INET Framework for OMNeT++/OMNEST
inet::Rotation Member List

This is the complete list of members for inet::Rotation, including all inherited members.

computeRotationMatrices(const double &q0, const double &q1, const double &q2, const double &q3)inet::Rotationprotected
matrixMultiplication(const double matrix[3][3], const Coord &vector) const inet::Rotationprotected
matrixTransposeMultiplication(const double matrix[3][3], const Coord &vector) const inet::Rotationprotected
rotateVectorClockwise(const Coord &vector) const inet::Rotation
rotateVectorCounterClockwise(const Coord &vector) const inet::Rotation
Rotation(const EulerAngles &eulerAngle)inet::Rotation