Package inet.mobility.single

Name Type Description
ANSimMobility simple module

Uses the <position_change> elements of the ANSim tool's trace file.

BonnMotionMobility simple module

Uses the native file format of BonnMotion (

ChiangMobility simple module

Uses a probabilistic transition matrix to change the state of motion. In this model, the state of the mobile node in each direction (x and y) can be:

CircleMobility simple module

Moves the node around a circle.

ConstSpeedMobility simple module

Controls all movement related things of a host

GaussMarkovMobility simple module

Uses a Gauss-Markov model to control the randomness in the movement. Totally random walk (Brownian motion) is obtained by setting alpha=0, while alpha=1 results a linear motion.

LinearMobility simple module

This is a linear mobility model with speed, angle and acceleration parameters. Angle only changes when the mobile node hits a wall: then it reflects off the wall at the same angle.

LinearNodeDistributionMobility simple module

Mobility model which places all hosts at constant distances in a line with an orientation

MassMobility simple module

This is a random mobility model for a mobile host with a mass. It is the one used in "Optimized Smooth Handoffs in Mobile IP" by Perkins &Wang.

Ns2MotionMobility simple module

TODO: why does this comment refer to BonnMotion instead of NS2?

RandomWPMobility simple module

Random Waypoint mobility model.

RectangleMobility simple module

Moves the node around a rectangle.

TractorMobility simple module

Moves a tractor through a field with a certain amount of rows. Since the tractor also moves around the field, the tractor travels the number of rows PLUS one rows. Consider the following piece of ascii-art for rows=2.

TurtleMobility simple module

A LOGO-style movement model, with the script coming from XML. It can be useful for describing random as well as deterministic scenarios.

VehicleMobility simple module (no description)