
Package: inet.node.ethernet



Base for Ethernet link types. Propagation delay can be specified with the length of the cable, i.e. in meters instead of nanoseconds or microseconds.

Inheritance diagram

The following diagram shows inheritance relationships for this type. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram.

Used in

Name Type Description
DumbbellNetwork network (no description)
LinearNetwork network (no description)
TsnDumbbellNetwork network (no description)
TsnLinearNetwork network (no description)

Known subclasses

Name Type Description
Eth100G channel

100 gigabit/sec Ethernet link

Eth100M channel

100 megabit/sec Ethernet link

Eth10G channel

10 gigabit/sec Ethernet link

Eth10M channel

10 megabit/sec Ethernet link

Eth1G channel

1 gigabit/sec Ethernet link

Eth200G channel

200 gigabit/sec Ethernet link

Eth400G channel

400 gigabit/sec Ethernet link

Eth40G channel

40 gigabit/sec Ethernet link


Name Type Description
DatarateChannel channel (no description)


Name Type Default value Description
disabled bool false
delay double replaceUnit(length / 2e8, "s")

propagation delay

datarate double 0bps

bits per second; 0=infinite

ber double 0

bit error rate (BER)

per double 0

packet error rate (PER)

length double 10m


Name Value Description
class cDatarateChannel


Name Type Unit
channelBusy long
messageSent omnetpp::cMessage
messageDiscarded omnetpp::cMessage


Name Title Source Record Unit Interpolation Mode
packetsDiscarded constant1(messageDiscarded) count? none
busy channelBusy vector? sample-hold
utilization timeavg(channelBusy) last?
packetBytes packetBytes(messageSent) sum? B none
throughput sumPerDuration(packetBits(messageSent)) last? bps
packets constant1(messageSent) count? none

Source code

// Base for Ethernet link types. Propagation delay can be specified with the
// length of the cable, i.e. in meters instead of nanoseconds or microseconds.
channel EthernetLink extends DatarateChannel
    double length @unit(m) = default(10m);
    delay = default(replaceUnit(length / 2e8, "s"));

File: src/inet/node/ethernet/EthernetLink.ned