Class GenericNetworkProtocolControlInfo

File: src/inet/networklayer/contract/generic/GenericNetworkProtocolControlInfo.msg

C++ definition

Control information for sending/receiving packets over the generic network protocol.

Usage diagram:

The following diagram shows usage relationships between types. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram.

Inheritance diagram:

The following diagram shows inheritance relationships for this type. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram.


Name Type Description
destinationAddress L3Address

destination address

sourceAddress L3Address

source address

interfaceId int

interface on which the datagram was received, or should be sent (see InterfaceTable)

protocol short

encapsulated protocol

hopLimit short

maximum hop count

Source code:

// Control information for sending/receiving packets over the generic network protocol.
class GenericNetworkProtocolControlInfo  //TODO rename!!!!
    L3Address destinationAddress @getter(_getDestinationAddress);   // destination address
    L3Address sourceAddress @getter(_getSourceAddress);    // source address
    int interfaceId = -1; // interface on which the datagram was received, or
                          // should be sent (see ~InterfaceTable)
    short protocol @enum(IPProtocolId);  // encapsulated protocol
    short hopLimit;     // maximum hop count