
Package: inet.applications.voipstream


simple module

VoipStreamReceiver listens on an UDP port, and expects to receive VoIP packets on it. The received voice is then saved into a result audio file that can be compared with the original for further evaluation. VoIP packets are numbered, and out-of-order packets are discarded (the corresponding voice interval will be recorded as silence into the file). VoIP packets that miss their deadlines will similarly be discarded. It is assumed that the audio is played back with delay (by default 20ms), which allows some jitter for the incoming packets. The resulting audio file is closed when the simulation completes (i.e. in the OMNeT++ finish() function). Only one voice session ("call") may be underway at a time.

Inheritance diagram

The following diagram shows inheritance relationships for this type. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram.


Name Type Default value Description
localPort int
playoutDelay double 20ms
resultFile string


Name Value Description
display i=block/arrival


Name Direction Size Description
socketIn input
socketOut output


Name Type Unit
packetReceived inet::Packet
lostPackets long
packetHasVoice long
delay simtime_t
connState long
packetDropped inet::Packet
lostSamples long


Name Title Source Record Unit Interpolation Mode
packetReceived packets received packetReceived count, sum(packetBytes), vector(packetBytes) none
lostPackets lost packets vector, stats none
packetHasVoice voice or silence packet mean, vector none
numSessions total number of sessions sum(connState+1)/2 last
delay delay vector, histogram s none
dropPk packets dropped packetDropped count, sum(packetBytes), vector(packetBytes) none
numActiveSessions number of active sessions warmup(sum(connState)) max, timeavg, vector sample-hold
lostSamples lost samples vector, stats none

Direct method calls (observed)

call tofunctioninfo

Incoming messages (observed)

socketInPacket0 (UdpStatusInd::UDP_I_DATA)UdpDscpInd, EcnInd, HopLimitInd, InterfaceInd, L3AddressInd, L4PortInd, NetworkProtocolInd, SocketInd, TosInd, TransportProtocolInd, MacAddressInd?

Outgoing messages (observed)

socketOutRequest1 (UdpCommandCode::UDP_C_BIND)UdpBindCommandUdpDispatchProtocolReq, SocketReq

Packet operations (observed)

VoipStreamPacketpeekAtFront, popAtFront

Shared Tagging operations (observed)


Source code

// VoipStreamReceiver listens on an UDP port, and expects to receive VoIP packets on
// it. The received voice is then saved into a result audio file that can be
// compared with the original for further evaluation. VoIP packets are
// numbered, and out-of-order packets are discarded (the corresponding voice
// interval will be recorded as silence into the file). VoIP packets that miss
// their deadlines will similarly be discarded. It is assumed that the audio is
// played back with delay (by default 20ms), which allows some jitter for the
// incoming packets. The resulting audio file is closed when the simulation
// completes (i.e. in the OMNeT++ finish() function). Only one voice session
// ("call") may be underway at a time.
simple VoipStreamReceiver like IApp
        int localPort;
        double playoutDelay @unit(s) = default(20ms);
        string resultFile;
        @signal[packetReceived](type=inet::Packet); // expected type=VoipStreamPacket
        @signal[packetHasVoice](type=long);  // 1=yes, 0=no
        @signal[connState](type=long);  // 1=open, -1=close
        @signal[delay](type=simtime_t);  // total time lag of voice transmission
        @statistic[packetReceived](title="packets received"; source=packetReceived; record=count,"sum(packetBytes)","vector(packetBytes)"; interpolationmode=none);
        @statistic[dropPk](title="packets dropped"; source=packetDropped; record=count,"sum(packetBytes)","vector(packetBytes)"; interpolationmode=none);
        @statistic[lostSamples](title="lost samples"; interpolationmode=none; record=vector,stats);
        @statistic[lostPackets](title="lost packets"; interpolationmode=none; record=vector,stats);
        @statistic[packetHasVoice](title="voice or silence packet"; record=mean,vector; interpolationmode=none);
        @statistic[delay](title="delay"; unit=s; record=vector,histogram; interpolationmode=none);
        @statistic[numActiveSessions](title="number of active sessions"; source=warmup(sum(connState)); record=max,timeavg,vector; interpolationmode=sample-hold; autoWarmupFilter=false);
        @statistic[numSessions](title="total number of sessions"; source="sum(connState+1)/2"; record=last);
        input socketIn @labels(UdpControlInfo/up);
        output socketOut @labels(UdpControlInfo/down);

File: src/inet/applications/voipstream/VoipStreamReceiver.ned