
Msg File src/inet/transportlayer/contract/tcp/TCPCommand.msg

Name Type Description
TcpCommandCode enum

TCP command codes, sent by the application to TCP. These constants should be set as message kind on a message sent to the TCP entity.

TcpStatusInd enum

TCP indications, sent by TCP to the application. TCP will set these constants as message kind on messages it sends to the application.

TCPErrorCode enum

Currently not in use.

TCPCommand class

Control info for TCP connections. This class is to be set as control info (see cMessage::setControlInfo()) on all messages exchanged between TCP and application, in both directions. Some commands and indications (TCP_C_OPEN_xxx, TCP_I_STATUS) use subclasses.

TCPErrorInfo class

Currently not in use.

TCPDataTransferMode enum

Defines what to transmit as payload in TCP segments

TCPOpenCommand class

Control info to be used for active or passive TCP open.

TCPSendCommand class

Control info to be used with the SEND command.

TCPConnectInfo class

Sent with message kind TCP_I_ESTABLISHED, to let the app know about the local and remote IP address and port.

TCPStatusInfo class

Sent with message kind TCP_I_STATUS, in response to command TCP_C_STATUS. For explanation of variables, see RFC 793 or TCPStateVariables in TCPConnection.h.

Source code

// Copyright (C) 2004 Andras Varga
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with this program; if not, see <>.

import inet.networklayer.common.L3Address;

namespace inet;

// TCP command codes, sent by the application to TCP. These constants
// should be set as message kind on a message sent to the TCP entity.
// @see ~TCPCommand, ~TCPOpenCommand, ~ITCP
enum TcpCommandCode
    TCP_C_OPEN_ACTIVE = 1;   // active open (must carry ~TCPOpenCommand)
    TCP_C_OPEN_PASSIVE = 2;  // passive open (must carry ~TCPOpenCommand)
    TCP_C_SEND = 3;          // send data (set on data packet)
    TCP_C_CLOSE = 5;         // "I have no more data to send"
    TCP_C_ABORT = 6;         // abort connection
    TCP_C_STATUS = 7;        // request status info (TCP_I_STATUS) from TCP
    TCP_C_QUEUE_BYTES_LIMIT = 8; // set send queue limit (in bytes)
    TCP_C_READ = 9;       // send request to TCP to deliver data

// TCP indications, sent by TCP to the application. TCP will set these
// constants as message kind on messages it sends to the application.
// @see ~TCPCommand, ~TCPStatusInfo, ~ITCP
enum TcpStatusInd
    TCP_I_DATA = 1;              // data packet (set on data packet)
    TCP_I_URGENT_DATA = 2;       // urgent data (set on data packet)
    TCP_I_ESTABLISHED = 3;       // connection established
    TCP_I_PEER_CLOSED = 4;       // FIN received from remote TCP
    TCP_I_CLOSED = 5;            // connection closed normally (via FIN exchange)
    TCP_I_CONNECTION_REFUSED = 6; // connection refused
    TCP_I_CONNECTION_RESET = 7;  // connection reset
    TCP_I_TIMED_OUT = 8;         // conn-estab timer went off, or max retransm. count reached
    TCP_I_STATUS = 9;            // status info (will carry ~TCPStatusInfo)
    TCP_I_SEND_MSG = 10;         // send queue abated, send more messages
    TCP_I_DATA_NOTIFICATION = 11; // notify the upper layer that data has arrived

// Currently not in use.
enum TCPErrorCode

// Control info for TCP connections. This class is to be set as control info
// (see cMessage::setControlInfo()) on all messages exchanged between TCP and
// application, in both directions. Some commands and indications
// (TCP_C_OPEN_xxx, TCP_I_STATUS) use subclasses.
// connId identifies the connection locally within the application (internally,
// TCP uses the (app gate index, connId) pair to identify the socket).
// connId is to be chosen by the application in the open command.
//# TODO explain userId
// @see ~TcpCommandCode, ~TcpStatusInd, ~TCPOpenCommand, ~TCPStatusInfo, ~ITCP
class TCPCommand extends cObject
    int connId = -1;   // identifies the socket within the application
    int userId = -1;   // id than can be freely used by the app

// Currently not in use.
class TCPErrorInfo extends TCPCommand
    int errorCode @enum(TCPErrorCode);
    string messageText;

// Defines what to transmit as payload in TCP segments
// Currently you have the following choices:
//      TCP layer will transmit byte counts only.
//      TCP layer will transmit the copy of application packet C++ objects
//      TCP layer will transmit bytes of the application packet.
// See ~ITCP (the TCP layer interface) for details.
enum TCPDataTransferMode
    TCP_TRANSFER_UNDEFINED = 0;         // Invalid value
    TCP_TRANSFER_BYTECOUNT = 1;         // Transmit byte counts only
    TCP_TRANSFER_OBJECT = 2;            // Transmit the application packet C++ objects
    TCP_TRANSFER_BYTESTREAM = 3;        // Transmit raw bytes

// Control info to be used for active or passive TCP open.
// localAddr, remoteAddr, localPort, remotePort should be self-explanatory.
// localAddr is optional because TCP can learn it from IP when a packet
// is received from the peer; localPort is optional because TCP supports
// ephemeral ports.
// The fork parameter is used with passive open, and controls what happens
// when an incoming connection is received. With fork=true, it emulates
// the Unix accept(2) syscall semantics: a new connection structure
// is created for the connection (with a new connId, see in ~TCPCommand),
// and the connection structure with the old connId remains listening.
// With fork=false, all the above does not happen: the first connection
// is accepted (with the original connId), and further incoming connections
// will be refused by TCP by sending an RST segment.
// The dataTransferMode and tcpAlgorithmClass fields
// allow per-connection TCP configuration.
// The dataTransferMode field set the
// The tcpAlgorithmClass field may contain name of class subclassed from
// TCPAlgorithm, respectively.
// If not set, module parameters with similar names are used.
// @see ~TcpCommandCode, ~ITCP
class TCPOpenCommand extends TCPCommand
    L3Address localAddr; // may be left empty
    L3Address remoteAddr;// required for active open
    int localPort = -1;       // required for passive open
    int remotePort = -1;      // required for active open
    bool fork = false;        // used only for passive open
    int dataTransferMode @enum(TCPDataTransferMode); // whether to transmit C++ objects, real bytes or just byte counts. See ~TCPDataTransferMode.
    string tcpAlgorithmClass; // TCP congestion control algorithm; leave empty for default

// Control info to be used with the SEND command.
// @see ~TcpCommandCode, ~ITCP
class TCPSendCommand extends TCPCommand

// Sent with message kind TCP_I_ESTABLISHED, to let the app know
// about the local and remote IP address and port.
// @see ~TcpCommandCode, ~ITCP
class TCPConnectInfo extends TCPCommand
    L3Address localAddr;
    L3Address remoteAddr;
    int localPort;
    int remotePort;

// Sent with message kind TCP_I_STATUS, in response to command TCP_C_STATUS.
// For explanation of variables, see RFC 793 or TCPStateVariables in
// TCPConnection.h.
// @see ~TcpStatusInd, ~TcpCommandCode, ~ITCP
class TCPStatusInfo extends TCPCommand
    int state;
    string stateName;

    L3Address localAddr;
    L3Address remoteAddr;
    int localPort;
    int remotePort;

    unsigned int snd_mss;

    unsigned int snd_una;
    unsigned int snd_nxt;
    unsigned int snd_max;
    unsigned int snd_wnd;
    unsigned int snd_up;
    unsigned int snd_wl1;
    unsigned int snd_wl2;
    unsigned int iss;

    unsigned int rcv_nxt;
    unsigned int rcv_wnd;
    unsigned int rcv_up;
    unsigned int irs;

    bool fin_ack_rcvd;