This is the complete list of members for MsgCompiler, including all inherited members.
analyzer | MsgCompiler | protected |
ClassInfo typedef | MsgCompiler | |
codegen | MsgCompiler | protected |
collectTypes(MsgFileElement *fileElement, bool isImport) | MsgCompiler | protected |
EnumInfo typedef | MsgCompiler | |
EnumItem typedef | MsgCompiler | |
errors | MsgCompiler | protected |
FieldInfo typedef | MsgCompiler | |
generate(MsgFileElement *fileElement, const char *hFile, const char *ccFile, StringSet &outImportedFiles) | MsgCompiler | |
generateCode(MsgFileElement *fileElement) | MsgCompiler | protected |
getBuiltinDefinitions() | MsgCompiler | inlinestatic |
importBuiltinDefinitions() | MsgCompiler | protected |
importedFiles | MsgCompiler | protected |
importsSeen | MsgCompiler | protected |
MsgCompiler(const MsgCompilerOptions &options, ErrorStore *errors) | MsgCompiler | |
opts | MsgCompiler | protected |
prefixWithNamespace(const std::string &name, const std::string &namespaceName) | MsgCompiler | protected |
printPropertiesLatexDocu(std::ostream &out) | MsgCompiler | |
processBuiltinImport(const char *txt, const char *fname) | MsgCompiler | protected |
processImport(ImportElement *importElem, const std::string ¤tDir) | MsgCompiler | protected |
Properties typedef | MsgCompiler | |
Property typedef | MsgCompiler | |
resolveImport(const std::string &importName, const std::string ¤tDir) | MsgCompiler | protected |
StringSet typedef | MsgCompiler | |
StringVector typedef | MsgCompiler | |
typeTable | MsgCompiler | protected |
used | MsgCompiler | protected |
validateNamespaceName(const std::string &namespaceName, ASTNode *element) | MsgCompiler | protected |
~MsgCompiler() | MsgCompiler | inline |