OMNeT++ NEDXML  6.0.3

An example NED file and its XML representation.

A short NED code fragment:

// This file is part of an OMNeT++/OMNEST simulation example.

// Generates jobs (messages) with the given interarrival time.
simple Source
        volatile double sendIaTime @unit(s);
        output out;

The corresponding XML:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

<ned-file filename="Source1.ned">
    <comment locid="banner" content="//&#10;// This file is part of an OMNeT++/OMNEST simulation example.&#10;//&#10;&#10;&#10;"/>
    <simple-module name="Source">
        <comment locid="trailing" content="&#10;&#10;&#10;"/>
        <comment locid="banner" content="//&#10;// Generates jobs (messages) with the given interarrival time.&#10;//&#10;"/>
            <param type="double" is-volatile="true" name="sendIaTime">
                <property name="unit">
                        <literal type="spec" text="s" value="s"/>
            <property name="display">
                    <literal type="string" text="&quot;i=block/source&quot;" value="i=block/source"/>
            <gate name="out" type="output"/>