| Ieee80211ReceiverBase () |
virtual | ~Ieee80211ReceiverBase () |
virtual std::ostream & | printToStream (std::ostream &stream, int level) const override |
| Prints this object to the provided output stream. More...
virtual void | setModeSet (const Ieee80211ModeSet *modeSet) |
virtual void | setBand (const IIeee80211Band *band) |
virtual void | setChannel (const Ieee80211Channel *channel) |
virtual void | setChannelNumber (int channelNumber) |
| FlatReceiverBase () |
virtual W | getMinReceptionPower () const override |
| Returns the minimum reception power below which successful reception is definitely not possible. More...
virtual const IListeningDecision * | computeListeningDecision (const IListening *listening, const IInterference *interference) const override |
| Returns the result of the listening process specifying the reception state of the receiver. More...
virtual const IErrorModel * | getErrorModel () const |
virtual W | getEnergyDetection () const |
virtual void | setEnergyDetection (W energyDetection) |
virtual W | getSensitivity () const |
virtual void | setSensitivity (W sensitivity) |
Public Member Functions inherited from inet::physicallayer::NarrowbandReceiverBase |
| NarrowbandReceiverBase () |
virtual const IListening * | createListening (const IRadio *radio, const simtime_t startTime, const simtime_t endTime, const Coord startPosition, const Coord endPosition) const override |
| Returns a description of how the receiver is listening on the medium. More...
virtual bool | computeIsReceptionPossible (const IListening *listening, const ITransmission *transmission) const override |
| Returns whether the reception of the provided transmission is possible or not independently of the reception conditions. More...
virtual const IReceptionDecision * | computeReceptionDecision (const IListening *listening, const IReception *reception, IRadioSignal::SignalPart part, const IInterference *interference, const ISNIR *snir) const override |
| Returns the reception decision for the transmission part that specifies whether the reception is possible, attempted, and successful. More...
virtual const IModulation * | getModulation () const |
virtual void | setModulation (const IModulation *modulation) |
virtual Hz | getCarrierFrequency () const |
virtual void | setCarrierFrequency (Hz carrierFrequency) |
virtual Hz | getBandwidth () const |
virtual void | setBandwidth (Hz bandwidth) |
| SNIRReceiverBase () |
virtual double | getSNIRThreshold () const |
| ReceiverBase () |
virtual W | getMinInterferencePower () const override |
| Returns the minimum interference power below which receptions are to be ignored while computing the interference. More...
virtual bool | computeIsReceptionAttempted (const IListening *listening, const IReception *reception, IRadioSignal::SignalPart part, const IInterference *interference) const override |
| Returns whether the reception of the provided part is actually attempted or ignored by the receiver. More...
virtual const IReceptionResult * | computeReceptionResult (const IListening *listening, const IReception *reception, const IInterference *interference, const ISNIR *snir) const override |
| Returns the complete result of the reception process for the provided reception. More...
virtual | ~IPrintableObject () |
virtual std::string | getInfoStringRepresentation () const |
virtual std::string | getDetailStringRepresentation () const |
virtual std::string | getDebugStringRepresentation () const |
virtual std::string | getTraceStringRepresentation () const |
virtual std::string | getCompleteStringRepresentation () const |