Packet RTPInnerPacket

File: src/inet/transportlayer/rtp/RTPInnerPacket.msg

C++ definition

This class is used for communication between submodules of the RTP layer module.

Usage diagram:

The following diagram shows usage relationships between types. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram.

Inheritance diagram:

The following diagram shows inheritance relationships for this type. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram.


Name Type Description
type short

The type of this RTPInnerPacket.

commonName string


mtu int


bandwidth int

The Bandwidth

rtcpPercentage int

The RTCP percentage

address IPv4Address

The IPv4 address

port int

The port number

ssrc uint32

The SSRC identifier

payloadType int

The payload type

fileName string

The file name

clockRate int

The clock rate

timeStampBase int

The RTP time stamp base

sequenceNumberBase int

The RTP sequence number base

Source code:

// This class is used for communication between submodules of the RTP layer module.
packet RTPInnerPacket
    @customize(true);  // see the generated C++ header for more info

    // The type of this ~RTPInnerPacket.
    short type @enum(RTP_INP_TYPE) = RTP_INP_UNDEF;

    // The CNAME
    string commonName;

    // The MTU
    int mtu;

    // The Bandwidth
    int bandwidth;

    // The RTCP percentage
    int rtcpPercentage;

    // The IPv4 address
    IPv4Address address = IPv4Address::UNSPECIFIED_ADDRESS;

    // The port number
    int port = PORT_UNDEF;

    // The SSRC identifier
    uint32 ssrc;

    // The payload type
    int payloadType;

    // The file name
    string fileName;

    // The clock rate
    int clockRate;

    // The RTP time stamp base
    int timeStampBase;

    // The RTP sequence number base
    int sequenceNumberBase;