Class ReceptionReport

File: src/inet/transportlayer/rtp/reports.msg

C++ definition

Rrepresents an RTP receiver report stored in an RTPSenderReportPacket or RTPReceiverReport.

Usage diagram:

The following diagram shows usage relationships between types. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram.

Inheritance diagram:

The following diagram shows inheritance relationships for this type. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram.


Name Type Description
ssrc uint32

The ssrc identifier of the sender this ReceptionReport is for.

fractionLost uint8

The fraction lost.

packetsLostCumulative int

The number of packets expected minus the number of packets received.

sequenceNumber uint32

The extended highest sequence number received.

jitter int

The interarrival jitter.

lastSR int

The rtp time stamp of the last SenderReport received from this source.

delaySinceLastSR int

The delay since the last SenderReport from this sender has been received in units of 1/65536 seconds.

Source code:

// Rrepresents an RTP receiver report stored
// in an RTPSenderReportPacket or RTPReceiverReport.
class ReceptionReport

    // The ssrc identifier of the sender this ~ReceptionReport is for.
    uint32 ssrc;

    // The fraction lost.
    uint8 fractionLost;

    // The number of packets expected minus the number of packets received.
    int packetsLostCumulative;

    // The extended highest sequence number received.
    uint32 sequenceNumber;

    // The interarrival jitter.
    int jitter;

    // The rtp time stamp of the last ~SenderReport received from this source.
    int lastSR;

    // The delay since the last ~SenderReport from this sender has been
    // received in units of 1/65536 seconds.
    int delaySinceLastSR;