INET Framework for OMNeT++/OMNEST
inet::bgp::SessionInfo Struct Reference

#include <BGPCommon.h>

Public Attributes

SessionID sessionID = 0
BGPSessionType sessionType = INCOMPLETE
ASID ASValue = 0
IPv4Address routerID
IPv4Address peerAddr
InterfaceEntrylinkIntf = nullptr
TCPSocketsocket = nullptr
TCPSocketsocketListen = nullptr
bool sessionEstablished = false

Member Data Documentation

InterfaceEntry* inet::bgp::SessionInfo::linkIntf = nullptr
IPv4Address inet::bgp::SessionInfo::peerAddr
IPv4Address inet::bgp::SessionInfo::routerID
bool inet::bgp::SessionInfo::sessionEstablished = false
SessionID inet::bgp::SessionInfo::sessionID = 0
TCPSocket* inet::bgp::SessionInfo::socketListen = nullptr

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