Packet HttpBaseMessage

File: src/inet/applications/httptools/common/HttpMessages.msg

C++ definition

Base class for HTTP messages

Usage diagram:

The following diagram shows usage relationships between types. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram.

Inheritance diagram:

The following diagram shows inheritance relationships for this type. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram.

Known subclasses:

Name Type Description
HttpReplyMessage packet

Message class for HTTP replies

HttpRequestMessage packet

Message class for HTTP requests


Name Type Description
targetUrl string

The target URL - request set for browsers, echoed by servers.

originatorUrl string

The originator URL. Only applicable for servers.

protocol int

10 for http/1.0, 11 for http/1.1.

keepAlive bool

The keep-alive header

serial int

Convenience field which allows resource requests to be serially tagged for ease of analysis.

heading string

The message heading - request string for requests, response for replies

payload string

The payload field

Source code:

// Base class for HTTP messages
packet HttpBaseMessage
    string targetUrl;               // The target URL - request set for browsers, echoed by servers.
    string originatorUrl = "";      // The originator URL. Only applicable for servers.
    int protocol = 11;              // 10 for http/1.0, 11 for http/1.1.
    bool keepAlive = true;          // The keep-alive header
    int serial = 0;                 // Convenience field which allows resource requests to be serially tagged for ease of analysis.
    string heading = "";                // The message heading - request string for requests, response for replies
    string payload = "";                // The payload field