
Package: inet.emulation.common


compound module

This module provides a base module for external network interfaces.

pcapRecorder[numPcapRecorders] : PcapRecorder

Records PCAP traces of frames sent/received by other modules within the same host.

pcapRecorder[numPcapRecorders]: PcapRecorder {
        moduleNamePatterns = ".^";
} clock : like IClock

IClock: This module interface is implemented by clock models.

clock: <default("")> like IClock if typename != "" {

Inheritance diagram

The following diagram shows inheritance relationships for this type. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram.

Known subclasses

Name Type Description
ExtLowerEthernetInterface compound module

This module provides an Ethernet network interface suitable for emulation. The lower part of the network interface is realized in the real world using a real ethernet socket of the host computer which is running the simulation.

ExtUpperEthernetInterface compound module

This module provides an Ethernet network interface suitable for emulation. The upper part of the network interface is realized in the real world using a real TAP device of the host computer which is running the simulation.

ExtUpperIeee80211Interface compound module

This module provides an IEEE 802.11 network interface suitable for emulation. The upper part of the network interface is realized in the real world using a real TAP device of the host computer which is running the simulation.


Name Type Description
NetworkInterface compound module

This module serves as the base module for all network interfaces.


Name Type Default value Description
displayStringTextFormat string "%a (%i)\n%m"
recordPcap bool false
numPcapRecorders int recordPcap ? 1 : 0
isWireless bool false
interfaceTableModule string
device string
namespace string ""
copyConfiguration string ""
address string "auto"
broadcast bool true
multicast bool true
pointToPoint bool false
mtu int 4470B


Name Value Description
class ExtInterface
display i=block/ifcard


Name Direction Size Description
upperLayerIn input
upperLayerOut output


Name Type Unit
packetDropped inet::Packet


Name Title Source Record Unit Interpolation Mode
packetDropInterfaceDown packet drops: interface down packetDropReasonIsInterfaceDown(packetDropped) count, sum(packetBytes), vector(packetBytes) none
packetDropNoCarrier packet drops: no carrier packetDropReasonIsNoCarrier(packetDropped) count, sum(packetBytes), vector(packetBytes) none

Unassigned submodule parameters

Name Type Default value Description
pcapRecorder.verbose bool true

whether to log packets on the module output

pcapRecorder.pcapFile string ""

the PCAP file to be written

pcapRecorder.fileFormat string "pcapng"
pcapRecorder.snaplen int 65535

maximum number of bytes to record per packet

pcapRecorder.dumpBadFrames bool true

enable dump of frames with hasBitError

pcapRecorder.sendingSignalNames string "packetSentToLower"

space-separated list of outbound packet signals to subscribe to

pcapRecorder.receivingSignalNames string "packetReceivedFromLower"

space-separated list of inbound packet signals to subscribe to

pcapRecorder.dumpProtocols string "ethernetmac ppp ieee80211mac"

space-separated list of protocol names as defined in the Protocol class

pcapRecorder.packetFilter object "*"

which packets are considered, matches all packets by default

pcapRecorder.helpers string ""

usable PcapRecorder::IHelper helpers for accept packettype and store/convert packet as specified linktype currently available: "inet::AckingMacToEthernetPcapRecorderHelper"

pcapRecorder.alwaysFlush bool false

flush the pcapFile after each write to ensure that all packets are captured in case of a crash

pcapRecorder.displayStringTextFormat string "rec: %n pks"

Source code

// This module provides a base module for external network interfaces.
module ExtInterface extends NetworkInterface like IExternalInterface
        bool isWireless = default(false);
        string interfaceTableModule;
        string device;
        string namespace = default("");
        string copyConfiguration @enum("","copyToExt","copyFromExt") = default("");
        string address @mutable = default("auto");
        bool broadcast = default(true);
        bool multicast = default(true);
        bool pointToPoint = default(false);
        int mtu @unit(B) = default(4470B);
        *.interfaceTableModule = default(absPath(this.interfaceTableModule));
        *.device = default(this.device);
        *.namespace = default(this.namespace);
        input upperLayerIn @loose;
        output upperLayerOut @loose;

File: src/inet/emulation/common/ExtInterface.ned