INET Framework for OMNeT++/OMNEST
inet::sctp::SCTPAlgStateVariables Class Reference

State variables for SCTPAlg. More...

#include <SCTPAlg.h>

Inheritance diagram for inet::sctp::SCTPAlgStateVariables:

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from inet::sctp::SCTPStateVariables
enum  GLOVariant { GLOV_None = 0, GLOV_Optimized1 = 1, GLOV_Optimized2 = 2, GLOV_Shrunken = 3 }
enum  MBVariant {
  MBV_UseItOrLoseIt = 0, MBV_CongestionWindowLimiting = 1, MBV_UseItOrLoseItTempCwnd = 2, MBV_CongestionWindowLimitingTempCwnd = 3,
  MBV_MaxBurst = 4, MBV_AggressiveMaxBurst = 5, MBV_TotalMaxBurst = 6
enum  CUCVariant { CUCV_Normal = 0, CUCV_PseudoCumAck = 1, CUCV_PseudoCumAckV2 = 2 }
enum  BufferSplitVariant { CBSV_None = 0, CBSV_SenderOnly = 1, CBSV_ReceiverOnly = 2, CBSV_BothSides = 3 }
enum  ChunkReschedulingVariant {
  CCRV_None = 0, CCRV_SenderOnly = 1, CCRV_ReceiverOnly = 2, CCRV_BothSides = 3,
  CCRV_Test = 99
enum  CSackPath { CSP_Standard = 0, CSP_Primary = 1, CSP_RoundRobin = 2, CSP_SmallestSRTT = 3 }
enum  CCCVariant {
  CCCV_Off = 0, CCCV_CMT = 1, CCCV_CMTRPv1 = 2, CCCV_CMTRPv2 = 3,
  CCCV_CMT_LIA = 4, CCCV_CMT_OLIA = 5, CCCV_CMTRP_Test1 = 100, CCCV_CMTRP_Test2 = 101
typedef struct inet::sctp::SCTPStateVariables::requestData RequestData
- Public Member Functions inherited from inet::sctp::SCTPStateVariables
 SCTPStateVariables ()
 ~SCTPStateVariables ()
void setPrimaryPath (SCTPPathVariables *path)
const L3AddressgetPrimaryPathIndex () const
SCTPPathVariablesgetPrimaryPath () const
bool findRequestNum (uint32 num)
bool findPeerRequestNum (uint32 num)
bool findPeerStreamToReset (uint16 sn)
bool findMatch (uint16 sn)
RequestDatafindTypeInRequests (uint16 type)
uint16 getNumRequestsNotPerformed ()
- Public Attributes inherited from inet::sctp::SCTPStateVariables
bool active
bool fork
bool ackPointAdvanced
bool dataChunkReceived
bool initReceived
bool cookieEchoReceived
bool newChunkReceived
bool firstChunkReceived
bool swsAvoidanceInvoked
bool probingIsAllowed
bool zeroWindowProbing
bool alwaysBundleSack
bool fastRecoverySupported
bool nagleEnabled
bool sackAllowed
bool sackAlreadySent
bool reactivatePrimaryPath
bool resetPending
bool resetRequested
bool stopReceiving
bool stopOldData
bool queueUpdate
bool firstDataSent
bool peerWindowFull
bool zeroWindow
bool stopSending
bool stopReading
bool inOut
bool noMoreOutstanding
bool fragInProgress
bool incomingRequestSet
uint32 numGapReports
L3Address initialPrimaryPath
std::list< SCTPPathVariables * > lastDataSourceList
AddressVector localAddresses
std::list< uint32dupList
uint32 errorCount
uint64 peerRwnd
uint64 initialPeerRwnd
uint64 localRwnd
uint32 nextTSN
uint32 lastTsnAck
uint32 highestTsnAcked
uint32 lastTsnReceived
uint32 lastTSN
uint32 ackState
SCTPGapList gapList
uint32 packetsInTotalBurst
simtime_t lastTransmission
uint64 outstandingBytes
uint64 queuedSentBytes
uint64 queuedDroppableBytes
uint64 queuedReceivedBytes
uint32 lastStreamScheduled
uint32 assocPmtu
uint32 fragPoint
uint32 msgNum
uint64 bytesRcvd
uint32 numRequests
uint32 bytesToRetransmit
uint32 messagesToPush
int32 pushMessagesLeft
uint32 count
uint8 localTieTag [32]
uint8 peerTieTag [32]
uint64 queuedMessages
uint32 messageAcceptLimit
uint32 queueLimit
uint16 header
uint16 sendResponse
uint32 responseSn
uint16 numResetRequests
int32 probingTimeout
std::vector< int32numMsgsReq
int32 cookieLifeTime
int16 initRetransCounter
 Counter for init and cookie retransmissions. More...
simtime_t initRexmitTimeout
 pointer to the init chunk data structure (for retransmissions) More...
 pointer to the cookie chunk data structure (for retransmissions) More...
 pointer to the resetChunk (for retransmission) More...
uint64 sendQueueLimit
uint64 sendBuffer
bool appSendAllowed
simtime_t lastSendQueueAbated
uint32 nextRSid
uint32 swsLimit
bool lastMsgWasFragment
bool enableHeartbeats
bool sendHeartbeatsOnActivePaths
uint16 chunksAdded
uint16 dataChunksAdded
uint32 packetBytes
uint16 numAddedOutStreams
uint16 numAddedInStreams
bool authAdded
bool nrSack
uint32 gapReportLimit
uint32 gapListOptimizationVariant
bool smartOverfullSACKHandling
bool disableReneging
uint32 rtxMethod
uint32 maxBurst
MBVariant maxBurstVariant
uint32 initialWindow
bool allowCMT
bool(* cmtSendAllComparisonFunction )(const SCTPPathVariables *left, const SCTPPathVariables *right)
const char * cmtRetransmissionVariant
CUCVariant cmtCUCVariant
BufferSplitVariant cmtBufferSplitVariant
bool cmtBufferSplittingUsesOSB
ChunkReschedulingVariant cmtChunkReschedulingVariant
double cmtChunkReschedulingThreshold
bool cmtSmartT3Reset
bool cmtSmartFastRTX
bool cmtSmartReneging
bool cmtSlowPathRTTUpdate
bool cmtUseSFR
bool cmtUseDAC
bool cmtUseFRC
bool cmtMovedChunksReduceCwnd
double movedChunkFastRTXFactor
unsigned int blockingTSNsMoved
bool strictCwndBooking
CSackPath cmtSackPath
bool highSpeedCC
CCCVariant cmtCCVariant
bool rpPathBlocking
bool rpScaleBlockingTimeout
uint32 rpMinCwnd
bool checkSackSeqNumber
uint32 outgoingSackSeqNum
uint32 incomingSackSeqNum
uint32 asconfSn
uint16 numberAsconfReceived
uint32 corrIdNum
bool asconfOutstanding
bool streamReset
bool peerStreamReset
bool resetDeferred
bool bundleReset
bool waitForResponse
bool firstPeerRequest
bool appLimited
bool requestsOverlap
uint32 streamResetSequenceNumber
uint32 expectedStreamResetSequenceNumber
uint32 peerRequestSn
uint32 inRequestSn
uint32 peerTsnAfterReset
uint32 lastTsnBeforeReset
std::list< uint16resetOutStreams
std::list< uint16resetInStreams
std::list< uint16streamsPending
std::list< uint16streamsToReset
std::list< uint16peerStreamsToReset
std::map< uint32, RequestDatarequests
std::map< uint32, RequestDatapeerRequests
uint16 peerRequestType
uint16 localRequestType
uint16 hmacType
bool peerAuth
bool auth
std::vector< uint16chunkList
std::vector< uint16peerChunkList
uint8 keyVector [512]
uint32 sizeKeyVector
uint8 peerKeyVector [512]
uint32 sizePeerKeyVector
uint8 sharedKey [512]
bool osbWithHeader
bool padding
bool pktDropSent
bool peerPktDrop
uint32 advancedPeerAckPoint
uint32 prMethod
bool peerAllowsChunks
uint32 initialPeerMsgRwnd
uint32 localMsgRwnd
uint32 peerMsgRwnd
uint32 bufferedMessages
uint32 outstandingMessages
uint32 bytesToAddPerRcvdChunk
uint32 bytesToAddPerPeerChunk
bool tellArwnd
bool swsMsgInvoked
simtime_t lastThroughputTime
std::map< uint16, uint32streamThroughput
simtime_t lastAssocThroughputTime
uint32 assocThroughput
double throughputInterval
bool ssNextStream
bool ssLastDataChunkSizeSet
bool ssOneStreamLeft
std::map< uint16, uint32ssPriorityMap
std::map< uint16, int32ssFairBandwidthMap
std::map< uint16, int32ssStreamToPathMap

Detailed Description

State variables for SCTPAlg.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: