Class Ieee80211ConfigureRadioCommand

File: src/inet/physicallayer/ieee80211/packetlevel/Ieee80211ControlInfo.msg

C++ definition

Control info attached to a configure command that is sent to the Radio.

Usage diagram:

The following diagram shows usage relationships between types. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram.

Inheritance diagram:

The following diagram shows inheritance relationships for this type. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram.


Name Type Description
ConfigureRadioCommand class

Control info attached to a configure command that is sent to the Radio.


Name Type Description
opMode string

new default operation mode or "" if not set.

modeSet Ieee80211ModeSetPtr

new default mode set or nullptr if not set.

mode IIeee80211ModePtr

new default transmission mode or nullptr if not set.

band IIeee80211BandPtr

new default band or nullptr if not set.

channel Ieee80211ChannelPtr

new default band and channel or nullptr if not set.

channelNumber int

new default channel number in the range [0, numChannels] or -1 if not set.

radioMode int

new radio mode or -1 if not set.

power W

new default transmission power in the range (0, +infinity) or NaN if not set.

bitrate bps

new default bitrate in the range (0, +infinity) or NaN if not set.

modulation IModulationPtr

new default modulation or nullptr if not set.

carrierFrequency Hz

new default carrier frequency in the range (0, +infinity) or NaN if not set.

bandwidth Hz

new default bandwidth in the rage (0, +infinity) or NaN if not set.

Source code:

// Control info attached to a configure command that is sent to the ~Radio.
class Ieee80211ConfigureRadioCommand extends ConfigureRadioCommand
    string opMode;                         // new default operation mode or "" if not set.
    Ieee80211ModeSetPtr modeSet @opaque @tostring($ ? $->getCompleteStringRepresentation() : std::string("<nullptr>")) = nullptr; // new default mode set or nullptr if not set.
    IIeee80211ModePtr mode @opaque @tostring($ ? $->getCompleteStringRepresentation() : std::string("<nullptr>")) = nullptr;      // new default transmission mode or nullptr if not set.
    IIeee80211BandPtr band @opaque @tostring($ ? $->getCompleteStringRepresentation() : std::string("<nullptr>")) = nullptr;      // new default band or nullptr if not set.
    Ieee80211ChannelPtr channel @opaque @tostring($ ? $->getCompleteStringRepresentation() : std::string("<nullptr>")) = nullptr; // new default band and channel or nullptr if not set.
    int channelNumber = -1;                // new default channel number in the range [0, numChannels] or -1 if not set.