Namespace inet
classDetermines the outgoing interface where the packet should leave the network node.
Name | Type | Description |
InterfaceTagBase | (unknown -- not in documented files) |
Shared Tagging operations (observed)
tagAction | module |
addTag | EtherAppServer, EtherTrafGen, Gptp, Rstp, Stp, Arp, Aodv, Dsdv, Dymo, PimDm, PimSm |
addTagIfAbsent | DhcpClient, DhcpServer, EtherAppClient, TunnelApp, MacRelayUnit, RelayInterfaceSelector, Ieee8021dRelay, VirtualTunnel, Flooding, Ipv6NeighbourDiscovery, Igmpv2, Igmpv3, Ipv4, Ipv6, Mpls, NextHopForwarding, AdaptiveProbabilisticBroadcast, ProbabilisticBroadcast, WiseRoute, EigrpIpv4Pdm, EigrpIpv6Pdm, Gpsr, Ospfv2, Ospfv3Process, PimDm, PimSm, Rip, Udp |
findTag | MessageDispatcher, PcapRecorder, RelayInterfaceSelector, Ieee8021dRelay, VlanReqFilter, VlanReqMapper, NetfilterInfoHook, Ipv4, Ipv6, Mpls, NextHopForwarding, Sctp, Udp |
getTag | EthernetEncapsulation, EthernetMacHeaderInserter, MatrixCloudDelayer, Ipv4 |
Source code
// // Determines the outgoing interface where the packet should leave the network node. // class InterfaceReq extends InterfaceTagBase { }File: src/inet/linklayer/common/InterfaceTag.msg