
Package: inet.environment.objectcache


compound module

This object cache model organizes closely positioned physical objects into a tree data structure.

Inheritance diagram

The following diagram shows inheritance relationships for this type. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram.


Name Type Default value Description
physicalEnvironmentModule string "^"
leafCapacity int 1

the upper bound for the number of physical objects per leaf

axisOrder string "XYZ"

"X", "XY", "ZYZ", "ZZXZZYXYX", etc are all allowed combinations


Name Value Description
display i=block/table2
class BvhObjectCache

Source code

// This object cache model organizes closely positioned physical objects into a
// tree data structure.
module BvhObjectCache like IObjectCache
        string physicalEnvironmentModule = default("^");
        int leafCapacity = default(1); // the upper bound for the number of physical objects per leaf
        string axisOrder = default("XYZ"); //  "X", "XY", "ZYZ", "ZZXZZYXYX", etc are all allowed combinations

File: src/inet/environment/objectcache/BvhObjectCache.ned