
NED File src/inet/transportlayer/rtp/RTP.ned

Name Type Description
RTP simple module (no description)

Source code

package inet.transportlayer.rtp;

// The RTP module is the center of the RTP layer of an endsystem.
// It communicates with the application, and sends and receives RTP data
// packets.
// Much of the work is done by dynamically created Profile, and Payload
// Sender and Receiver modules (the latter two are created by Profile).
// See ~RTPProfile, ~RTPAVProfile
// TODO Translate:
// Az ~RTP az appIn gate-en a k��vetkez�� ��zeneteket fogadja az application-t��l:
// olyan msg-t, ami ~RTPControlInfo lesz��rmazott controlinfo-t tartalmaz.
//   - ~RTPCIEnterSession: Enter new session
//         Create and initialize an ~RTPProfile module for the session.
//         params: profileName, commonName, bandwidth, destinationAddress, port
//   - ~RTPCICreateSenderModule:
//         K��ld a profile-nak egy msg-t, hogy hozzon l��tre ��j modult a fileName f��jl k��ld��s��re.
//         params: ssrc, payloadType, fileName
//   - ~RTPCIDeleteSenderModule:
//         K��ld a profile-nak egy msg-t, hogy t��r��lje a k��ld�� modult.
//         params: ssrc
//   - ~RTPCISenderControl:
//         K��ld a profile-nak egy msg-t, hogy a modul hajtsa v��gre a <command> parancsot.
//         params: ssrc, command (see ~RTPSenderControlMessageCommands), parameter1, parameter2
//   - ~RTPCILeaveSession: Leave session
//         Delete ~RTPProfile module.
//         params: ---
//   -
// Az ~RTP az appOut gate-en a k��vetkez�� ��zeneteket k��ldi az application-nek:
// Olyan ~RTPControlMsg msg-t, ami ~RTPControlInfo lesz��rmazottat tartalmaz:
//   - ~RTPCISenderModuleCreated:
//         Elk��ldi az App r��sz��re a l��trehozott modulhoz tartoz�� ssrc-t
//         params: ssrc
//   - ~RTPCISenderModuleDeleted:
//         ��rtes��ti az App-ot, hogy a modul t��r��lve lett.
//         params: ssrc
//   - ~RTPCISenderStatus:
//         Elk��ldi az App r��sz��re a modul ��llapot��t. (PLAYING, FINISHED, STOPPED, PAUSED)
//         params: ssrc, status (see ~RTPSenderStatus), timeStamp
//   - ~RTPCISessionEntered:
//         ��rtes��ti az App-ot, hogy l��trehozott egy ��j session-t (~RTPProfile-t).
//         params: ssrc
//   - ~RTPCISessionLeft:
//         ��rtes��ti az App-ot, hogy v��get lett a session-nek ��s t��r��lte az ~RTPProfile-t.
//         params: ---

simple RTP
        string interfaceTableModule;   // The path to the InterfaceTable module
        string routingTableModule;
        @statistic[rcvdPk](title="packets received"; source=rcvdPk; record=count,"sum(packetBytes)","vector(packetBytes)"; interpolationmode=none);
        @statistic[endToEndDelay](title="end-to-end delay"; source="messageAge(rcvdPk)"; unit=s; record=histogram,vector; interpolationmode=none);

        input appIn @labels(RTPInterfacePacket/down);
        input profileIn @labels(RTPInnerPacket);
        input rtcpIn @labels(RTPInnerPacket);
        input udpIn @labels(UDPControlInfo/up);
        output appOut @labels(RTPInterfacePacket/up);
        output profileOut @labels(RTPInnerPacket);
        output rtcpOut @labels(RTPInnerPacket);
        output udpOut @labels(UDPControlInfo/down);