INET Framework for OMNeT++/OMNEST
inet::units::value< Value, Units > Member List

This is the complete list of members for inet::units::value< Value, Units >, including all inherited members.

get() const inet::units::value< Value, Units >inline
m_repinet::units::value< Value, Units >private
operator!=(const value< OtherValue, OtherUnits > &other) const inet::units::value< Value, Units >inline
operator*(const value< OtherValue, OtherUnits > &other) const inet::units::value< Value, Units >inline
operator*(const value_type &v) const inet::units::value< Value, Units >inline
operator*=(const value_type &v)inet::units::value< Value, Units >inline
operator+(const value< OtherValue, OtherUnits > &other) const inet::units::value< Value, Units >inline
operator++()inet::units::value< Value, Units >inline
operator++(int)inet::units::value< Value, Units >inline
operator+=(const value< OtherValue, OtherUnits > &other)inet::units::value< Value, Units >inline
operator-(const value< OtherValue, OtherUnits > &other) const inet::units::value< Value, Units >inline
operator-() const inet::units::value< Value, Units >inline
operator--()inet::units::value< Value, Units >inline
operator--(int)inet::units::value< Value, Units >inline
operator-=(const value< OtherValue, OtherUnits > &other)inet::units::value< Value, Units >inline
operator/(const value< OtherValue, OtherUnits > &other) const inet::units::value< Value, Units >inline
operator/(const value_type &v) const inet::units::value< Value, Units >inline
operator/=(const value_type &v)inet::units::value< Value, Units >inline
operator<(const value< OtherValue, OtherUnits > &other) const inet::units::value< Value, Units >inline
operator<=(const value< OtherValue, OtherUnits > &other) const inet::units::value< Value, Units >inline
operator=(const value< OtherValue, OtherUnits > &other)inet::units::value< Value, Units >inline
operator==(const value< OtherValue, OtherUnits > &other) const inet::units::value< Value, Units >inline
operator>(const value< OtherValue, OtherUnits > &other) const inet::units::value< Value, Units >inline
operator>=(const value< OtherValue, OtherUnits > &other) const inet::units::value< Value, Units >inline
unit typedefinet::units::value< Value, Units >
value()inet::units::value< Value, Units >inline
value(const value_type &v)inet::units::value< Value, Units >inlineexplicit
value(const value< OtherValue, OtherUnits > &v)inet::units::value< Value, Units >inline
value_type typedefinet::units::value< Value, Units >