A figure that displays a (closed) polygon, determined by a sequence of points.
The polygon may be smoothed. A smoothed polygon is drawn as a series of cubic Bezier curves, where the curves touch the midpoints of the sides, and vertices serve as control points. As with all shape figures, drawing of both the outline and the fill are optional. The drawing of filled self- intersecting polygons is controlled by the fill rule property. Line and fill color, and several other properties are inherited from cAbstractShapeFigure.
| cPolygonFigure (const char *name=nullptr) |
| cPolygonFigure (const cPolygonFigure &other) |
cPolygonFigure & | operator= (const cPolygonFigure &other) |
virtual cPolygonFigure * | dup () const override |
virtual std::string | str () const override |
virtual void | parse (cProperty *property) override |
virtual void | moveLocal (double dx, double dy) override |
virtual const char * | getRendererClassName () const override |
virtual const std::vector< Point > & | getPoints () const |
virtual void | setPoints (const std::vector< Point > &points) |
virtual int | getNumPoints () const |
virtual const Point & | getPoint (int i) const |
virtual void | setPoint (int i, const Point &point) |
virtual void | addPoint (const Point &point) |
virtual void | removePoint (int i) |
virtual void | insertPoint (int i, const Point &point) |
virtual bool | getSmooth () const |
virtual void | setSmooth (bool smooth) |
virtual JoinStyle | getJoinStyle () const |
virtual void | setJoinStyle (JoinStyle joinStyle) |
virtual FillRule | getFillRule () const |
virtual void | setFillRule (FillRule fillRule) |
| cAbstractShapeFigure (const char *name=nullptr) |
| cAbstractShapeFigure (const cAbstractShapeFigure &other) |
cAbstractShapeFigure & | operator= (const cAbstractShapeFigure &other) |
virtual bool | isFilled () const |
virtual void | setFilled (bool filled) |
virtual bool | isOutlined () const |
virtual void | setOutlined (bool outlined) |
virtual const Color & | getLineColor () const |
virtual void | setLineColor (const Color &lineColor) |
virtual const Color & | getFillColor () const |
virtual void | setFillColor (const Color &fillColor) |
virtual LineStyle | getLineStyle () const |
virtual void | setLineStyle (LineStyle lineStyle) |
virtual double | getLineWidth () const |
virtual void | setLineWidth (double lineWidth) |
virtual double | getLineOpacity () const |
virtual void | setLineOpacity (double lineOpacity) |
virtual double | getFillOpacity () const |
virtual void | setFillOpacity (double fillOpacity) |
virtual bool | getZoomLineWidth () const |
virtual void | setZoomLineWidth (bool zoomLineWidth) |
| cFigure (const char *name=nullptr) |
| cFigure (const cFigure &other) |
virtual | ~cFigure () |
cFigure & | operator= (const cFigure &other) |
virtual void | forEachChild (cVisitor *v) override |
int | getId () const |
virtual bool | isVisible () const |
virtual void | setVisible (bool visible) |
virtual const Transform & | getTransform () const |
virtual void | setTransform (const Transform &transform) |
virtual void | resetTransform () |
virtual double | getZIndex () const |
virtual void | setZIndex (double zIndex) |
virtual double | getEffectiveZIndex () const |
virtual const char * | getTooltip () const |
virtual void | setTooltip (const char *tooltip) |
virtual cObject * | getAssociatedObject () const |
virtual void | setAssociatedObject (cObject *obj) |
virtual const char * | getTags () const |
virtual void | setTags (const char *tags) |
virtual cFigure * | getParentFigure () const |
virtual cCanvas * | getCanvas () const |
virtual int | getNumFigures () const |
virtual cFigure * | getFigure (int pos) const |
virtual cFigure * | getFigure (const char *name) const |
virtual int | findFigure (const char *name) const |
virtual int | findFigure (const cFigure *figure) const |
virtual bool | containsFigures () const |
virtual cFigure * | findFigureRecursively (const char *name) const |
virtual cFigure * | getFigureByPath (const char *path) const |
virtual void | addFigure (cFigure *figure) |
virtual void | addFigure (cFigure *figure, int pos) |
_OPPDEPRECATED void | addFigureAbove (cFigure *figure, cFigure *referenceFigure) |
_OPPDEPRECATED void | addFigureBelow (cFigure *figure, cFigure *referenceFigure) |
virtual cFigure * | removeFigure (cFigure *figure) |
virtual cFigure * | removeFigure (int pos) |
virtual cFigure * | removeFromParent () |
virtual bool | isAbove (const cFigure *figure) const |
virtual bool | isBelow (const cFigure *figure) const |
virtual void | insertAbove (cFigure *referenceFigure) |
virtual void | insertBelow (cFigure *referenceFigure) |
virtual void | insertAfter (const cFigure *referenceFigure) |
virtual void | insertBefore (const cFigure *referenceFigure) |
virtual void | raiseAbove (cFigure *figure) |
virtual void | lowerBelow (cFigure *figure) |
virtual void | raiseToTop () |
virtual void | lowerToBottom () |
virtual cFigure * | dupTree () const |
virtual void | translate (double dx, double dy) |
virtual void | scale (double s) |
virtual void | scale (double sx, double sy) |
virtual void | scale (double sx, double sy, double cx, double cy) |
virtual void | scale (double sx, double sy, const Point &c) |
virtual void | rotate (double phi) |
virtual void | rotate (double phi, double cx, double cy) |
virtual void | rotate (double phi, const Point &c) |
virtual void | skewx (double coeff) |
virtual void | skewy (double coeff) |
virtual void | skewx (double coeff, double cy) |
virtual void | skewy (double coeff, double cx) |
virtual void | move (double dx, double dy) |
virtual void | refreshDisplay () |
| cOwnedObject () |
| cOwnedObject (const char *name, bool namepooling=true) |
| cOwnedObject (const cOwnedObject &obj) |
virtual | ~cOwnedObject () |
cOwnedObject & | operator= (const cOwnedObject &o) |
virtual void | parsimPack (cCommBuffer *buffer) const override |
virtual void | parsimUnpack (cCommBuffer *buffer) override |
virtual cObject * | getOwner () const override |
virtual bool | isOwnedObject () const override |
virtual bool | isSoftOwner () const |
| cNamedObject () |
| cNamedObject (const char *name, bool namepooling=true) |
| cNamedObject (const cNamedObject &obj) |
virtual | ~cNamedObject () |
cNamedObject & | operator= (const cNamedObject &o) |
virtual void | setName (const char *s) |
virtual const char * | getName () const override |
virtual void | setNamePooling (bool b) |
virtual bool | getNamePooling () |
| cObject () |
| cObject (const cObject &other) |
virtual | ~cObject () |
virtual const char * | getClassName () const |
bool | isName (const char *s) const |
virtual const char * | getFullName () const |
virtual std::string | getFullPath () const |
const cObject * | getThisPtr () const |
virtual _OPPDEPRECATED std::string | info () const |
virtual _OPPDEPRECATED std::string | detailedInfo () const |
cObject * | findObject (const char *name, bool deep=true) |
void | copyNotSupported () const |