Abstract base class for figures that display an image.
The location of the image on the canvas is determined jointly by the position and anchor properties. The anchor tells how to position the image relative to the positioning point. For example, if anchor is ANCHOR_CENTER then the image is centered on the point; if anchor is ANCHOR_N then the image will be drawn so that its top center point is at the positioning point. Anchor defaults to ANCHOR_CENTER.
Images may be drawn at their "natural" size, or may be scaled to a specified size by setting the width and/or height properties. One can choose from several interpolation modes that control how the image is rendered. Interpolation defaults to INTERPOLATION_FAST.
Images can be tinted; this feature is controlled by a tint color and a tint amount, a [0,1] real number.
Images may be rendered as partially transparent, which is controlled by the opacity property, a [0,1] real number. (The rendering process will combine this property with the transparency information contained in the image, i.e. the alpha channel.)
| cAbstractImageFigure (const char *name=nullptr) |
| cAbstractImageFigure (const cAbstractImageFigure &other) |
cAbstractImageFigure & | operator= (const cAbstractImageFigure &other) |
virtual cAbstractImageFigure * | dup () const override |
virtual void | parse (cProperty *property) override |
virtual void | moveLocal (double dx, double dy) override |
virtual const Point & | getPosition () const |
virtual void | setPosition (const Point &position) |
virtual Anchor | getAnchor () const |
virtual void | setAnchor (Anchor anchor) |
virtual double | getWidth () const |
virtual void | setWidth (double width) |
virtual double | getHeight () const |
virtual void | setHeight (double height) |
virtual void | setSize (double width, double height) |
virtual Rectangle | getBounds () const |
virtual Interpolation | getInterpolation () const |
virtual void | setInterpolation (Interpolation interpolation) |
virtual double | getOpacity () const |
virtual void | setOpacity (double opacity) |
virtual const Color & | getTintColor () const |
virtual void | setTintColor (const Color &tintColor) |
virtual double | getTintAmount () const |
virtual void | setTintAmount (double tintAmount) |
| cFigure (const char *name=nullptr) |
| cFigure (const cFigure &other) |
virtual | ~cFigure () |
cFigure & | operator= (const cFigure &other) |
virtual void | forEachChild (cVisitor *v) override |
virtual std::string | str () const override |
int | getId () const |
virtual bool | isVisible () const |
virtual void | setVisible (bool visible) |
virtual const Transform & | getTransform () const |
virtual void | setTransform (const Transform &transform) |
virtual void | resetTransform () |
virtual double | getZIndex () const |
virtual void | setZIndex (double zIndex) |
virtual double | getEffectiveZIndex () const |
virtual const char * | getTooltip () const |
virtual void | setTooltip (const char *tooltip) |
virtual cObject * | getAssociatedObject () const |
virtual void | setAssociatedObject (cObject *obj) |
virtual const char * | getTags () const |
virtual void | setTags (const char *tags) |
virtual cFigure * | getParentFigure () const |
virtual cCanvas * | getCanvas () const |
virtual int | getNumFigures () const |
virtual cFigure * | getFigure (int pos) const |
virtual cFigure * | getFigure (const char *name) const |
virtual int | findFigure (const char *name) const |
virtual int | findFigure (const cFigure *figure) const |
virtual bool | containsFigures () const |
virtual cFigure * | findFigureRecursively (const char *name) const |
virtual cFigure * | getFigureByPath (const char *path) const |
virtual void | addFigure (cFigure *figure) |
virtual void | addFigure (cFigure *figure, int pos) |
_OPPDEPRECATED void | addFigureAbove (cFigure *figure, cFigure *referenceFigure) |
_OPPDEPRECATED void | addFigureBelow (cFigure *figure, cFigure *referenceFigure) |
virtual cFigure * | removeFigure (cFigure *figure) |
virtual cFigure * | removeFigure (int pos) |
virtual cFigure * | removeFromParent () |
virtual bool | isAbove (const cFigure *figure) const |
virtual bool | isBelow (const cFigure *figure) const |
virtual void | insertAbove (cFigure *referenceFigure) |
virtual void | insertBelow (cFigure *referenceFigure) |
virtual void | insertAfter (const cFigure *referenceFigure) |
virtual void | insertBefore (const cFigure *referenceFigure) |
virtual void | raiseAbove (cFigure *figure) |
virtual void | lowerBelow (cFigure *figure) |
virtual void | raiseToTop () |
virtual void | lowerToBottom () |
virtual cFigure * | dupTree () const |
virtual void | translate (double dx, double dy) |
virtual void | scale (double s) |
virtual void | scale (double sx, double sy) |
virtual void | scale (double sx, double sy, double cx, double cy) |
virtual void | scale (double sx, double sy, const Point &c) |
virtual void | rotate (double phi) |
virtual void | rotate (double phi, double cx, double cy) |
virtual void | rotate (double phi, const Point &c) |
virtual void | skewx (double coeff) |
virtual void | skewy (double coeff) |
virtual void | skewx (double coeff, double cy) |
virtual void | skewy (double coeff, double cx) |
virtual void | move (double dx, double dy) |
virtual void | refreshDisplay () |
virtual const char * | getRendererClassName () const =0 |
| cOwnedObject () |
| cOwnedObject (const char *name, bool namepooling=true) |
| cOwnedObject (const cOwnedObject &obj) |
virtual | ~cOwnedObject () |
cOwnedObject & | operator= (const cOwnedObject &o) |
virtual void | parsimPack (cCommBuffer *buffer) const override |
virtual void | parsimUnpack (cCommBuffer *buffer) override |
virtual cObject * | getOwner () const override |
virtual bool | isOwnedObject () const override |
virtual bool | isSoftOwner () const |
| cNamedObject () |
| cNamedObject (const char *name, bool namepooling=true) |
| cNamedObject (const cNamedObject &obj) |
virtual | ~cNamedObject () |
cNamedObject & | operator= (const cNamedObject &o) |
virtual void | setName (const char *s) |
virtual const char * | getName () const override |
virtual void | setNamePooling (bool b) |
virtual bool | getNamePooling () |
| cObject () |
| cObject (const cObject &other) |
virtual | ~cObject () |
virtual const char * | getClassName () const |
bool | isName (const char *s) const |
virtual const char * | getFullName () const |
virtual std::string | getFullPath () const |
const cObject * | getThisPtr () const |
virtual _OPPDEPRECATED std::string | info () const |
virtual _OPPDEPRECATED std::string | detailedInfo () const |
cObject * | findObject (const char *name, bool deep=true) |
void | copyNotSupported () const |
enum | FontStyle |
| Font style constants: FONT_NONE, FONT_BOLD, etc. More...
enum | LineStyle |
| Line style constants: LINE_SOLID, LINE_DOTTED, etc. More...
enum | CapStyle |
| Line cap style constants: CAP_BUTT, CAP_SQUARE, etc. More...
enum | JoinStyle |
| Line join style constants: JOIN_BEVEL, JOIN_MITER, etc. More...
enum | FillRule |
| Fill rule constants: FILL_EVENODD, FILL_NONZERO. More...
enum | Arrowhead |
| Arrowhead style constants: ARROW_NONE, ARROW_SIMPLE, etc. More...
enum | Interpolation |
| Image interpolation mode constants: INTERPOLATION_NONE, INTERPOLATION_FAST, etc. More...
enum | Anchor |
| Anchoring mode constants: ANCHOR_CENTER, ANCHOR_N, etc. More...
static long | getTotalObjectCount () |
static long | getLiveObjectCount () |
static void | resetObjectCounters () |
static cDefaultList * | getDefaultOwner () |
static const Color | BLACK |
static const Color | WHITE |
static const Color | GREY |
static const Color | RED |
static const Color | GREEN |
static const Color | BLUE |
static const Color | YELLOW |
static const Color | CYAN |
static const Color | MAGENTA |
static const int | NUM_GOOD_DARK_COLORS |
static const int | NUM_GOOD_LIGHT_COLORS |
static const Color | GOOD_DARK_COLORS [14] |
static const Color | GOOD_LIGHT_COLORS [10] |