
Package: inet.queueing.queue


compound module

This compound module serves as a base module for complex packet queues formed by combining several queueing components.

Inheritance diagram

The following diagram shows inheritance relationships for this type. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram.

Known subclasses

Name Type Description
CompoundPendingQueue compound module (no description)
DiffservQueue compound module

This is an example queue, that can be used in interfaces of DS core and edge nodes to support the AFxy (RFC 2597) and EF (RFC 3246) PHBs.

EthernetQosQueue compound module

Queue module that gives the PAUSE frames a higher priority, and can be parametrized with an IPacketQueue for serving the data frames.

EthernetQosRedQueue compound module

Queue module that gives the PAUSE frames a higher priority, and using Random Early Detection algorithm on data frames, and can be parametrized with an IPacketQueue for serving the data frames.

GatingPriorityQueue compound module

This module implements a priority queue with multiple inner queues each having its own periodic gate for packet selection and an optional shared memory buffer.

Ieee8021qTimeAwareShaper compound module

This module implements the IEEE 802.1Q time aware shaper.

PriorityQueue compound module

This module implements a priority queue with multiple inner queues and an optional shared memory buffer.

PriorityShaper compound module

This module combines a classifier, a scheduler and several traffic shapers into a single packet shaper. Packets are classified into one of the traffic shapers and the scheduler prioritizes among them.

RedDropperQueue compound module

Combines a packet queue with random early detection (RED) dropper.


Name Type Description
PacketQueueBase simple module

This is a base module for various packet queue modules which maintains a few statistics.


Name Type Default value Description
displayStringTextFormat string "contains %p pk (%l) pushed %u created %c\n pulled %o removed %r dropped %d"

determines the text that is written on top of the submodule

packetCapacity int -1

maximum number of packets in the queue, no limit by default

dataCapacity int -1b

maximum total length of packets in the queue, no limit by default

dropperClass string ""

determines which packets are dropped when the queue is overloaded, packets are not dropped by default; the parameter must be the name of a C++ class which implements the IPacketDropperFunction C++ interface and is registered via Register_Class


Name Value Description
display i=block/queue
class CompoundPacketQueueBase
defaultStatistic queueLength:vector


Name Direction Size Description
in input
out output


Name Type Unit
packetRemoved inet::Packet
packetPushStarted inet::Packet
packetDropped inet::Packet
packetPushEnded inet::Packet?
packetPulled inet::Packet


Name Title Source Record Unit Interpolation Mode
queueBitLength queue bit length warmup(atomic(constant0(localSignal(packetPushEnded)) + sum(packetLength(localSignal(packetPushStarted))) - sum(packetLength(localSignal(packetPulled))) - sum(packetLength(localSignal(packetRemoved))) - sum(packetLength(localSignal(packetDropped))))) last, max, timeavg, vector b sample-hold
queueLength queue length warmup(atomic(constant0(localSignal(packetPushEnded)) + count(localSignal(packetPushStarted)) - count(localSignal(packetPulled)) - count(localSignal(packetRemoved)) - count(localSignal(packetDropped)))) last, max, timeavg, vector pk sample-hold
droppedPacketsQueueOverflow dropped packets: queue overflow packetDropReasonIsQueueOverflow(localSignal(packetDropped)) count pk none
queueingTime queueing times queueingTime(localSignal(packetPulled)) histogram, vector s none
incomingDataRate incoming datarate throughput(localSignal(packetPushStarted)) vector bps linear
flowQueueingTime flow queueing times queueingTime(demuxFlow(localSignal(packetPulled))) histogram, vector s none
incomingPacketLengths incoming packet lengths packetLength(localSignal(packetPushStarted)) sum, histogram, vector b none
flowIncomingDataRate flow specific incoming data rate throughput(flowPacketLength(demuxFlow(localSignal(packetPushStarted)))) vector bps linear
outgoingDataRate outgoing datarate throughput(localSignal(packetPulled)) vector bps linear
outgoingPacketLengths outgoing packet lengths packetLength(localSignal(packetPulled)) sum, histogram, vector b none
droppedPacketLengthsQueueOverflow dropped packet lengths: queue overflow packetLength(packetDropReasonIsQueueOverflow(localSignal(packetDropped))) sum, vector b none
flowOutgoingDataRate flow specific outgoing data rate throughput(flowPacketLength(demuxFlow(localSignal(packetPulled)))) vector bps linear
incomingPackets incoming packets localSignal(packetPushStarted) count pk
outgoingPackets outgoing packets localSignal(packetPulled) count pk

Source code

// This compound module serves as a base module for complex packet queues formed
// by combining several queueing components.
module CompoundPacketQueueBase extends PacketQueueBase like IPacketQueue
        int packetCapacity = default(-1); // maximum number of packets in the queue, no limit by default
        int dataCapacity @unit(b) = default(-1b); // maximum total length of packets in the queue, no limit by default
        string dropperClass = default(""); // determines which packets are dropped when the queue is overloaded, packets are not dropped by default; the parameter must be the name of a C++ class which implements the IPacketDropperFunction C++ interface and is registered via Register_Class
        displayStringTextFormat = default("contains %p pk (%l) pushed %u created %c\n pulled %o removed %r dropped %d");
        // the statistical value is the number of packets in the queue
        @statistic[queueLength](title="queue length"; source=warmup(atomic(constant0(localSignal(packetPushEnded)) + count(localSignal(packetPushStarted)) - count(localSignal(packetPulled)) - count(localSignal(packetRemoved)) - count(localSignal(packetDropped)))); record=last,max,timeavg,vector; interpolationmode=sample-hold; unit=pk; autoWarmupFilter=false);
        // the statistical value is the total bit length of all packets in the queue
        @statistic[queueBitLength](title="queue bit length"; source=warmup(atomic(constant0(localSignal(packetPushEnded)) + sum(packetLength(localSignal(packetPushStarted))) - sum(packetLength(localSignal(packetPulled))) - sum(packetLength(localSignal(packetRemoved))) - sum(packetLength(localSignal(packetDropped))))); record=last,max,timeavg,vector; unit=b; interpolationmode=sample-hold; autoWarmupFilter=false);
        // the statistical value is the queueing time of packets
        @statistic[queueingTime](title="queueing times"; source=queueingTime(localSignal(packetPulled)); record=histogram,vector; unit=s; interpolationmode=none);
        // the statistical value is the incoming packet
        @statistic[incomingPackets](title="incoming packets"; source=localSignal(packetPushStarted); record=count; unit=pk);
        // the statistical value is the length of the incoming packet
        @statistic[incomingPacketLengths](title="incoming packet lengths"; source=packetLength(localSignal(packetPushStarted)); record=sum,histogram,vector; unit=b; interpolationmode=none);
        // the statistical value is the data rate of the incoming packets
        @statistic[incomingDataRate](title="incoming datarate"; source=throughput(localSignal(packetPushStarted)); record=vector; unit=bps; interpolationmode=linear);
        // the statistical value is the outgoing packet
        @statistic[outgoingPackets](title="outgoing packets"; source=localSignal(packetPulled); record=count; unit=pk);
        // the statistical value is the length of the outgoing packet
        @statistic[outgoingPacketLengths](title="outgoing packet lengths"; source=packetLength(localSignal(packetPulled)); record=sum,histogram,vector; unit=b; interpolationmode=none);
        // the statistical value is the data rate of the outgoing packets
        @statistic[outgoingDataRate](title="outgoing datarate"; source=throughput(localSignal(packetPulled)); record=vector; unit=bps; interpolationmode=linear);
        // the statistical value is the packet that is dropped due to queue overflow
        @statistic[droppedPacketsQueueOverflow](title="dropped packets: queue overflow"; source=packetDropReasonIsQueueOverflow(localSignal(packetDropped)); record=count; unit=pk; interpolationmode=none);
        // the statistical value is the length of the packet that is dropped due to queue overflow
        @statistic[droppedPacketLengthsQueueOverflow](title="dropped packet lengths: queue overflow"; source=packetLength(packetDropReasonIsQueueOverflow(localSignal(packetDropped))); record=sum,vector; unit=b; interpolationmode=none);
        // the statistical value is the flow specific queueing time of packets
        @statistic[flowQueueingTime](title="flow queueing times"; source=queueingTime(demuxFlow(localSignal(packetPulled))); record=histogram,vector; unit=s; interpolationmode=none);
        // the statistical value is the flow specific data rate of the incoming packets
        @statistic[flowIncomingDataRate](title="flow specific incoming data rate"; source=throughput(flowPacketLength(demuxFlow(localSignal(packetPushStarted)))); record=vector; unit=bps; interpolationmode=linear);
        // the statistical value is the flow specific data rate of the outgoing packets
        @statistic[flowOutgoingDataRate](title="flow specific outgoing data rate"; source=throughput(flowPacketLength(demuxFlow(localSignal(packetPulled)))); record=vector; unit=bps; interpolationmode=linear);
File: src/inet/queueing/queue/CompoundPacketQueueBase.ned