Package: inet.node.ethernet
compound moduleModel of an Ethernet switch.
The duplexChannel attributes of the MACs must be set according to the medium connected to the port; if collisions are possible (it's a bus or hub) it must be set to false, otherwise it can be set to true. By default used half duples CSMA/CD mac
Usage diagram
The following diagram shows usage relationships between types. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram.
Inheritance diagram
The following diagram shows inheritance relationships for this type. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram.
Known subclasses
Name | Type | Description |
GptpBridge | compound module |
This module implements a gPTP bridge network node. |
TsnSwitch | compound module |
This module represents a Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) switch that supports time synchronization, per-stream filtering and policing, scheduling and traffic shaping, frame replication and elimination, frame preemption and cut-through switching for Ethernet networks. All TSN features are optional and they can be combined with other Ethernet features. |
Name | Type | Default value | Description |
recordPcap | bool | false | |
numPcapRecorders | int | recordPcap ? 1 : 0 | |
numApps | int | 0 | |
hasStatus | bool | false | |
hasStp | bool | false | |
hasGptp | bool | false | |
hasCutthroughSwitching | bool | false | |
fcsMode | string | "declared" | |
spanningTreeProtocol | string | "Stp" | |
numEthInterfaces | int | 0 |
minimum number of ethernet interfaces |
Name | Value | Description |
networkNode | ||
labels | node | |
display | i=device/switch |
Name | Direction | Size | Description |
ethg [ ] | inout | numEthInterfaces |
Unassigned submodule parameters
Name | Type | Default value | Description |
macTable.agingTime | double | ||
macTable.forwardingTableFile | string | ||
interfaceTable.displayAddresses | bool | false |
whether to display IP addresses on links |
l2NodeConfigurator.interfaceTableModule | string | ||
l2NodeConfigurator.l2ConfiguratorModule | string | "l2NetworkConfigurator" |
the absolute path to the L2NetworkConfigurator; use "" if there is no configurator |
status.initialStatus | string | "UP" |
TODO @signal, @statistic |
pcapRecorder.verbose | bool | true |
whether to log packets on the module output |
pcapRecorder.pcapFile | string | "" |
the PCAP file to be written |
pcapRecorder.fileFormat | string | "pcapng" | |
pcapRecorder.snaplen | int | 65535 |
maximum number of bytes to record per packet |
pcapRecorder.dumpBadFrames | bool | true |
enable dump of frames with hasBitError |
pcapRecorder.moduleNamePatterns | string | "wlan[*] eth[*] ppp[*]" |
space-separated list of sibling module names to listen on |
pcapRecorder.sendingSignalNames | string | "packetSentToLower" |
space-separated list of outbound packet signals to subscribe to |
pcapRecorder.receivingSignalNames | string | "packetReceivedFromLower" |
space-separated list of inbound packet signals to subscribe to |
pcapRecorder.dumpProtocols | string | "ethernetmac ppp ieee80211mac" |
space-separated list of protocol names as defined in the Protocol class |
pcapRecorder.packetFilter | object | "*" |
which packets are considered, matches all packets by default |
pcapRecorder.helpers | string | "" |
usable PcapRecorder::IHelper helpers for accept packettype and store/convert packet as specified linktype currently available: "inet::AckingMacToEthernetPcapRecorderHelper" |
pcapRecorder.alwaysFlush | bool | false |
flush the pcapFile after each write to ensure that all packets are captured in case of a crash |
pcapRecorder.displayStringTextFormat | string | "rec: %n pks" | |
stp.helloTime | double | ||
stp.forwardDelay | double | ||
stp.maxAge | double | ||
stp.bridgePriority | int | ||
stp.visualize | bool | ||
sc.displayStringTextFormat | string | "processed %p pk (%l)" |
determines the text that is written on top of the submodule |
sc.forwardServiceRegistration | bool | true | |
sc.forwardProtocolRegistration | bool | true | |
cb.displayStringTextFormat | string | "processed %p pk (%l)" |
determines the text that is written on top of the submodule |
cb.forwardServiceRegistration | bool | true | |
cb.forwardProtocolRegistration | bool | true | |
bl.displayStringTextFormat | string | "processed %p pk (%l)" |
determines the text that is written on top of the submodule |
bl.forwardServiceRegistration | bool | true | |
bl.forwardProtocolRegistration | bool | true | |
li.displayStringTextFormat | string | "processed %p pk (%l)" |
determines the text that is written on top of the submodule |
li.forwardServiceRegistration | bool | true | |
li.forwardProtocolRegistration | bool | true | |
eth.bitrate | double |
Source code
// // Model of an Ethernet switch. // // The duplexChannel attributes of the MACs must be set according to the // medium connected to the port; if collisions are possible (it's a bus or hub) // it must be set to false, otherwise it can be set to true. // By default used half duples CSMA/CD mac // module EthernetSwitch like IEthernetNetworkNode { parameters: @networkNode(); @labels(node,ethernet-node); @display("i=device/switch"); bool recordPcap = default(false); int numPcapRecorders = default(recordPcap ? 1 : 0); int numApps = default(0); bool hasStatus = default(false); bool hasStp = default(false); bool hasGptp = default(false); bool hasCutthroughSwitching = default(false); string fcsMode @enum("declared","computed") = default("declared"); string spanningTreeProtocol = default("Stp"); int numEthInterfaces = default(0); // minimum number of ethernet interfaces eth[*].encap.typename = default(""); *.fcsMode = this.fcsMode; **.interfaceTableModule = default(absPath(".interfaceTable")); **.macTableModule = default(absPath(".macTable")); *.clockModule = default(exists(clock) ? absPath(".clock") : ""); llc.registerProtocol = true; eth[*].mac.promiscuous = default(true); ethernet.*.promiscuous = default(true); ethernet.registerProtocol = default(true); gates: inout ethg[numEthInterfaces] @labels(EtherFrame-conn); submodules: macTable: <default("MacForwardingTable")> like IMacForwardingTable { @display("p=100,100;is=s"); } interfaceTable: InterfaceTable { @display("p=100,200;is=s"); } l2NodeConfigurator: L2NodeConfigurator if hasStp { @display("p=100,300;is=s"); } status: NodeStatus if hasStatus { @display("p=100,400;is=s"); } clock: <default(hasGptp ? "SettableClock" : "")> like IClock if typename != "" { @display("p=100,500;is=s"); } pcapRecorder[numPcapRecorders]: PcapRecorder { @display("p=100,600;is=s"); } measurer: <default("")> like IMeasurer if typename != "" { @display("p=125,700;is=s"); } stp: <spanningTreeProtocol> like ISpanningTree if hasStp { @display("p=500,75"); } gptp: <default("Gptp")> like IApp if hasGptp { @display("p=700,75"); gptpNodeType = default("BRIDGE_NODE"); // @enum("gptpNodeType"): MASTER_NODE, BRIDGE_NODE, SLAVE_NODE } app[numApps]: <> like IApp { parameters: @display("p=900,75,row,150"); } sc: MessageDispatcher { @display("p=800,150;b=1200,5"); } llc: <default("Ieee8022Llc")> like IIeee8022Llc if typename != "" { @display("p=700,225"); } cb: MessageDispatcher { @display("p=800,300;b=1200,5"); } bridging: <default(firstAvailable("Ieee8021dRelay","MacRelayUnit"))> like IProtocolLayer { @display("p=800,375;is=m"); } bl: MessageDispatcher { @display("p=800,450;b=1200,5"); } ethernet: <default("EthernetEncapsulation")> like IEthernetLayer if typename != "" { @display("p=500,525"); } ieee8021q: <default("Ieee8021qProtocol")> like IIeee8021qLayer if typename != "" { @display("p=700,525"); } ieee8021r: <default("Ieee8021rProtocol")> like IIeee8021rLayer if typename != "" { @display("p=900,525"); } li: MessageDispatcher { @display("p=800,600;b=1200,5"); } eth[sizeof(ethg)]: <default(hasCutthroughSwitching ? "EthernetCutthroughInterface" : "EthernetInterface")> like IEthernetInterface { @display("p=250,750,row,150;q=txQueue"); } connections: ethernet.lowerLayerOut --> if exists(ethernet); li.out++ --> ethernet.lowerLayerIn if exists(ethernet); ieee8021q.lowerLayerOut --> if exists(ieee8021q); li.out++ --> ieee8021q.lowerLayerIn if exists(ieee8021q); ieee8021r.lowerLayerOut --> if exists(ieee8021r); li.out++ --> ieee8021r.lowerLayerIn if exists(ieee8021r); bl.out++ -->; li.out++ -->; llc.upperLayerOut --> if exists(llc); sc.out++ --> llc.upperLayerIn if exists(llc); sc.out++ -->; cb.out++ -->; cb.out++ --> llc.lowerLayerIn if exists(llc); llc.lowerLayerOut --> if exists(llc); cb.out++ --> bridging.upperLayerIn; bridging.upperLayerOut -->; ieee8021q.upperLayerOut --> if exists(ieee8021q); bl.out++ --> ieee8021q.upperLayerIn if exists(ieee8021q); ieee8021r.upperLayerOut --> if exists(ieee8021r); bl.out++ --> ieee8021r.upperLayerIn if exists(ieee8021r); bl.out++ --> ethernet.upperLayerIn if exists(ethernet); ethernet.upperLayerOut --> if exists(ethernet); bridging.lowerLayerOut -->; bl.out++ --> bridging.lowerLayerIn; for i=0..sizeof(ethg)-1 { li.out++ --> eth[i].upperLayerIn; <-- eth[i].upperLayerOut; eth[i].phys <--> { @display("m=s"); } <--> ethg[i]; } if hasStp { stp.relayIn <-- sc.out++; stp.relayOut -->; } if hasGptp { gptp.socketOut -->; sc.out++ --> gptp.socketIn; } for i=0..numApps-1 { app[i].socketOut -->; app[i].socketIn <-- sc.out++; } }File: src/inet/node/ethernet/EthernetSwitch.ned