Msg File src/inet/applications/httptools/common/HttpMessages.msg

Name Type Description
HttpBaseMessage packet

Base class for HTTP messages

HttpRequestMessage packet

Message class for HTTP requests

HttpContentType enum

Content type of HTTP responses.

HttpReplyMessage packet

Message class for HTTP replies

Source code:

// Copyright (C) 2009 Kristjan V. Jonsson, LDSS ([email protected])
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3
// as published by the Free Software Foundation.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
// @file HttpMessages.msg
// HTTP message definitions for the HttpTools components.
// @author  Kristjan V. Jonsson
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// <h1>HTTP Messages</h1>
// <strong>HttpRequestMessage</strong> and <strong>HttpReplyMessage</strong> messages are used by
// the browser and server components to simulate HTTP requests and replies. Their fields are shown
// in the table below:
// <table border="1">
//   <tr><th>message type</th><th>field</th><th>Description</th></tr>
//   <tr><td>Common</td><td>targetUrl</td><td>URL of the intended recipient</td></tr>
//   <tr><td>Common</td><td>originatorUrl</td><td>URL of the originator. Only applicable if the originator is a server</td></tr>
//   <tr><td>Common</td><td>protocol</td><td>The HTTP protocol version, http/1.0 or http/1.1</td></tr>
//   <tr><td>Common</td><td>keepAlive</td><td>True if the keep-alive header is simulated as set</td></tr>
//   <tr><td>Common</td><td>serial</td><td>Convenience field, which allows resources requested and sent to be serially tagged</td></tr>
//   <tr><td>Common</td><td>payload</td><td>The message body as a string</td></tr>
//   <tr><td>Request</td><td>requestString</td><td>The request line. Emulates the HTTP request, e.g. GET {resource} {protocol}</td></tr>
//   <tr><td>Request</td><td>bad</td><td>Indicates that the browser is issuing an invalid request. The server responds with a 404:Not found.</td></tr>
//   <tr><td>Response</td><td>resultCode</td><td>The numerical result code, e.g. 200 for OK or 404 for not found</td></tr>
//   <tr><td>Response</td><td>payloadType</td><td>The type of the returned object, page, image or text resource, as an integer</td></tr>
// </table>
// The two messages, request and reply, are subclassed from a common base message type,
// HttpBaseMessage.
// Servers generate replies containing simplified HTML bodies as payload, either according to the
// random parameters or site definition scripts, as discussed in HttpServer.
// The  body is a list of the form:
// <pre>{resource}[;{site};{delay};{bad}]</pre>
//  - <strong>resource</strong> is the only required field and contains a reference to a resource
//    object, by default simulated as stored locally.
//  - <strong>site</strong> is by default omitted, signifying that the resource is local.
//    This field is only used when referring to resources hosted by third party sites.
//  - <strong>delay</strong> is a optional parameter which causes the receiving browser to insert
//    a delay before requesting the resource.
//  - <strong>bad</strong> is a optional parameter used as a convenience when modeling anomalous
//    messages. The receiving browser will generate a request to the target site, marked as bad
//    (see the table above). The target site will then automatically answer with a
//    <strong>404:Not found</strong>.
//    This feature can be used to simulate usage errors or malicious behavior, e.g. DDoS attacks.

namespace inet::httptools;

// Base class for HTTP messages
packet HttpBaseMessage
    string targetUrl;               // The target URL - request set for browsers, echoed by servers.
    string originatorUrl = "";      // The originator URL. Only applicable for servers.
    int protocol = 11;              // 10 for http/1.0, 11 for http/1.1.
    bool keepAlive = true;          // The keep-alive header
    int serial = 0;                 // Convenience field which allows resource requests to be serially tagged for ease of analysis.
    string heading = "";                // The message heading - request string for requests, response for replies
    string payload = "";                // The payload field

// Message class for HTTP requests
packet HttpRequestMessage extends HttpBaseMessage
    @omitGetVerb(true);         // Dont append get to generated getter methods.
    bool badRequest = false;    // Set to true to simulate a bad request. Server answers w. 404.

// Content type of HTTP responses.
enum HttpContentType
    CT_UNKNOWN = 0;
    CT_HTML = 1;
    CT_IMAGE = 2;
    CT_TEXT = 3;

// Message class for HTTP replies
packet HttpReplyMessage extends HttpBaseMessage
    int result = 0;      // e.g. 200 for OK, 404 for NOT FOUND.
    int contentType @enum(HttpContentType) = CT_UNKNOWN;