Class UDPSendCommand

File: src/inet/transportlayer/contract/udp/UDPControlInfo.msg

C++ definition

Control info for sending data via UDP. To send a packet, send it to the UDP module with kind=UDP_C_SEND and an UDPSendCommand attached.

UDP_C_SEND/UDPSendCommand models both the Unix send() and sendto() calls. If the socket is connected, destAddr/destPort may be left blank (send()), otherwise it must contain the destination for the packet (sendto()).

See also: UDPCommandCode

Usage diagram:

The following diagram shows usage relationships between types. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram.

Inheritance diagram:

The following diagram shows inheritance relationships for this type. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram.


Name Type Description
UDPControlInfo class

Base class for UDP control info classes. The most convenient way to handle UDP is the UDPSocket class, which hides control info from you.


Name Type Description
destAddr L3Address

destination IPv4 or IPv6 address

destPort int

destination port

srcAddr L3Address

source address

interfaceId int

interface on which the packet must be sent (see InterfaceTable)

sockId int

must uniquely identify the socket in the UDP module

Source code:

// Control info for sending data via UDP. To send a packet, send it to
// the ~UDP module with kind=UDP_C_SEND and an ~UDPSendCommand attached.
// UDP_C_SEND/~UDPSendCommand models both the Unix send() and sendto() calls.
// If the socket is connected, destAddr/destPort may be left blank (send()),
// otherwise it must contain the destination for the packet (sendto()).
// @see ~UDPCommandCode
class UDPSendCommand extends UDPControlInfo
    L3Address destAddr; // destination IPv4 or IPv6 address
    int destPort = -1;     // destination port
    L3Address srcAddr;       // source address
    int interfaceId = -1; // interface on which the packet must be sent (see ~InterfaceTable)