NED File src/inet/node/ethernet/EthernetSwitch.ned
Name | Type | Description |
EthernetSwitch | compound module |
Model of an Ethernet switch. |
Source code
// // Copyright (C) 2003 Andras Varga; CTIE, Monash University, Australia // 2010 Zoltan Bojthe // // SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later // package inet.node.ethernet; import inet.applications.contract.IApp; import inet.clock.contract.IClock; import inet.common.IMeasurer; import inet.common.MessageDispatcher; import inet.common.lifecycle.NodeStatus; import inet.common.packet.recorder.PcapRecorder; import inet.linklayer.configurator.L2NodeConfigurator; import inet.linklayer.contract.IEthernetInterface; import inet.linklayer.contract.IMacForwardingTable; import inet.linklayer.contract.ISpanningTree; import inet.linklayer.ethernet.contract.IEthernetLayer; import inet.linklayer.ieee8021q.IIeee8021qLayer; import inet.linklayer.ieee8021r.IIeee8021rLayer; import inet.linklayer.ieee8022.IIeee8022Llc; import inet.networklayer.common.InterfaceTable; import inet.node.contract.IEthernetNetworkNode; import inet.protocolelement.contract.IProtocolLayer; // // Model of an Ethernet switch. // // The duplexChannel attributes of the MACs must be set according to the // medium connected to the port; if collisions are possible (it's a bus or hub) // it must be set to false, otherwise it can be set to true. // By default used half duples CSMA/CD mac // module EthernetSwitch like IEthernetNetworkNode { parameters: @networkNode(); @labels(node,ethernet-node); @display("i=device/switch"); bool recordPcap = default(false); int numPcapRecorders = default(recordPcap ? 1 : 0); int numApps = default(0); bool hasStatus = default(false); bool hasStp = default(false); bool hasGptp = default(false); bool hasCutthroughSwitching = default(false); string fcsMode @enum("declared","computed") = default("declared"); string spanningTreeProtocol = default("Stp"); int numEthInterfaces = default(0); // minimum number of ethernet interfaces eth[*].encap.typename = default(""); *.fcsMode = this.fcsMode; **.interfaceTableModule = default(absPath(".interfaceTable")); **.macTableModule = default(absPath(".macTable")); *.clockModule = default(exists(clock) ? absPath(".clock") : ""); llc.registerProtocol = true; eth[*].mac.promiscuous = default(true); ethernet.*.promiscuous = default(true); ethernet.registerProtocol = default(true); gates: inout ethg[numEthInterfaces] @labels(EtherFrame-conn); submodules: macTable: <default("MacForwardingTable")> like IMacForwardingTable { @display("p=100,100;is=s"); } interfaceTable: InterfaceTable { @display("p=100,200;is=s"); } l2NodeConfigurator: L2NodeConfigurator if hasStp { @display("p=100,300;is=s"); } status: NodeStatus if hasStatus { @display("p=100,400;is=s"); } clock: <default(hasGptp ? "SettableClock" : "")> like IClock if typename != "" { @display("p=100,500;is=s"); } pcapRecorder[numPcapRecorders]: PcapRecorder { @display("p=100,600;is=s"); } measurer: <default("")> like IMeasurer if typename != "" { @display("p=125,700;is=s"); } stp: <spanningTreeProtocol> like ISpanningTree if hasStp { @display("p=500,75"); } gptp: <default("Gptp")> like IApp if hasGptp { @display("p=700,75"); gptpNodeType = default("BRIDGE_NODE"); // @enum("gptpNodeType"): MASTER_NODE, BRIDGE_NODE, SLAVE_NODE } app[numApps]: <> like IApp { parameters: @display("p=900,75,row,150"); } sc: MessageDispatcher { @display("p=800,150;b=1200,5"); } llc: <default("Ieee8022Llc")> like IIeee8022Llc if typename != "" { @display("p=700,225"); } cb: MessageDispatcher { @display("p=800,300;b=1200,5"); } bridging: <default(firstAvailable("Ieee8021dRelay","MacRelayUnit"))> like IProtocolLayer { @display("p=800,375;is=m"); } bl: MessageDispatcher { @display("p=800,450;b=1200,5"); } ethernet: <default("EthernetEncapsulation")> like IEthernetLayer if typename != "" { @display("p=500,525"); } ieee8021q: <default("Ieee8021qProtocol")> like IIeee8021qLayer if typename != "" { @display("p=700,525"); } ieee8021r: <default("Ieee8021rProtocol")> like IIeee8021rLayer if typename != "" { @display("p=900,525"); } li: MessageDispatcher { @display("p=800,600;b=1200,5"); } eth[sizeof(ethg)]: <default(hasCutthroughSwitching ? "EthernetCutthroughInterface" : "EthernetInterface")> like IEthernetInterface { @display("p=250,750,row,150;q=txQueue"); } connections: ethernet.lowerLayerOut --> if exists(ethernet); li.out++ --> ethernet.lowerLayerIn if exists(ethernet); ieee8021q.lowerLayerOut --> if exists(ieee8021q); li.out++ --> ieee8021q.lowerLayerIn if exists(ieee8021q); ieee8021r.lowerLayerOut --> if exists(ieee8021r); li.out++ --> ieee8021r.lowerLayerIn if exists(ieee8021r); bl.out++ -->; li.out++ -->; llc.upperLayerOut --> if exists(llc); sc.out++ --> llc.upperLayerIn if exists(llc); sc.out++ -->; cb.out++ -->; cb.out++ --> llc.lowerLayerIn if exists(llc); llc.lowerLayerOut --> if exists(llc); cb.out++ --> bridging.upperLayerIn; bridging.upperLayerOut -->; ieee8021q.upperLayerOut --> if exists(ieee8021q); bl.out++ --> ieee8021q.upperLayerIn if exists(ieee8021q); ieee8021r.upperLayerOut --> if exists(ieee8021r); bl.out++ --> ieee8021r.upperLayerIn if exists(ieee8021r); bl.out++ --> ethernet.upperLayerIn if exists(ethernet); ethernet.upperLayerOut --> if exists(ethernet); bridging.lowerLayerOut -->; bl.out++ --> bridging.lowerLayerIn; for i=0..sizeof(ethg)-1 { li.out++ --> eth[i].upperLayerIn; <-- eth[i].upperLayerOut; eth[i].phys <--> { @display("m=s"); } <--> ethg[i]; } if hasStp { stp.relayIn <-- sc.out++; stp.relayOut -->; } if hasGptp { gptp.socketOut -->; sc.out++ --> gptp.socketIn; } for i=0..numApps-1 { app[i].socketOut -->; app[i].socketIn <-- sc.out++; } }