Compound Module AdhocHost

Package: inet.node.inet
File: src/inet/node/inet/AdhocHost.ned

A wireless host containing routing, mobility and battery components. Supports only IPv4 protocol, TCP and UDP as transport protocol. This is a typical mobile node which can participate in adhoc routing and may have TCP/UDP applications installed. Supports ICMP (ping) too.

NodeStatus IEnergyStorage IEnergyManagement IEnergyGenerator IMobility INetworkLayer IRoutingTable InterfaceTable PcapRecorder LoopbackInterface IWirelessNic IWiredNic IWiredNic IExternalNic ITunNic ITunApp ITCPApp ITCP IUDPApp IUDP ISCTPApp ISCTP IPingApp

Usage diagram:

The following diagram shows usage relationships between types. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram.

Inheritance diagram:

The following diagram shows inheritance relationships for this type. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram.


Name Type Description
WirelessHost compound module

Models a host with (default) one wireless (802.11) card in infrastructure mode. This module is basically a StandardHost with an Ieee80211Nic with mgmtType = Ieee80211MgmtSTA added. It should be used in conjunction with AccessPoint, or any other AP model which contains Ieee80211Nic with mgmtType = Ieee80211MgmtAP.

Known subclasses:

Name Type Description
DynamicHost compound module (no description)


Name Type Description
ComplexConfiguratorNetwork network (no description)
Crosstalk network (no description)
DataLinkVisualizerEnablingWirelessShowcase network

TODO documentation

EarthVisualization3 network (no description)
ErrorRateExample network (no description)
ErrorRateTest network (no description)
InfoVisualizationExample network (no description)
InstrumentShowcase network (no description)
InterfaceTableVisualizationAdvancedFeaturesShowcase network (no description)
Layered80211 network (no description)
LayeredAPSK network (no description)
LevelofDetail network (no description)
LinkBreakA network (no description)
LinkBreakVisualizationExample network (no description)
MediumActivityInterferingSignalsShowcase network (no description)
MediumActivityMultipleNodesShowcase network (no description)
MobilityVisualizerShowcase network

TODO documentation

Net network (no description)
Net80211 network (no description)
NetworkNodeVisualizerShowcase network

TODO documentation

ObjectCacheTest network (no description)
ObstacleIntersectionTest network (no description)
ObstacleLossVisualizationEnablingShowcase network (no description)
ObstacleLossVisualizationExample network (no description)
ObstacleLossVisualizationMultipleObstaclesShowcase network (no description)
ObstacleTest network (no description)
PacketDropArpResolutionFailedShowcase network (no description)
PacketDropMacRetryLimitReachedShowcase network (no description)
PacketDropVisualizationExample network (no description)
PhysicalLinkVisualizerEnablingShowcase network

TODO documentation

PhysicalLinkVisualizerMobileShowcase network

TODO documentation

PowerConsumptionShowcase network (no description)
PowerNetwork network (no description)
QosThroughput network (no description)
SignalPropagationVisualizationExample network (no description)
StatisticVisualizationExample network (no description)
StatisticVisualizationPacketErrorRateShowcase network (no description)
StatisticVisualizationPingRttShowcase network (no description)
StylingShowcase network

TODO documentation

SubmoduleInformationVisualizationShowcase network (no description)
Synchronized network (no description)
TransportConnectionVisualizationExample network (no description)
TransportPathVisualizerSimpleWirelessShowcase network

TODO documentation


Name Type Default value Description
hasStatus bool false
numExtInterfaces int 0
numRadios int 1

the number of radios in the router. by default no wireless

numPcapRecorders int 0

no of PcapRecorders.

numTunInterfaces int 0
osgModel string ""

3D model for OSG visualization, no 3D model by default

osgModelColor string ""

tint color, no colorization by default

mobilityType string numRadios > 0 ? "StationaryMobility" : ""
networkLayerType string "IPv4NetworkLayer"
routingTableType string "IPv4RoutingTable"
forwarding bool true
multicastForwarding bool false
energyStorageType string ""
energyManagementType string ""
energyGeneratorType string ""
numTcpApps int 0

no of TCP apps. Specify the app types in INI file with tcpApp[0..1].typename="TCPEchoApp" syntax

numUdpApps int 0

no of UDP apps. Specify the app types in INI file with udpApp[0..1].typename="UDPVideoStreamCli" syntax

numSctpApps int 0

no of SCTP apps. Specify the app types in INI file with sctpApp[0..1].typename="SCTPServer" syntax

numPingApps int 0

no of PING apps. Specify the app types in INI file with pingApp[0..1].typename="PingApp" syntax

hasTcp bool numTcpApps > 0
hasUdp bool numUdpApps > 0
hasSctp bool numSctpApps > 0
hasTun bool numTunInterfaces > 0
tcpType string firstAvailableOrEmpty("TCP", "TCP_lwIP", "TCP_NSC")

tcp implementation (e.g. TCP, TCP_lwIP, TCP_NSC) or TCPSpoof

udpType string firstAvailableOrEmpty("UDP")
sctpType string firstAvailableOrEmpty("SCTP")


Name Value Description
display i=device/cellphone
labels node


Name Direction Size Description
radioIn [ ] input numRadios
pppg [ ] inout
ethg [ ] inout

Unassigned submodule parameters:

Name Type Default value Description
status.initialStatus string "UP"

TODO @signal, @statistic

routingTable.forwarding bool
routingTable.multicastForwarding bool
interfaceTable.displayAddresses bool false

whether to display IP addresses on links

pcapRecorder.verbose bool false

whether to log packets on the module output

pcapRecorder.pcapFile string ""

the PCAP file to be written

pcapRecorder.snaplen int 65535

maximum number of bytes to record per packet

pcapRecorder.dumpBadFrames bool true

enable dump of frames with hasBitError

pcapRecorder.moduleNamePatterns string "wlan[*] eth[*] ppp[*] ext[*]"

space-separated list of sibling module names to listen on

pcapRecorder.sendingSignalNames string "packetSentToLower"

space-separated list of outbound packet signals to subscribe to

pcapRecorder.receivingSignalNames string "packetReceivedFromLower"

space-separated list of inbound packet signals to subscribe to

pcapRecorder.alwaysFlush bool false

flush the pcapFile after each write to ensure that all packets are captured in case of a crash

lo0.lo.interfaceTableModule string

The path to the InterfaceTable module

lo0.lo.mtu int 4470B

Source code:

// A wireless host containing routing, mobility and battery components.
// Supports only IPv4 protocol, TCP and UDP as transport protocol.
// This is a typical mobile node which can participate in adhoc routing
// and may have TCP/UDP applications installed. Supports ICMP (ping) too.
// - By default contains a single wireless cards, however it can be configured
//   by the numRadios parameter. Wireless card type is configured by the
//   **.wlan.typename parameter. see:  inet.linklayer.ieee80211 or other
//   modules implementing ~IWirelessNic
// - Node mobility can be set using **.mobility.typename
//   see: inet.mobility and ~IMobility
module AdhocHost extends WirelessHost
        wlan[*].mgmtType = default("Ieee80211MgmtAdhoc");  // use adhoc management
        forwarding = default(true);