INET Framework for OMNeT++/OMNEST
This is the complete list of members for inet::sctp::SCTPNatTable, including all inherited members.
findNatEntry(L3Address srcAddr, uint16 srcPrt, L3Address destAddr, uint16 destPrt, uint32 globalVtag) | inet::sctp::SCTPNatTable | |
getEntry(L3Address globalAddr, uint16 globalPrt, L3Address nattedAddr, uint16 nattedPrt, uint32 localVtag) | inet::sctp::SCTPNatTable | |
getLocalEntry(L3Address globalAddr, uint16 localPrt, uint16 globalPrt, uint32 localVtag) | inet::sctp::SCTPNatTable | |
getLocalInitEntry(L3Address globalAddr, uint16 localPrt, uint16 globalPrt) | inet::sctp::SCTPNatTable | |
getNextEntryNumber() | inet::sctp::SCTPNatTable | inlinestatic |
getSpecialEntry(L3Address globalAddr, uint16 globalPrt, L3Address nattedAddr, uint16 nattedPrt) | inet::sctp::SCTPNatTable | |
natEntries | inet::sctp::SCTPNatTable | |
nextEntryNumber | inet::sctp::SCTPNatTable | static |
printNatTable() | inet::sctp::SCTPNatTable | |
removeEntry(SCTPNatEntry *entry) | inet::sctp::SCTPNatTable | |
SCTPNatEntryTable typedef | inet::sctp::SCTPNatTable | |
SCTPNatTable() | inet::sctp::SCTPNatTable | |
~SCTPNatTable() | inet::sctp::SCTPNatTable |