OMNeT++ Simulation Library  6.0.3


Fundamental library classes. The most important ones are:


class  cClassDescriptor
 Abstract base class for class descriptors. More...
class  cCoroutine
 Low-level coroutine library. Coroutines are used by cSimpleModule. More...
class  cException
 Exception class. More...
class  cTerminationException
 Thrown when the simulation is completed without error. More...
class  cRuntimeError
 Thrown when the simulation kernel or other components detect a runtime error. More...
class  cNamedObject
 Extends cObject with a name string. Also includes a "flags" member, with bits open for use by subclasses. More...
class  cObject
 cObject is a lightweight class which serves as the root of the OMNeT++ class hierarchy. cObject, via virtual and pure virtual methods, defines several properties and mechanisms that are used throughout the entire simulation library. More...
class  cOwnedObject
 A cObject that keeps track of its owner. It serves as base class for many classes in the OMNeT++ library. More...
class  cSoftOwner
 Internal class, used as a base class for modules and channels. It is not intended for subclassing outside the simulation kernel. More...