INET Framework for OMNeT++/OMNEST
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345678]
 Cinet::Macho::_SameType< T, U >
 Cinet::Macho::_SameType< T, T >
 Cinet::AccessModuleWrap< T >Finds and returns the pointer to a module of type T
 Cinet::IPv6InterfaceData::AdvPrefixFor routers: advertised prefix configuration
 Cinet::Macho::Machine< TOP >::AfterAdvice
 Cinet::PostureTransition::AreaBoundData type for one instance of the area (space) boundary
 Cinet::PostureTransition::AreaTypeData type for one instance of area type
 Cinet::physicallayer::ArgumentDefines an argument for a mapping
 Cinet::units::units::atto< Unit >
 Cinet::AudioOutFileRecords audio into a file
 Cinet::physicallayer::BerParseFileRadio model for IEEE 802.11
 Cinet::bgp::BGPOptionalParametersStruct generated from inet/routing/bgpv4/BGPMessage/BGPOpen.msg:40 by nedtool
 Cinet::bgp::BGPParameterValuesStruct generated from inet/routing/bgpv4/BGPMessage/BGPOpen.msg:34 by nedtool
 Cinet::bgp::BGPUpdateAttributeFlagsStruct generated from inet/routing/bgpv4/BGPMessage/BGPUpdatePathAttributes.msg:42 by nedtool
 Cinet::bgp::BGPUpdateAttributeTypeStruct generated from inet/routing/bgpv4/BGPMessage/BGPUpdatePathAttributes.msg:50 by nedtool
 Cinet::bgp::BGPUpdateNLRIStruct generated from inet/routing/bgpv4/BGPMessage/BGPUpdate.msg:48 by nedtool
 Cinet::bgp::BGPUpdateWithdrawnRoutesStruct generated from inet/routing/bgpv4/BGPMessage/BGPUpdate.msg:42 by nedtool
 Cinet::BonnMotionFileRepresents a BonnMotion file's contents
 Cinet::BonnMotionFileCacheSingleton object to read and store BonnMotion files
 Cinet::serializer::BufferBuffer for serializer/deserializer
 Cinet::EtherBus::BusTapImplements the physical locations on the bus where each network entity is connected to on the bus
 Cinet::SCTPSocket::CallbackInterfaceAbstract base class for your callback objects
 Cinet::TCPSocket::CallbackInterfaceAbstract base class for your callback objects
 Cinet::units::units::centi< Unit >
 Cinet::units::internal::check_terms_equal< Term, T1, T2 >
 Cinet::units::internal::check_terms_equal< compose< T1, T2 >, T3, T4 >
 Cinet::units::internal::check_terms_equal< pow< Unit, N, D >, T1, T2 >
 Cinet::units::internal::check_terms_equal< scale< Unit, N, D >, T1, T2 >
 Cinet::units::internal::check_terms_equal< translate< Unit, N, D >, T1, T2 >
 Cinet::PostureTransition::CombinationTypeData type for one instance of space-time combination
 Cinet::units::compose< Unit1, Unit2 >
 Cconst ConstMapping
 Cinet::physicallayer::ConstInterpolateableIterator< _Interpolator, _IteratorType >Template for an interpolateable const iterator for any container which maps from a key to a value
 Cinet::physicallayer::ConstInterpolateableIterator< TInterpolator, TInterpolator::iterator >
 Cinet::physicallayer::ConstMappingRepresents a not changeable mapping (mathematical function) from domain with at least the time to a Argument::mapped_type value
 Cinet::physicallayer::ConstMappingIteratorDefines an const iterator for a ConstMapping which is able to iterate over the Mapping
 Cinet::serializer::ContextClass for data transfer from any serializers to subserializers e.g
 Cinet::units::internal::convert< T1, T2 >
 Cinet::units::internal::convert2< T1, T2 >
 Cinet::units::internal::convert2< scale< T, Num, Den >, U >
 Cinet::units::internal::convert2< translate< T, Num, Den >, U >
 Cinet::units::internal::convert3< T1, T2 >
 Cinet::units::internal::convert3< T, scale< U, Num, Den > >
 Cinet::units::internal::convert3< T, T >
 Cinet::units::internal::convert3< T, translate< U, Num, Den > >
 Cinet::units::internal::convert< T, T >
 Cinet::units::internal::convertible< T1, T2 >
 Cinet::units::internal::count_terms< Term, List >
 Cinet::units::internal::count_terms< Term, compose< T1, T2 > >
 Cinet::units::internal::count_terms< Term, pow< Unit, N, D > >
 Cinet::units::internal::count_terms< Term, scale< Unit, N, D > >
 Cinet::units::internal::count_terms< Term, Term >
 Cinet::units::internal::count_terms< Term, translate< Unit, N, D > >
 Cinet::units::units::deca< Unit >
 Cinet::units::units::deci< Unit >
 Cinet::DelayedInitializer< T >
 Cinet::DelayedInitializer< std::vector< inet::physicallayer::Ieee80211ModeSet > >
 Cinet::DHCPLeaseDescribes a DHCP lease
 Cinet::physicallayer::DimensionSpecifies a dimension for mappings (like time, frequency, etc.)
 Cinet::physicallayer::DimensionSetRepresents a set of dimensions which is used to define over which dimensions a mapping is defined (the domain of the mapping)
 Cinet::Macho::DR< R >
 Cinet::Macho::DR< const R & >
 Cinet::Macho::DR< P1 >
 Cinet::Macho::DR< P2 >
 Cinet::Macho::DR< P3 >
 Cinet::Macho::DR< P4 >
 Cinet::Macho::DR< P5 >
 Cinet::Macho::DR< P6 >
 Cinet::Macho::DR< R & >
 Cinet::physicallayer::DsssErrorRateModelImplementation of DSSS error rate model
 Cinet::TED::edge_tOnly used internally, during shortest path calculation: edge in the graph we build from links in TELinkStateInfoVector
 Cinet::EncodedAddressStruct generated from inet/routing/pim/PIMPacket.msg:98 by nedtool
 Cinet::EroObj_tStruct generated from inet/networklayer/rsvp_te/IntServ.msg:115 by nedtool
 Cinet::units::units::exa< Unit >
 Cinet::ospf::ExternalTOSInfoStruct generated from inet/routing/ospfv2/OSPFPacket.msg:170 by nedtool
 Cinet::FEC_TLVStruct generated from inet/networklayer/ldp/LDPPacket.msg:55 by nedtool
 Cinet::units::units::femto< Unit >
 Cinet::FindModule< T >Provides method templates to find omnet modules
 Cinet::units::internal::fixed_power< Num, Den, Div, Mod >
 Cinet::units::internal::fixed_power< N, D, 0, 0 >
 Cinet::units::internal::fixed_power< N, D, 1, 0 >
 Cinet::units::internal::fixed_power< N, D, 2, 0 >
 Cinet::units::internal::fixed_power< N, D, 3, 0 >
 Cinet::units::internal::fixed_power< N, D, 4, 0 >
 Cinet::units::internal::fixed_power< N, D,-1, 0 >
 Cinet::units::internal::fixed_power< N, D,-2, 0 >
 Cinet::FlowDescriptor_tStruct generated from inet/networklayer/rsvp_te/IntServ.msg:124 by nedtool
 Cinet::GeometricObjectBaseThis class represents a 3 dimensional geometric object positioned and oriented in 3 dimensional space
 Cinet::units::units::giga< Unit >
 Cinet::GroupRecordStruct generated from inet/networklayer/ipv4/IGMPMessage.msg:110 by nedtool
 Cinet::units::units::hecto< Unit >
 Cinet::RSVP::HelloState_tRSVP Hello State structure
 Cinet::IPv6InterfaceData::HomeNetworkInfoZarrar 03.09.07: Home Network Information maintains home network information like the MN's home address (HoA) and the HA's address and its prefix
 Cinet::httptools::HttpServerBase::HtmlPageDataDescribes a HTML page
 Cinet::IARPRepresents an IPv4 ARP module
 Cinet::IClassifierThis is an abstract interface for packet classifiers in MPLS ingress routers
 Cinet::tcp::icmp_echo_hdrThis is the standard ICMP header only that the u32_t data is splitted to two u16_t like ICMP echo needs it
 Cinet::ieee80211::IContentionAbstract interface for processes that implement contention-based channel access
 Cinet::ieee80211::ICoordinationFunctionInterface for IEEE 802.11 Coordination Functions
 Cinet::IDoneCallbackCallback object used by the ILifecycle interface
 Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211CapabilityInformationStruct generated from inet/linklayer/ieee80211/mgmt/Ieee80211MgmtFrames.msg:45 by nedtool
 Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211DsssCompliantModesProvides the compliant Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum PHY modes as described in the IEEE 802.11-2012 specification clause 16
 Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211FhssCompliantModesProvides the compliant Frequency-Hopping Spread Spectrum PHY modes as described in the IEEE 802.11-2012 specification clause 14
 Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211HandoverParametersStruct generated from inet/linklayer/ieee80211/mgmt/Ieee80211MgmtFrames.msg:60 by nedtool
 Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211HrDsssCompliantModesProvides the compliant High Rate Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum PHY modes as described in the IEEE 802.11-2012 specification clause 17
 Cinet::physicallayer::Ieee80211IrCompliantModesProvides the compliant Infrared PHY modes as described in the IEEE 802.11-2012 specification clause 15
 Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211SupportedRatesElementStruct generated from inet/linklayer/ieee80211/mgmt/Ieee80211MgmtFrames.msg:134 by nedtool
 Cinet::power::IEnergyConsumerThis class is a base interface that must be implemented by energy consumer models to integrate with other parts of the power model
 Cinet::power::IEnergyGeneratorThis class is a base interface that must be implemented by energy generator models to integrate with other parts of the power model
 Cinet::power::IEnergyManagementThis class is a base interface that must be implemented by energy management models to integrate with other parts of the power model
 Cinet::power::IEnergySinkThis class is a base interface that must be implemented by energy sink models to integrate with other parts of the power model
 Cinet::power::IEnergySourceThis class is a base interface that must be implemented by energy source models to integrate with other parts of the power model
 Cinet::INetfilter::IHookThis interface is used by the network protocol during processing datagrams
 Cinet::IInterfaceTableA C++ interface to abstract the functionality of InterfaceTable
 Cinet::IL3AddressTypeThis class provides the abstract interface for different address types
 Cinet::ILifecycleInterface to be implemented by modules that want to support failure/recovery, shutdown/restart, suspend/resume, and similar scenarios
 Cinet::IMACFrameThis purely virtual interface provides an abstraction for different link layer frames
 Cinet::IMobilityAbstract base class defining the public interface that must be provided by all mobility modules
 Cinet::IMulticastRouteGeneric multicast route in an IRoutingTable
 Cinet::INetfilterThis interface is implemented by network protocols which want provide netfilter hooks to customize their behavior
 Cinet::INetworkProtocolThis purely virtual interface provides an abstraction for different network protocols
 Cinet::visualizer::InterfaceFilterThis class provides a generic filter for interfaces
 Cinet::InterfaceMatcherUtility class for configuring interfaces
 Cinet::InterfaceTokenAn "interface token" as defined in RFC 1971 (IPv6 Stateless Autoconfiguration)
 Cinet::physicallayer::Interpolated< V >Represents an interpolated value of any type
 Cinet::physicallayer::Interpolated< mapped_type >
 Cinet::physicallayer::Interpolated< Mapping * >Helper class (-specialization) for multiDimMapping which is used by an InterpolateableMap as return value of the "getValue()" - method
 Cinet::physicallayer::InterpolatorBase< _ContainerType >
 Cinet::physicallayer::InterpolatorBase< std::map< Argument::mapped_type, Mapping * > >
 Cinet::physicallayer::InterpolatorBase< std::map< argument_value_t, Mapping * > >
 Cinet::IntervalInterval trees implemented using red-black-trees as described in the book Introduction_To_Algorithms_ by Cormen, Leisserson, and Rivest
 Cinet::IntervalTreeInterval tree
 Cinet::IntervalTreeNodeThe node for interval tree
 Cinet::physicalenvironment::IObjectCacheThis interface provides abstractions for efficient physical object cache data structures
 Cinet::IPassiveQueueAbstract interface for passive queues
 Cinet::IPassiveQueueListenerInterface for notifying listeners about passive queue events
 Cinet::IPhysicalLayerThis purely virtual interface provides an abstraction for different physical layers
 Cinet::IPhysicalLayerFrameThis purely virtual interface provides an abstraction for different physical layer frames
 Cinet::physicallayer::IPrintableObjectThis purely virtual interface provides an abstraction for printable objects
 Cinet::IPv4AddressIPv4 address
 Cinet::IPv4FragBufReassembly buffer for fragmented IPv4 datagrams
 Cinet::IPv6AddressStores a 128-bit IPv6 address in an efficient way
 Cinet::IPv6FragBufReassembly buffer for fragmented IPv6 datagrams
 Cinet::IPv6NeighbourCacheIPv6 Neighbour Cache (RFC 2461 Neighbor Discovery for IPv6)
 Cinet::ieee80211::IQoSRateSelectionAbstract interface for rate selection
 Cinet::IQueueAccessThis class defines that interface of the queues that algorithmic droppers use
 Cinet::ieee80211::IRateControlAbstract interface for auto rate control algorithms
 Cinet::ieee80211::IRateSelectionAbstract interface for rate selection
 Cinet::ieee80211::IReassemblyAbstract interface for classes that encapsulate the functionality of reassembling frames from fragments
 Cinet::IRouteC++ interface for accessing unicast routing table entries of various protocols (IPv4, IPv6, etc) in a uniform way
 Cinet::IRoutingTableA C++ interface to abstract the functionality of a routing table, regardless of address type
 Cinet::ieee80211::IRxAbstract interface for Rx processes
 Cinet::IScriptableModules that need to be scriptable by ScenarioManager should "implement" (subclass from) this class
 Cinet::ieee80211::IStatisticsAbstract interface for statistics collection within the 802.11 MAC
 Cinet::it_recursion_nodeClass describes the information needed when we take the right branch in searching for intervals but possibly come back and check the left branch as well
 Cinet::ITransportPacketThis interface provides an abstraction for different transport layer packets
 Cinet::ieee80211::ITxAbstract interface for unconditionally transmitting a frame immediately or after waiting for a specified inter-frame space (usually SIFS)
 Cinet::IPv6NeighbourCache::KeyKey into neighbour cache
 Cinet::units::units::kilo< Unit >
 Cinet::L3AddressThis class provides the generic interface for network addresses
 Cinet::L3AddressResolverUtility class for finding IPv4 or IPv6 address of a host or router
 Cinet::LabelOpTODO documentation
 Cinet::LabelRequestObj_tStruct generated from inet/networklayer/rsvp_te/IntServ.msg:97 by nedtool
 Cinet::units::internal::legacy_static_assert< bool >
 Cinet::units::internal::legacy_static_assert< inet::units::internal::convertible< T1, T2 >::inet::units::value >
 Cinet::units::internal::legacy_static_assert< true >
 Cinet::Topology::LinkSupporting class for Topology, represents a link in the graph
 Cinet::ospf::LSARequestStruct generated from inet/routing/ospfv2/OSPFPacket.msg:225 by nedtool
 Cinet::tcp::LwipTcpStackIfInterface class between TCP_lwIP and LwipTcpLayer
 Cinet::MACAddressStores an IEEE 802 MAC address (6 octets = 48 bits)
 Cinet::physicallayer::MappingUtilsProvides several utility methods for Mappings
 Cinet::units::units::mega< Unit >
 Cinet::units::units::micro< Unit >
 Cinet::units::units::milli< Unit >
 Cinet::visualizer::ModuleFilterThis class provides a generic filter for modules
 Cinet::ModuleIdAddressThis class provides network addresses using the module id of interface modules
 Cinet::ModulePathAddressThis class provides network addresses using the module path to interface modules
 Cinet::physicallayer::mixim::math::mW2dBm< T, B >
 Cinet::physicallayer::mixim::math::mW2dBm< T, false >
 Cinet::physicallayer::mixim::math::mW2dBm< T, true >
 Cinet::units::units::nano< Unit >
 Cinet::natInfoAccepts any number of incoming connections, and sends back whatever arrives on them
 Cinet::IPv6NeighbourCache::NeighbourStores a neighbour (or router) entry
 Cinet::tcp::netifGeneric data structure used for all lwIP network interfaces
 Cinet::visualizer::NetworkNodeFilterThis class provides a generic filter for network nodes
 Cinet::Topology::NodeSupporting class for Topology, represents a node in the graph
 Cinet::physicallayer::NoNextIteratorExceptionThis exception is thrown by the MappingIterators when "next()" or "nextPosition()" is called although "hasNext()" would return false (means there is no next position)
 Cinet::Ns2MotionFileRepresents a ns2 motion file's contents
 Cinet::ospf::OSPFConfigReaderConfiguration reader for the OSPF module
 Cinet::ospf::OSPFDDOptionsStruct generated from inet/routing/ospfv2/OSPFPacket.msg:201 by nedtool
 Cinet::ospf::OSPFOptionsStruct generated from inet/routing/ospfv2/OSPFPacket.msg:37 by nedtool
 Cinet::units::output_unit< Unit >
 Cinet::units::internal::output_unit2< Unit >
 Cinet::units::internal::output_unit2< compose< U1, U2 > >
 Cinet::units::internal::output_unit2< pow< Unit, Num, Den > >
 Cinet::units::internal::output_unit2< scale< Unit, Num, Den > >
 Cinet::units::internal::output_unit2< translate< Unit, Num, Den > >
 Cinet::PacketDumpUtility class that provides tcpdump-like functionality
 Cinet::visualizer::PacketFilterThis class provides a generic filter for packets
 Cinet::physicallayer::PairLess< Pair, Key >Compares a the first value of a pair to a value
 Cinet::physicallayer::PairLess< pair_type, key_type >
 Cinet::RSVP::PathStateBlock_tPath State Block (PSB) structure
 Cinet::MoBANCoordinator::patternData type for one instance of mobility pattern
 Cinet::PatternMatcherGlob-style pattern matching class, adopted to special OMNeT++ requirements
 Cinet::PcapDumpDumps packets into a PCAP file; see the "pcap-savefile" man page or for details on the file format
 Cinet::units::units::peta< Unit >
 Cinet::units::units::pico< Unit >
 Cinet::visualizer::PortFilterThis class provides a generic filter for ports
 Cinet::PositionTableThis class provides a mapping between node addresses and their positions
 Cinet::PostureTo store the specification of a posture on the MoBAN mobility model
 Cinet::PostureTransitionClass to provide spatial and temporal correlation in the posture selection process of the MoBAN mobility model
 Cinet::units::pow< Unit, Num, Den >
 Cinet::Topology::PredicateBase class for selector objects used in extract...() methods of Topology
 Cinet::ProtocolMappingMaps protocol numbers to output gates
 Cinet::IPv6::QueuedDatagramForHookRepresents an IPv4Datagram, queued by a Hook
 Cinet::IPv4::QueuedDatagramForHookRepresents an IPv4Datagram, queued by a Hook
 Cinet::GenericNetworkProtocol::QueuedDatagramForHookRepresents an GenericDatagram, queued by a Hook
 Cinet::visualizer::QueueFilterThis class provides a generic filter for queues
 Cinet::physicallayer::CommunicationCacheBase::RadioCacheEntryCaches the intermediate computation results related to a radio
 Cinet::httptools::rdObjectBase random object
 Cinet::httptools::rdObjectFactoryA factory class used to construct random distribution objects based on XML elements
 Cinet::ReassemblyBufferGeneric reassembly buffer for a fragmented datagram (or a fragmented anything)
 Cinet::physicallayer::CommunicationCacheBase::ReceptionCacheEntryCaches the intermediate computation results related to a reception
 Cinet::RSVP::ResvStateBlock_tReservation State Block (RSB) structure
 Cinet::RIPEntryStruct generated from inet/routing/rip/RIPPacket.msg:55 by nedtool
 Cinet::RIPInterfaceEntryHolds the RIP configuration of the interfaces
 Cinet::IPv4NetworkConfigurator::RouteInfoSimplified route representation used by the optimizer
 Cinet::ospf::RouterAll OSPF classes are in this namespace
 Cinet::IPv4NetworkConfigurator::RoutingTableInfoSimplified routing table representation used by the optimizer
 Cinet::RoutingTableParserParses a routing table file into a routing table
 Cinet::RsvpHopObj_tStruct generated from inet/networklayer/rsvp_te/IntServ.msg:56 by nedtool
 Cinet::units::scale< Unit, Num, Den >
 Cinet::units::internal::scaling_factor< U >
 Cinet::units::internal::scaling_factor< compose< U1, U2 > >
 Cinet::units::internal::scaling_factor< pow< U, N, D > >
 Cinet::units::internal::scaling_factor< scale< U, N, D > >
 Cinet::units::internal::scaling_factor< translate< U, N, D > >
 Cinet::SCTPSocketMapSmall utility class for managing a large number of SCTPSocket objects
 Cinet::SenderDescriptor_tStruct generated from inet/networklayer/rsvp_te/IntServ.msg:106 by nedtool
 Cinet::SenderTemplateObj_tStruct generated from inet/networklayer/rsvp_te/IntServ.msg:65 by nedtool
 Cinet::SenderTspecObj_tStruct generated from inet/networklayer/rsvp_te/IntServ.msg:75 by nedtool
 Cinet::ieee80211::SequenceControlField8. Sequence Control field structure The Sequence Control field is 16 bits in length and consists of two subfields, the Sequence Number and the Fragment Number
 Cinet::SessionObj_tStruct generated from inet/networklayer/rsvp_te/IntServ.msg:44 by nedtool
 Cinet::ShapeBaseThis class represents a 3 dimensional geometric shape independently of its position and orientation
 Cinet::ShortBitVectorOptimized version of the BitVector class to store short bit vectors
 Cinet::SpatialGridThis class implements a spatial grid data structure using a 3 dimensional grid
 Cinet::ieee80211::Ieee80211MgmtAP::STAInfoDescribes a STA
 Cinet::Macho::StateID< S >
 Cinet::tcp::TCP_NSC_ConnectionEncapsulates a Network Simulation Cradle (NSC) instance
 Cinet::serializer::TCPIPchecksumCalculates checksum
 Cinet::tcp::TCPPayloadMessageStruct generated from inet/transportlayer/tcp_common/TCPSegment.msg:63 by nedtool
 Cinet::tcp::TCPSACKRexmitQueueRetransmission data for SACK
 Cinet::TCPSocketTCPSocket is a convenience class, to make it easier to manage TCP connections from your application models
 Cinet::TCPSocketMapSmall utility class for managing a large number of TCPSocket objects
 Cinet::TELinkStateInfoStruct generated from inet/networklayer/ted/TED.msg:35 by nedtool
 Cinet::units::units::tera< Unit >
 Cinet::PostureTransition::TimeBoundData type for one instance of the time boundary
 Cinet::PostureTransition::TimeDomainTypeData type for one instance of time domain
 Cinet::xMIPv6::TimerIfEntryThe base class for all other timers that are used for retransmissions
 Cinet::ProbabilisticBroadcast::tMsgDescStore messages in a structure so that we can keep some information needed by the protocol
 Cinet::ospf::TOSDataStruct generated from inet/routing/ospfv2/OSPFPacket.msg:123 by nedtool
 Cinet::units::translate< Unit, Num, Den >
 Cinet::PostureTransition::TransMatrixData type for one instance of Markov transition matrix
 Cinet::physicallayer::CommunicationCacheBase::TransmissionCacheEntryCaches the intermediate computation results related to a transmission
 Cinet::SpatialGrid::Triplet< T >
 Cinet::SpatialGrid::Triplet< double >
 Cinet::SpatialGrid::Triplet< int >
 Cinet::UDPSocketUDPSocket is a convenience class, to make it easier to send and receive UDP packets from your application models
 Cinet::UnreachableNodeStruct generated from inet/routing/aodv/AODVControlPackets.msg:31 by nedtool
 Cinet::units::value< Value, Units >
 Cinet::TED::vertex_tOnly used internally, during shortest path calculation: vertex in the graph we build from links in TELinkStateInfoVector
 Cinet::httptools::HttpController::WebServerEntryRegistration entry for Web servers
 Cinet::units::units::yocto< Unit >
 Cinet::units::units::yotta< Unit >
 Cinet::units::units::zepto< Unit >
 Cinet::units::units::zetta< Unit >