Class Ieee80211TransmissionRequest

File: src/inet/physicallayer/ieee80211/packetlevel/Ieee80211ControlInfo.msg

C++ definition

Control info attached to a mac frame that is sent down to the Ieee80211Radio.

Usage diagram:

The following diagram shows usage relationships between types. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram.

Inheritance diagram:

The following diagram shows inheritance relationships for this type. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram.


Name Type Description
TransmissionRequest class

Control info attached to a mac frame that is sent down to the Radio.


Name Type Description
mode IIeee80211ModePtr

override default transmission mode or nullptr if not set.

channelNumber int

override default channel or -1 if not set.

channel Ieee80211ChannelPtr

override default band and channel or nullptr if not set.

power W

override default transmission power in the range (0, +infinity) or NaN if not set.

bitrate bps

override default bitrate in the range (0, +infinity) or NaN if not set.

carrierFrequency Hz

override default carrier frequency in the range (0, +infinity) or NaN if not set.

bandwidth Hz

override default bandwidth in the rage (0, +infinity) or NaN if not set.

Source code:

// Control info attached to a mac frame that is sent down to the ~Ieee80211Radio.
class Ieee80211TransmissionRequest extends TransmissionRequest
    IIeee80211ModePtr mode @opaque @tostring($ ? $->getCompleteStringRepresentation() : std::string("<nullptr>")) = nullptr;      // override default transmission mode or nullptr if not set.
    int channelNumber = -1;                // override default channel or -1 if not set.
    Ieee80211ChannelPtr channel @opaque @tostring($ ? $->getCompleteStringRepresentation() : std::string("<nullptr>")) = nullptr; // override default band and channel or nullptr if not set.