
Msg File src/inet/transportlayer/contract/udp/UdpControlInfo.msg

Name Type Description
UdpCommandCode enum

Udp command codes, sent by the application to Udp. These constants should be set as message kind on messages sent to the Udp entity.

UdpSetOptionSubcode enum (no description)
UdpStatusInd enum

Udp indications, sent by Udp to the application. Udp will set these constants as message kind on messages it sends to the application.

UdpControlInfo class

Base class for UDP control info classes. The most convenient way to handle Udp is the UdpSocket class, which hides control info from you.

UdpBindCommand class

Control info for binding an UDP socket. To create and bind a socket, send a message to the Udp module with kind=UDP_C_BIND and an UdpBindCommand attached.

UdpConnectCommand class

Control info for connecting an UDP socket. To connect a socket, send a message to the Udp module with kind=UDP_C_CONNECT and an UdpConnectCommand attached. If the socket does not exist, it will be created.

UdpCloseCommand class

Control info for closing an UDP socket. To close a socket, send a message to the Udp module with kind=UDP_C_CLOSE and an UdpCloseCommand attached. The Udp module will send an UdpSocketClosedIndication answer.

UdpSocketClosedIndication class

Control info for inform app about an UDP socket closed. This is answer to an UdpCloseCommand.

UdpDestroyCommand class

Control info for destroying an UDP socket. To destroy a socket, send a message to the Udp module with kind=UDP_C_DESTROY and an UdpDestroyCommand attached.

UdpErrorIndication class

Control info that is sent up from the Udp module to the application with UDP_I_ERROR as message kind when Udp receives an Icmp error for a packet previously sent from the socket.

UdpSetOptionCommand class

Base class for UDP socket option control info classes.

UdpSetTimeToLiveCommand class

Control info for setting the Time To Live (a.k.a. Hop Limit) option on an UDP socket. This option will affect both multicast and unicast packets. To set the option, send a message to the Udp module with kind=UDP_C_SETOPTION and an and instance of this control info class attached.

UdpSetDscpCommand class

Control info for setting the DSCP (DiffServ Code Point) header field on outgoing Ipv4/Ipv6 packets sent from an Udp socket. This is a 6-bit field. To set the option, send a message to the Udp module with kind=UDP_C_SETOPTION and an and instance of this control info class attached.

UdpSetTosCommand class

Control info for setting the TOS (Type Of Service) / Traffic Class header field on outgoing Ipv4/Ipv6 packets sent from an Udp socket. This is a 8-bit field. To set the option, send a message to the Udp module with kind=UDP_C_SETOPTION and an and instance of this control info class attached.

UdpSetBroadcastCommand class

Control info for setting the Broadcast option on an UDP socket. To set the option, send a message to the Udp module with kind=UDP_C_SETOPTION and an and instance of this control info class attached.

UdpSetMulticastInterfaceCommand class

Control info for setting the multicast output interface for an UDP socket. To set the option, send a message to the Udp module with kind=UDP_C_SETOPTION and an and instance of this control info class attached.

UdpSetMulticastLoopCommand class

Control info for setting the multicast loop option for an UDP socket. When the option is true, a copy of the outgoing multicast packet is delivered locally via the loopback interface. To set the option, send a message to the Udp module with kind=UDP_C_SETOPTION and an instance of this control info class attached.

UdpSetReuseAddressCommand class

Control info for setting the ReuseAddress option on an UDP socket. When the option is true, then the socket is allowed to bind to an already bound local address. To set the option, send a message to the Udp module with kind=UDP_C_SETOPTION and an and instance of this control info class attached.

UdpJoinMulticastGroupsCommand class

Control info for letting an UDP socket join multicast groups. To set the option, send a message to the Udp module with kind=UDP_C_SETOPTION and an and instance of this control info class attached.

UdpLeaveMulticastGroupsCommand class

Control info for letting an UDP socket leave multicast groups. To set the option, send a message to the Udp module with kind=UDP_C_SETOPTION and an and instance of this control info class attached.

UdpBlockMulticastSourcesCommand class

Control info for letting an UDP socket to block multicast traffic from specific sources after joining a multicast group.

UdpUnblockMulticastSourcesCommand class

Control info for letting an UDP socket to permit multicast traffic from a previously blocked source.

UdpJoinMulticastSourcesCommand class

Control info for letting an UDP socket to join a multicast group only for the selected sources.

UdpLeaveMulticastSourcesCommand class

Control info for letting an UDP socket to leave a multicast group for the selected sources.

UdpSourceFilterMode enum (no description)
UdpSetMulticastSourceFilterCommand class

Control info for letting an UDP socket to specify the excluded/included sources for a multicast group.

Source code

// Copyright (C) 2000 Institut fuer Telematik, Universitaet Karlsruhe
// Copyright (C) 2004,2011 OpenSim Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later

import inet.common.INETDefs;
import inet.networklayer.common.L3Address;

namespace inet;

// Udp command codes, sent by the application to ~Udp. These constants
// should be set as message kind on messages sent to the ~Udp entity.
// @see ~UdpControlInfo, ~UdpStatusInd, ~Udp
enum UdpCommandCode
    UDP_C_DATA = 0;      // send()/sendTo(); see ~UDPSendCommand
    UDP_C_BIND = 1;      // bind(); see ~UdpBindCommand
    UDP_C_CONNECT = 2;   // connect(); see ~UdpConnectCommand
    UDP_C_SETOPTION = 3; // setsockopt(); see ~UdpSetTimeToLiveCommand,...
    UDP_C_CLOSE = 4;     // close(); see ~UdpCloseCommand
    UDP_C_DESTROY = 5;   // destroy(); see ~UdpDestroyCommand

enum UdpSetOptionSubcode

// Udp indications, sent by ~Udp to the application. ~Udp will set these
// constants as message kind on messages it sends to the application.
// @see ~UdpControlInfo, ~UdpCommandCode, ~Udp
enum UdpStatusInd
    UDP_I_DATA = 0;  // ~Udp attaches ~UDPIndication to received data packet
    UDP_I_ERROR = 1;

// Base class for UDP control info classes. The most convenient way to handle
// ~Udp is the UdpSocket class, which hides control info from you.
// @see ~UdpCommandCode
class UdpControlInfo extends cObject

// Control info for binding an UDP socket. To create and bind a socket,
// send a message to the ~Udp module with kind=UDP_C_BIND and an
// ~UdpBindCommand attached.
// Both the address and the port may be left unset. If the port is
// unset, ~Udp will assign an ephemeral port.
// @see ~UdpCommandCode
class UdpBindCommand extends UdpControlInfo
    L3Address localAddr;
    int localPort = -1;

// Control info for connecting an UDP socket. To connect a socket,
// send a message to the ~Udp module with kind=UDP_C_CONNECT and an
// ~UdpConnectCommand attached. If the socket does not exist,
// it will be created.
// Both the address and the port must be filled in.
// @see ~UdpCommandCode
class UdpConnectCommand extends UdpControlInfo
    L3Address remoteAddr;
    int remotePort = -1;

// Control info for sending data via UDP. To send a packet, send it to
// the ~Udp module with kind=UDP_C_SEND and an ~UDPSendCommand attached.
// UDP_C_SEND/~UDPSendCommand models both the Unix send() and sendto() calls.
// If the socket is connected, tags not required, or destAddr/destPort may be left blank (send()),
// otherwise it must contain the destination for the packet (sendto()).
// @see ~UdpCommandCode, ~PortsReq, ~L3AddressReq, ~InterfaceReq

// Control info for closing an UDP socket. To close a socket, send a message
// to the ~Udp module with kind=UDP_C_CLOSE and an ~UdpCloseCommand attached.
// The Udp module will send an ~UdpSocketClosedIndication answer.
// @see ~UdpCommandCode
class UdpCloseCommand extends UdpControlInfo

// Control info for inform app about an UDP socket closed.
// This is answer to an ~UdpCloseCommand.
// @see ~UdpCommandCode
class UdpSocketClosedIndication extends UdpControlInfo

// Control info for destroying an UDP socket. To destroy a socket, send a message
// to the ~Udp module with kind=UDP_C_DESTROY and an ~UdpDestroyCommand attached.
// @see ~UdpCommandCode
class UdpDestroyCommand extends UdpControlInfo

// Control info that is attached to received data packets, sent up from the
// ~Udp module to the application with UDP_I_DATA as message kind.
// @see ~UdpCommandCode, ~L3AddressInd, ~PortsInd

// Control info that is sent up from the ~Udp module to the application with
// UDP_I_ERROR as message kind when ~Udp receives an Icmp error for a packet
// previously sent from the socket.
// @see ~UdpCommandCode
class UdpErrorIndication extends UdpControlInfo

// Base class for UDP socket option control info classes.
class UdpSetOptionCommand extends UdpControlInfo
    UdpSetOptionSubcode optionCode = static_cast<UdpSetOptionSubcode>(-1);

// Control info for setting the Time To Live (a.k.a. Hop Limit) option on an
// UDP socket. This option will affect both multicast and unicast packets.
// To set the option, send a message to the ~Udp module with kind=UDP_C_SETOPTION
// and an and instance of this control info class attached.
// @see ~UdpCommandCode
class UdpSetTimeToLiveCommand extends UdpSetOptionCommand
    optionCode = UDP_C_SETOPTION_TTL;
    int ttl;

// Control info for setting the DSCP (DiffServ Code Point)
// header field on outgoing Ipv4/Ipv6 packets sent from an Udp socket.
// This is a 6-bit field.
// To set the option, send a message to  the ~Udp module with kind=UDP_C_SETOPTION
// and an and instance of this control info class attached.
// @see ~UdpCommandCode
class UdpSetDscpCommand extends UdpSetOptionCommand
    optionCode = UDP_C_SETOPTION_DSCP;
    short dscp;  // diffserv code point for Ipv4/Ipv6

// Control info for setting the TOS (Type Of Service) / Traffic Class
// header field on outgoing Ipv4/Ipv6 packets sent from an Udp socket.
// This is a 8-bit field.
// To set the option, send a message to  the ~Udp module with kind=UDP_C_SETOPTION
// and an and instance of this control info class attached.
// @see ~UdpCommandCode
class UdpSetTosCommand extends UdpSetOptionCommand
    optionCode = UDP_C_SETOPTION_TOS;
    short tos;  // type of service for Ipv4 / Traffic class for Ipv6

// Control info for setting the Broadcast option on an UDP socket.
// To set the option, send a message to the ~Udp module with kind=UDP_C_SETOPTION
// and an and instance of this control info class attached.
// @see ~UdpCommandCode
class UdpSetBroadcastCommand extends UdpSetOptionCommand
    bool broadcast;

// Control info for setting the multicast output interface for an UDP socket.
// To set the option, send a message to the ~Udp module with kind=UDP_C_SETOPTION
// and an and instance of this control info class attached.
// @see ~UdpCommandCode
class UdpSetMulticastInterfaceCommand extends UdpSetOptionCommand
    int interfaceId;

// Control info for setting the multicast loop option for an UDP socket.
// When the option is true, a copy of the outgoing multicast packet
// is delivered locally via the loopback interface.
// To set the option, send a message to the ~Udp module with kind=UDP_C_SETOPTION
// and an instance of this control info class attached.
// @see ~UdpCommandCode
class UdpSetMulticastLoopCommand extends UdpSetOptionCommand
    bool loop;

// Control info for setting the ReuseAddress option on an UDP socket.
// When the option is true, then the socket is allowed to bind to an already bound
// local address.
// To set the option, send a message to the ~Udp module with kind=UDP_C_SETOPTION
// and an and instance of this control info class attached.
// @see ~UdpCommandCode
class UdpSetReuseAddressCommand extends UdpSetOptionCommand
    bool reuseAddress;

// Control info for letting an UDP socket join multicast groups.
// To set the option, send a message to the ~Udp module with kind=UDP_C_SETOPTION
// and an and instance of this control info class attached.
// The address-interfaceId pairs are passed as two separate arrays.
// When there are less interfaceIds than multicast addresses,
// then -1 is assumed (meaning join on all interfaces).
// @see ~UdpCommandCode
class UdpJoinMulticastGroupsCommand extends UdpSetOptionCommand
    L3Address multicastAddr[];
    int interfaceId[];

// Control info for letting an UDP socket leave multicast groups.
// To set the option, send a message to the ~Udp module with kind=UDP_C_SETOPTION
// and an and instance of this control info class attached.
// @see ~UdpCommandCode
class UdpLeaveMulticastGroupsCommand extends UdpSetOptionCommand
    L3Address multicastAddr[];

// Control info for letting an UDP socket to block multicast traffic from
// specific sources after joining a multicast group.
// see IP_BLOCK_SOURCE socket option
class UdpBlockMulticastSourcesCommand extends UdpSetOptionCommand
    int interfaceId;
    L3Address multicastAddr;
    L3Address sourceList[];

// Control info for letting an UDP socket to permit multicast traffic from
// a previously blocked source.
// see IP_UNBLOCK_SOURCE socket option
class UdpUnblockMulticastSourcesCommand extends UdpSetOptionCommand
    int interfaceId;
    L3Address multicastAddr;
    L3Address sourceList[];

// Control info for letting an UDP socket to join a multicast group
// only for the selected sources.
// see IP_ADD_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP socket option
class UdpJoinMulticastSourcesCommand extends UdpSetOptionCommand
    int interfaceId;
    L3Address multicastAddr;
    L3Address sourceList[];

// Control info for letting an UDP socket to leave a multicast group
// for the selected sources.
// see IP_DROP_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP socket option
class UdpLeaveMulticastSourcesCommand extends UdpSetOptionCommand
    int interfaceId;
    L3Address multicastAddr;
    L3Address sourceList[];


// Control info for letting an UDP socket to specify the excluded/included
// sources for a multicast group.
// Unlike Block/Unblock/Join/LeaveMulticastSource commands, this method is
// not incremental.
class UdpSetMulticastSourceFilterCommand extends UdpSetOptionCommand
    int interfaceId;
    L3Address multicastAddr;
    UdpSourceFilterMode filterMode;
    L3Address sourceList[];