
NED File src/inet/protocolelement/shaper/EligibilityTimeGate.ned

Name Type Description
EligibilityTimeGate simple module

This module is a packet gate that operates based on the EligibilityTimeTag attached to the next packet waiting to be pulled through. The gate is closed if the eligibility time is greater than the current simulation time, it is open otherwise.

Source code

// Copyright (C) 2020 OpenSim Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later

package inet.protocolelement.shaper;

import inet.queueing.base.PacketGateBase;
import inet.queueing.contract.IPacketGate;

// This module is a packet gate that operates based on the ~EligibilityTimeTag
// attached to the next packet waiting to be pulled through. The gate is closed
// if the eligibility time is greater than the current simulation time, it is
// open otherwise.
// This module is part of the asynchronous shaper architecture.
// @see ~EligibilityTimeQueue, ~EligibilityTimeFilter, ~EligibilityTimeMeter, ~EligibilityTimeTag
simple EligibilityTimeGate extends PacketGateBase like IPacketGate
        string clockModule = default(""); // relative path of a module that implements IClock; optional
        @statistic[remainingEligibilityTime](title="remaining eligibility time"; source=remainingEligibilityTimeChanged; record=vector; unit=s; interpolationmode=linear);