TicToc Tutorial for OMNeT++


This short tutorial to OMNeT++ guides you through an example of modeling and simulation, showing you along the way some of the commonly used OMNeT++ features.

The tutorial is based on the Tictoc example simulation, which you can find in the samples/tictoc directory of your OMNeT++ installation, so you can try out immediately how the examples work. However, you'll find the tutorial much more useful if you actually carry out at least the first steps described here.

We assume here that you have a working OMNeT++ installation. We also assume that you have a good C++ knowledge, and you are in general familiar with C/C++ development (editing source files, compiling, debugging etc.) on your operating system. (The latter two are out of our scope here -- there are excellent books, tutorials on the web, etc. if you need to update your knowledge on that.) We highly recommend to use the OMNeT++ Integrated Development Environment for editing and building your simulations.

To make the examples easier to follow, all source code in here is cross-linked to the OMNeT++ API documentation.

This document and the TicToc model are an expanded version of the original TicToc tutorial from Ahmet Sekercioglu (Monash University).


NEXT: 1. Getting started

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