OMNeT++ Simulation Library
#include <ccanvas.h>
A lightweight graphical object for cCanvas.
This is the central class of OMNeT++'s 2D drawing API. Graphical elements are called figures, and are represented by subclasses of cFigure. To display a figure-based drawing, one needs to add figures to a canvas (cCanvas). Every module has its own canvas, accessible via cModule::getCanvas(), and one may also create additional ones.
Classes | |
struct | Color |
Represents an RGB color. More... | |
struct | Font |
Represents properties of a font. More... | |
class | Pixmap |
A rectangular RGBA pixel array. More... | |
struct | Point |
Represents a point as (x,y) coordinates. More... | |
struct | Rectangle |
Represents a rectangle as an (x,y,width,height) tuple. More... | |
struct | RGBA |
Represents an RGBA pixel, for Pixmap manipulation. More... | |
struct | Transform |
Homogeneous 2D transformation matrix. More... | |
Public Types | |
enum | FontStyle |
Font style constants: FONT_NONE, FONT_BOLD, etc. More... | |
enum | LineStyle |
Line style constants: LINE_SOLID, LINE_DOTTED, etc. More... | |
enum | CapStyle |
Line cap style constants: CAP_BUTT, CAP_SQUARE, etc. More... | |
enum | JoinStyle |
Line join style constants: JOIN_BEVEL, JOIN_MITER, etc. More... | |
enum | FillRule |
Fill rule constants: FILL_EVENODD, FILL_NONZERO. More... | |
enum | Arrowhead |
Arrowhead style constants: ARROW_NONE, ARROW_SIMPLE, etc. More... | |
enum | Interpolation |
Image interpolation mode constants: INTERPOLATION_NONE, INTERPOLATION_FAST, etc. More... | |
enum | Anchor |
Anchoring mode constants: ANCHOR_CENTER, ANCHOR_N, etc. More... | |
Public Member Functions | |
Constructors, destructor, assignment | |
cFigure (const char *name=nullptr) | |
cFigure (const cFigure &other) | |
virtual | ~cFigure () |
cFigure & | operator= (const cFigure &other) |
Redefined cObject member functions. | |
virtual cFigure * | dup () const override |
virtual void | forEachChild (cVisitor *v) override |
virtual std::string | str () const override |
Common figure attributes. | |
int | getId () const |
virtual bool | isVisible () const |
virtual void | setVisible (bool visible) |
virtual const Transform & | getTransform () const |
virtual void | setTransform (const Transform &transform) |
virtual void | resetTransform () |
virtual double | getZIndex () const |
virtual void | setZIndex (double zIndex) |
virtual double | getEffectiveZIndex () const |
virtual const char * | getTooltip () const |
virtual void | setTooltip (const char *tooltip) |
virtual cObject * | getAssociatedObject () const |
virtual void | setAssociatedObject (cObject *obj) |
virtual const char * | getTags () const |
virtual void | setTags (const char *tags) |
Accessing the parent figure and child figures. | |
virtual cFigure * | getParentFigure () const |
virtual cCanvas * | getCanvas () const |
virtual int | getNumFigures () const |
virtual cFigure * | getFigure (int pos) const |
virtual cFigure * | getFigure (const char *name) const |
virtual int | findFigure (const char *name) const |
virtual int | findFigure (const cFigure *figure) const |
virtual bool | containsFigures () const |
virtual cFigure * | findFigureRecursively (const char *name) const |
virtual cFigure * | getFigureByPath (const char *path) const |
Managing child figures. | |
virtual void | addFigure (cFigure *figure) |
virtual void | addFigure (cFigure *figure, int pos) |
_OPPDEPRECATED void | addFigureAbove (cFigure *figure, cFigure *referenceFigure) |
_OPPDEPRECATED void | addFigureBelow (cFigure *figure, cFigure *referenceFigure) |
virtual cFigure * | removeFigure (cFigure *figure) |
virtual cFigure * | removeFigure (int pos) |
virtual cFigure * | removeFromParent () |
Managing stacking order | |
virtual bool | isAbove (const cFigure *figure) const |
virtual bool | isBelow (const cFigure *figure) const |
virtual void | insertAbove (cFigure *referenceFigure) |
virtual void | insertBelow (cFigure *referenceFigure) |
virtual void | insertAfter (const cFigure *referenceFigure) |
virtual void | insertBefore (const cFigure *referenceFigure) |
virtual void | raiseAbove (cFigure *figure) |
virtual void | lowerBelow (cFigure *figure) |
virtual void | raiseToTop () |
virtual void | lowerToBottom () |
virtual cFigure * | dupTree () const |
Operations on the transformation matrix. | |
virtual void | translate (double dx, double dy) |
virtual void | scale (double s) |
virtual void | scale (double sx, double sy) |
virtual void | scale (double sx, double sy, double cx, double cy) |
virtual void | scale (double sx, double sy, const Point &c) |
virtual void | rotate (double phi) |
virtual void | rotate (double phi, double cx, double cy) |
virtual void | rotate (double phi, const Point &c) |
virtual void | skewx (double coeff) |
virtual void | skewy (double coeff) |
virtual void | skewx (double coeff, double cy) |
virtual void | skewy (double coeff, double cx) |
Miscellaneous. | |
virtual void | parse (cProperty *property) |
virtual const char ** | getAllowedPropertyKeys () const |
virtual void | moveLocal (double dx, double dy)=0 |
virtual void | move (double dx, double dy) |
virtual void | refreshDisplay () |
virtual const char * | getRendererClassName () const =0 |
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cOwnedObject () | |
cOwnedObject (const char *name, bool namepooling=true) | |
cOwnedObject (const cOwnedObject &obj) | |
virtual | ~cOwnedObject () |
cOwnedObject & | operator= (const cOwnedObject &o) |
virtual void | parsimPack (cCommBuffer *buffer) const override |
virtual void | parsimUnpack (cCommBuffer *buffer) override |
virtual cObject * | getOwner () const override |
virtual bool | isOwnedObject () const override |
virtual bool | isSoftOwner () const |
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cNamedObject () | |
cNamedObject (const char *name, bool namepooling=true) | |
cNamedObject (const cNamedObject &obj) | |
virtual | ~cNamedObject () |
cNamedObject & | operator= (const cNamedObject &o) |
virtual void | setName (const char *s) |
virtual const char * | getName () const override |
virtual void | setNamePooling (bool b) |
virtual bool | getNamePooling () |
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cObject () | |
cObject (const cObject &other) | |
virtual | ~cObject () |
virtual const char * | getClassName () const |
bool | isName (const char *s) const |
virtual const char * | getFullName () const |
virtual std::string | getFullPath () const |
const cObject * | getThisPtr () const |
virtual _OPPDEPRECATED std::string | info () const |
virtual _OPPDEPRECATED std::string | detailedInfo () const |
cObject * | findObject (const char *name, bool deep=true) |
void | copyNotSupported () const |
Static Public Attributes | |
Predefined colors. | |
static const Color | BLACK |
static const Color | WHITE |
static const Color | GREY |
static const Color | RED |
static const Color | GREEN |
static const Color | BLUE |
static const Color | YELLOW |
static const Color | CYAN |
static const Color | MAGENTA |
static const int | NUM_GOOD_DARK_COLORS |
static const int | NUM_GOOD_LIGHT_COLORS |
static const Color | GOOD_DARK_COLORS [14] |
static const Color | GOOD_LIGHT_COLORS [10] |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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static long | getTotalObjectCount () |
static long | getLiveObjectCount () |
static void | resetObjectCounters () |
static cDefaultList * | getDefaultOwner () |
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virtual void | take (cOwnedObject *obj) |
virtual void | drop (cOwnedObject *obj) |
void | dropAndDelete (cOwnedObject *obj) |
explicit |
Copy constructor. Child figures and the figure ID are not copied.
virtual |
Assignment operator. It copies all data members except the object name, figure ID and child figures. (See cNamedObject's operator=() for details.)
inlineoverridevirtual |
Clones the figure, ignoring its child figures. (The copy will have no children.) To clone a figure together with its figure subtree, use dupTree().
Reimplemented from cObject.
Reimplemented in cPixmapFigure, cIconFigure, cImageFigure, cAbstractImageFigure, cLabelFigure, cTextFigure, cAbstractTextFigure, cPathFigure, cPolygonFigure, cPieSliceFigure, cRingFigure, cOvalFigure, cRectangleFigure, cAbstractShapeFigure, cPolylineFigure, cArcFigure, cLineFigure, cAbstractLineFigure, cPanelFigure, and cGroupFigure.
overridevirtual |
overridevirtual |
Returns a one-line string with the most characteristic data of the figure.
Reimplemented from cObject.
Reimplemented in cPixmapFigure, cImageFigure, cAbstractTextFigure, cPathFigure, cPolygonFigure, cPieSliceFigure, cRingFigure, cOvalFigure, cRectangleFigure, cAbstractShapeFigure, cPolylineFigure, cArcFigure, cLineFigure, cAbstractLineFigure, cPanelFigure, and cGroupFigure.
inline |
Returns the unique ID of this figure object. This ID is mostly intended for internal use.
inlinevirtual |
Returns the visibility flag of the figure.
virtual |
Sets the visibility flag of the figure. Setting the visibility flag to false will cause the whole figure subtree to be omitted from rendering.
inlinevirtual |
Returns the transform associated with this figure.
virtual |
Sets the transform associated with this figure. The transform will affect the rendering of this figure and its whole figure subtree. The transform may also be modified with the various translate(), scale(), rotate(), skewx()/skewy() methods.
inlinevirtual |
Convenience method: sets the transformation to identity transform.
inlinevirtual |
Returns the Z-index of the figure.
virtual |
Sets the Z-index of the figure. The Z-index affects the stacking order of figures via the effective Z-index. The effective Z-index is computed as the sum of the Z-indices of this figure and its ancestors'. A figure with a greater effective Z-index is always in front of an element with a lower effective Z-index. For figures with the same effective Z-index, their relative order in the preorder traversal of the figure hierarchy defines the stacking order. (A later figure is in front of the earlier ones.)
virtual |
Returns the effective Z-index of the figure. The effective Z-index is computed as the sum of the Z-indices of this figure and its ancestors'. A figure with a greater effective Z-index is always in front of an element with a lower effective Z-index.
inlinevirtual |
Returns the tooltip of the figure, or nullptr if it does not have one.
virtual |
Sets the tooltip of the figure. Pass nullptr to clear the tooltip. If nullptr is set, the effective tooltip will be inherited from the associated object if there is one (see getAssociatedObject()), or from the parent figure. Empty tooltips will not be shown.
inlinevirtual |
Returns the simulation object associated with this figure, or nullptr if it does not have one. The GUI may use this function to provide a shortcut access to the specified object, e.g. select the object in an inspector when the user clicks the figure.
virtual |
Sets the simulation object associated with this figure. The user is responsible for ensuring that the pointer is valid (the corresponding object exists), and remains valid while it is associated with the figure.
inlinevirtual |
Returns the space-separated list of the tags associated with the figure. Tags may be used in the GUI displaying a canvas for implementing layers or other kind of filtering.
virtual |
Sets the list of tags associated with the figure. This method accepts a space-separated list of tags. (Tags themselves may not contain spaces; underscores are recommended instead where needed.)
inlinevirtual |
Returns the parent figure of this figure, or nullptr if it has none.
virtual |
Returns the canvas object to which this figure was added, or nullptr if there is no such canvas. Note that the runtime cost of this method is proportional to the depth of this figure in the figure tree.
inlinevirtual |
Returns the number of child figures.
Referenced by cCanvas::getNumFigures().
virtual |
Returns the kth figure in the child list. The index must be in the range 0..getNumFigures()-1. An out-of-bounds index will cause a runtime error.
Referenced by cCanvas::getFigure().
virtual |
Returns the first child figure with the given name, or nullptr if there is no such figure.
virtual |
Finds the first figure with the given name among the children of this figure, and returns its index. If there is no such figure, -1 is returned.
Referenced by cCanvas::findFigure().
virtual |
Finds the given figure among the children of this figure, and returns its index. If it is not found, -1 is returned.
inlinevirtual |
Returns true if this figure has child figures, and false otherwise.
Referenced by cCanvas::hasFigures().
virtual |
Find the first figure with the given name in this figure's subtree, including the figure itself. Returns nullptr if no such figure is found.
Referenced by cCanvas::findFigureRecursively().
virtual |
Finds a figure in the subtree, given by its absolute or relative path. The path is a string of figure names separated by dots; the special module name ^ (caret) stands for the parent figure. If the path starts with a dot or caret, it is understood as relative to this figure, otherwise it is taken to mean an absolute path (i.e. relative to the root figure, see getRootFigure()). Returns nullptr if the figure was not found.
The above syntax is similar to the one used by cModule::getModuleByPath()
Referenced by cCanvas::getFigureByPath().
virtual |
Appends the given figure to the child list of this figure.
Referenced by cCanvas::addFigure().
virtual |
Inserts the given figure into the child list of this figure at the given position. Note that relative order in the child list only affects stacking order if the respective figures have the same Z-index.
DEPRECATED. Use figure->insertAbove(referenceFigure) instead.
References cFigure::insertAbove().
DEPRECATED. Use figure->insertBelow(referenceFigure) instead.
References cFigure::insertBelow().
Removes the given figure from the child list of this figure. An error is raised if the figure is not a child of this figure.
Prefer removeFromParent() to this method.
Referenced by cCanvas::removeFigure().
virtual |
Removes the kth figure from the child list of this figure. An error is raised if pos is not in the range 0..getNumFigures()-1.
Prefer removeFromParent() to this method.
virtual |
Removes this figure from the child list of its parent figure. It has no effect if the figure has no parent figure.
virtual |
Returns true if this figure is above the given reference figure in stacking order, based on their Z-index values and their relative order in the parent's child list, and false if not. The method throws an error if the two figures are not under the same parent.
virtual |
Returns true if this figure is below the given reference figure in stacking order, based on their Z-index values and their relative order in the parent's child list, and false if not. The method throws an error if the two figures are not under the same parent.
virtual |
Inserts this figure under the same parent as the reference figure, guaranteeing that it will appear above the reference figure in stacking order. In order to achieve the latter, the Z-index of the figure is set to the Z-index of the reference figure if it was smaller. In case of equal Z-indices, the figure is inserted right after the reference figure. If the Z-index of the figure is already greater than that of the reference figure, nothing should be assumed about the insertion position.
Referenced by cFigure::addFigureAbove(), and cCanvas::addFigureAbove().
virtual |
Inserts this figure under the same parent as the reference figure, guaranteeing that it will appear below the reference figure in stacking order. In order to achieve the latter, the Z-index of the figure is set to the Z-index of the reference figure if it was greater. In case of equal Z-indices, the figure is inserted right before the reference figure. If the Z-index of the figure is already smaller than that of the reference figure, nothing should be assumed about the insertion position.
Referenced by cFigure::addFigureBelow(), and cCanvas::addFigureBelow().
virtual |
Inserts this figure after the given reference figure in its parent's child list. BEWARE: Relative order in the child list only affects stacking order if the respective figures have the same Z-index.
virtual |
Inserts this figure in front of the given reference figure in its parent's child list. BEWARE: Relative order in the child list only affects stacking order if the respective figures have the same Z-index.
virtual |
If this figure is below the given reference figure in stacking order, move it directly above. This is achieved by updating its Z-index if needed, and moving it in the parent's child list. An error is raised if the two figures do not share the same parent.
virtual |
If this figure is above the given reference figure in stacking order, move it directly below. This is achieved by updating its Z-index if needed, and moving it in the parent's child list. An error is raised if the two figures do not share the same parent.
virtual |
Raise this figure above all other figures under the same parent. This is achieved by updating its Z-index if needed (setting it to be at least the maximum of the Z-indices of the other figures), and moving it in the parent's child list. It is an error if this figure has no parent.
virtual |
Lower this figure below all other figures under the same parent. This is achieved by updating its Z-index if needed (setting it to be at most the minimum of the Z-indices of the other figures), and moving it in the parent's child list. It is an error if this figure has no parent.
virtual |
Duplicate the figure subtree.
virtual |
This method is invoked by the simulation library to initialize the figure from a @figure NED property. Custom figure classes usually need to override this method (and call the super class' similar method in it).
Note: When overriding parse(), it is usually also necessary to override getAllowedPropertyKeys(), in order to allow new keys in the @figure property.
Reimplemented in cPixmapFigure, cImageFigure, cAbstractImageFigure, cLabelFigure, cAbstractTextFigure, cPathFigure, cPolygonFigure, cPieSliceFigure, cRingFigure, cOvalFigure, cRectangleFigure, cAbstractShapeFigure, cPolylineFigure, cArcFigure, cLineFigure, cAbstractLineFigure, and cPanelFigure.
virtual |
Returns the list of allowed keys in @figure properties with this figure type, in a nullptr-terminated array of const char* elements. This method is invoked e.g. from parse(), in order to be able to issue error messages for invalid keys in the property. Note that property keys starting with "x-" are already allowed by default. Custom figure classes usually need to override this method together with parse(); see the source code of the library classes for example implementations.
Reimplemented in cPixmapFigure, cImageFigure, cAbstractImageFigure, cLabelFigure, cAbstractTextFigure, cPathFigure, cPolygonFigure, cPieSliceFigure, cRingFigure, cOvalFigure, cRectangleFigure, cAbstractShapeFigure, cPolylineFigure, cArcFigure, cLineFigure, cAbstractLineFigure, and cPanelFigure.
pure virtual |
Change the figure's position by the given x and y deltas. Child figures will not be affected.
Implemented in cAbstractImageFigure, cAbstractTextFigure, cPathFigure, cPolygonFigure, cPieSliceFigure, cRingFigure, cOvalFigure, cRectangleFigure, cPolylineFigure, cArcFigure, cLineFigure, cPanelFigure, and cGroupFigure.
virtual |
Change the position of this figure and the figures in its subtree by the given x and y deltas. The implementation of this method calls moveLocal() on this figure, then move() recursively on child figures.
Reimplemented in cPanelFigure.
inlinevirtual |
This method is invoked by runtime GUIs on every display refresh, and can be overridden if the figure needs to be able to update its contents dynamically (self-refreshing figures.) The changes done inside this method should be restricted to this figure and its subfigure tree.
pure virtual |
Returns the name of the class responsible for rendering this figure. Renderer classes are specific to, and are usually implemented as part of, the graphical user interface library (Tkenv or Qtenv).
Implemented in cPixmapFigure, cIconFigure, cImageFigure, cLabelFigure, cTextFigure, cPathFigure, cPolygonFigure, cPieSliceFigure, cRingFigure, cOvalFigure, cRectangleFigure, cPolylineFigure, cArcFigure, cLineFigure, cPanelFigure, and cGroupFigure.