
Package: inet.queueing.contract


module interface

This module interface must be implemented by passive packet sink modules. A passive packet sink, also called a consumer, has one input that must be connected to an active packet source module. The connected active packet source is expected to push packets into the passive packet sink over time.

See also: PassivePacketSink, PacketQueue, PacketClassifier, IActivePacketSource

Inheritance diagram

The following diagram shows inheritance relationships for this type. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram.

Implemented by

Name Type Description
AsynchronousShaper compound module

This module implements an asynchronous shaper. The queue sorts packets based on the transmission eligibility time (EligibilityTimeTag) attached to each packet. The gate prevents packets to be transmitter earlier than the attached transmission eligibility time.

CompoundPacketQueueBase compound module

This compound module serves as a base module for complex packet queues formed by combining several queueing components.

CompoundPendingQueue compound module (no description)
ContentBasedClassifier simple module

This module connects one packet producer to multiple packet consumers. It can be pushed with packets from the connected packet producer. When this happens, the classifier pushes the packet to one of its connected packet consumers based on the configured packet filters. The first matching expression determines the index of the output gate.

CreditBasedShaper compound module

This module implements a credit based shaper using a gate submodule to manage the number of credits.

DiffservQueue compound module

This is an example queue, that can be used in interfaces of DS core and edge nodes to support the AFxy (RFC 2597) and EF (RFC 3246) PHBs.

DropHeadQueue simple module

This is a limited packet queue which drops packets at the head of the queue.

DropTailQueue simple module

This module is a limited packet queue which drops packets at the tail of the queue.

DualRateThreeColorClassifier simple module

This packet classifier module classifies packets using two token buckets. Each packet is classified depending on which token bucket is the first one that contains the required number of tokens for the packet.

DynamicClassifier simple module (no description)
EligibilityTimeQueue simple module

This module is a packet queue that keeps the packets in ascending order based on the eligibility time in the attached EligibilityTimeTag of the packets.

EthernetCutthroughBarrier simple module (no description)
EthernetFrameClassifier simple module

Classifier that forwards Ethernet PAUSE frames to the pauseOut gate, and other frames to the defaultOut gate.

EthernetGatingQueue compound module (no description)
EthernetPriorityQueue compound module (no description)
EthernetQosQueue compound module

Queue module that gives the PAUSE frames a higher priority, and can be parametrized with an IPacketQueue for serving the data frames.

EthernetQosRedQueue compound module

Queue module that gives the PAUSE frames a higher priority, and using Random Early Detection algorithm on data frames, and can be parametrized with an IPacketQueue for serving the data frames.

EthernetQueue compound module

Queue module that gives the PAUSE frames a higher priority.

FullPacketSink simple module

This module is an active/passive full packet sink. It doesn't pull packets from the connected module, and the it doesn't allow packets to be pusehd by the connected module. The input gate generates backpressure for push packet operations.

GatingPriorityQueue compound module

This module implements a priority queue with multiple inner queues each having its own periodic gate for packet selection and an optional shared memory buffer.

Ieee8021qTimeAwareShaper compound module

This module implements the IEEE 802.1Q time aware shaper.

InProgressQueue simple module (no description)
LabelClassifier simple module

This module classifies packets based on the attached labels in a LabelsTag.

LeakyBucket compound module

This module implements a parameterizable leaky bucket algorithm.

MarkovClassifier simple module

This module implements a packet classifier using a Markov process that has as many states as output gates the classifier has. The output gate for a given packet is determined by the current state of the Markov process.

MultiPacketPolicing compound module

This module combines multiple packet policing modules into one.

MultiTokenBucketClassifier simple module

This module classifies packets into the first bucket that contains the required number of tokens. The packet is forwarded on the output gate that corresponds to the selected bucket.

OmittedPacketDelayer compound module

This module implements the module given interface and can be used as an omitted optional module that removes itself from the module hierarchy during initialize.

OmittedPacketQueue compound module

This module implements the module given interface and can be used as an omitted optional module that removes itself from the module hierarchy during initialize.

OmittedTrafficConditioner compound module

This module implements the module given interface and can be used as an omitted optional module that removes itself from the module hierarchy during initialize.

PacketBasedTokenGenerator simple module

This module generates tokens into the configured TokenBasedServer for each consumed packet.

PacketClassifier simple module

This module connects one packet producer to multiple packet consumers. It can be pushed with packets from the connected packet producer. When this happens, the classifier pushes the packet to one of its connected packet consumers based on the configured packet classifier function. The packet classifier function takes a packet and returns an integer which in turn is used for determining the output gate.

PacketCloner simple module

This module connects one packet producer to one packet consumer. It can be pushed with packets from the connected packet producer. When this happens, a separate copy of the packet is pushed to each output gate.

PacketDelayer simple module

This module connects one packet producer to one packet consumer. It can be pushed with packets from the connected packet producer. When this happens, the packet is delayed and eventually pushed to the output. Note that the order of packets may change if the delay parameter is configured to be a distribution.

PacketDuplicator simple module

This module connects one packet producer to one packet consumer. It can be pushed with packets from the connected packet producer. When this happens, one or more copy of the packet is pushed to the output gate.

PacketHistory compound module

This module connects one packet producer to one packet consumer. It can be pushed with packets from the connected packet producer. It keeps a copy of the last N packets pushed into its input. The packets are available in the runtime user interface (Qtenv) for inspection.

PacketPolicing compound module

This module combines a packet meter and a packet filter into a packet policing module. The meter measures the packet flow that is passing through and attaches some meta information to the packets. The filter drops the packets that don't match the implemented filter criteria.

PacketPushToSend simple module (no description)
PacketQueue simple module

This module implements a widely configurable packet queue, which is suitable among others, to be used in MAC protocols, traffic conditioning, and quality of services. This module can be used on its own, but it's also often supplemented by additional queueing components such as servers, classifiers, schedulers, multiplexers, etc. This kind of composition allows to form a larger module which can act as a packet queue with more complex behavior.

PacketShaper compound module

This module combines a packet queue and a packet gate into a packet shaper module. The queue stores the packets sorted according to its ordering and the gate decides when the first packet can be pulled from the queue.

PassivePacketSink simple module

This module is a passive packet sink which is pushed with packets by the connected packet producer. All pushed packets are counted and deleted.

PcapFilePacketConsumer simple module

This module is a passive packet sink which is pushed with packets by the connected packet producer. All pushed packets are written to a PCAP file.

PcpClassifier simple module

This module classifies packets based on the attached PCP value [0, 7]. The PCP is determined by a PcpReq or a PcpInd or both. The output gate index is the ith value in the pcpToGateIndex parameter.

PcpTrafficClassClassifier compound module

This module classifies packets based on the attached PCP value [0, 7]. The PCP is determined by a PcpReq or a PcpInd or both. The output gate index is the value found in the mapping matrix using the PCP value as the row index and the number of connected consumers (traffic categories) as the column index.

PendingQueue simple module (no description)
PriorityClassifier simple module

This classifier pushes packets into the first non-full among its connected packet consumers.

PriorityQueue compound module

This module implements a priority queue with multiple inner queues and an optional shared memory buffer.

PriorityShaper compound module

This module combines a classifier, a scheduler and several traffic shapers into a single packet shaper. Packets are classified into one of the traffic shapers and the scheduler prioritizes among them.

QueueingPacketDelayer compound module (no description)
RedDropperQueue compound module

Combines a packet queue with random early detection (RED) dropper.

RequestConsumer compound module

This module processes incoming packets one by one in the order they arrive. First it classifies a packet according to the configured classifier function, then it generates tokens for the selected category in the configured response producer.

SingleRateThreeColorClassifier simple module

This packet classifier module classifies packets using two token buckets. Each packet is classified depending on which token bucket is the first one that contains the required number of tokens for the packet.

SingleRateTwoColorClassifier simple module

This packet classifier module classifies packets using one token bucket. Each packet is classified depending on whether the token bucket contains the required number of tokens for the packet.

StreamClassifier simple module

This module classifies packets based on the stream they are part of. The stream is determined by a StreamReq or a StreamInd or both.

StreamSplitter simple module

This module duplicates incoming packets based on the stream they are part of. The stream is determined by the StreamReq tag that is attached to the packet. The number of outgoing packet is determined by the mapping parameter. Each outgoing packet will have an attached StreamReq with the tag name taken from the mapping parameter.

TimeAwareShaper compound module

This module implements a time-aware shaper using a gate submodule that opens and closes according to a time-based schedule.

TokenBucket compound module

This module implements a parameterizable token bucket algorithm.

TokenBucketClassifier simple module

This module classifies packets to the first output gate if the bucket contains enough number of tokens for the packet passing through, otherwise the second output gate is used. The amount of required tokens is equal to the packet length in bits and is subtracted from the number of stored tokens. New tokens are generated with the provided constant rate and they may also be added by other modules.

UserPriorityClassifier simple module

This module classifies packets based on the attached UserPriority tag.

WrrClassifier simple module

This module implements weighted round-robin classifier.

Used in compound modules

Name Type Description
EthernetApp compound module

This module generates traffic as an Ethernet application. The traffic source and traffic sink modules can be built from queueing model elements.

Ieee8022LlcApp compound module

This module generates traffic as an IEEE 802.2 LLC application. The traffic source and traffic sink modules can be built from queueing model elements.

IpApp compound module

This module generates traffic for a IP application. The traffic source and traffic sink modules can be built from queueing model elements.

RequestConsumer compound module

This module processes incoming packets one by one in the order they arrive. First it classifies a packet according to the configured classifier function, then it generates tokens for the selected category in the configured response producer.

SinkApp compound module

This module implements a generic sink application.

TcpClientApp compound module

This module is a generic TCP client application. The traffic source and traffic sink modules can be built from queueing model elements.

TcpServerConnection compound module

This module is a generic TCP server connection. The traffic source and traffic sink modules can be built from queueing model elements.

TelnetClientApp compound module

This client application contains a configurable pre-composed telnet traffic source and traffic sink.

TelnetServerConnection compound module

This module contains a configurable pre-composed telnet traffic source and traffic sink as part of a telnet server application.

UdpApp compound module

This module generates traffic for a UDP application. The traffic source and traffic sink modules can be built from queueing model elements.

Known subclasses

Name Type Description
IPacketClassifier module interface

This module interface is implemented by packet classifier modules. A packet classifier is a passive module which has one passive input and multiple active outputs. Packets pushed into the passive input are passed through to one of the active outputs without any delay and reordering.

IPacketDelayer module interface

This module interface is implemented by packet delayers.

IPacketPolicing module interface

This module interface is implemented by packet policing modules. A packet policing connects one input to one output. It operates in passive mode on its input and in active mode on its output. These modules usually meter various traffic properties and drop packets, but they never modify, delay or reorder packets.

IPacketPusher module interface

This module interface is implemented by packet pushers. A packet pusher connects one input to one output. Packets can be pushed into its input and it pushed packets into its output.

IPacketQueue module interface

This module interface is implemented by packet queue modules. A packet queue is a passive module which has one passive input and one passive output. Packets pushed into the passive input are either stored or dropped. Packets pulled from the passive output are provided from the stored packets.

IPacketShaper module interface

This module interface is implemented by packet shaper modules. A packet shaper connects one input to one output. It operates in passive mode both on its input and its output. These modules may delay and reorder packets but they never modify or drop packets.

ITrafficConditioner module interface

This module interface is implemented by traffic conditioner modules. A traffic conditioner connects one input to one output. It operates in passive mode on its input and in active mode on its output. Packets can be pushed into its input and packets can be pulled from its output. A traffic conditioner can drop, delay and reorder packets, but it doesn't modify packets in any way.


Name Value Description
display i=block/sink

Source code

// This module interface must be implemented by passive packet sink modules.
// A passive packet sink, also called a consumer, has one input that must be
// connected to an active packet source module. The connected active packet
// source is expected to push packets into the passive packet sink over time.
// @see ~PassivePacketSink, ~PacketQueue, ~PacketClassifier, ~IActivePacketSource
moduleinterface IPassivePacketSink
        input in @labels(push);
File: src/inet/queueing/contract/IPassivePacketSink.ned