
NED File src/inet/node/tsn/TsnDevice.ned

Name Type Description
TsnDevice compound module

This module represents a Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) hardware end device that supports time synchronization, per-stream filtering and policing, scheduling and traffic shaping, frame replication and elimination, frame preemption for Ethernet networks. All TSN features are optional and they can be combined with other Ethernet features.

Source code

// Copyright (C) 2020 OpenSim Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later

package inet.node.tsn;

import inet.applications.contract.IApp;
import inet.node.inet.StandardHost;

// This module represents a Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) hardware end device
// that supports time synchronization, per-stream filtering and policing, scheduling
// and traffic shaping, frame replication and elimination, frame preemption for
// Ethernet networks. All TSN features are optional and they can be combined with
// other Ethernet features.
module TsnDevice extends StandardHost
        bool hasTimeSynchronization = default(false); // enable IEEE 802.1 AS time synchronization
        bool hasIngressTrafficFiltering = default(false); // enable IEEE 802.1 Qci ingress per-stream filtering
        bool hasEgressTrafficFiltering = default(false); // enable IEEE 802.1 Qci egress per-stream filtering
        bool hasEgressTrafficShaping = default(false); // enable IEEE 802.1 egress traffic shaping (credit based shaping, time aware shaping, asynchronous shaping)
        bool hasStreamRedundancy = default(false); // enable IEEE 802.1 CB frame replication and elimination
        bool hasIncomingStreams = default(false); // enable IEEE 802.1 stream decoding
        bool hasOutgoingStreams = default(false); // enable IEEE 802.1 stream identification and stream encoding
        bool hasFramePreemption = default(false); // enable IEEE 802.1 Qbu frame preemption
        bool hasCutthroughSwitching = default(false); // enable cut-through switching support
        clock.typename = default(hasTimeSynchronization ? "SettableClock" : ""); // enable explicit local clock model
        ethernet.typename = default("EthernetLayer"); // use Ethernet protocol layer outside of network interfaces
        eth[*].typename = default("LayeredEthernetInterface"); // switch to modular Ethernet interface
        eth[*].macLayer.typename = default(hasFramePreemption ? "EthernetPreemptingMacLayer" : "EthernetMacLayer");
        eth[*].macLayer.queue.typename = default(hasEgressTrafficShaping ? "Ieee8021qTimeAwareShaper" : (hasFramePreemption ? "" : "PacketQueue")); // use priority queue having multiple subqueues controlled by separate gates
        eth[*].phyLayer.typename = default(hasCutthroughSwitching ? "EthernetStreamingPhyLayer" : (hasFramePreemption ? "EthernetPreemptingPhyLayer" : "EthernetPhyLayer")); // use packet streaming when cut-through switching is enabled
        bridging.typename = default(hasIncomingStreams || hasOutgoingStreams || hasStreamRedundancy || hasIngressTrafficFiltering || hasEgressTrafficFiltering ? "BridgingLayer" : ""); // switch to modular bridging
        bridging.interfaceRelay.typename = default(""); // disable frame relaying
        bridging.streamIdentifier.typename = default(hasOutgoingStreams || hasStreamRedundancy ? "StreamIdentifierLayer" : ""); // enable stream identification when stream redundancy is enabled
        bridging.streamIdentifier.identifier.hasSequenceNumbering = default(hasStreamRedundancy); // enable sequence numberinf if stream redundancy is enabled
        bridging.streamRelay.typename = default(hasStreamRedundancy ? "StreamRelayLayer" : ""); // enable stream merging and stream splitting when stream redundancy is enabled
        bridging.streamFilter.typename = default(hasIngressTrafficFiltering || hasEgressTrafficFiltering ? "StreamFilterLayer" : ""); // enable stream filtering when ingress or egress per-stream filtering is enabled
        bridging.streamFilter.ingress.typename = default(hasIngressTrafficFiltering ? "SimpleIeee8021qFilter" : ""); // use IEEE 802.1 Qci ingress filter when ingress per-stream filtering is enabled
        bridging.streamFilter.egress.typename = default(hasEgressTrafficFiltering ? "SimpleIeee8021qFilter" : ""); // use IEEE 802.1 Qci egress filter when egress per-stream filtering is enabled
        bridging.streamCoder.typename = default(hasIncomingStreams || hasOutgoingStreams || hasStreamRedundancy ? "StreamCoderLayer" : ""); // enable stream endocing/decoding when stream redundancy is enabled
        ieee8021r.typename = default(hasStreamRedundancy ? "Ieee8021rProtocol" : "");
        ieee8021q.typename = default(hasIncomingStreams || hasOutgoingStreams || hasStreamRedundancy ? "Ieee8021qProtocol" : "");
        @display("i=device/card"); // change icon to emphasise hardware device
        gptp: <default("Gptp")> like IApp if hasTimeSynchronization {
            gptpNodeType = default("SLAVE_NODE");
            slavePort = default("eth0");
            masterPorts = default([]);
        if hasTimeSynchronization {
            gptp.socketOut --> at.in++;
            at.out++ --> gptp.socketIn;