▼CcCommBufferBase | Adds buffer (re)allocation functions to cCommBuffer. This functionality is not always needed, as some libraries manage their pack/unpack buffers internally |
CcFileCommBuffer | Communication buffer that packs data in a text representation into a memory buffer |
CcMemCommBuffer | Communication buffer that packs data into a memory buffer without any transformation |
CcFileCommunications | Implementation of the communications layer which works via files. Every message is created as a file in a communications directory |
CcNamedPipeCommunications | Implementation of the communications layer which uses named pipes. Pipes are created at initialization time, and are used throughout the whole simulation |
▼CcNMPLookahead | Base class of lookahead calculations for cNullMessageProtocol which implements the "null message algorithm" |
CcAdvancedLinkDelayLookahead | Lookahead calculation based on inter-partition link delays only |
CcLinkDelayLookahead | Lookahead calculation based on inter-partition link delays only |
CcParsimPartition | Represents one partition in a parallel simulation. Knows about partitions and the links between this partition and its neighbors |
▼CcParsimSynchronizer | Abstract base class for parallel simulation algorithms. Subclasses implement the "null message algorithm" and others |
▼CcParsimProtocolBase | Contains utility functions for implementing parallel simulation protocols |
CcIdealSimulationProtocol | Implements the Ideal Simulation Protocol, described in the paper "Performance Evaluation of Conservative Algoritms in Parallel
Simulation Languages" by Bagrodia et al |
CcNoSynchronization | "Dummy" implementation – just pass messages between partitions, without any synchronization. Of course incausalities may occur which terminate the simulation with error, so this class is only useful as a base "template" for implementing "real" synchronization protocols |
▼CcNullMessageProtocol | Implements the "null message algorithm". Lookahead calculation is encapsulated into a separate object, subclassed from cNMPLookahead |
CcISPEventLogger | Implements phase one for the Ideal Simulation Protocol (ISP), namely, creating the log of "external" events. That log will be used as by the ISP synchromization mechanism (cIdealSimulationProtocol) |
CcPlaceholderModule | In distributed parallel simulation, modules of the network are distributed across partitions |
CcProxyGate | A gate that belongs to a cross-partition link and represents the remote gate on the local partition. cProxyGate's belong to cPlaceholderModule objects, which represent a "remote" module in the local partition |
CcReceivedException | Represents an exception that has been received from other partitions |
CcReceivedTerminationException | Represents a termination exception that has been received from other partitions |