
Msg File src/inet/transportlayer/tcp_common/TCPSegment.msg

Name Type Description
TCPOptionNumbers enum

TCP Option Numbers Reference: Date: 2011-07-02

SackItem class

This structure represents a single SACK (selective acknowledgment):

Sack class (no description)
TCPOption class

Header Options (optional):

TCPOptionEnd class (no description)
TCPOptionNop class (no description)
TCPOptionMaxSegmentSize class (no description)
TCPOptionWindowScale class (no description)
TCPOptionSackPermitted class (no description)
TCPOptionSack class (no description)
TCPOptionTimestamp class (no description)
TCPOptionUnknown class (no description)
TCPSegment packet

Represents a TCP segment, to be used with the TCP module.

Source code

// Copyright (C) 2004 Andras Varga
// Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Thomas Reschka
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with this program; if not, see <>.

import inet.common.ByteArray;

cplusplus {{
#include <iostream>
#include "inet/common/INETDefs.h"
#include "inet/common/ByteArray.h"

namespace inet {
namespace tcp {
class Sack;
class TCPOption;


namespace inet::tcp;

cplusplus {{
    // default TCP header length: 20 bytes
    #define TCP_HEADER_OCTETS  20    // without options

    // maximum TCP header length (base + options): 60 = 4 * 15 bytes
    const unsigned int TCP_MAX_HEADER_OCTETS = 60;

    // maximum allowed sack entry number, if no other options are used
    const unsigned int MAX_SACK_ENTRIES = 4;

    inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, cPacket *msg)
        return os << "(" << msg->getClassName() << ") " << msg->getName() << ": " << msg->str();

    inline void doPacking(cCommBuffer *b, cPacket *msg) {msg->parsimPack(b);}
    inline void doUnpacking(cCommBuffer *b, cPacket *msg) {msg->parsimUnpack(b);}

// TCP Option Numbers
// Reference:
// Date: 2011-07-02
// Note: Options not yet implemented should stay commented out
enum TCPOptionNumbers
    TCPOPTION_END_OF_OPTION_LIST = 0;                   // RFC 793, LENGTH: 1 Byte
    TCPOPTION_NO_OPERATION = 1;                         // RFC 793, LENGTH: 1 Byte
    TCPOPTION_MAXIMUM_SEGMENT_SIZE = 2;                 // RFC 793, LENGTH: 4 Bytes
    TCPOPTION_WINDOW_SCALE = 3;                         // RFC 1323, LENGTH: 3 Bytes
    TCPOPTION_SACK_PERMITTED = 4;                       // RFC 2018, LENGTH: 2 Bytes
    TCPOPTION_SACK = 5;                                 // RFC 2018, LENGTH: N (max. N = 4) 8 * n + 2 Bytes  => 32 + 2 + 2 * NOP = 36 Bytes; If TIMESTAMP option is used with SACK: max. n = 3 => 12 Bytes (for Timestamp) + 28 Bytes (for SACK) = 40 Bytes
//    TCPOPTION_ECHO = 6;                               // (obsoleted by option 8) RFC 1072 & RFC 6247, LENGTH: 6 Bytes
//    TCPOPTION_ECHO_REPLY = 7;                         // (obsoleted by option 8) RFC 1072 & RFC 6247, LENGTH: 6 Bytes
    TCPOPTION_TIMESTAMP = 8;                            // RFC 1323, LENGTH: 10 Bytes
//    TCPOPTION_PARTIAL_ORDER_CONNECTION_PERMITTED = 9; // (obsolete) RFC 1693 & RFC 6247, LENGTH: 2 Bytes
//    TCPOPTION_PARTIAL_ORDER_SERVICE_PROFILE = 10;     // (obsolete) RFC 1693 & RFC 6247, LENGTH: 3 Bytes
//    TCPOPTION_CC = 11;                                // (obsolete) RFC 1644 & RFC 6247, LENGTH: -
//    TCPOPTION_CC_NEW = 12;                            // (obsolete) RFC 1644 & RFC 6247, LENGTH: -
//    TCPOPTION_CC_ECHO = 13;                           // (obsolete) RFC 1644 & RFC 6247, LENGTH: -
//    TCPOPTION_TCP_ALTERNATE_CHECKSUM_REQUEST = 14;    // (obsolete) RFC 1146 & RFC 6247, LENGTH: 3 Bytes
//    TCPOPTION_TCP_ALTERNATE_CHECKSUM_DATA = 15;       // (obsolete) RFC 1146 & RFC 6247, LENGTH: N
//  TCPOPTION_SKEETER = 16;                             // [Knowles], LENGTH: -
//  TCPOPTION_BUBBA = 17;                               // [Knowles], LENGTH: -
//  TCPOPTION_TRAILER_CHECKSUM_OPTION = 18;             // [Subbu & Monroe], LENGTH: 3Bytes
//    TCPOPTION_MD5_SIGNATURE_OPTION = 19;              // (obsoleted by option 29) RFC 2385, LENGTH: 18 Bytes
//  TCPOPTION_SCPS_CAPABILITIES = 20;                   // [Scott], LENGTH: -
//  TCPOPTION_RECORD_BOUNDARIES = 22;                   // [Scott], LENGTH: -
//  TCPOPTION_CORRUPTION_EXPERIENCED = 23;              // [Scott], LENGTH: -
//  TCPOPTION_SNAP = 24;                                // [Sukonnik], LENGTH: -
//  TCPOPTION_UNASSIGNED = 25;                          // released 2000-12-18 [-], LENGTH: -
//  TCPOPTION_TCP_COMPRESSION_FILTER = 26;              // [Bellovin], LENGTH: -
//  TCPOPTION_QUICK_START_RESPONSE = 27;                // RFC 4782, LENGTH: 8 Bytes
//  TCPOPTION_USER_TIMEOUT_OPTION = 28;                 // RFC 5482, LENGTH: 4 Bytes
//  TCPOPTION_AUTHENTICATION_OPTION = 29;               // RFC 5925, LENGTH: -
//    TCPOPTION kinds 30-252 Unassigned
//  TCPOPTION_RFC3692_STYLE_EXPERIMENT_1 = 253;         // RFC 4727, LENGTH: N
//  TCPOPTION_RFC3692_STYLE_EXPERIMENT_2 = 254;         // RFC 4727, LENGTH: N

// This structure represents a single SACK (selective acknowledgment):
class SackItem extends cObject
    unsigned int start;     // start seq no. of sack block
    unsigned int end;       // end seq no. of sack block

class Sack extends SackItem

cplusplus(Sack) {{
    Sack(unsigned int start_par, unsigned int end_par) { setSegment(start_par, end_par); }
    virtual bool empty() const;
    virtual bool contains(const Sack& other) const;
    virtual void clear();
    virtual void setSegment(unsigned int start_par, unsigned int end_par);
    virtual std::string str() const override;

// Header Options (optional):
class TCPOption extends cObject
    unsigned short kind @enum(TCPOptionNumbers) = -1;  // option kind
    unsigned short length = 1;                    // option length

class TCPOptionEnd extends TCPOption
    length = 1;

class TCPOptionNop extends TCPOption
    length = 1;

class TCPOptionMaxSegmentSize extends TCPOption
    length = 4;
    uint16_t maxSegmentSize;   // uint16_t

class TCPOptionWindowScale extends TCPOption
    length = 3;
    unsigned short windowScale;   // uint8_t

class TCPOptionSackPermitted extends TCPOption
    length = 2;

class TCPOptionSack extends TCPOption
    kind = TCPOPTION_SACK;
    length = 2;     // 2 + getSackArraySize() * 8
    SackItem sackItem[];

class TCPOptionTimestamp extends TCPOption
    length = 10;
    uint32_t   senderTimestamp;
    uint32_t   echoedTimestamp;

class TCPOptionUnknown extends TCPOption
    kind = -1;
    uint8_t bytes[];

// Represents a TCP segment, to be used with the ~TCP module.
// TCP header fields not explicitly modelled: work on going
// - Data Offset (number of 32 bit words in the header): represented
//   by cMessage::length().
// - Reserved (reserved for future use)
// - Checksum (header checksum): modelled by cMessage::hasBitError()
// - Header Options: Currently only EOL, NOP, MSS, WS, SACK_PERMITTED, SACK and TS are implemented
// - Padding
// cMessage::getKind() may be set to an arbitrary value: TCP entities will
// ignore it and use only the header fields (synBit, ackBit, rstBit).
packet TCPSegment

    // Source Port
    unsigned short srcPort;

    // Destination Port
    unsigned short destPort;

    // Sequence Number: first sequence number of the first data octet
    // in the respective segment (except if SYN is set; then the the
    // seq. number is the initial seq. number (ISS) and the first data
    // octet is ISS + 1)
    unsigned int sequenceNo;

    // Acknowledgement Number: if ACK flag is set, this field contains
    // the next sequence number the sender of this segment is expecting
    // to receive
    unsigned int ackNo;

    // TCP Header Length - default: 20 bytes
    // if header options are used the headerLength is greater than 20 bytes (default)
    unsigned short headerLength = TCP_HEADER_OCTETS; // TCP_HEADER_OCTETS = 20

    bool urgBit; // URG: urgent pointer field significant if set
    bool ackBit; // ACK: ackNo significant if set
    bool pshBit; // PSH: push function
    bool rstBit; // RST: reset the connection
    bool synBit; // SYN: synchronize seq. numbers
    bool finBit; // FIN: finish - no more data from sender

    // Window Size: the number of data octets beginning with the one indicated
    // in the acknowledgement field which the sender of this segment is
    // willing to accept
    unsigned short window;

    // Urgent Pointer: communicates the current value of the urgent pointer
    // as a positive offset from the sequence number in this segment. The
    // urgent pointer points to the sequence number of the octet following
    // the urgent data. This field is only be interpreted in segments with
    // the URG control bit set.
    unsigned short urgentPointer;

    // Header options (optional)
    // Currently only EOL, NOP, MSS, WS, SACK_PERMITTED, SACK and TS are implemented
    TCPOption *headerOption[] @owned;

    // Payload length in octets (not an actual TCP header field).
    // This may not always be the same as encapsulatedPacket()->getByteLength();
    // e.g. when simulating a virtual data stream there's no encapsulated
    // packet at all.
    unsigned long payloadLength;

    // Message objects (cMessages) that travel in this segment as data.
    // This field is used only when the ~TCPDataTransferMode is TCP_TRANSFER_OBJECT.
    // Every message object is put into the TCPSegment that would (in real life)
    // carry its first octet. That is, if message object 'msg' with length=100 bytes
    // occupies stream offset number range 10000..10099, it will travel in the
    // TCPSegment which carries the octet 10000. This way it is easily achieved
    // that the receiving TCP passes up the message object to its client
    // when the last byte of the message has arrived.
    // These vectors has same size, paired elements in vectors.
    unsigned int payloadEndSequenceNo[];
    cPacket *payloadMsg[] @owned;      // pointer to payload msg

    // Message bytes that travel in this segment as data.
    // This field is used only when the ~TCPDataTransferMode is TCP_TRANSFER_BYTESTREAM.
    ByteArray byteArray;