contract/sctp/SCTPCommand.msg:209 by nedtool |
Cinet::SCTPOpenCommand | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/contract/sctp/SCTPCommand.msg:110 by nedtool |
Cinet::SCTPPathInfo | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/contract/sctp/SCTPCommand.msg:196 by nedtool |
Cinet::SCTPRcvInfo | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/contract/sctp/SCTPCommand.msg:158 by nedtool |
Cinet::SCTPResetInfo | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/contract/sctp/SCTPCommand.msg:201 by nedtool |
Cinet::SCTPRtoInfo | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/contract/sctp/SCTPCommand.msg:146 by nedtool |
Cinet::SCTPSendInfo | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/contract/sctp/SCTPCommand.msg:132 by nedtool |
Cinet::SCTPSendQueueAbated | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/contract/sctp/SCTPCommand.msg:214 by nedtool |
Cinet::SCTPStatusInfo | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/contract/sctp/SCTPCommand.msg:188 by nedtool |
►Cinet::SCTPSimpleMessage | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/contract/sctp/SCTPCommand.msg:222 by nedtool |
Cinet::NetPerfMeterDataMessage | Class generated from inet/applications/netperfmeter/NetPerfMeter.msg:44 by nedtool |
Cinet::SimpleVoIPPacket | Class generated from inet/applications/voip/SimpleVoIPPacket.msg:25 by nedtool |
►Cinet::tcp::TCPSegment_Base | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/tcp_common/TCPSegment.msg:202 by nedtool |
Cinet::tcp::TCPSegment | Represents a TCP segment |
►Cinet::UDPPacket_Base | Class generated from inet/transportlayer/udp/UDPPacket.msg:33 by nedtool |
Cinet::UDPPacket | |
►CcPacketQueue | |
Cinet::PacketQueue | |
►CcPixmapFigure | |
Cinet::HeatMapFigure | |
►CcQueue | |
►Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211Queue | |
Cinet::ieee80211::PendingQueue | |
►CcRectangleFigure | |
Cinet::BarFigure | |
Cinet::QueueFigure | |
►CcResultFilter | |
Cinet::utils::filters::ElapsedTimeFilter | Filter that outputs the elapsed time since the creation of this filter object |
►CcResultRecorder | |
Cinet::ElapsedTimeRecorder | |
Cinet::GroupCountRecorder | Listener for counting the occurrences of signals with the same attribute |
►CcScheduler | |
Cinet::cSocketRTScheduler | |
►CcSimpleModule | |
►Cinet::AbstractQueue | Abstract base class for single-server queues |
►Cinet::QueueBase | Queue with constant processing time |
Cinet::GenericNetworkProtocol | Implements a generic network protocol that routes generic datagrams through the network |
Cinet::IPv4 | Implements the IPv4 protocol |
Cinet::IPv6 | IPv6 implementation |
►Cinet::AlgorithmicDropperBase | Base class for algorithmic droppers (RED, DropTail, etc.) |
Cinet::REDDropper | Implementation of Random Early Detection (RED) |
Cinet::ThresholdDropper | Drops packets above threshold |
Cinet::AODVRouting | |
Cinet::ARP | ARP implementation |
Cinet::BehaviorAggregateClassifier | Behavior Aggregate Classifier |
Cinet::bgp::BGPRouting | |
Cinet::BindingCache | |
Cinet::BindingUpdateList | |
►Cinet::CloudDelayerBase | |
Cinet::MatrixCloudDelayer | Implementation of MatrixCloudDelayer |
Cinet::Delayer | Delayer module |
Cinet::DelegateSignalConfigurator | This is a 3-in-1 class: |
Cinet::DHCPClient | Implements a DHCP client |
Cinet::DHCPServer | Implements a DHCP server |
Cinet::DSCPMarker | DSCP Marker |
Cinet::dymo::DYMO | This class provides Dynamic MANET On-demand (DYMO also known as AODVv2) Routing based on the IETF draft at |
Cinet::EchoProtocol | TODO |
Cinet::ErrorHandling | Error Handling: print out received error |
Cinet::EtherAppCli | Simple traffic generator for the Ethernet model |
Cinet::EtherAppSrv | Server-side process EtherAppCli |
Cinet::EtherBus | Implements the shared coaxial cable in classic Ethernet |
Cinet::EtherEncap | Performs Ethernet II encapsulation/decapsulation |
Cinet::EtherFrameClassifier | Ethernet Frame classifier |
Cinet::EtherHub | Models a wiring hub |
Cinet::EtherLLC | Implements the LLC sub-layer of the Datalink Layer in Ethernet networks |
Cinet::EthernetApplication | Ethernet application |
Cinet::EtherTrafGen | Simple traffic generator for the Ethernet model |
Cinet::ExampleQoSClassifier | An example packet classifier based on the UDP/TCP port number |
Cinet::FlatNetworkConfigurator | Configures IPv4 addresses and routing tables for a "flat" network, "flat" meaning that all hosts and routers will have the same network address |
Cinet::FlatNetworkConfigurator6 | Configures IPv6 addresses and routing tables for a "flat" network, "flat" meaning that all hosts and routers will have the same network address |
Cinet::GenericARP | TODO GenericMACAddressCache |
Cinet::GenericRoutingTable | A C++ interface to abstract the functionality of a routing table, regardless of address type |
Cinet::GlobalARP | ARP implementation |
Cinet::GPSR | This class implements the Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing for Wireless Networks |
Cinet::HostAutoConfigurator | HostAutoConfigurator automatically assigns IP addresses and sets up routing table |
Cinet::httptools::HttpController | The controller module for HttpTools simulations |
►Cinet::httptools::HttpNodeBase | The base class for browser and server nodes |
►Cinet::httptools::HttpBrowserBase | A simulated browser module for OMNeT++ simulations |
Cinet::httptools::HttpBrowser | Browser module |
Cinet::httptools::HttpBrowserDirect | A simulated browser module for OMNeT++ simulations |
►Cinet::httptools::HttpServerBase | Web server base class |
Cinet::httptools::HttpServer | HttpServerDirect module |
►Cinet::httptools::HttpServerDirect | Server module for direct message passing |
Cinet::httptools::HttpServerDirectEvilA | An evil attacker server demonstration - type A |
Cinet::httptools::HttpServerDirectEvilB | An evil attacker server demonstration - type B |
Cinet::ICMP | ICMP module |
Cinet::ICMPv6 | ICMPv6 implementation |
Cinet::ieee80211::BasicFragmentationPolicy | |
Cinet::ieee80211::BasicMsduAggregationPolicy | |
Cinet::ieee80211::BasicStatistics | A basic implementation of statistics collection (IStatistics) |
Cinet::ieee80211::Contention | The default implementation of IContention |
Cinet::ieee80211::Edca | Implements IEEE 802.11 Enhanced Distributed Channel Access |
Cinet::ieee80211::EdcaCollisionController | |
Cinet::ieee80211::Hcca | Implements IEEE 802.11 Hybrid coordination function (HCF) Controlled Channel Access |
Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211AgentSTA | Used in 802.11 infrastructure mode: in a station (STA), this module controls channel scanning, association and handovers, by sending commands (e.g |
►Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211MgmtBase | Abstract base class for 802.11 infrastructure mode management components |
Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211MgmtAdhoc | Used in 802.11 ad-hoc mode |
►Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211MgmtAPBase | Used in 802.11 infrastructure mode: abstract base class for management frame handling for access points (APs) |
Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211MgmtAP | Used in 802.11 infrastructure mode: handles management frames for an access point (AP) |
Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211MgmtAPSimplified | Used in 802.11 infrastructure mode: handles management frames for an access point (AP) |
Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211MgmtSTA | Used in 802.11 infrastructure mode: handles management frames for a station (STA) |
Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211MgmtSTASimplified | Used in 802.11 infrastructure mode: handles management frames for a station (STA) |
Cinet::ieee80211::Mcf | Implements IEEE 802.11 Mesh Coordination Function |
Cinet::ieee80211::ModeSetListener | |
Cinet::ieee80211::NonQoSRecoveryProcedure | |
Cinet::ieee80211::OriginatorMacDataService | |
Cinet::ieee80211::OriginatorQoSMacDataService | |
Cinet::ieee80211::Pcf | Implements IEEE 802.11 Point Coordination Function |
Cinet::ieee80211::QoSRecoveryProcedure | |
Cinet::ieee80211::RateSelection | |
Cinet::ieee80211::RecipientBlockAckAgreementPolicy | |
Cinet::ieee80211::RecipientMacDataService | |
Cinet::ieee80211::RecipientQoSMacDataService | |
Cinet::ieee80211::Rx | The default implementation of IRx |
Cinet::ieee80211::Tx | The default implementation of ITx |
Cinet::Ieee8021dRelay | |
Cinet::IGMPv2 | |
Cinet::IGMPv3 | |
Cinet::InterfaceTable | Represents the interface table |
Cinet::IPv4NodeConfigurator | This module provides the static configuration for the IPv4RoutingTable and the IPv4 network interfaces of a particular node in the network |
Cinet::IPv4RoutingTable | Represents the routing table |
Cinet::IPv6ErrorHandling | Error Handling: print out received error for IPv6 |
Cinet::IPv6NeighbourDiscovery | Implements RFC 2461 Neighbor Discovery for IPv6 |
Cinet::IPv6RoutingTable | Represents the IPv6 routing table and neighbour discovery data structures |
Cinet::IPv6Tunneling | Management of IP tunnels |
Cinet::IPvXTrafGen | IP traffic generator application |
Cinet::IPvXTrafSink | Consumes and prints packets received from the IP module |
Cinet::Join | |
Cinet::L2NetworkConfigurator | Computes L2 configuration of the network |
Cinet::L2NodeConfigurator | Configures L2 data of a node |
Cinet::LDP | LDP (rfc 3036) protocol implementation |
Cinet::LIBTable | TODO documentation |
Cinet::LifecycleController | Manages operations like shutdown/restart, suspend/resume, crash/recover and similar operations for nodes (routers, hosts, etc), interfaces, and protocols |
Cinet::LinkStateRouting | Implements a minimalistic link state routing protocol that employs flooding |
Cinet::MACAddressTable | This module handles the mapping between ports and MAC addresses |
Cinet::MACBase | Base class for MAC modules |
Cinet::MACRelayUnit | |
Cinet::MessageChecker | |
►Cinet::MobilityBase | Abstract base class for mobility modules |
►Cinet::MovingMobilityBase | Base class for moving mobility modules |
Cinet::CircleMobility | Circle movement model |
Cinet::LinearMobility | Linear movement model |
►Cinet::LineSegmentsMobilityBase | Base class for mobility models where movement consists of a sequence of linear movements of constant speed |
Cinet::ANSimMobility | Uses the <position_change> elements of the ANSim tool's trace file |
Cinet::BonnMotionMobility | Uses the BonnMotion native file format |
Cinet::ChiangMobility | Chiang's random walk movement model |
Cinet::ConstSpeedMobility | Moves along a line with constant speed to a randomly chosen target |
Cinet::GaussMarkovMobility | Gauss Markov movement model |
Cinet::MassMobility | Models the mobility of with mass, making random motions |
Cinet::MoBANCoordinator | This is the coordinator module of the MoBAN mobility model |
Cinet::MoBANLocal | This is the local mobility module of MoBAN |
Cinet::Ns2MotionMobility | |
Cinet::RandomWPMobility | Random Waypoint mobility model |
Cinet::TractorMobility | Tractor movement model |
Cinet::TurtleMobility | LOGO-style movement model, with the script coming from XML |
Cinet::RectangleMobility | Rectangle movement model |
Cinet::VehicleMobility | |
►Cinet::RotatingMobilityBase | |
Cinet::LinearRotatingMobilityBase | |
►Cinet::StationaryMobility | This mobility module does not move at all; it can be used for standalone stationary nodes |
Cinet::LinearNodeDistributionMobility | Mobility model which places all hosts at constant distances in a line with an orientation |
Cinet::StaticConcentricMobility | Mobility model which places all hosts on concenctric circles |
Cinet::StaticGridMobility | Mobility model which places all hosts at constant distances within the simulation area (resulting in a regular grid) |
Cinet::MPLS | Implements the MPLS protocol; see the NED file for more info |
Cinet::MultiFieldClassifier | Absolute dropper |
Cinet::MultiNetworkLayerLowerMultiplexer | |
Cinet::MultiNetworkLayerUpperMultiplexer | |
Cinet::NetAnimTrace | Records a NetAnim trace |
Cinet::NetfilterInfoHook | |
Cinet::NetPerfMeter | Implementation of NetPerfMeter |
►Cinet::NetworkConfiguratorBase | |
Cinet::GenericNetworkConfigurator | This module configures generic routing tables for a network |
Cinet::IPv4NetworkConfigurator | This module provides the global static configuration for the IPv4RoutingTable and the IPv4 network interfaces of all nodes in the network |
Cinet::NetworkDatagramMultiplexer | This class provides network datagram multiplexing based on the the datagram runtime type or on the type of attached control info |
Cinet::NetworkInfo | TODO documentation |
Cinet::NodeStatus | Keeps track of the status of network node (up, down, etc.) for other modules, and also displays it as a small overlay icon on this module and on the module of the network node |
►Cinet::OperationalBase | |
►Cinet::ApplicationBase | |
Cinet::UDPBasicApp | UDP application |
Cinet::UDPBasicBurst | UDP application |
Cinet::UDPEchoApp | UDP application |
Cinet::UDPSink | Consumes and prints packets received from the UDP module |
Cinet::UDPVideoStreamCli | A "Realtime" VideoStream client application |
Cinet::UDPVideoStreamSvr | Stream VBR video streams to clients |
►Cinet::LayeredProtocolBase | |
Cinet::MACProtocolBase | |
►Cinet::NetworkProtocolBase | |
Cinet::Flood | A simple flooding protocol |
►Cinet::ProbabilisticBroadcast | This class offers a data dissemination service using probabilistic broadcast |
Cinet::AdaptiveProbabilisticBroadcast | This class extends ProbabilisticBroadcast by adding an algorithm which adapts broadcasting parameters according to network conditions |
Cinet::WiseRoute | Wiseroute is a simple loop-free routing algorithm that builds a routing tree from a central network point |
Cinet::TransportProtocolBase | |
►Cinet::PhysicalLayerBase | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::Radio | This class is the default implementation of the IRadio interface |
►Cinet::physicallayer::NarrowbandRadioBase | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::FlatRadioBase | |
Cinet::physicallayer::APSKRadio | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211Radio | |
►Cinet::PIMBase | Base class of PIMSM and PIMDM modules |
Cinet::PIMDM | Implementation of PIM-DM protocol (RFC 3973) |
Cinet::PIMSM | Implementation of PIM-SM protocol (RFC 4601) |
Cinet::OrdinalBasedDropper | Ordinal Based Dropper module |
Cinet::OrdinalBasedDuplicator | Ordinal Based Duplicator module |
Cinet::ospf::OSPFRouting | Implements the OSPFv2 routing protocol |
►Cinet::PassiveQueueBase | Abstract base class for passive queues |
Cinet::DropTailQueue | Drop-front queue |
Cinet::FIFOQueue | Passive FIFO Queue with unlimited buffer space |
Cinet::PcapRecorder | Dumps every packet using the PcapDump and PacketDump classes |
Cinet::physicallayer::AdditiveScramblerModule | |
Cinet::physicallayer::APSKDecoder | |
Cinet::physicallayer::APSKDemodulator | |
Cinet::physicallayer::APSKEncoder | |
Cinet::physicallayer::APSKModulator | |
Cinet::physicallayer::ConvolutionalCoderModule | |
Cinet::physicallayer::GridNeighborCache | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211OFDMDecoderModule | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211OFDMDemodulatorModule | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211OFDMEncoderModule | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211OFDMErrorModel | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211OFDMInterleaverModule | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211OFDMModulatorModule | |
Cinet::physicallayer::NeighborListNeighborCache | |
Cinet::physicallayer::QuadTreeNeighborCache | |
Cinet::physicallayer::RadioMedium | The default implementation of the radio medium interface |
Cinet::physicallayer::StateBasedCcEnergyConsumer | This is a simple radio energy consumer model |
Cinet::physicallayer::StateBasedEpEnergyConsumer | This is a simple radio power consumer model |
Cinet::PIMInterfaceTable | PIMInterfaceTable contains an PIMInterface entry for each interface on which PIM is enabled |
Cinet::PIMNeighborTable | Class holding informatation about neighboring PIM routers |
Cinet::PIMSplitter | PIMSplitter register itself for PIM protocol (103) in the network layer, and dispatches the received packets either to PIMDM or PIMSM according to the PIM mode of the incoming interface |
Cinet::PingApp | Generates ping requests and calculates the packet loss and round trip parameters of the replies |
Cinet::power::AlternatingEpEnergyConsumer | This class implements a simple power based alternating energy consumer |
Cinet::power::AlternatingEpEnergyGenerator | This class implements a simple power based alternating energy generator |
Cinet::power::CcEnergyStorageBase | |
Cinet::power::EnergyStorageBase | |
Cinet::power::EpEnergyStorageBase | |
Cinet::power::SimpleEpEnergyManagement | |
Cinet::RandomQoSClassifier | A QoS classifier that assigns a random User Priority |
Cinet::RIPRouting | Implementation of the Routing Information Protocol |
Cinet::RoutingTableRecorder | Records routing table changes into a file |
Cinet::RSVP | TODO documentation |
Cinet::rtp::RTCP | The class RTCP is responsible for creating, receiving and processing of rtcp packets |
Cinet::rtp::RTP | An RTP is the center of the RTP layer of an endsystem |
►Cinet::rtp::RTPPayloadReceiver | The class RTPPayloadReceiver acts as a base class for modules processing incoming RTP data packets |
Cinet::rtp::RTPAVProfilePayload32Receiver | This module is used to receive getData(mpeg video) of payload 32 for rtp endsystems working under the rtp av profile |
►Cinet::rtp::RTPPayloadSender | The class RTPPayloadSender is the base class for all modules creating RTP data packets |
Cinet::rtp::RTPAVProfilePayload32Sender | An RTPAVProfilePayload32Sender is a module for sending data of payload type 32 in the rtp audio/video profile, which is mpeg video |
►Cinet::rtp::RTPProfile | The class RTPProfile is a module which handles RTPPayloadSender and RTPPayloadReceiver modules |
Cinet::rtp::RTPAVProfile | The class RTPAVProfile is a subclass of RTPProfile |
Cinet::RTPApplication | |
Cinet::ScenarioManager | Scenario Manager (experimental) which executes a script specified in XML |
►Cinet::SchedulerBase | Base class for packet schedulers |
Cinet::PriorityScheduler | Schedule packets in strict priority order |
Cinet::WRRScheduler | This module implements a Weighted Round Robin Scheduler |
Cinet::sctp::SCTP | Implements the SCTP protocol |
Cinet::sctp::SCTPNatHook | |
Cinet::sctp::SCTPNatTable | |
Cinet::SCTPClient | Implements the SCTPClient simple module |
Cinet::SCTPNatPeer | Accepts any number of incoming connections, and sends back whatever arrives on them |
Cinet::SCTPNatServer | |
Cinet::SCTPPeer | Implements the SCTPPeer simple module |
Cinet::SCTPServer | Implements the SCTPServer simple module |
Cinet::SignalSource | |
Cinet::SimpleClassifier | TODO documentation |
Cinet::SimpleGeographicCoordinateSystem | |
Cinet::SimpleVoIPReceiver | Implements a simple VoIP source |
Cinet::SimpleVoIPSender | Implements a simple VoIP source |
Cinet::SingleRateThreeColorMeter | This class can be used as a meter in an ITrafficConditioner |
Cinet::Sink | A module that just deletes every packet it receives, and collects basic statistics (packet count, bit count, packet rate, bit rate) |
Cinet::STPBase | Base class for STP and RSTP |
Cinet::STPTester | Utility class for testing the STP protocol |
Cinet::tcp::TCP | Implements the TCP protocol |
Cinet::tcp::TCP_lwIP | Encapsulates a Network Simulation Cradle (NSC) instance |
Cinet::tcp::TCP_NSC | Encapsulates a Network Simulation Cradle (NSC) instance |
Cinet::tcp::TCPSpoof | Sends fabricated TCP packets |
Cinet::TCPAppBase | Base class for clients app for TCP-based request-reply protocols or apps |
Cinet::TCPDump | Dumps every packet using the PcapDump class and the PacketDump class |
Cinet::TCPEchoApp | Accepts any number of incoming connections, and sends back whatever arrives on them |
Cinet::TCPGenericSrvApp | Generic server application |
Cinet::TCPSinkApp | Accepts any number of incoming connections, and discards whatever arrives on them |
Cinet::TCPSrvHostApp | Hosts a server application, to be subclassed from TCPServerProcess (which is a sSimpleModule) |
Cinet::TED | Contains the Traffic Engineering Database and provides public methods to access it from MPLS signalling protocols (LDP, RSVP-TE) |
Cinet::ThruputMeter | Measures and records network thruput |
Cinet::TokenBucketMeter | Simple token bucket meter |
Cinet::TunLoopbackApp | |
Cinet::TwoRateThreeColorMeter | This class can be used as a meter in an ITrafficConditioner |
Cinet::UDP | Implements the UDP protocol: encapsulates/decapsulates user data into/from UDP |
►Cinet::visualizer::VisualizerBase | |
►Cinet::visualizer::EnergyStorageVisualizerBase | |
Cinet::visualizer::EnergyStorageCanvasVisualizer | |
Cinet::visualizer::EnergyStorageOsgVisualizer | |
Cinet::visualizer::Ieee80211VisualizerBase | |
►Cinet::visualizer::InfoVisualizerBase | |
Cinet::visualizer::InfoCanvasVisualizer | |
Cinet::visualizer::InfoOsgVisualizer | |
Cinet::visualizer::InterfaceTableVisualizerBase | |
Cinet::visualizer::LinkBreakVisualizerBase | |
Cinet::visualizer::LinkVisualizerBase | |
Cinet::visualizer::MediumVisualizerBase | |
Cinet::visualizer::MobilityVisualizerBase | |
Cinet::visualizer::NetworkConnectionVisualizerBase | |
Cinet::visualizer::NetworkNodeVisualizerBase | |
Cinet::visualizer::PacketDropVisualizerBase | |
Cinet::visualizer::PathVisualizerBase | |
►Cinet::visualizer::PhysicalEnvironmentVisualizerBase | |
Cinet::visualizer::PhysicalEnvironmentCanvasVisualizer | |
Cinet::visualizer::PhysicalEnvironmentOsgVisualizer | |
►Cinet::visualizer::QueueVisualizerBase | |
Cinet::visualizer::QueueCanvasVisualizer | |
Cinet::visualizer::QueueOsgVisualizer | |
Cinet::visualizer::RadioVisualizerBase | |
Cinet::visualizer::RoutingTableVisualizerBase | |
►Cinet::visualizer::SceneVisualizerBase | |
Cinet::visualizer::SceneCanvasVisualizer | |
►Cinet::visualizer::SceneOsgVisualizerBase | |
Cinet::visualizer::SceneOsgEarthVisualizer | |
Cinet::visualizer::SceneOsgVisualizer | |
Cinet::visualizer::StatisticVisualizerBase | |
Cinet::visualizer::TracingObstacleLossVisualizerBase | |
Cinet::visualizer::TransportConnectionVisualizerBase | |
Cinet::VoIPStreamReceiver | |
Cinet::VoIPStreamSender | |
Cinet::xMIPv6 | Implements RFC 3775 Mobility Support in IPv6 |
►CcTextFigure | |
CIndicatorTextFigure | |
►CcVisitor | |
Cinet::visualizer::QueueVisualizerBase::QueueVisitor | |
Cinet::IPv6NeighbourDiscovery::DADEntry | |
Cinet::IPv6NeighbourDiscovery::DADGlobalEntry | |
Cinet::serializer::data_chunk | |
Cinet::serializer::data_vector | |
Cinet::IPv4FragBuf::DatagramBuffer | |
Cinet::IPv6FragBuf::DatagramBuffer | |
Cinet::ieee80211::DcfReceiveLifetimeHandler | |
Cinet::ospf::Neighbor::DDPacketID | |
Cinet::units::units::deca< Unit > | |
Cinet::units::units::deci< Unit > | |
Cinet::IPv6NeighbourCache::DefaultRouterList | |
Cinet::DelayedInitializer< T > | |
Cinet::DelayedInitializer< std::vector< inet::physicallayer::Ieee80211ModeSet > > | |
Cinet::MatrixCloudDelayer::Descriptor | |
Cinet::ospf::DesignatedRouterID | |
Cinet::IPv6RoutingTable::DestCacheEntry | |
Cinet::DHCPLease | Describes a DHCP lease |
CCounterFigure::Digit | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Dimension | Specifies a dimension for mappings (like time, frequency, etc.) |
Cinet::physicallayer::DimensionSet | Represents a set of dimensions which is used to define over which dimensions a mapping is defined (the domain of the mapping) |
Cinet::Macho::DR< R > | |
Cinet::Macho::DR< const R & > | |
Cinet::Macho::DR< P1 > | |
Cinet::Macho::DR< P2 > | |
Cinet::Macho::DR< P3 > | |
Cinet::Macho::DR< P4 > | |
Cinet::Macho::DR< P5 > | |
Cinet::Macho::DR< P6 > | |
Cinet::Macho::DR< R & > | |
Cinet::physicallayer::DsssErrorRateModel | Implementation of DSSS error rate model |
Cinet::TED::edge_t | Only used internally, during shortest path calculation: edge in the graph we build from links in TELinkStateInfoVector |
Cinet::PatternMatcher::Elem | |
Cinet::EncodedAddress | Struct generated from inet/routing/pim/PIMPacket.msg:98 by nedtool |
►Cinet::visualizer::EnergyStorageVisualizerBase::EnergyStorageVisualization | |
Cinet::visualizer::EnergyStorageCanvasVisualizer::EnergyStorageCanvasVisualization | |
Cinet::ProtocolMapping::Entry | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211ModeSet::Entry | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211ModeSet::EntryNetBitrateComparator | |
Cinet::EroObj_t | Struct generated from inet/networklayer/rsvp_te/IntServ.msg:115 by nedtool |
Cerrno_spec | |
Cinet::serializer::error_cause | |
Cinet::serializer::error_cause_with_int | |
Cinet::serializer::error_chunk | |
Cinet::serializer::ether_addr | |
Cinet::serializer::ether_header | |
Cinet::EtherMACBase::EtherDescr | |
Cinet::EulerAngles | |
Cinet::units::units::exa< Unit > | |
Cinet::ospf::ExternalTOSInfo | Struct generated from inet/routing/ospfv2/OSPFPacket.msg:170 by nedtool |
Cinet::LDP::fec_bind_t | |
Cinet::LDP::fec_t | |
Cinet::FEC_TLV | Struct generated from inet/networklayer/ldp/LDPPacket.msg:55 by nedtool |
Cinet::SimpleClassifier::FECEntry | |
Cinet::units::units::femto< Unit > | |
Cinet::MultiFieldClassifier::Filter | |
Cinet::FindModule< T > | Provides method templates to find omnet modules |
Cinet::units::internal::fixed_power< Num, Den, Div, Mod > | |
Cinet::units::internal::fixed_power< N, D, 0, 0 > | |
Cinet::units::internal::fixed_power< N, D, 1, 0 > | |
Cinet::units::internal::fixed_power< N, D, 2, 0 > | |
Cinet::units::internal::fixed_power< N, D, 3, 0 > | |
Cinet::units::internal::fixed_power< N, D, 4, 0 > | |
Cinet::units::internal::fixed_power< N, D,-1, 0 > | |
Cinet::units::internal::fixed_power< N, D,-2, 0 > | |
Cinet::FlowDescriptor_t | Struct generated from inet/networklayer/rsvp_te/IntServ.msg:124 by nedtool |
Cinet::serializer::forward_tsn_chunk | |
Cinet::serializer::forward_tsn_streams | |
Cinet::serializer::forward_tsn_supported_parameter | |
Cinet::ieee80211::FrameSequenceContext | |
Cinet::physicallayer::DimensionalTransmitterBase::FrequencyGainEntry | |
Cinet::GeoCoord | |
►Cinet::GeometricObjectBase | This class represents a 3 dimensional geometric object positioned and oriented in 3 dimensional space |
Cinet::Box | |
Cinet::LineSegment | This class represents a 3 dimensional line segment between two points |
Cinet::Plane | This class represents a 2 dimensional plane in the 3 dimensional space |
Cinet::Polygon | |
Cinet::units::units::giga< Unit > | |
Cinet::GroupRecord | Struct generated from inet/networklayer/ipv4/IGMPMessage.msg:110 by nedtool |
Cinet::serializer::heartbeat_ack_chunk | |
Cinet::serializer::heartbeat_chunk | |
Cinet::serializer::heartbeat_info | |
Cinet::units::units::hecto< Unit > | |
Cinet::RSVP::HelloState_t | RSVP Hello State structure |
Cinet::sctp::HighSpeedCwndAdjustmentEntry | |
Cinet::serializer::hmac_algo | |
Cinet::IPv6InterfaceData::HomeNetworkInfo | Zarrar 03.09.07: Home Network Information maintains home network information like the MN's home address (HoA) and the HA's address and its prefix |
Cinet::IPv6InterfaceData::HostConstants | |
Cinet::IGMPv2::HostGroupData | |
Cinet::IGMPv3::HostGroupData | |
Cinet::IGMPv2::HostInterfaceData | |
Cinet::IGMPv3::HostInterfaceData | |
Cinet::IPv4InterfaceData::HostMulticastData | |
Cinet::IPv6InterfaceData::HostMulticastData | |
Cinet::IPv4InterfaceData::HostMulticastGroupData | |
Cinet::ospf::HostRouteParameters | |
Cinet::IPv6InterfaceData::HostVariables | |
Cinet::httptools::HttpServerBase::HtmlPageData | Describes a HTML page |
►Cinet::ieee80211::IAckHandler | |
Cinet::ieee80211::AckHandler | |
Cinet::ieee80211::QoSAckHandler | |
►Cinet::IARP | Represents an IPv4 ARP module |
Cinet::ARP | ARP implementation |
Cinet::GenericARP | TODO GenericMACAddressCache |
Cinet::GlobalARP | ARP implementation |
►Cinet::ieee80211::IBlockAckAgreementHandlerCallback | |
Cinet::ieee80211::Hcf | Implements IEEE 802.11 Hybrid Coordination Function |
►Cinet::ieee80211::IChannelAccess::ICallback | |
Cinet::ieee80211::Dcf | Implements IEEE 802.11 Distributed Coordination Function |
Cinet::ieee80211::Hcf | Implements IEEE 802.11 Hybrid Coordination Function |
►Cinet::ieee80211::IContention::ICallback | |
Cinet::ieee80211::Dcaf | |
Cinet::ieee80211::Edcaf | Implements IEEE 802.11 Enhanced Distributed Channel Access Function |
►Cinet::ieee80211::IFrameSequenceHandler::ICallback | |
Cinet::ieee80211::Dcf | Implements IEEE 802.11 Distributed Coordination Function |
Cinet::ieee80211::Hcf | Implements IEEE 802.11 Hybrid Coordination Function |
►Cinet::ieee80211::ITx::ICallback | |
Cinet::ieee80211::Dcf | Implements IEEE 802.11 Distributed Coordination Function |
Cinet::ieee80211::Hcf | Implements IEEE 802.11 Hybrid Coordination Function |
►Cinet::ieee80211::IChannelAccess | |
Cinet::ieee80211::Dcaf | |
Cinet::ieee80211::Edcaf | Implements IEEE 802.11 Enhanced Distributed Channel Access Function |
Cinet::ieee80211::Hcca | Implements IEEE 802.11 Hybrid coordination function (HCF) Controlled Channel Access |
►Cinet::IClassifier | This is an abstract interface for packet classifiers in MPLS ingress routers |
►Cinet::IRSVPClassifier | TODO |
Cinet::SimpleClassifier | TODO documentation |
Cinet::LDP | LDP (rfc 3036) protocol implementation |
Cinet::serializer::icmp | |
Cinet::tcp::icmp_echo_hdr | This is the standard ICMP header only that the u32_t data is splitted to two u16_t like ICMP echo needs it |
Cinet::serializer::icmp_ra_addr | |
►Cinet::ieee80211::IContention | Abstract interface for processes that implement contention-based channel access |
Cinet::ieee80211::Contention | The default implementation of IContention |
►Cinet::ieee80211::ICoordinationFunction | Interface for IEEE 802.11 Coordination Functions |
Cinet::ieee80211::Dcf | Implements IEEE 802.11 Distributed Coordination Function |
Cinet::ieee80211::Hcf | Implements IEEE 802.11 Hybrid Coordination Function |
Cinet::ieee80211::Mcf | Implements IEEE 802.11 Mesh Coordination Function |
Cinet::ieee80211::Pcf | Implements IEEE 802.11 Point Coordination Function |
►Cinet::ieee80211::ICtsPolicy | |
Cinet::ieee80211::CtsPolicy | |
Cinet::ieee80211::QoSCtsPolicy | |
►Cinet::ieee80211::ICtsProcedure | |
Cinet::ieee80211::CtsProcedure | |
►Cinet::ieee80211::IRecoveryProcedure::ICwCalculator | |
Cinet::ieee80211::Dcaf | |
Cinet::ieee80211::Edcaf | Implements IEEE 802.11 Enhanced Distributed Channel Access Function |
►Cinet::ieee80211::IDefragmentation | |
Cinet::ieee80211::Defragmentation | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::IDimensionalSignal | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::DimensionalSignalAnalogModel | |
Cinet::physicallayer::DimensionalReceptionSignalAnalogModel | |
Cinet::physicallayer::DimensionalTransmissionSignalAnalogModel | |
Cinet::physicallayer::DimensionalTransmission | |
►Cinet::visualizer::StringFormat::IDirectiveResolver | |
Cinet::visualizer::InfoVisualizerBase::DirectiveResolver | |
Cinet::visualizer::InterfaceTableVisualizerBase::DirectiveResolver | |
Cinet::visualizer::LinkVisualizerBase::DirectiveResolver | |
Cinet::visualizer::PathVisualizerBase::DirectiveResolver | |
Cinet::visualizer::RoutingTableVisualizerBase::DirectiveResolver | |
Cinet::visualizer::StatisticVisualizerBase::DirectiveResolver | |
►Cinet::IDoneCallback | Callback object used by the ILifecycle interface |
Cinet::LifecycleController::Callback | |
►Cinet::ieee80211::IDuplicateRemoval | |
Cinet::ieee80211::LegacyDuplicateRemoval | |
Cinet::ieee80211::QoSDuplicateRemoval | |
►Cinet::ieee80211::IEdcaCollisionController | |
Cinet::ieee80211::EdcaCollisionController | |
Cieee80211_action | |
Cieee80211_action_ba_addbarequest | |
Cieee80211_action_ba_addbaresponse | |
Cieee80211_action_ba_delba | |
Cieee80211_action_ht_mimopowersave | |
Cieee80211_action_ht_txchwidth | |
Cieee80211_ba_request | |
Cieee80211_country_ie | |
Cieee80211_csa_ie | |
Cieee80211_duration | |
Cieee80211_frame | |
Cieee80211_frame_ack | |
Cieee80211_frame_addr4 | |
Cieee80211_frame_bar | |
Cieee80211_frame_cfend | |
Cieee80211_frame_cts | |
Cieee80211_frame_min | |
Cieee80211_frame_pspoll | |
Cieee80211_frame_rts | |
Cieee80211_ie_htcap | |
Cieee80211_ie_htinfo | |
Cieee80211_ie_wpa | |
Cieee80211_mnf | |
Cieee80211_plcp_hdr | |
Cieee80211_qoscntl | |
Cieee80211_qosframe | |
Cieee80211_qosframe_addr4 | |
Cieee80211_quiet_ie | |
Cieee80211_tim_ie | |
Cieee80211_wme_acparams | |
Cieee80211_wme_info | |
Cieee80211_wme_param | |
Cieee80211_wme_tspec | |
Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211CapabilityInformation | Struct generated from inet/linklayer/ieee80211/mgmt/Ieee80211MgmtFrames.msg:45 by nedtool |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211CompliantBands | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211DsssChunkMode | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211DsssDataMode | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211DsssHeaderMode | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211DsssPreambleMode | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211DsssCompliantModes | Provides the compliant Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum PHY modes as described in the IEEE 802.11-2012 specification clause 16 |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211ErpOfdmCompliantModes | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211FhssCompliantModes | Provides the compliant Frequency-Hopping Spread Spectrum PHY modes as described in the IEEE 802.11-2012 specification clause 14 |
Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211HandoverParameters | Struct generated from inet/linklayer/ieee80211/mgmt/Ieee80211MgmtFrames.msg:60 by nedtool |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211HrDsssCompliantModes | Provides the compliant High Rate Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum PHY modes as described in the IEEE 802.11-2012 specification clause 17 |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211HTCompliantCodes | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211HTCompliantModes | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211HTMCS | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211HTMCSTable | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211HTModeBase | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211HTDataMode | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211HTSignalMode | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211HTTimingRelatedParametersBase | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211HTDataMode | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211HTPreambleMode | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211HTSignalMode | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211IrCompliantModes | Provides the compliant Infrared PHY modes as described in the IEEE 802.11-2012 specification clause 15 |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211OFDMCompliantCodes | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211OFDMCompliantModes | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211OFDMCompliantModulations | |
Cinet::serializer::Ieee80211OFDMPLCPHeader | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211OFDMTimingRelatedParametersBase | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211OFDMMode | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211OFDMModeBase | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211OFDMDataMode | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211OFDMSignalMode | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211OFDMPreambleMode | |
Cinet::serializer::Ieee80211PhySerializer | |
Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211SupportedRatesElement | Struct generated from inet/linklayer/ieee80211/mgmt/Ieee80211MgmtFrames.msg:134 by nedtool |
►Cinet::visualizer::Ieee80211VisualizerBase::Ieee80211Visualization | |
Cinet::visualizer::Ieee80211CanvasVisualizer::Ieee80211CanvasVisualization | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee802154UWBIRMode | |
►Cinet::power::IEnergyConsumer | This class is a base interface that must be implemented by energy consumer models to integrate with other parts of the power model |
►Cinet::power::ICcEnergyConsumer | TODO |
Cinet::physicallayer::StateBasedCcEnergyConsumer | This is a simple radio energy consumer model |
►Cinet::power::IEpEnergyConsumer | This class is an interface that should be implemented by power based energy consumer models to integrate with other parts of the power based energy model |
Cinet::physicallayer::StateBasedEpEnergyConsumer | This is a simple radio power consumer model |
Cinet::power::AlternatingEpEnergyConsumer | This class implements a simple power based alternating energy consumer |
►Cinet::power::IEnergyGenerator | This class is a base interface that must be implemented by energy generator models to integrate with other parts of the power model |
Cinet::power::ICcEnergyGenerator | TODO |
►Cinet::power::IEpEnergyGenerator | TODO |
Cinet::power::AlternatingEpEnergyGenerator | This class implements a simple power based alternating energy generator |
►Cinet::power::IEnergyManagement | This class is a base interface that must be implemented by energy management models to integrate with other parts of the power model |
Cinet::power::ICcEnergyManagement | TODO |
►Cinet::power::IEpEnergyManagement | TODO |
Cinet::power::SimpleEpEnergyManagement | |
►Cinet::power::IEnergySink | This class is a base interface that must be implemented by energy sink models to integrate with other parts of the power model |
►Cinet::power::EnergySinkBase | |
Cinet::power::CcEnergySinkBase | |
Cinet::power::EnergyStorageBase | |
Cinet::power::EpEnergySinkBase | |
►Cinet::power::ICcEnergySink | TODO |
Cinet::power::CcEnergySinkBase | |
►Cinet::power::ICcEnergyStorage | TODO |
Cinet::power::CcEnergyStorageBase | |
►Cinet::power::IEnergyStorage | This class is a base interface that must be implemented by energy storage models to integrate with other parts of the power model |
Cinet::power::EnergyStorageBase | |
Cinet::power::ICcEnergyStorage | TODO |
►Cinet::power::IEpEnergyStorage | TODO |
Cinet::power::EpEnergyStorageBase | |
►Cinet::power::IEpEnergySink | TODO |
Cinet::power::EpEnergySinkBase | |
Cinet::power::IEpEnergyStorage | TODO |
►Cinet::power::IEnergySource | This class is a base interface that must be implemented by energy source models to integrate with other parts of the power model |
►Cinet::power::EnergySourceBase | |
Cinet::power::CcEnergySourceBase | |
Cinet::power::EnergyStorageBase | |
Cinet::power::EpEnergySourceBase | |
►Cinet::power::ICcEnergySource | TODO |
Cinet::power::CcEnergySourceBase | |
Cinet::power::ICcEnergyStorage | TODO |
Cinet::power::IEnergyStorage | This class is a base interface that must be implemented by energy storage models to integrate with other parts of the power model |
►Cinet::power::IEpEnergySource | This class is an interface that should be implemented by power based energy source models to integrate with other parts of the power based model |
Cinet::power::EpEnergySourceBase | |
Cinet::power::IEpEnergyStorage | TODO |
►Cinet::ieee80211::IFragmentation | |
Cinet::ieee80211::Fragmentation | |
►Cinet::ieee80211::IFragmentationPolicy | |
Cinet::ieee80211::BasicFragmentationPolicy | |
►Cinet::ieee80211::IFrameSequence | |
Cinet::ieee80211::AckFs | |
►Cinet::ieee80211::AlternativesFs | |
Cinet::ieee80211::DcfFs | |
Cinet::ieee80211::HcfFs | |
Cinet::ieee80211::HtTxOpFs | |
Cinet::ieee80211::McfFs | |
Cinet::ieee80211::PcfFs | |
Cinet::ieee80211::TxOpFs | |
Cinet::ieee80211::BlockAckReqBlockAckFs | |
Cinet::ieee80211::CtsFs | |
Cinet::ieee80211::DataFs | |
Cinet::ieee80211::FragFrameAckFs | |
Cinet::ieee80211::LastFrameAckFs | |
Cinet::ieee80211::ManagementAckFs | |
Cinet::ieee80211::ManagementFs | |
Cinet::ieee80211::OptionalFs | |
Cinet::ieee80211::RepeatingFs | |
Cinet::ieee80211::RtsCtsFs | |
Cinet::ieee80211::RtsFs | |
Cinet::ieee80211::SelfCtsFs | |
Cinet::ieee80211::SequentialFs | |
►Cinet::ieee80211::IFrameSequenceHandler | |
Cinet::ieee80211::FrameSequenceHandler | |
►Cinet::ieee80211::IFrameSequenceStep | |
►Cinet::ieee80211::IReceiveStep | |
Cinet::ieee80211::ReceiveStep | |
►Cinet::ieee80211::ITransmitStep | |
►Cinet::ieee80211::TransmitStep | |
Cinet::ieee80211::RtsTransmitStep | |
►Cinet::IGeographicCoordinateSystem | |
Cinet::SimpleGeographicCoordinateSystem | |
Cinet::serializer::igmp | |
Cinet::IGMPv2::IGMPHostTimerContext | |
Cinet::IGMPv2::IGMPRouterTimerContext | |
►Cinet::physicalenvironment::IGround | |
Cinet::physicalenvironment::FlatGround | |
►Cinet::INetfilter::IHook | This interface is used by the network protocol during processing datagrams |
Cinet::AODVRouting | |
Cinet::CloudDelayerBase | |
Cinet::dymo::DYMO | This class provides Dynamic MANET On-demand (DYMO also known as AODVv2) Routing based on the IETF draft at |
Cinet::GPSR | This class implements the Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing for Wireless Networks |
Cinet::NetfilterInfoHook | |
Cinet::sctp::SCTPNatHook | |
►Cinet::IIndicatorFigure | |
CCounterFigure | |
CGaugeFigure | |
CIndexedImageFigure | |
CIndicatorLabelFigure | |
CIndicatorTextFigure | |
CLinearGaugeFigure | |
CPlotFigure | |
CProgressMeterFigure | |
CThermometerFigure | |
►Cinet::IInterfaceTable | A C++ interface to abstract the functionality of InterfaceTable |
Cinet::InterfaceTable | Represents the interface table |
►CIInterruptCallback | |
Cinet::tcp::TCP_NSC | Encapsulates a Network Simulation Cradle (NSC) instance |
►Cinet::IL3AddressType | This class provides the abstract interface for different address types |
Cinet::IPv4AddressType | |
Cinet::IPv6AddressType | |
Cinet::MACAddressType | |
Cinet::ModuleIdAddressType | |
Cinet::ModulePathAddressType | |
►Cinet::ILifecycle | Interface to be implemented by modules that want to support failure/recovery, shutdown/restart, suspend/resume, and similar scenarios |
Cinet::AODVRouting | |
Cinet::ARP | ARP implementation |
Cinet::bgp::BGPRouting | |
Cinet::DHCPClient | Implements a DHCP client |
Cinet::DHCPServer | Implements a DHCP server |
Cinet::dymo::DYMO | This class provides Dynamic MANET On-demand (DYMO also known as AODVv2) Routing based on the IETF draft at |
Cinet::EtherAppCli | Simple traffic generator for the Ethernet model |
Cinet::EtherAppSrv | Server-side process EtherAppCli |
Cinet::EtherLLC | Implements the LLC sub-layer of the Datalink Layer in Ethernet networks |
Cinet::EtherTrafGen | Simple traffic generator for the Ethernet model |
Cinet::GlobalARP | ARP implementation |
Cinet::GPSR | This class implements the Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing for Wireless Networks |
Cinet::httptools::HttpNodeBase | The base class for browser and server nodes |
Cinet::ICMPv6 | ICMPv6 implementation |
Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211MgmtBase | Abstract base class for 802.11 infrastructure mode management components |
Cinet::Ieee8021dRelay | |
Cinet::InterfaceTable | Represents the interface table |
Cinet::IPv4 | Implements the IPv4 protocol |
Cinet::IPv4NodeConfigurator | This module provides the static configuration for the IPv4RoutingTable and the IPv4 network interfaces of a particular node in the network |
Cinet::IPv4RoutingTable | Represents the routing table |
Cinet::IPv6 | IPv6 implementation |
Cinet::IPv6NeighbourDiscovery | Implements RFC 2461 Neighbor Discovery for IPv6 |
Cinet::IPv6RoutingTable | Represents the IPv6 routing table and neighbour discovery data structures |
Cinet::IPv6Tunneling | Management of IP tunnels |
Cinet::IPvXTrafGen | IP traffic generator application |
Cinet::IPvXTrafSink | Consumes and prints packets received from the IP module |
Cinet::L2NodeConfigurator | Configures L2 data of a node |
Cinet::LDP | LDP (rfc 3036) protocol implementation |
Cinet::MACBase | Base class for MAC modules |
Cinet::MACRelayUnit | |
Cinet::NodeStatus | Keeps track of the status of network node (up, down, etc.) for other modules, and also displays it as a small overlay icon on this module and on the module of the network node |
Cinet::OperationalBase | |
Cinet::ospf::OSPFRouting | Implements the OSPFv2 routing protocol |
Cinet::PacketDrillApp | Implements the packetdrill application simple module |
Cinet::PingApp | Generates ping requests and calculates the packet loss and round trip parameters of the replies |
Cinet::RIPRouting | Implementation of the Routing Information Protocol |
Cinet::RSVP | TODO documentation |
Cinet::rtp::RTCP | The class RTCP is responsible for creating, receiving and processing of rtcp packets |
Cinet::rtp::RTP | An RTP is the center of the RTP layer of an endsystem |
Cinet::RTPApplication | |
Cinet::SCTPClient | Implements the SCTPClient simple module |
Cinet::SCTPPeer | Implements the SCTPPeer simple module |
Cinet::SCTPServer | Implements the SCTPServer simple module |
Cinet::SimpleVoIPReceiver | Implements a simple VoIP source |
Cinet::SimpleVoIPSender | Implements a simple VoIP source |
Cinet::STPBase | Base class for STP and RSTP |
Cinet::tcp::TCP | Implements the TCP protocol |
Cinet::tcp::TCP_lwIP | Encapsulates a Network Simulation Cradle (NSC) instance |
Cinet::tcp::TCP_NSC | Encapsulates a Network Simulation Cradle (NSC) instance |
Cinet::TCPBasicClientApp | An example request-reply based client application |
Cinet::TCPEchoApp | Accepts any number of incoming connections, and sends back whatever arrives on them |
Cinet::TCPGenericSrvApp | Generic server application |
Cinet::TCPSinkApp | Accepts any number of incoming connections, and discards whatever arrives on them |
Cinet::TCPSrvHostApp | Hosts a server application, to be subclassed from TCPServerProcess (which is a sSimpleModule) |
Cinet::TED | Contains the Traffic Engineering Database and provides public methods to access it from MPLS signalling protocols (LDP, RSVP-TE) |
Cinet::TelnetApp | An example Telnet client application |
Cinet::UDP | Implements the UDP protocol: encapsulates/decapsulates user data into/from UDP |
Cinet::VoIPStreamReceiver | |
Cinet::VoIPStreamSender | |
►Cinet::IMACAddressTable | |
Cinet::MACAddressTable | This module handles the mapping between ports and MAC addresses |
►Cinet::IMACFrame | This purely virtual interface provides an abstraction for different link layer frames |
Cinet::CsmaCaMacFrame | Class generated from inet/linklayer/csmaca/CsmaCaMacFrame.msg:28 by nedtool |
►Cinet::IMACProtocol | |
Cinet::BMacLayer | Implementation of B-MAC (called also Berkeley MAC, Low Power Listening or LPL) |
Cinet::CSMA | Generic CSMA Mac-Layer |
Cinet::LMacLayer | Implementation of L-MAC (Lightweight Medium Access Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks [van Hoesel 04] ) |
►Cinet::IMACProtocolControlInfo | |
Cinet::Ieee802Ctrl | Represents a IEEE 802 control info |
Cinet::SimpleLinkLayerControlInfo | Represents a SimpleLinkLayer control info |
►Cinet::physicalenvironment::IMaterial | |
Cinet::physicalenvironment::Material | This class represents a material with its physical properties |
►Cinet::physicalenvironment::IMaterialRegistry | |
Cinet::physicalenvironment::MaterialRegistry | |
►Cinet::ospf::IMessageHandler | |
Cinet::ospf::DatabaseDescriptionHandler | |
Cinet::ospf::HelloHandler | |
Cinet::ospf::LinkStateAcknowledgementHandler | |
Cinet::ospf::LinkStateRequestHandler | |
Cinet::ospf::LinkStateUpdateHandler | |
Cinet::ospf::MessageHandler | |
►Cinet::IMobility | Abstract base class defining the public interface that must be provided by all mobility modules |
Cinet::MobilityBase | Abstract base class for mobility modules |
►Cinet::ieee80211::IMsduAggregation | |
Cinet::ieee80211::MsduAggregation | |
►Cinet::ieee80211::IMsduAggregationPolicy | |
Cinet::ieee80211::BasicMsduAggregationPolicy | |
►Cinet::ieee80211::IMsduDeaggregation | |
Cinet::ieee80211::MsduDeaggregation | |
►Cinet::IMulticastRoute | Generic multicast route in an IRoutingTable |
Cinet::IPv4MulticastRoute | IPv4 multicast route in IIPv4RoutingTable |
Cinet::serializer::in6_addr | |
Cinet::tcp::in_addr | |
Cinet::serializer::in_addr | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::INarrowbandSignal | |
Cinet::physicallayer::NarrowbandReceptionBase | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::NarrowbandSignalAnalogModel | |
Cinet::physicallayer::DimensionalSignalAnalogModel | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::ScalarSignalAnalogModel | |
Cinet::physicallayer::ScalarReceptionSignalAnalogModel | |
Cinet::physicallayer::ScalarTransmissionSignalAnalogModel | |
Cinet::physicallayer::NarrowbandTransmissionBase | |
Cinet::serializer::incoming_reset_request_parameter | |
►Cinet::INetfilter | This interface is implemented by network protocols which want provide netfilter hooks to customize their behavior |
Cinet::GenericNetworkProtocol | Implements a generic network protocol that routes generic datagrams through the network |
Cinet::IPv4 | Implements the IPv4 protocol |
Cinet::IPv6 | IPv6 implementation |
►Cinet::INetworkDatagram | |
Cinet::FloodDatagram | Represents an flood datagram |
Cinet::GenericDatagram | Represents a generic datagram |
Cinet::IPv4Datagram | Represents an IPv4 datagram |
Cinet::IPv6Datagram | Represents an IPv6 datagram |
Cinet::ProbabilisticBroadcastDatagram | Represents an ProbabilisticBroadcast datagram |
Cinet::WiseRouteDatagram | Represents an WiseRoute datagram |
►Cinet::INetworkProtocol | This purely virtual interface provides an abstraction for different network protocols |
Cinet::Flood | A simple flooding protocol |
Cinet::GenericNetworkProtocol | Implements a generic network protocol that routes generic datagrams through the network |
Cinet::IPv4 | Implements the IPv4 protocol |
Cinet::IPv6 | IPv6 implementation |
Cinet::ProbabilisticBroadcast | This class offers a data dissemination service using probabilistic broadcast |
Cinet::WiseRoute | Wiseroute is a simple loop-free routing algorithm that builds a routing tree from a central network point |
►Cinet::INetworkProtocolControlInfo | |
Cinet::GenericNetworkProtocolControlInfo | |
Cinet::IPv4ControlInfo | Control information for sending/receiving packets over IPv4 |
Cinet::IPv6ControlInfo | Control information for sending/receiving packets over IPv6 |
Cinet::SimpleNetworkProtocolControlInfo | |
Cinet::visualizer::InfoVisualizerBase::InfoVisualization | |
►CInfoVisualization | |
Cinet::visualizer::InfoCanvasVisualizer::InfoCanvasVisualization | |
Cinet::IMulticastRoute::InInterface | |
Cinet::serializer::init_ack_chunk | |
Cinet::serializer::init_chunk | |
Cinet::serializer::init_cookie_parameter | |
Cinet::serializer::init_ipv4_address_parameter | |
Cinet::serializer::init_ipv6_address_parameter | |
Cinet::EtherMACBase::InnerQueue | |
Cinet::ieee80211::InProgressFrames | |
CInstrumentUtil | |
Cinet::Int128 | |
Cint_symbol | |
Cinet::ospf::Interface | |
►Cinet::PIMBase::Interface | |
Cinet::PIMDM::DownstreamInterface | |
Cinet::PIMDM::UpstreamInterface | |
►Cinet::PIMSM::PimsmInterface | |
Cinet::PIMSM::DownstreamInterface | |
Cinet::PIMSM::UpstreamInterface | |
Cinet::visualizer::InterfaceFilter | This class provides a generic filter for interfaces |
Cinet::InterfaceMatcher | Utility class for configuring interfaces |
Cinet::NetworkConfiguratorBase::InterfaceMatcher | |
►Cinet::ospf::InterfaceState | |
Cinet::ospf::InterfaceStateBackup | |
Cinet::ospf::InterfaceStateDesignatedRouter | |
Cinet::ospf::InterfaceStateDown | |
Cinet::ospf::InterfaceStateLoopback | |
Cinet::ospf::InterfaceStateNotDesignatedRouter | |
Cinet::ospf::InterfaceStatePointToPoint | |
Cinet::ospf::InterfaceStateWaiting | |
Cinet::InterfaceToken | An "interface token" as defined in RFC 1971 (IPv6 Stateless Autoconfiguration) |
►Cinet::visualizer::InterfaceTableVisualizerBase::InterfaceVisualization | |
Cinet::visualizer::InterfaceTableCanvasVisualizer::InterfaceCanvasVisualization | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Interpolated< V > | Represents an interpolated value of any type |
Cinet::physicallayer::Interpolated< mapped_type > | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Interpolated< Mapping * > | Helper class (-specialization) for multiDimMapping which is used by an InterpolateableMap as return value of the "getValue()" - method |
►Cinet::physicallayer::InterpolatorBase< _ContainerType > | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Linear< _ContainerType > | Given two iterators defining a range of key-value-pairs this class provides linear interpolation of the value at an arbitrary key-position |
Cinet::physicallayer::Nearest< _ContainerType > | Given two iterators defining a range of key-value-pairs this class provides interpolation of values for an arbitrary key by returning the value of the nearest entry |
Cinet::physicallayer::NextSmaller< _ContainerType > | Given two iterators defining a range of key-value-pairs this class provides interpolation of values for an arbitrary key by returning the value of the next smaller entry |
►Cinet::physicallayer::InterpolatorBase< std::map< Argument::mapped_type, Mapping * > > | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Linear< std::map< Argument::mapped_type, Mapping * > > | Specialization of the Linear-template which provides LinearInterpolation for pointer two Mappings |
►Cinet::physicallayer::InterpolatorBase< std::map< argument_value_t, Mapping * > > | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Linear< std::map< argument_value_t, Mapping * > > | |
Cinet::Interval | Interval trees implemented using red-black-trees as described in the book Introduction_To_Algorithms_ by Cormen, Leisserson, and Rivest |
Cinet::IntervalTree | Interval tree |
Cinet::IntervalTreeNode | The node for interval tree |
Cinvocation | |
►Cinet::physicalenvironment::IObjectCache | This interface provides abstractions for efficient physical object cache data structures |
Cinet::physicalenvironment::BVHObjectCache | |
Cinet::physicalenvironment::GridObjectCache | |
►Cinet::ieee80211::IOriginatorAckPolicy | |
Cinet::ieee80211::OriginatorAckPolicy | |
►Cinet::ieee80211::IOriginatorBlockAckAgreementHandler | |
Cinet::ieee80211::OriginatorBlockAckAgreementHandler | |
►Cinet::ieee80211::IOriginatorBlockAckAgreementPolicy | |
Cinet::ieee80211::OriginatorBlockAckAgreementPolicy | |
►Cinet::ieee80211::IOriginatorBlockAckProcedure | |
Cinet::ieee80211::OriginatorBlockAckProcedure | |
►Cinet::ieee80211::IOriginatorMacDataService | |
Cinet::ieee80211::OriginatorMacDataService | |
Cinet::ieee80211::OriginatorQoSMacDataService | |
►Cinet::ieee80211::IOriginatorQoSAckPolicy | |
Cinet::ieee80211::OriginatorQoSAckPolicy | |
Cinet::serializer::ip | |
Cinet::serializer::ip6_dest | |
Cinet::serializer::ip6_ext | |
Cinet::serializer::ip6_frag | |
Cinet::serializer::ip6_hbh | |
Cinet::serializer::ip6_hdr | |
Cinet::serializer::ip6_opt | |
Cinet::serializer::ip6_opt_jumbo | |
Cinet::serializer::ip6_opt_nsap | |
Cinet::serializer::ip6_opt_router | |
Cinet::serializer::ip6_opt_tunnel | |
Cinet::serializer::ip6_rthdr | |
Cinet::serializer::ip6_rthdr0 | |
Cinet::tcp::ip_addr | |
Cip_addr | |
Cip_addr2 | |
Cinet::tcp::ip_addr2 | |
Cinet::tcp::ip_hdr | |
Cip_hdr | |
Cinet::tcp::ip_pcb | |
Cinet::serializer::ip_timestamp | |
►Cinet::IPassiveQueue | Abstract interface for passive queues |
Cinet::PassiveQueueBase | Abstract base class for passive queues |
Cinet::SchedulerBase | Base class for packet schedulers |
►Cinet::IPassiveQueueListener | Interface for notifying listeners about passive queue events |
Cinet::SchedulerBase | Base class for packet schedulers |
►Cinet::physicalenvironment::IPhysicalEnvironment | |
Cinet::physicalenvironment::PhysicalEnvironment | This class represents the physical environment |
►Cinet::IPhysicalLayer | This purely virtual interface provides an abstraction for different physical layers |
►Cinet::physicallayer::IRadio | This interface represents a physical device that is capable of transmitting and receiving radio signals |
Cinet::physicallayer::Radio | This class is the default implementation of the IRadio interface |
Cinet::PhysicalLayerBase | |
►Cinet::IPhysicalLayerFrame | This purely virtual interface provides an abstraction for different physical layer frames |
►Cinet::physicallayer::IRadioFrame | This purely virtual interface provides an abstraction for different radio frames |
Cinet::physicallayer::RadioFrame | |
►Cinet::physicalenvironment::IPhysicalObject | |
Cinet::physicalenvironment::PhysicalObject | This class represents an immobile physical object, a rigid body and its physical properties |
►Cinet::physicallayer::IPrintableObject | This purely virtual interface provides an abstraction for printable objects |
►Cinet::physicallayer::DimensionalTransmitterBase | |
Cinet::physicallayer::APSKDimensionalTransmitter | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211DimensionalTransmitter | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::IAnalogDigitalConverter | |
Cinet::physicallayer::ScalarAnalogDigitalConverter | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::IAnalogModel | This interface models how a radio signal attenuates during propagation |
Cinet::physicallayer::AnalogModelBase | |
Cinet::physicallayer::IdealAnalogModel | Implements the IdealAnalogModel model, see the NED file for details |
►Cinet::physicallayer::IAntenna | This interface represents a physical device (a part of the radio) which converts electric signals into radio waves, and vice versa |
Cinet::physicallayer::AntennaBase | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::IArrival | This interface represents the space and time coordinates of a transmission arriving at a receiver |
Cinet::physicallayer::Arrival | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::IBackgroundNoise | This interface models a source which provides background noise over space and time |
Cinet::physicallayer::IsotropicDimensionalBackgroundNoise | |
Cinet::physicallayer::IsotropicScalarBackgroundNoise | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::ICode | |
Cinet::physicallayer::APSKCode | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211HTCode | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211OFDMCode | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::ICommunicationCache | This interface is used to cache various intermediate computation results related to the communication on the medium |
Cinet::physicallayer::CommunicationCacheBase | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::IDecoder | |
Cinet::physicallayer::APSKDecoder | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211OFDMDecoder | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211OFDMDecoderModule | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::IDemodulator | |
Cinet::physicallayer::APSKDemodulator | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211OFDMDemodulator | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211OFDMDemodulatorModule | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::IDigitalAnalogConverter | |
Cinet::physicallayer::ScalarDigitalAnalogConverter | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211Channel | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211ModeSet | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211TransmissionBase | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211DimensionalTransmission | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211IdealTransmission | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211ScalarTransmission | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::IEncoder | |
Cinet::physicallayer::APSKEncoder | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211OFDMEncoder | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211OFDMEncoderModule | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::IErrorModel | The error model describes how the signal to noise ratio affects the amount of errors at the receiver |
Cinet::physicallayer::ErrorModelBase | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::IFECCoder | |
Cinet::physicallayer::ConvolutionalCoder | |
Cinet::physicallayer::ConvolutionalCoderModule | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::IForwardErrorCorrection | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::ConvolutionalCode | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211ConvolutionalCode | |
Cinet::physicallayer::IIeee80211Band | |
Cinet::physicallayer::IIeee80211DataMode | |
Cinet::physicallayer::IIeee80211HeaderMode | |
Cinet::physicallayer::IIeee80211Mode | |
Cinet::physicallayer::IIeee80211PreambleMode | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::IInterference | This interface represents the interference related to a reception |
Cinet::physicallayer::Interference | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::IInterleaver | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211OFDMInterleaver | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211OFDMInterleaverModule | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::IInterleaving | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211HTInterleaving | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211OFDMInterleaving | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::ILayeredErrorModel | The layered error model computes the erroneous bits, symbols, or samples based on the SNIR and a simplified model of the signal processing |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211OFDMErrorModel | |
Cinet::physicallayer::LayeredErrorModelBase | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::IListening | This interface represents how a receiver is listening on the radio channel |
►Cinet::physicallayer::ListeningBase | |
Cinet::physicallayer::BandListening | |
Cinet::physicallayer::IdealListening | This model doesn't specify any listening properties |
►Cinet::physicallayer::IListeningDecision | This interface represents the result of a receiver's listening process |
Cinet::physicallayer::ListeningDecision | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::IMediumLimitCache | This interface is used to cache various medium limits among the radios |
Cinet::physicallayer::MediumLimitCache | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::IModulation | This interface represents the process of varying one or more physical properties of a periodic waveform, called the carrier signal, with a modulating signal that typically contains information to be transmitted |
►Cinet::physicallayer::DPSKModulationBase | |
Cinet::physicallayer::DBPSKModulation | |
Cinet::physicallayer::DQPSKModulation | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::GFSKModulationBase | |
Cinet::physicallayer::_2GFSKModulation | |
Cinet::physicallayer::_4GFSKModulation | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::IAPSKModulation | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::APSKModulationBase | Base class for modulations using various amplitude and phase-shift keying |
Cinet::physicallayer::DSSSOQPSK16Modulation | |
Cinet::physicallayer::MASKModulation | This class implements parameterized amplitude-shift keying that arranges symbols evenly on the x axis |
Cinet::physicallayer::MPSKModulation | This modulation implements parameterized phase-shift keying that arranges symbols evenly on a circle |
►Cinet::physicallayer::MQAMModulationBase | Base class for gray coded rectangular quadrature amplitude modulations |
Cinet::physicallayer::BPSKModulation | This class implements binary phase-shift keying |
Cinet::physicallayer::MQAMModulation | This class implements gray coded rectangular quadrature amplitude modulation that arranges symbols evenly |
Cinet::physicallayer::QAM16Modulation | This modulation implements gray coded rectangular quadrature amplitude modulation with 16 symbols |
Cinet::physicallayer::QAM256Modulation | This modulation implements gray coded rectangular quadrature amplitude modulation with 256 symbols |
Cinet::physicallayer::QAM64Modulation | This modulation implements gray coded rectangular quadrature amplitude modulation with 64 symbols |
Cinet::physicallayer::QBPSKModulation | This class implements quadrature binary phase-shift keying defined in HT-SIG definition |
Cinet::physicallayer::QPSKModulation | This modulation implements quadrature phase-shift keying |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211OFDMModulation | |
Cinet::physicallayer::MFSKModulation | This modulation implements parameterized frequency-shift keying |
►Cinet::physicallayer::PPMModulationBase | |
Cinet::physicallayer::_16PPMModulation | |
Cinet::physicallayer::_4PPMModulation | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::IModulator | |
Cinet::physicallayer::APSKModulator | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211OFDMModulator | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211OFDMModulatorModule | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::INeighborCache | This interface keeps track of neighbor relationships between radios |
Cinet::physicallayer::GridNeighborCache | |
Cinet::physicallayer::NeighborListNeighborCache | |
Cinet::physicallayer::QuadTreeNeighborCache | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::INoise | This interface represents a meaningless radio signal |
►Cinet::physicallayer::NoiseBase | |
Cinet::physicallayer::IdealNoise | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::NarrowbandNoiseBase | |
Cinet::physicallayer::DimensionalNoise | |
Cinet::physicallayer::ScalarNoise | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::IObstacleLoss | This interface models obstacle loss that is the reduction in power density of a radio signal as it propagates through physical objects present in space |
►Cinet::physicallayer::ITracingObstacleLoss | |
Cinet::physicallayer::TracingObstacleLossBase | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::IPathLoss | This interface models path loss (or path attenuation) that is the reduction in power density of a radio signal as it propagates through space |
Cinet::physicallayer::PathLossBase | |
Cinet::physicallayer::TwoRayInterference | Two-Ray interference model borrowed from Veins (default parameterization) |
►Cinet::physicallayer::IPropagation | This interface models how a radio signal propagates through space over time |
Cinet::physicallayer::PropagationBase | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::IPulseFilter | |
Cinet::physicallayer::PulseFilter | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::IPulseShaper | |
Cinet::physicallayer::PulseShaper | |
Cinet::physicallayer::IRadio | This interface represents a physical device that is capable of transmitting and receiving radio signals |
Cinet::physicallayer::IRadioFrame | This purely virtual interface provides an abstraction for different radio frames |
►Cinet::physicallayer::IRadioMedium | This interface represents the whole radio medium |
Cinet::physicallayer::RadioMedium | The default implementation of the radio medium interface |
►Cinet::physicallayer::IReceiver | This interface represents a physical device (a part of the radio) which converts electric signals into packets |
Cinet::physicallayer::ReceiverBase | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::IReception | This interface represents the reception of a transmission at a receiver |
Cinet::physicallayer::ReceptionBase | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::IReceptionDecision | This interface represents the decisions of a receiver's reception process |
Cinet::physicallayer::ReceptionDecision | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::IReceptionResult | This interface represents the result of a receiver's reception process |
Cinet::physicallayer::ReceptionResult | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::IScrambler | |
Cinet::physicallayer::AdditiveScrambler | |
Cinet::physicallayer::AdditiveScramblerModule | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::IScrambling | |
Cinet::physicallayer::AdditiveScrambling | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::ISignalAnalogModel | This purely virtual interface provides an abstraction for different radio signal models in the analog domain |
►Cinet::physicallayer::IReceptionAnalogModel | |
Cinet::physicallayer::DimensionalReceptionSignalAnalogModel | |
Cinet::physicallayer::ReceptionBase | |
Cinet::physicallayer::ScalarReceptionSignalAnalogModel | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::ITransmissionAnalogModel | |
Cinet::physicallayer::DimensionalTransmissionSignalAnalogModel | |
Cinet::physicallayer::ScalarTransmissionSignalAnalogModel | |
Cinet::physicallayer::TransmissionBase | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::SignalAnalogModel | |
Cinet::physicallayer::NarrowbandSignalAnalogModel | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::ISignalBitModel | This purely virtual interface provides an abstraction for different radio signal models in the bit domain |
►Cinet::physicallayer::IReceptionBitModel | |
Cinet::physicallayer::ReceptionBitModel | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::ITransmissionBitModel | |
Cinet::physicallayer::TransmissionBitModel | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::SignalBitModel | |
Cinet::physicallayer::ReceptionBitModel | |
Cinet::physicallayer::TransmissionBitModel | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::ISignalPacketModel | This purely virtual interface provides an abstraction for different radio signal models in the packet domain |
►Cinet::physicallayer::IReceptionPacketModel | |
Cinet::physicallayer::ReceptionPacketModel | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::ITransmissionPacketModel | |
Cinet::physicallayer::TransmissionPacketModel | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::SignalPacketModel | |
Cinet::physicallayer::ReceptionPacketModel | |
Cinet::physicallayer::TransmissionPacketModel | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::ISignalSampleModel | This purely virtual interface provides an abstraction for different radio signal models in the waveform or sample domain |
►Cinet::physicallayer::IReceptionSampleModel | |
Cinet::physicallayer::ReceptionSampleModel | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::ITransmissionSampleModel | |
Cinet::physicallayer::TransmissionSampleModel | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::SignalSampleModel | |
Cinet::physicallayer::ReceptionSampleModel | |
Cinet::physicallayer::TransmissionSampleModel | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::ISignalSymbolModel | This purely virtual interface provides an abstraction for different radio signal models in the waveform or symbol domain |
►Cinet::physicallayer::IReceptionSymbolModel | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::ReceptionSymbolModel | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211OFDMReceptionSymbolModel | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::ITransmissionSymbolModel | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::TransmissionSymbolModel | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211OFDMTransmissionSymbolModel | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::SignalSymbolModel | |
Cinet::physicallayer::ReceptionSymbolModel | |
Cinet::physicallayer::TransmissionSymbolModel | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::ISNIR | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::SNIRBase | |
Cinet::physicallayer::DimensionalSNIR | |
Cinet::physicallayer::IdealSNIR | |
Cinet::physicallayer::ScalarSNIR | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::ITransmission | This interface represents the transmission of a radio signal |
Cinet::physicallayer::TransmissionBase | |
►Cinet::physicallayer::ITransmitter | This interface represents a physical device (a part of the radio) which converts packets into electric signals |
Cinet::physicallayer::TransmitterBase | |
►Cinet::ieee80211::IProcedureCallback | |
Cinet::ieee80211::Dcf | Implements IEEE 802.11 Distributed Coordination Function |
Cinet::ieee80211::Hcf | Implements IEEE 802.11 Hybrid Coordination Function |
Cinet::IPSocket | TODO |
Cinet::serializer::ip_timestamp::ipt_timestamp::ipt_ta | |
Cinet::serializer::ip_timestamp::ipt_timestamp | |
Cinet::IPv4Address | IPv4 address |
Cinet::ospf::IPv4AddressRange | |
Cinet::IPv4FragBuf | Reassembly buffer for fragmented IPv4 datagrams |
Cinet::IPv4MulticastSourceList | |
Cinet::IPv6Address | Stores a 128-bit IPv6 address in an efficient way |
Cinet::IPv6FragBuf | Reassembly buffer for fragmented IPv6 datagrams |
Cinet::IPv6NeighbourCache | IPv6 Neighbour Cache (RFC 2461 Neighbor Discovery for IPv6) |
►Cinet::ieee80211::IQoSRateSelection | Abstract interface for rate selection |
Cinet::ieee80211::QoSRateSelection | |
►Cinet::IQueueAccess | This class defines that interface of the queues that algorithmic droppers use |
Cinet::AlgorithmicDropperBase | Base class for algorithmic droppers (RED, DropTail, etc.) |
Cinet::FIFOQueue | Passive FIFO Queue with unlimited buffer space |
Cinet::physicallayer::IRadioSignal | |
►Cinet::ieee80211::IRateControl | Abstract interface for auto rate control algorithms |
Cinet::ieee80211::RateControlBase | |
►Cinet::ieee80211::IRateSelection | Abstract interface for rate selection |
Cinet::ieee80211::RateSelection | |
►Cinet::ieee80211::IReassembly | Abstract interface for classes that encapsulate the functionality of reassembling frames from fragments |
Cinet::ieee80211::BasicReassembly | |
►Cinet::ieee80211::IRecipientAckPolicy | |
Cinet::ieee80211::RecipientAckPolicy | |
Cinet::ieee80211::RecipientQoSAckPolicy | |
►Cinet::ieee80211::IRecipientAckProcedure | |
Cinet::ieee80211::RecipientAckProcedure | |
►Cinet::ieee80211::IRecipientBlockAckAgreementHandler | |
Cinet::ieee80211::RecipientBlockAckAgreementHandler | |
►Cinet::ieee80211::IRecipientBlockAckAgreementPolicy | |
Cinet::ieee80211::RecipientBlockAckAgreementPolicy | |
►Cinet::ieee80211::IRecipientBlockAckProcedure | |
Cinet::ieee80211::RecipientBlockAckProcedure | |
►Cinet::ieee80211::IRecipientMacDataService | |
Cinet::ieee80211::RecipientMacDataService | |
►Cinet::ieee80211::IRecipientQoSAckPolicy | |
Cinet::ieee80211::RecipientQoSAckPolicy | |
►Cinet::ieee80211::IRecipientQoSMacDataService | |
Cinet::ieee80211::RecipientQoSMacDataService | |
►Cinet::ieee80211::IRecoveryProcedure | |
Cinet::ieee80211::NonQoSRecoveryProcedure | |
Cinet::ieee80211::QoSRecoveryProcedure | |
►Cinet::IRoute | C++ interface for accessing unicast routing table entries of various protocols (IPv4, IPv6, etc) in a uniform way |
Cinet::GenericRoute | A generic route that uses generic addresses as destination and next hop |
Cinet::IPv4Route | IPv4 unicast route in IIPv4RoutingTable |
Cinet::IPv6Route | Represents a route in the route table |
►Cinet::IRoutingTable | A C++ interface to abstract the functionality of a routing table, regardless of address type |
Cinet::GenericRoutingTable | A C++ interface to abstract the functionality of a routing table, regardless of address type |
►Cinet::IIPv4RoutingTable | A C++ interface to abstract the functionality of IIPv4RoutingTable |
Cinet::IPv4RoutingTable | Represents the routing table |
Cinet::IPv6RoutingTable | Represents the IPv6 routing table and neighbour discovery data structures |
►Cinet::ieee80211::IRtsPolicy | |
Cinet::ieee80211::QoSRtsPolicy | |
Cinet::ieee80211::RtsPolicy | |
►Cinet::ieee80211::IRtsProcedure | |
Cinet::ieee80211::RtsProcedure | |
►Cinet::ieee80211::IRx | Abstract interface for Rx processes |
Cinet::ieee80211::Rx | The default implementation of IRx |
►Cinet::physicallayer::IScalarSignal | |
Cinet::physicallayer::ScalarReception | |
Cinet::physicallayer::ScalarSignalAnalogModel | |
Cinet::physicallayer::ScalarTransmission | |
►Cinet::IScriptable | Modules that need to be scriptable by ScenarioManager should "implement" (subclass from) this class |
Cinet::LifecycleController | Manages operations like shutdown/restart, suspend/resume, crash/recover and similar operations for nodes (routers, hosts, etc), interfaces, and protocols |
Cinet::NetworkInfo | TODO documentation |
Cinet::RSVP | TODO documentation |
Cinet::SimpleClassifier | TODO documentation |
►CISendCallback | |
Cinet::tcp::TCP_NSC | Encapsulates a Network Simulation Cradle (NSC) instance |
►Cinet::ieee80211::ISequenceNumberAssignment | |
►Cinet::ieee80211::LegacySequenceNumberAssigment | |
Cinet::ieee80211::NonQoSSequenceNumberAssignment | |
Cinet::ieee80211::QoSSequenceNumberAssignment | |
Cinet::ieee80211::IStatistics | Abstract interface for statistics collection within the 802.11 MAC |
►Cinet::physicallayer::ISymbol | |
Cinet::physicallayer::APSKSymbol | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211OFDMSymbol | |
Cinet::it_recursion_node | Class describes the information needed when we take the right branch in searching for intervals but possibly come back and check the left branch as well |
Cinet::tcp::TCPSegmentTransmitInfoList::Item | |
Cinet::IPv6NeighbourCache::DefaultRouterList::iterator | |
►CIteratorType | |
Cinet::physicallayer::Argument::key_iterator< IteratorType > | |
►Cinet::ieee80211::ITransmitLifetimeHandler | |
Cinet::ieee80211::DcfTransmitLifetimeHandler | |
Cinet::ieee80211::EdcaTransmitLifetimeHandler | |
►Cinet::ITransportPacket | This interface provides an abstraction for different transport layer packets |
Cinet::sctp::SCTPMessage | Represents a SCTP Message |
Cinet::tcp::TCPSegment | Represents a TCP segment |
Cinet::UDPPacket | |
►Cinet::ieee80211::ITx | Abstract interface for unconditionally transmitting a frame immediately or after waiting for a specified inter-frame space (usually SIFS) |
Cinet::ieee80211::Tx | The default implementation of ITx |
►Cinet::IVisitor | |
Cinet::BVHTree::BVHTreeVisitor | |
Cinet::physicallayer::DielectricObstacleLoss::TotalObstacleLossComputation | |
Cinet::physicallayer::GridNeighborCache::GridNeighborCacheVisitor | |
Cinet::physicallayer::IdealObstacleLoss::TotalObstacleLossComputation | |
Cinet::physicallayer::QuadTreeNeighborCache::QuadTreeNeighborCacheVisitor | |
Cinet::IPv6NeighbourCache::Key | Key into neighbour cache |
Cinet::IPv4FragBuf::Key | |
Cinet::xMIPv6::Key | |
Cinet::ieee80211::BasicReassembly::Key | |
Cinet::IPv6FragBuf::Key | |
Cinet::units::units::kilo< Unit > | |
Cinet::L3Address | This class provides the generic interface for network addresses |
►Cinet::L3AddressResolver | Utility class for finding IPv4 or IPv6 address of a host or router |
Cinet::NetworkConfiguratorBase | |
Cinet::LabelOp | TODO documentation |
Cinet::LabelRequestObj_t | Struct generated from inet/networklayer/rsvp_te/IntServ.msg:97 by nedtool |
Cinet::units::internal::legacy_static_assert< bool > | |
Cinet::units::internal::legacy_static_assert< inet::units::internal::convertible< T1, T2 >::inet::units::value > | |
Cinet::units::internal::legacy_static_assert< true > | |
Cinet::LIBTable::LIBEntry | |
Cinet::visualizer::LineManager | |
Cinet::SpatialGrid::LineSegmentIterator | |
►Cinet::Topology::Link | Supporting class for Topology, represents a link in the graph |
Cinet::L2NetworkConfigurator::Link | |
Cinet::NetworkConfiguratorBase::Link | Represents a connection (wired or wireless) in the network |
Cinet::Topology::LinkIn | Supporting class for Topology |
Cinet::Topology::LinkOut | Supporting class for Topology |
Cinet::visualizer::LinkBreakVisualizerBase::LinkBreakVisualization | |
►CLinkBreakVisualization | |
Cinet::visualizer::LinkBreakCanvasVisualizer::LinkBreakCanvasVisualization | |
►CLinkVisualization | |
Cinet::visualizer::LinkCanvasVisualizerBase::LinkCanvasVisualization | |
Cinet::physicallayer::BerParseFile::LongBer | |
Cinet::ospf::LSAKeyType | |
Cinet::ospf::LSAProcessingMarker | |
Cinet::ospf::LSARequest | Struct generated from inet/routing/ospfv2/OSPFPacket.msg:225 by nedtool |
►Cinet::ospf::LSATrackingInfo | |
Cinet::ospf::ASExternalLSA | |
Cinet::ospf::NetworkLSA | |
Cinet::ospf::RouterLSA | |
Cinet::ospf::SummaryLSA | |
►Cinet::tcp::LwipTcpStackIf | Interface class between TCP_lwIP and LwipTcpLayer |
Cinet::tcp::TCP_lwIP | Encapsulates a Network Simulation Cradle (NSC) instance |
Cinet::MACAddressTable::MAC_compare | |
Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211MgmtAP::MAC_compare | |
Cinet::MACAddress | Stores an IEEE 802 MAC address (6 octets = 48 bits) |
Cinet::MacEstimateCostProcess | |
Cinet::EtherMACBase::MacQueue | |
Cinet::physicallayer::MappingUtils | Provides several utility methods for Mappings |
►CMatchable | |
Cinet::MatchableObject | Wrapper around a cObject to make it matchable with cMatchExpression |
Cinet::MatrixCloudDelayer::Matcher | |
Cinet::L2NetworkConfigurator::Matcher | |
Cinet::InterfaceMatcher::Matcher | |
Cinet::NetworkConfiguratorBase::Matcher | |
Cinet::MatrixCloudDelayer::MatrixEntry | |
Cinet::units::units::mega< Unit > | |
Cinet::tcp::memp | |
Cinet::units::units::micro< Unit > | |
Cinet::units::units::milli< Unit > | |
►Cinet::visualizer::MobilityVisualizerBase::MobilityVisualization | |
Cinet::visualizer::MobilityCanvasVisualizer::MobilityCanvasVisualization | |
Cinet::visualizer::ModuleFilter | This class provides a generic filter for modules |
Cinet::ModuleIdAddress | This class provides network addresses using the module id of interface modules |
►Cinet::visualizer::LineManager::ModuleLine | |
Cinet::visualizer::LinkVisualizerBase::LinkVisualization | |
►Cinet::visualizer::RoutingTableVisualizerBase::RouteVisualization | |
Cinet::visualizer::RoutingTableCanvasVisualizer::RouteCanvasVisualization | |
►Cinet::visualizer::LineManager::ModulePath | |
►Cinet::visualizer::PathVisualizerBase::PathVisualization | |
Cinet::visualizer::PathCanvasVisualizerBase::PathCanvasVisualization | |
Cinet::ModulePathAddress | This class provides network addresses using the module path to interface modules |
Cinet::MulticastGroup | |
Cinet::UDP::MulticastMembership | |
Cinet::physicallayer::mixim::math::mW2dBm< T, B > | |
Cinet::physicallayer::mixim::math::mW2dBm< T, false > | |
Cinet::physicallayer::mixim::math::mW2dBm< T, true > | |
Cinet::units::units::nano< Unit > | |
Cinet::natInfo | Accepts any number of incoming connections, and sends back whatever arrives on them |
Cinet::ospf::Neighbor | |
►Cinet::ospf::NeighborState | |
Cinet::ospf::NeighborStateAttempt | |
Cinet::ospf::NeighborStateDown | |
Cinet::ospf::NeighborStateExchange | |
Cinet::ospf::NeighborStateExchangeStart | |
Cinet::ospf::NeighborStateFull | |
Cinet::ospf::NeighborStateInit | |
Cinet::ospf::NeighborStateLoading | |
Cinet::ospf::NeighborStateTwoWay | |
Cinet::IPv6NeighbourCache::Neighbour | Stores a neighbour (or router) entry |
Cinet::tcp::netbuf | |
Cinet::tcp::netif | Generic data structure used for all lwIP network interfaces |
Cinet::visualizer::NetworkNodeFilter | This class provides a generic filter for network nodes |
Cinet::ospf::NextHop | |
►Cinet::Topology::Node | Supporting class for Topology, represents a node in the graph |
Cinet::L2NetworkConfigurator::Node | Represents a node in the network |
►Cinet::NetworkConfiguratorBase::Node | Represents a node in the network |
Cinet::IPv4NetworkConfigurator::Node | Represents a node in the network |
Cinet::IPv6InterfaceData::NodeConstants | |
Cinet::FlatNetworkConfigurator::NodeInfo | |
Cinet::IPv6InterfaceData::NodeVariables | |
►Cnoncopyable | |
Cinet::LifecycleOperation | Base class for operations used by the ILifecycle interface |
Cinet::serializer::IPv4OptionSerializerRegistrationList | |
Cinet::serializer::SerializerRegistrationList | |
Cinet::physicallayer::NoNextIteratorException | This exception is thrown by the MappingIterators when "next()" or "nextPosition()" is called although "hasNext()" would return false (means there is no next position) |
Cinet::ieee80211::NonQoSContext | |
Cinet::serializer::nr_sack_chunk | |
Cinet::Ns2MotionFile | Represents a ns2 motion file's contents |
Cinet::tcp::nsc_iphdr | |
Cinet::tcp::nsc_ipv6hdr | |
Cinet::visualizer::PhysicalEnvironmentCanvasVisualizer::ObjectPositionComparator | |
►Cinet::visualizer::TracingObstacleLossVisualizerBase::ObstacleLossVisualization | |
Cinet::visualizer::TracingObstacleLossCanvasVisualizer::ObstacleLossCanvasVisualization | |
Coption_list | |
Cinet::ieee80211::OriginatorBlockAckAgreement | |
Cinet::ospf::OSPFConfigReader | Configuration reader for the OSPF module |
Cinet::ospf::OSPFDDOptions | Struct generated from inet/routing/ospfv2/OSPFPacket.msg:201 by nedtool |
Cinet::ospf::OSPFOptions | Struct generated from inet/routing/ospfv2/OSPFPacket.msg:37 by nedtool |
Cinet::serializer::outgoing_reset_request_parameter | |
►Cinet::IMulticastRoute::OutInterface | |
Cinet::PIMDM::PIMDMOutInterface | |
Cinet::PIMSM::PIMSMOutInterface | |
Cinet::units::output_unit< Unit > | |
Cinet::units::internal::output_unit2< Unit > | |
Cinet::units::internal::output_unit2< compose< U1, U2 > > | |
Cinet::units::internal::output_unit2< pow< Unit, Num, Den > > | |
Cinet::units::internal::output_unit2< scale< Unit, Num, Den > > | |
Cinet::units::internal::output_unit2< translate< Unit, Num, Den > > | |
►CP | |
Cinet::Macho::MachoLink< C, P > | |
CPacketDrill | |
CPacketDrillConfig | |
CPacketDrillPacket | |
CPacketDrillScript | |
►Cinet::visualizer::PacketDropVisualizerBase::PacketDropVisualization | |
Cinet::visualizer::PacketDropCanvasVisualizer::PacketDropCanvasVisualization | |
Cinet::PacketDump | Utility class that provides tcpdump-like functionality |
Cinet::visualizer::PacketFilter | This class provides a generic filter for packets |
Cinet::physicallayer::PairLess< Pair, Key > | Compares a the first value of a pair to a value |
Cinet::physicallayer::PairLess< pair_type, key_type > | |
Cinet::RSVP::PathStateBlock_t | Path State Block (PSB) structure |
Cinet::SCTPClient::PathStatus | |
Cinet::SCTPNatPeer::pathStatus | |
Cinet::SCTPNatServer::pathStatus | |
Cinet::SCTPPeer::PathStatus | |
Cinet::MoBANCoordinator::pattern | Data type for one instance of mobility pattern |
Cinet::PatternMatcher | Glob-style pattern matching class, adopted to special OMNeT++ requirements |
Cinet::tcp::TcpLwipMsgBasedSendQueue::Payload | |
Cinet::tcp::TCPMsgBasedSendQueue::Payload | |
Cinet::tcp::TcpLwipMsgBasedReceiveQueue::PayloadItem | |
Cinet::tcp::TCPMsgBasedRcvQueue::PayloadItem | |
Cinet::tcp::pbuf | |
Cinet::pcap_hdr | |
Cinet::PcapDump | Dumps packets into a PCAP file; see the "pcap-savefile" man page or for details on the file format |
Cinet::pcaprec_hdr | |
Cinet::LDP::peer_info | |
Cinet::LDP::pending_req_t | |
Cinet::units::units::peta< Unit > | |
Cinet::units::units::pico< Unit > | |
Cinet::EtherMAC::PkIdRxTime | |
Cinet::serializer::pktdrop_chunk | |
Cinet::PolyhedronEdge | |
Cinet::PolyhedronFace | |
Cinet::visualizer::PortFilter | This class provides a generic filter for ports |
Cinet::Ieee8021dInterfaceData::PortInfo | |
Cinet::PositionTable | This class provides a mapping between node addresses and their positions |
Cinet::Posture | To store the specification of a posture on the MoBAN mobility model |
Cinet::PostureTransition | Class to provide spatial and temporal correlation in the posture selection process of the MoBAN mobility model |
Cinet::units::pow< Unit, Num, Den > | |
Cinet::Topology::Predicate | Base class for selector objects used in extract...() methods of Topology |
Cinet::ProtocolMapping | Maps protocol numbers to output gates |
Cinet::ieee80211::QoSContext | |
Cinet::QuadTree | |
Cinet::Quaternion | |
Cinet::IPv6::QueuedDatagramForHook | Represents an IPv4Datagram, queued by a Hook |
Cinet::IPv4::QueuedDatagramForHook | Represents an IPv4Datagram, queued by a Hook |
Cinet::GenericNetworkProtocol::QueuedDatagramForHook | Represents an GenericDatagram, queued by a Hook |
Cinet::visualizer::QueueFilter | This class provides a generic filter for queues |
►Cinet::visualizer::QueueVisualizerBase::QueueVisualization | |
Cinet::visualizer::QueueCanvasVisualizer::QueueCanvasVisualization | |
Cinet::physicallayer::CommunicationCacheBase::RadioCacheEntry | Caches the intermediate computation results related to a radio |
Cinet::physicallayer::NeighborListNeighborCache::RadioEntry | |
Cinet::visualizer::RadioVisualizerBase::RadioVisualization | |
►CRadioVisualization | |
Cinet::visualizer::RadioCanvasVisualizer::RadioCanvasVisualization | |
Cinet::serializer::random_parameter | |
Cinet::IPv6NeighbourDiscovery::RDEntry | |
Cinet::httptools::rdHistogram::rdHistogramBin | |
►Cinet::httptools::rdObject | Base random object |
Cinet::httptools::rdConstant | Constant distribution random object |
Cinet::httptools::rdExponential | Exponential distribution random object |
Cinet::httptools::rdHistogram | Histogram distribution random object |
Cinet::httptools::rdNormal | Normal distribution random object |
Cinet::httptools::rdUniform | Uniform distribution random object |
Cinet::httptools::rdZipf | Zipf distribution random object |
Cinet::httptools::rdObjectFactory | A factory class used to construct random distribution objects based on XML elements |
Cinet::ReassemblyBuffer | Generic reassembly buffer for a fragmented datagram (or a fragmented anything) |
Cinet::ieee80211::ReceiveBuffer | |
Cinet::NetPerfMeter::ReceiverStatistics | |
Cinet::physicallayer::CommunicationCacheBase::ReceptionCacheEntry | Caches the intermediate computation results related to a reception |
Cinet::ieee80211::RecipientBlockAckAgreement | |
Cinet::ReassemblyBuffer::Region | |
Cinet::tcp::TCPSACKRexmitQueue::Region | |
►Cinet::tcp::TCPVirtualDataRcvQueue::Region | |
Cinet::tcp::TCPByteStreamRcvQueue::Region | |
Cinet::sctp::SCTPStateVariables::requestData | |
Cinet::RSVP::ResvStateBlock_t | Reservation State Block (RSB) structure |
Cinet::RIPEntry | Struct generated from inet/routing/rip/RIPPacket.msg:55 by nedtool |
Cinet::RIPInterfaceEntry | Holds the RIP configuration of the interfaces |
Cinet::Rotation | |
►Cinet::PIMBase::RouteEntry | |
Cinet::PIMDM::Route | |
►CRouteEntry | |
Cinet::PIMSM::Route | |
Cinet::IPv4NetworkConfigurator::RouteInfo | Simplified route representation used by the optimizer |
Cinet::IPv4RoutingTable::RouteLessThan | |
Cinet::IPv6RoutingTable::RouteLessThan | |
Cinet::ospf::Router | All OSPF classes are in this namespace |
Cinet::IPv6InterfaceData::RouterConstants | |
Cinet::IGMPv3::RouterGroupData | |
Cinet::IGMPv2::RouterGroupData | |
Cinet::IGMPv3::RouterInterfaceData | |
Cinet::IGMPv2::RouterInterfaceData | |
Cinet::IPv4InterfaceData::RouterMulticastData | |
Cinet::IPv6InterfaceData::RouterMulticastData | |
Cinet::IPv4InterfaceData::RouterMulticastGroupData | |
Cinet::IPv6InterfaceData::RouterVariables | |
►Cinet::ospf::RoutingInfo | |
Cinet::ospf::ASExternalLSA | |
Cinet::ospf::NetworkLSA | |
Cinet::ospf::RouterLSA | |
Cinet::ospf::SummaryLSA | |
Cinet::IPv4NetworkConfigurator::RoutingTableInfo | Simplified routing table representation used by the optimizer |
Cinet::RoutingTableParser | Parses a routing table file into a routing table |
Cinet::AODVRouting::RREQIdentifier | |
Cinet::AODVRouting::RREQIdentifierCompare | |
Cinet::RsvpHopObj_t | Struct generated from inet/networklayer/rsvp_te/IntServ.msg:56 by nedtool |
Cinet::serializer::sack_chunk | |
Cinet::serializer::sack_duptsn | |
Cinet::serializer::sack_gap | |
Cinet::units::scale< Unit, Num, Den > | |
Cinet::units::internal::scaling_factor< U > | |
Cinet::units::internal::scaling_factor< compose< U1, U2 > > | |
Cinet::units::internal::scaling_factor< pow< U, N, D > > | |
Cinet::units::internal::scaling_factor< scale< U, N, D > > | |
Cinet::units::internal::scaling_factor< translate< U, N, D > > | |
Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211MgmtSTA::ScanningInfo | |
Csctp_add_streams_expr | |
Csctp_assoc_value_expr | |
Csctp_assocparams_expr | |
Csctp_initmsg_expr | |
Csctp_paddrparams_expr | |
Csctp_reset_streams_expr | |
Csctp_rtoinfo_expr | |
Csctp_sack_info_expr | |
Csctp_sndrcvinfo_expr | |
Csctp_status_expr | |
Cinet::sctp::SCTPGapList | |
Cinet::sctp::SCTPSimpleGapList | |
Cinet::SCTPSocket | |
Cinet::SCTPSocketMap | Small utility class for managing a large number of SCTPSocket objects |
Cinet::InterfaceMatcher::Selector | |
Cinet::SenderDescriptor_t | Struct generated from inet/networklayer/rsvp_te/IntServ.msg:106 by nedtool |
Cinet::NetPerfMeter::SenderStatistics | |
►Cinet::SenderTemplateObj_t | Struct generated from inet/networklayer/rsvp_te/IntServ.msg:65 by nedtool |
Cinet::FilterSpecObj_t | Struct generated from inet/networklayer/rsvp_te/IntServ.msg:90 by nedtool |
►Cinet::SenderTspecObj_t | Struct generated from inet/networklayer/rsvp_te/IntServ.msg:75 by nedtool |
Cinet::FlowSpecObj_t | Struct generated from inet/networklayer/rsvp_te/IntServ.msg:83 by nedtool |
Cinet::UDPSocket::SendOptions | |
Cinet::ieee80211::SequenceControlField | Sequence Control field structure The Sequence Control field is 16 bits in length and consists of two subfields, the Sequence Number and the Fragment Number |
Cinet::SCTPServer::ServerAssocStat | |
Cinet::bgp::SessionInfo | |
Cinet::SessionObj_t | Struct generated from inet/networklayer/rsvp_te/IntServ.msg:44 by nedtool |
►Cinet::ShapeBase | This class represents a 3 dimensional geometric shape independently of its position and orientation |
Cinet::Cuboid | This class represents a 3 dimensional shape with 6 pairwise parallel faces |
Cinet::Polyhedron | |
Cinet::Prism | This class represents 3 dimensional prism with a polygon base face |
Cinet::Sphere | This class represents a 3 dimensional sphere shape |
Cinet::ShortBitVector | Optimized version of the BitVector class to store short bit vectors |
Cinet::serializer::shutdown_ack_chunk | |
Cinet::serializer::shutdown_chunk | |
Cinet::serializer::shutdown_complete_chunk | |
Cinet::serializer::snap_header | |
Cinet::physicallayer::BerParseFile::SnrBer | |
Cinet::tcp::TCP_NSC_Connection::SockAddr | |
Cinet::httptools::HttpBrowser::SockData | |
Cinet::UDP::SockDesc | |
Cinet::SocketOptions | |
Cinet::tcp::TCP::SockPair | |
Cinet::sctp::SCTP::SockPair | |
Cinet::tcp::TCP_NSC_Connection::SockPair | |
Cinet::PIMBase::SourceAndGroup | |
Cinet::IGMPv3::SourceRecord | |
Cinet::SpatialGrid | This class implements a spatial grid data structure using a 3 dimensional grid |
Cinet::serializer::ssn_tsn_reset_request_parameter | |
Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211MgmtAP::STAInfo | Describes a STA |
Cinet::Macho::StateID< S > | |
Cinet::ieee80211::StationRetryCounters | |
Cinet::visualizer::StatisticVisualizerBase::StatisticVisualization | |
►CStatisticVisualization | |
Cinet::visualizer::StatisticCanvasVisualizer::StatisticCanvasVisualization | |
Cinet::tcp::TcpLwipConnection::Stats | |
Cinet::serializer::stream_reset_chunk | |
Cinet::serializer::stream_reset_response_parameter | |
Cinet::sctp::SCTPAssociation::streamSchedulingFunctions | |
Cinet::visualizer::StringFormat | |
Cinet::serializer::supported_address_types_parameter | |
Cinet::serializer::supported_extensions_parameter | |
Cinet::tcp::sys_timeo | |
Cinet::tcp::sys_timeouts | |
Csyscall_spec | |
Cinet::SimpleVoIPReceiver::TalkspurtInfo | |
Cinet::tcp::TCP_NSC_Connection | Encapsulates a Network Simulation Cradle (NSC) instance |
Cinet::serializer::tcphdr | |
Cinet::tcp::tcpip_msg | |
Cinet::serializer::TCPIPchecksum | Calculates checksum |
Cinet::tcp::TcpLwipConnection | |
Cinet::tcp::TCPPayloadMessage | Struct generated from inet/transportlayer/tcp_common/TCPSegment.msg:63 by nedtool |
Cinet::tcp::TCPSACKRexmitQueue | Retransmission data for SACK |
Cinet::tcp::TCPSegmentTransmitInfoList | |
Cinet::TCPSocket | TCPSocket is a convenience class, to make it easier to manage TCP connections from your application models |
Cinet::TCPSocketMap | Small utility class for managing a large number of TCPSocket objects |
Cinet::TELinkStateInfo | Struct generated from inet/networklayer/ted/TED.msg:35 by nedtool |
Cinet::units::units::tera< Unit > | |
CPlotFigure::Tick | |
Cinet::PostureTransition::TimeBound | Data type for one instance of the time boundary |
Cinet::PostureTransition::TimeDomainType | Data type for one instance of time domain |
Cinet::physicallayer::DimensionalTransmitterBase::TimeGainEntry | |
►Cinet::xMIPv6::TimerIfEntry | The base class for all other timers that are used for retransmissions |
Cinet::xMIPv6::BCExpiryIfEntry | |
Cinet::xMIPv6::BRTransmitIfEntry | |
Cinet::xMIPv6::BULExpiryIfEntry | |
Cinet::xMIPv6::BUTransmitIfEntry | Subclasses for the different timers |
Cinet::xMIPv6::TestInitTransmitIfEntry | |
Cinet::xMIPv6::TokenExpiryIfEntry | |
Cinet::serializer::tlv | |
Cinet::ProbabilisticBroadcast::tMsgDesc | Store messages in a structure so that we can keep some information needed by the protocol |
Cinet::ospf::TOSData | Struct generated from inet/routing/ospfv2/OSPFPacket.msg:123 by nedtool |
Cinet::NetPerfMeter::TraceEntry | |
Cinet::RSVP::traffic_path_t | |
Cinet::RSVP::traffic_session_t | |
Cinet::units::translate< Unit, Num, Den > | |
Cinet::PostureTransition::TransMatrix | Data type for one instance of Markov transition matrix |
Cinet::physicallayer::CommunicationCacheBase::TransmissionCacheEntry | Caches the intermediate computation results related to a transmission |
Cinet::ospf::Neighbor::TransmittedLSA | |
►Cinet::visualizer::TransportConnectionVisualizerBase::TransportConnectionVisualization | |
Cinet::visualizer::TransportConnectionCanvasVisualizer::TransportConnectionCanvasVisualization | |
Cinet::physicallayer::ConvolutionalCoder::TrellisGraphNode | |
Cinet::SpatialGrid::Triplet< T > | |
Cinet::SpatialGrid::Triplet< double > | |
Cinet::SpatialGrid::Triplet< int > | |
Cinet::WiseRoute::tRouteTableEntry | |
Cinet::IPv6Tunneling::Tunnel | |
Cinet::serializer::udphdr | |
Cinet::UDPSocket | UDPSocket is a convenience class, to make it easier to send and receive UDP packets from your application models |
Cinet::UnreachableNode | Struct generated from inet/routing/aodv/AODVControlPackets.msg:31 by nedtool |
►Cinet::units::value< Value, Units > | |
Cinet::Macho::Anchor< T, I > | |
Cinet::ieee80211::BasicReassembly::Value | |
Cinet::TED::vertex_t | Only used internally, during shortest path calculation: vertex in the graph we build from links in TELinkStateInfoVector |
Cinet::UDPVideoStreamSvr::VideoStreamData | |
Cinet::SimpleVoIPReceiver::VoIPPacketInfo | |
Cinet::sctp::SCTP::VTagPair | |
Cinet::VehicleMobility::Waypoint | |
Cinet::httptools::HttpController::WebServerEntry | Registration entry for Web servers |
Cinet::units::units::yocto< Unit > | |
Cinet::units::units::yotta< Unit > | |
Cyy_buffer_state | |
Cyy_trans_info | |
Cyyalloc | |
Cinet::units::units::zepto< Unit > | |
Cinet::units::units::zetta< Unit > | |
►CBase | |
Cinet::physicallayer::BaseDelayedIterator< Base, Iterator > | Common base for a Const- and NonConst-Iterator for a DelayedMapping |
Cinet::physicallayer::BaseDelayedMapping< Base > | Common base for Const- and NonConst-DelayedMapping |
►Cinet::physicallayer::BaseFilteredIterator< Base > | This iterator takes another ConstMappingIterator and does just pipe every method to the passed ConstMappingIterator |
Cinet::physicallayer::ConcatConstMappingIterator | Deletes its ConstMapping when this iterator is deleted |
►CTContainer | |
Cinet::physicallayer::InterpolateableMap< TInterpolator, TContainer > | Represents a std::map which is able to interpolate |