NED File src/inet/emulation/linklayer/ieee80211/ExtUpperIeee80211Interface.ned
Name | Type | Description |
ExtUpperIeee80211Interface | compound module |
This module provides an IEEE 802.11 network interface suitable for emulation. The upper part of the network interface is realized in the real world using a real TAP device of the host computer which is running the simulation. |
Source code
// // Copyright (C) 2020 OpenSim Ltd. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later // package inet.emulation.linklayer.ieee80211; import inet.emulation.common.ExtInterface; import inet.emulation.linklayer.ethernet.ExtEthernetTapDevice; import inet.linklayer.common.IIeee8021dQosClassifier; import inet.linklayer.contract.IWirelessInterface; import inet.linklayer.ieee80211.IIeee80211Mac; import; import inet.linklayer.ieee80211.mgmt.IIeee80211Agent; import inet.linklayer.ieee80211.mgmt.IIeee80211Mgmt; import inet.linklayer.ieee80211.mib.Ieee80211Mib; import inet.physicallayer.wireless.common.contract.packetlevel.IRadio; // // This module provides an IEEE 802.11 network interface suitable for emulation. // The upper part of the network interface is realized in the real world using // a real TAP device of the host computer which is running the simulation. // module ExtUpperIeee80211Interface extends ExtInterface like IWirelessInterface { parameters: string energySourceModule = default(""); string opMode @enum("a","b","g(erp)","g(mixed)","n(mixed-2.4Ghz)","p","ac") = default("g(mixed)"); double bitrate @unit(bps) = default(-1bps); **.opMode = this.opMode; **.bitrate = this.bitrate; mac.modeSet = default(this.opMode); mac.*.rateSelection.dataFrameBitrate = default(this.bitrate); *.macModule = default(absPath(".mac")); *.mibModule = default(absPath(".mib")); *.interfaceTableModule = default(absPath(this.interfaceTableModule)); *.energySourceModule = default(absPath(this.energySourceModule)); gates: input radioIn @labels(IWirelessSignal); // to receive signals submodules: mib: Ieee80211Mib { parameters: @display("p=100,300;is=s"); } tap: ExtEthernetTapDevice { parameters: @display("p=300,100"); } llc: <default("Ieee80211Portal")> like IIeee80211Llc { parameters: @display("p=300,200"); } classifier: <default("OmittedIeee8021dQosClassifier")> like IIeee8021dQosClassifier { parameters: @display("p=500,150"); } agent: <default("Ieee80211AgentSta")> like IIeee80211Agent if typename != "" { parameters: @display("p=700,300"); } mgmt: <default("Ieee80211MgmtSta")> like IIeee80211Mgmt { parameters: @display("p=500,300"); } mac: <default("Ieee80211Mac")> like IIeee80211Mac { parameters: @display("p=300,300"); } radio: <default("Ieee80211ScalarRadio")> like IRadio { parameters: @display("p=300,400"); } connections allowunconnected: radioIn --> { @display("m=s"); } --> radio.radioIn; radio.upperLayerIn <-- mac.lowerLayerOut; radio.upperLayerOut --> mac.lowerLayerIn; mac.mgmtOut --> mgmt.macIn; mac.mgmtIn <-- mgmt.macOut; mgmt.agentOut --> agent.mgmtIn if exists(agent); mgmt.agentIn <-- agent.mgmtOut if exists(agent); llc.upperLayerOut --> { @display("m=n"); } --> tap.lowerLayerIn; llc.upperLayerIn <-- { @display("m=n"); } <-- classifier.out; llc.lowerLayerOut --> mac.upperLayerIn; llc.lowerLayerIn <-- mac.upperLayerOut; <-- { @display("m=n"); } <-- tap.lowerLayerOut; }