
Package: inet.networklayer.internetcloud


simple module

Delay module for InternetCloud. This is essentially equivalent to a full graph with edges being differently configured DatarateChannels. It delays and/or drops incoming packets based on rules specified in an xml configuration.

Rules are matched by incoming and outgoing neighbour node names, and specify delay, datarate or drop decision (all optional). Delay may be different for each packet, but the order of packet is preserved.

Using the interface IDs the module will look up the names of the connected nodes and use those names for matching against the rule database.

A possible xml configuration:

   <internetCloud symmetric="false">
       <traffic src="src_host*" dest="dest_host*" delay="0.012s+exponential(0.2s)" datarate="uniform(100kbps,1Mbps)" drop="uniform(0,1) < 0.005" symmetric="true"/>
       <traffic src="hosta" dest="hostb" delay="0.012s+exponential(0.2s)" datarate="uniform(500kbps,1Mbps)" drop="uniform(0,1) < 0.005"/>
       <traffic src="hostb" dest="hosta" delay="0.010s+exponential(0.2s)" datarate="uniform(100kbps,500kbps)" drop="uniform(0,1) < 0.003"/>
       <traffic src="*" dest="*" delay="0.02s+exponential(0.5s)" datarate="uniform(100kbps,200kbps)" drop="uniform(0,1) < 0.03" />

  • The "delay","datarate" and "drop" attributes of <traffic> are NED expressions that are evaluated for each packet. ("drop" must evaluate to boolean.)
  • The "symmetric" attribute of <traffic> specifies whether the rule applies to both src->dest and dest->src packets.
  • The "symmetric" attribute of <internetCloud> specifies the default value for the <traffic> entries.

See also: InternetCloud

Inheritance diagram

The following diagram shows inheritance relationships for this type. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram.


Name Type Default value Description
interfaceTableModule string

The path to the InterfaceTable module

networkProtocolModule string
config xml

Scheduled messages (observed)


Direct method calls (observed)

call tofunctioninfo

Called methods (observed)

functioninfocall from

Shared Tagging operations (observed)


Source code

// Delay module for ~InternetCloud. This is essentially equivalent to a full graph
// with edges being differently configured DatarateChannels. It delays and/or drops
// incoming packets based on rules specified in an xml configuration.
// Rules are matched by incoming and outgoing neighbour node names, and specify
// delay, datarate or drop decision (all optional). Delay may be different for each
// packet, but the order of packet is preserved.
// Using the interface IDs the module will look up the names of the connected nodes
// and use those names for matching against the rule database.
// A possible xml configuration:
// <pre>
//    <internetCloud symmetric="false">
//      <parameters>
//        <traffic src="src_host*" dest="dest_host*" delay="0.012s+exponential(0.2s)" datarate="uniform(100kbps,1Mbps)" drop="uniform(0,1) &lt; 0.005" symmetric="true"/>
//        <traffic src="hosta" dest="hostb" delay="0.012s+exponential(0.2s)" datarate="uniform(500kbps,1Mbps)" drop="uniform(0,1) &lt; 0.005"/>
//        <traffic src="hostb" dest="hosta" delay="0.010s+exponential(0.2s)" datarate="uniform(100kbps,500kbps)" drop="uniform(0,1) &lt; 0.003"/>
//        <traffic src="*" dest="*" delay="0.02s+exponential(0.5s)" datarate="uniform(100kbps,200kbps)" drop="uniform(0,1) &lt; 0.03" />
//      </parameters>
//    </internetCloud>
// </pre>
// - The "delay","datarate" and "drop" attributes of <traffic> are NED expressions that
//   are evaluated for each packet. ("drop" must evaluate to boolean.)
// - The "symmetric" attribute of <traffic> specifies whether the rule applies to
//   both src->dest and dest->src packets.
// - The "symmetric" attribute of <internetCloud> specifies the default value for
//   the <traffic> entries.
// @see InternetCloud
simple MatrixCloudDelayer like ICloudDelayer
        string interfaceTableModule;   // The path to the InterfaceTable module
        string networkProtocolModule;
        xml config;

File: src/inet/networklayer/internetcloud/MatrixCloudDelayer.ned