
Package: inet.networklayer.ipv4


simple module

Imlementation of IGMPv2 protocol. Multicast routers use IGMP to learn which groups have members on each of their attached physical networks.

Hosts and routers are communicating with each other by sending IGMP messages (see IgmpMessage). The IGMP messages are encapsulated and transported by the IP module connected to the 'ipOut' and 'ipIn' gates. If a multicast routing protocol module, which also uses IGMP messages (e.g. DVMRP), is connected to the 'routerOut' and 'routerIn' gates, it can send and receive IGMP messages through the IGMP module.

This module implements both IGMPv2 host and router logic as specified in RFC 2236.

Host behaviour

When an interface joins to a multicast group, the host will send a Membership Report immediately to the group address. This report is repeated after 'unsolicetedReportInterval' to cover the possibility of the first report being lost.

When a host's interface leaves a multicast group, and it was the last host that sent a Membership Report for that group, it will send a Leave Group message to the all-routers multicast group (

This module also responds to IGMP Queries. When the host receives a Group-Specific Query on an interface that belongs to that group, then it will set a timer to a random value between 0 and Max Response Time of the Query. If the timer expires before the host observe a Membership Report sent by other hosts, then the host sends an IGMPv2 Membership Report. When the host receives a General Query on an interface, a timer is initialized and a report is sent for each group membership of the interface.

Router behaviour

Multicast routers maintains a list for each interface containing the multicast groups that have listeners on that interface. This list is updated when IGMP Membership Reports and Leave Group messages arrive, or when a timer expires since the last Query.

When multiple routers are connected to the same link, the one with the smallest IP address will be the Querier. When other routers observe that they are Non-Queriers (by receiving an IGMP Query with a lower source address), they stop sending IGMP Queries until 'otherQuerierPresentInterval' elapsed since the last received query.

Routers periodically ('queryInterval') send a General Query on each attached network for which this router is a Querier. On startup the router sends 'startupQueryCount' queries separated by 'startupQueryInterval'. A General Query has unspecified Group Address field, a Max Response Time field set to 'queryResponseInterval', and is sent to the all-systems multicast address (

When a router receives a Membership Report, it will add the reported group to the list of multicast group memberships. At the same time it will set a timer for the membership to 'groupMembershipInterval'. Repeated reports restart the timer. If the timer expires, the router assumes that the group has no local members, and multicast traffic is no more forwarded to that interface.

When a Querier receives a Leave Group message for a group, it sends a Group-Specific Query to the group being left. It repeats the Query 'lastMemberQueryCount' times in separated by 'lastMemberQueryInterval' until a Membership Report is received. If no Report received, then the router assumes that the group has no local members.

Disabling IGMP

The IPv4 Ipv4NetworkLayer contains an instance of the IGMP (Igmpv2) module. IGMP can be turned off by setting the 'enabled' parameter to false. When disabled, then no IGMP message is generated, and incoming IGMP messages are ignored.

Inheritance diagram

The following diagram shows inheritance relationships for this type. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram.


Name Type Default value Description
interfaceTableModule string

The path to the InterfaceTable module

routingTableModule string
crcMode string "declared"
enabled bool true
robustnessVariable int 2

IGMP is roboust to (roboustnessVariable-1) packet loss

queryInterval double 125s
queryResponseInterval double 10s
groupMembershipInterval double (robustnessVariable * queryInterval) + queryResponseInterval
otherQuerierPresentInterval double (robustnessVariable * queryInterval) + (queryResponseInterval / 2)
startupQueryInterval double queryInterval / 4
startupQueryCount int robustnessVariable
lastMemberQueryInterval double 1s
lastMemberQueryCount int robustnessVariable
unsolicitedReportInterval double 10s


Name Value Description
display i=block/cogwheel

double version1RouterPresentInterval @unit(s) = default(400s);

selfMessageKinds inet::IgmpTimerKind


Name Direction Size Description
ipIn input

delivered IGMP packets

ipOut output

to Ipv4

routerIn input
routerOut output

Scheduled messages (observed)

omnetpp::cMessage1001 (IgmpTimerKind::IGMP_QUERY_TIMER)IgmpvN query timerfilled
omnetpp::cMessage1002 (IgmpTimerKind::IGMP_HOSTGROUP_TIMER)IgmpvN group timerfilled
omnetpp::cMessage1003 (IgmpTimerKind::IGMP_LEAVE_TIMER)IgmpvN leave timerfilled
omnetpp::cMessage1004 (IgmpTimerKind::IGMP_REXMT_TIMER)IgmpvN rexmt timerfilled

Direct method calls (observed)

call tofunctioninfo

Called methods (observed)

functioninfocall from
inet::Igmpv2::receiveSignalipv4MulticastGroupJoinedIpv4NodeConfigurator, Ipv4RoutingTable, Dsdv, Dymo, EigrpIpv4Pdm, Gpsr, Ospfv2, PimDm, PimSm, Udp
inet::Igmpv2::receiveSignalipv4MulticastGroupLeftEigrpIpv4Pdm, Udp

Incoming messages (observed)

ipInPacket0Ipv4DispatchProtocolReq, DscpInd, EcnInd, HopLimitInd, InterfaceInd, L3AddressInd, NetworkProtocolInd, PacketProtocolTag, TosInd, MacAddressInd?

Outgoing messages (observed)

ipOutPacket0Ipv4DispatchProtocolInd, DispatchProtocolReq, HopLimitReq, InterfaceReq, L3AddressReq, PacketProtocolTag, Ipv4OptionsReq?

Packet operations (observed)

Igmpv2LeaveinsertAtFront, peekAtFront
Igmpv2ReportinsertAtFront, peekAtFront

Shared Tagging operations (observed)


Tagging operations (observed)

inet::Ipv4InterfaceDatafindTag, getTag, getTagForUpdate

Source code

// Imlementation of IGMPv2 protocol. Multicast routers use IGMP
// to learn which groups have members on each of their attached
// physical networks.
// Hosts and routers are communicating with each other by sending
// IGMP messages (see ~IgmpMessage). The IGMP messages are
// encapsulated and transported by the IP module connected to
// the 'ipOut' and 'ipIn' gates. If a multicast routing
// protocol module, which also uses IGMP messages (e.g. DVMRP),
// is connected to the 'routerOut' and 'routerIn' gates, it can
// send and receive IGMP messages through the IGMP module.
// This module implements both IGMPv2 host and router logic
// as specified in RFC 2236.
// <b>Host behaviour</b>
// When an interface joins to a multicast group, the host
// will send a Membership Report immediately to the group address.
// This report is repeated after 'unsolicetedReportInterval' to
// cover the possibility of the first report being lost.
// When a host's interface leaves a multicast group, and it was
// the last host that sent a Membership Report for that group,
// it will send a Leave Group message to the all-routers multicast
// group (
// This module also responds to IGMP Queries. When the host
// receives a Group-Specific Query on an interface that belongs
// to that group, then it will set a timer to a random value
// between 0 and Max Response Time of the Query. If the timer
// expires before the host observe a Membership Report sent
// by other hosts, then the host sends an IGMPv2 Membership Report.
// When the host receives a General Query on an interface,
// a timer is initialized and a report is sent for each group
// membership of the interface.
// <b>Router behaviour</b>
// Multicast routers maintains a list for each interface containing
// the multicast groups that have listeners on that interface.
// This list is updated when IGMP Membership Reports and Leave Group
// messages arrive, or when a timer expires since the last Query.
// When multiple routers are connected to the same link, the one with
// the smallest IP address will be the Querier. When other routers
// observe that they are Non-Queriers (by receiving an IGMP Query
// with a lower source address), they stop sending IGMP Queries
// until 'otherQuerierPresentInterval' elapsed since the last
// received query.
// Routers periodically ('queryInterval') send a General Query
// on each attached network for which this router is a Querier.
// On startup the router sends 'startupQueryCount' queries
// separated by 'startupQueryInterval'. A General Query
// has unspecified Group Address field, a Max Response Time
// field set to 'queryResponseInterval', and is sent to the
// all-systems multicast address (
// When a router receives a Membership Report, it will add the
// reported group to the list of multicast group memberships.
// At the same time it will set a timer for the membership
// to 'groupMembershipInterval'. Repeated reports restart
// the timer. If the timer expires, the router assumes
// that the group has no local members, and multicast traffic
// is no more forwarded to that interface.
// When a Querier receives a Leave Group message for a group,
// it sends a Group-Specific Query to the group being left.
// It repeats the Query 'lastMemberQueryCount' times in
// separated by 'lastMemberQueryInterval' until a Membership
// Report is received. If no Report received, then the router
// assumes that the group has no local members.
// <b>Disabling IGMP</b>
// The IPv4 ~Ipv4NetworkLayer contains an instance of the IGMP
// (~Igmpv2) module. IGMP can be turned off by setting the 'enabled'
// parameter to false. When disabled, then no IGMP message
// is generated, and incoming IGMP messages are ignored.
simple Igmpv2 like IIgmp
        string interfaceTableModule;   // The path to the InterfaceTable module
        string routingTableModule;
        string crcMode @enum("declared","computed") = default("declared");
        bool enabled = default(true);
        int robustnessVariable = default(2); // IGMP is roboust to (roboustnessVariable-1) packet loss
        double queryInterval @unit(s) = default(125s);
        double queryResponseInterval @unit(s) = default(10s);
        double groupMembershipInterval @unit(s) = default((robustnessVariable * queryInterval) + queryResponseInterval);
        double otherQuerierPresentInterval @unit(s) = default((robustnessVariable * queryInterval) + (queryResponseInterval / 2));
        double startupQueryInterval @unit(s) = default(queryInterval / 4);
        int startupQueryCount = default(robustnessVariable);
        double lastMemberQueryInterval @unit(s) = default(1s);
        int lastMemberQueryCount = default(robustnessVariable);
        double unsolicitedReportInterval @unit(s) = default(10s);
        //      double version1RouterPresentInterval @unit(s) = default(400s);

        input ipIn @labels(Ipv4ControlInfo/up);  // delivered IGMP packets
        output ipOut @labels(Ipv4ControlInfo/down); // to ~Ipv4

        input routerIn @labels(Ipv4ControlInfo/up);
        output routerOut @labels(Ipv4ControlInfo/down);

File: src/inet/networklayer/ipv4/Igmpv2.ned