OMNeT++ Simulation Library
This is the complete list of members for cImageFigure, including all inherited members.
addFigure(cFigure *figure) | cFigure | virtual |
addFigure(cFigure *figure, int pos) | cFigure | virtual |
addFigureAbove(cFigure *figure, cFigure *referenceFigure) | cFigure | inline |
addFigureBelow(cFigure *figure, cFigure *referenceFigure) | cFigure | inline |
Anchor enum name | cFigure | |
Arrowhead enum name | cFigure | |
CapStyle enum name | cFigure | |
cFigure(const char *name=nullptr) | cFigure | explicit |
cFigure(const cFigure &other) | cFigure | inline |
cNamedObject() | cNamedObject | |
cNamedObject(const char *name, bool namepooling=true) | cNamedObject | explicit |
cNamedObject(const cNamedObject &obj) | cNamedObject | |
omnetpp::cNamedObject::cObject() | cObject | inline |
omnetpp::cNamedObject::cObject(const cObject &other) | cObject | inline |
containsFigures() const | cFigure | inlinevirtual |
copyNotSupported() const | cObject | |
cOwnedObject() | cOwnedObject | |
cOwnedObject(const char *name, bool namepooling=true) | cOwnedObject | explicit |
cOwnedObject(const cOwnedObject &obj) | cOwnedObject | |
detailedInfo() const | cObject | inlinevirtual |
drop(cOwnedObject *obj) | cObject | protectedvirtual |
dropAndDelete(cOwnedObject *obj) | cObject | protected |
dup() const override | cImageFigure | inlinevirtual |
dupTree() const | cFigure | virtual |
FillRule enum name | cFigure | |
findFigure(const char *name) const | cFigure | virtual |
findFigure(const cFigure *figure) const | cFigure | virtual |
findFigureRecursively(const char *name) const | cFigure | virtual |
findObject(const char *name, bool deep=true) | cObject | |
FontStyle enum name | cFigure | |
forEachChild(cVisitor *v) override | cFigure | virtual |
getAllowedPropertyKeys() const override | cImageFigure | protectedvirtual |
getAnchor() const | cAbstractImageFigure | inlinevirtual |
getAssociatedObject() const | cFigure | inlinevirtual |
getBounds() const | cAbstractImageFigure | virtual |
getCanvas() const | cFigure | virtual |
getClassName() const | cObject | virtual |
getDefaultOwner() | cOwnedObject | static |
getEffectiveZIndex() const | cFigure | virtual |
getFigure(int pos) const | cFigure | virtual |
getFigure(const char *name) const | cFigure | virtual |
getFigureByPath(const char *path) const | cFigure | virtual |
getFullName() const | cObject | inlinevirtual |
getFullPath() const | cObject | virtual |
getHeight() const | cAbstractImageFigure | inlinevirtual |
getId() const | cFigure | inline |
getImageName() const | cImageFigure | inlinevirtual |
getImageNaturalHeight() const | cImageFigure | inlinevirtual |
getImageNaturalWidth() const | cImageFigure | inlinevirtual |
getInterpolation() const | cAbstractImageFigure | inlinevirtual |
getLiveObjectCount() | cOwnedObject | inlinestatic |
getName() const override | cNamedObject | inlinevirtual |
getNamePooling() | cNamedObject | inlinevirtual |
getNumFigures() const | cFigure | inlinevirtual |
getOpacity() const | cAbstractImageFigure | inlinevirtual |
getOwner() const override | cOwnedObject | inlinevirtual |
getParentFigure() const | cFigure | inlinevirtual |
getPosition() const | cAbstractImageFigure | inlinevirtual |
getRendererClassName() const override | cImageFigure | inlinevirtual |
getTags() const | cFigure | inlinevirtual |
getThisPtr() const | cObject | inline |
getTintAmount() const | cAbstractImageFigure | inlinevirtual |
getTintColor() const | cAbstractImageFigure | inlinevirtual |
getTooltip() const | cFigure | inlinevirtual |
getTotalObjectCount() | cOwnedObject | inlinestatic |
getTransform() const | cFigure | inlinevirtual |
getWidth() const | cAbstractImageFigure | inlinevirtual |
getZIndex() const | cFigure | inlinevirtual |
info() const | cObject | inlinevirtual |
insertAbove(cFigure *referenceFigure) | cFigure | virtual |
insertAfter(const cFigure *referenceFigure) | cFigure | virtual |
insertBefore(const cFigure *referenceFigure) | cFigure | virtual |
insertBelow(cFigure *referenceFigure) | cFigure | virtual |
Interpolation enum name | cFigure | |
isAbove(const cFigure *figure) const | cFigure | virtual |
isBelow(const cFigure *figure) const | cFigure | virtual |
isName(const char *s) const | cObject | inline |
isOwnedObject() const override | cOwnedObject | inlinevirtual |
isSoftOwner() const | cOwnedObject | inlinevirtual |
isVisible() const | cFigure | inlinevirtual |
JoinStyle enum name | cFigure | |
LineStyle enum name | cFigure | |
lowerBelow(cFigure *figure) | cFigure | virtual |
lowerToBottom() | cFigure | virtual |
move(double dx, double dy) | cFigure | virtual |
moveLocal(double dx, double dy) override | cAbstractImageFigure | virtual |
omnetpp::cFigure::operator=(const cFigure &other) | cFigure | |
omnetpp::cOwnedObject::operator=(const cOwnedObject &o) | cOwnedObject | |
omnetpp::cNamedObject::operator=(const cNamedObject &o) | cNamedObject | |
parse(cProperty *property) override | cImageFigure | virtual |
parsimPack(cCommBuffer *buffer) const override | cOwnedObject | virtual |
parsimUnpack(cCommBuffer *buffer) override | cOwnedObject | virtual |
raiseAbove(cFigure *figure) | cFigure | virtual |
raiseToTop() | cFigure | virtual |
refreshDisplay() | cFigure | inlinevirtual |
removeFigure(cFigure *figure) | cFigure | virtual |
removeFigure(int pos) | cFigure | virtual |
removeFromParent() | cFigure | virtual |
resetObjectCounters() | cOwnedObject | inlinestatic |
resetTransform() | cFigure | inlinevirtual |
setAnchor(Anchor anchor) | cAbstractImageFigure | virtual |
setAssociatedObject(cObject *obj) | cFigure | virtual |
setHeight(double height) | cAbstractImageFigure | virtual |
setImageName(const char *imageName) | cImageFigure | virtual |
setInterpolation(Interpolation interpolation) | cAbstractImageFigure | virtual |
setName(const char *s) | cNamedObject | virtual |
setNamePooling(bool b) | cNamedObject | virtual |
setOpacity(double opacity) | cAbstractImageFigure | virtual |
setPosition(const Point &position) | cAbstractImageFigure | virtual |
setSize(double width, double height) | cAbstractImageFigure | inlinevirtual |
setTags(const char *tags) | cFigure | virtual |
setTintAmount(double tintAmount) | cAbstractImageFigure | virtual |
setTintColor(const Color &tintColor) | cAbstractImageFigure | virtual |
setTooltip(const char *tooltip) | cFigure | virtual |
setTransform(const Transform &transform) | cFigure | virtual |
setVisible(bool visible) | cFigure | virtual |
setWidth(double width) | cAbstractImageFigure | virtual |
setZIndex(double zIndex) | cFigure | virtual |
str() const override | cImageFigure | virtual |
take(cOwnedObject *obj) | cObject | protectedvirtual |
~cFigure() | cFigure | virtual |
~cNamedObject() | cNamedObject | virtual |
~cObject() | cObject | virtual |
~cOwnedObject() | cOwnedObject | virtual |