INET Framework for OMNeT++/OMNEST
inet::physicalenvironment Namespace Reference


class  BVHObjectCache
class  FlatGround
class  GridObjectCache
class  IGround
class  IMaterial
class  IMaterialRegistry
class  IObjectCache
 This interface provides abstractions for efficient physical object cache data structures. More...
class  IPhysicalEnvironment
class  IPhysicalObject
class  Material
 This class represents a material with its physical properties. More...
class  MaterialRegistry
class  PhysicalEnvironment
 This class represents the physical environment. More...
class  PhysicalObject
 This class represents an immobile physical object, a rigid body and its physical properties. More...


 Define_Module (PhysicalEnvironment)
 Define_Module (FlatGround)
 Define_Module (BVHObjectCache)
 Define_Module (GridObjectCache)

Function Documentation

inet::physicalenvironment::Define_Module ( FlatGround  )
inet::physicalenvironment::Define_Module ( GridObjectCache  )
inet::physicalenvironment::Define_Module ( BVHObjectCache  )
inet::physicalenvironment::Define_Module ( PhysicalEnvironment  )