Msg File src/inet/physicallayer/ieee80211/packetlevel/Ieee80211ControlInfo.msg

Name Type Description
IIeee80211Band class (no description)
Ieee80211EnumeratedBand class (no description)
Ieee80211ArithmeticalBand class (no description)
IIeee80211PreambleMode class (no description)
IIeee80211HeaderMode class (no description)
IIeee80211DataMode class (no description)
IIeee80211Mode class (no description)
Ieee80211ModeSet class (no description)
Ieee80211ConfigureRadioCommand class

Control info attached to a configure command that is sent to the Radio.

Ieee80211TransmissionRequest class

Control info attached to a mac frame that is sent down to the Ieee80211Radio.

Ieee80211ReceptionIndication class

Control info attached to a mac frame that is sent up from the Ieee80211Radio.

Source code:

// Copyright (C) 2006 Andras Varga
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this program; if not, see <>.

cplusplus {{
#include "inet/common/Units.h"
#include "inet/physicallayer/contract/packetlevel/RadioControlInfo_m.h"
#include "inet/physicallayer/ieee80211/mode/Ieee80211Band.h"
#include "inet/physicallayer/ieee80211/mode/Ieee80211Channel.h"
#include "inet/physicallayer/ieee80211/mode/Ieee80211ModeSet.h"

namespace inet::physicallayer;

class noncobject bps;
class noncobject Hz;

cplusplus {{
typedef const IIeee80211Mode ConstIIeee80211Mode;
typedef const Ieee80211ModeSet * Ieee80211ModeSetPtr;
typedef const IIeee80211Mode * IIeee80211ModePtr;
typedef IIeee80211Band * IIeee80211BandPtr;
typedef Ieee80211Channel * Ieee80211ChannelPtr;

typedef const IIeee80211PreambleMode* IIeee80211PreambleModePtr;
typedef const IIeee80211HeaderMode* IIeee80211HeaderModePtr;
typedef const IIeee80211DataMode* IIeee80211DataModePtr;

class IIeee80211Band
    string name @editable(false);
    Hz centerFrequency[] @sizeGetter(getNumChannels) @opaque;

class Ieee80211EnumeratedBand extends IIeee80211Band

class Ieee80211ArithmeticalBand extends IIeee80211Band

class IIeee80211PreambleMode
    simtime_t duration @editable(false);

class IIeee80211HeaderMode
    bps netBitrate @editable(false) @opaque;
    bps grossBitrate @editable(false) @opaque;
    int bitLength @editable(false);
    simtime_t duration @editable(false);
//    IModulation *modulation @editable(false);

class IIeee80211DataMode
    bps netBitrate @editable(false) @opaque;
    bps grossBitrate @editable(false) @opaque;
//    IModulation *modulation @editable(false);
    int numberOfSpatialStreams @editable(false);

class IIeee80211Mode extends cObject
    int legacyCwMin @editable(false);
    int legacyCwMax @editable(false);
    string name @editable(false);
    IIeee80211PreambleMode *preambleMode @getter(_getPreambleMode) @editable(false);
    IIeee80211HeaderMode *headerMode @getter(_getHeaderMode) @editable(false);
    IIeee80211DataMode *dataMode @getter(_getDataMode) @editable(false);
    simtime_t slotTime @editable(false);
    simtime_t sifsTime @editable(false);
    simtime_t rifsTime @editable(false);
    simtime_t ccaTime @editable(false);
    simtime_t phyRxStartDelay @editable(false);
    simtime_t rxTxTurnaroundTime @editable(false);
    simtime_t preambleLength @editable(false);
    simtime_t plcpHeaderLength @editable(false);
    int mpduMaxLength @editable(false);

class Ieee80211ModeSet extends cObject
    IIeee80211Mode *slowestMode @getter(_getSlowestMode) @editable(false);
    IIeee80211Mode *fastestMode @getter(_getFastestMode) @editable(false);
    IIeee80211Mode *slowestMandatoryMode @getter(_getSlowestMandatoryMode) @editable(false);
    IIeee80211Mode *fastestMandatoryMode @getter(_getFastestMandatoryMode) @editable(false);
    simtime_t sifsTime @editable(false);
    simtime_t slotTime @editable(false);
    simtime_t phyRxStartDelay @editable(false);
    int cwMin @editable(false);
    int cwMax @editable(false);

class noncobject IIeee80211ModePtr;
class noncobject Ieee80211ModeSetPtr;
class noncobject IIeee80211ModePtr;
class noncobject IIeee80211BandPtr;
class noncobject Ieee80211ChannelPtr;
class noncobject ConfigureRadioCommand;
class noncobject TransmissionRequest;
class noncobject ReceptionIndication;
// Control info attached to a configure command that is sent to the ~Radio.
class Ieee80211ConfigureRadioCommand extends ConfigureRadioCommand
    string opMode;                         // new default operation mode or "" if not set.
    Ieee80211ModeSetPtr modeSet = nullptr @opaque @tostring($ ? $->getCompleteStringRepresentation() : std::string("<nullptr>")); // new default mode set or nullptr if not set.
    IIeee80211ModePtr mode = nullptr @opaque @tostring($ ? $->getCompleteStringRepresentation() : std::string("<nullptr>"));      // new default transmission mode or nullptr if not set.
    IIeee80211BandPtr band = nullptr @opaque @tostring($ ? $->getCompleteStringRepresentation() : std::string("<nullptr>"));      // new default band or nullptr if not set.
    Ieee80211ChannelPtr channel = nullptr @opaque @tostring($ ? $->getCompleteStringRepresentation() : std::string("<nullptr>")); // new default band and channel or nullptr if not set.
    int channelNumber = -1;                // new default channel number in the range [0, numChannels] or -1 if not set.

// Control info attached to a mac frame that is sent down to the ~Ieee80211Radio.
class Ieee80211TransmissionRequest extends TransmissionRequest
    IIeee80211ModePtr mode = nullptr @opaque @tostring($ ? $->getCompleteStringRepresentation() : std::string("<nullptr>"));      // override default transmission mode or nullptr if not set.
    int channelNumber = -1;                // override default channel or -1 if not set.
    Ieee80211ChannelPtr channel = nullptr @opaque @tostring($ ? $->getCompleteStringRepresentation() : std::string("<nullptr>")); // override default band and channel or nullptr if not set.

// Control info attached to a mac frame that is sent up from the ~Ieee80211Radio.
class Ieee80211ReceptionIndication extends ReceptionIndication
    IIeee80211ModePtr mode = nullptr;      // specifies reception mode.
    Ieee80211ChannelPtr channel = nullptr @opaque @tostring($ ? $->getCompleteStringRepresentation() : std::string("<nullptr>")); // specifies reception band and channel
    // TODO: remove already inherited fields
    double snr;
    double lossRate;
    double recPow;
    bool airtimeMetric;
    double testFrameDuration;
    double testFrameError;
    int    testFrameSize;