Namespace inet
classDetermines the initial hop count (time to live, ttl) for an outgoing packet.
Name | Type | Description |
HopLimitTagBase | (unknown -- not in documented files) |
Shared Tagging operations (observed)
tagAction | module |
addTag | Aodv, Dymo, Gpsr, PimDm, PimSm, TcpConnection, Udp |
addTagIfAbsent | Ipv6NeighbourDiscovery, Igmpv2, Igmpv3, ContentBasedTagger, PacketTagger, EigrpIpv4Pdm, EigrpIpv6Pdm, Ospfv2, Ospfv3Process, PimDm, PimSm |
findTag | TcpConnection, Udp |
removeTagIfPresent | Flooding, Ipv4, Ipv6, NextHopForwarding |
Source code
// // Determines the initial hop count (time to live, ttl) for an outgoing packet. // class HopLimitReq extends HopLimitTagBase { }File: src/inet/networklayer/common/HopLimitTag.msg