
Msg File src/inet/linklayer/ethernet/EtherFrame.msg

Name Type Description
EtherTraffic packet

Abstract base class for various Ethernet traffic types: EtherJam, EtherFilledIFG and EtherPhyFrame.

EtherJam packet

Represents jam on the Ethernet.

EtherFilledIFG packet

Represents a filled inter-frame gap in burst mode. Also used for calculating IFG times.

EtherPhyFrame packet

Represents an Ethernet PHY frame.

EtherFrame packet

Common base class for classes representing Ethernet II and 802.3 frame types, containing their common header fields.

EthernetIIFrame packet

Ethernet II headers contain a 16-bit EtherType to identify the encapsulated protocol.

EtherFrameWithLLC packet

Ethernet frame with 802.3 LLC header.

EtherFrameWithSNAP packet

Ethernet frame with 802.3 LLC and SNAP headers.

EtherPauseFrame packet

Ethernet frame used by the PAUSE protocol

Ethernet1QTag packet

Ethernet 802.1Q Tag.

Ethernet1ahITag packet

Ethernet 802.1ah header.

Source code

// Copyright (C) 2003 Andras Varga; CTIE, Monash University, Australia
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with this program; if not, see <>.

import inet.linklayer.common.MACAddress;
import inet.linklayer.common.Ieee802Ctrl;

cplusplus {{
#include "inet/linklayer/ethernet/Ethernet.h"

namespace inet;

// Abstract base class for various Ethernet traffic types:
// EtherJam, EtherFilledIFG and EtherPhyFrame.
packet EtherTraffic

// Represents jam on the Ethernet.
packet EtherJam extends EtherTraffic
    long abortedPkTreeID = 0;  // this field stores the packetTreeId of the aborted packet

// Represents a filled inter-frame gap in burst mode.
// Also used for calculating IFG times.
packet EtherFilledIFG extends EtherTraffic
    bitLength = INTERFRAME_GAP_BITS;

// Represents an Ethernet PHY frame.
// Contains:
//  - preamble: not stored (only contributes to length)
//  - SFD: not stored (only contributes to length)
//  - encapsulated EtherFrame with padding and FCS
packet EtherPhyFrame extends EtherTraffic
    byteLength = PREAMBLE_BYTES + SFD_BYTES;
    bool srcMacFullDuplex;  // meta-info, for detecting model misconfiguration 

// Common base class for classes representing Ethernet II and 802.3 frame types,
// containing their common header fields.
// This class should never be instantiated by the models, only specific
// subclasses: ~EthernetIIFrame, ~EtherFrameWithLLC and ~EtherFrameWithSNAP.
// Source and destination MAC address are stored in data members.
// Packet length includes Etherner header, payload, padding and FCS.
// Payload length can be accessed as getEncapsulatedPacket()->getByteLength().
packet EtherFrame
    MACAddress dest;
    MACAddress src;

// Ethernet II headers contain a 16-bit ~EtherType to identify
// the encapsulated protocol.
// Header length: src(6)+dest(6)+etherType(2) + FCS(4) = 18 bytes
packet EthernetIIFrame extends EtherFrame
    byteLength = ETHER_MAC_FRAME_BYTES;
    int etherType @enum(EtherType);

// Ethernet frame with 802.3 LLC header.
// Header length: src(6)+dest(6)+length(2)+ssap(1)+dsap(1)+control(1) + FCS(4) = 21 bytes
packet EtherFrameWithLLC extends EtherFrame
    int dsap;
    int ssap;
    int control;

// Ethernet frame with 802.3 LLC and SNAP headers.
// The ssap, dsap and control LLC fields are set to fixed values in the
// frame: 0xAA, 0xAA, 0x03.
// Header length: src(6)+dest(6)+length(2)+ssap(1)+dsap(1)+control(1)+
// orgCode(3)+localCode(2) + FCS(4) = 26 bytes
packet EtherFrameWithSNAP extends EtherFrameWithLLC
    dsap = 0xAA;
    ssap = 0xAA;
    control = 0x03;
    int orgCode;   // organizationally unique identifier (OUI); 0 for protocols that have an EtherType (ARP, IPv4, IPv6, etc.)
    int localcode; // protocol identifier (PID); stores ~EtherType if orgCode is 0

// Ethernet frame used by the PAUSE protocol
packet EtherPauseFrame extends EtherFrame
    int pauseTime; // in 512 bit-time units

// Ethernet 802.1Q Tag.
packet Ethernet1QTag
    uint8_t pcp;    // Priority Code Point (PCP): a 3-bit field which refers to the IEEE 802.1p priority. It indicates the frame priority level.
                    // Values are from 0 (best effort) to 7 (highest); 1 represents the lowest priority.
    bool de;        // Drop Eligible (DE): a 1-bit field. May be used separately or in conjunction with PCP to indicate frames eligible to be dropped in the presence of congestion.
    short VID=0;   // VLAN Identifier (VID): a 12-bit field specifying the VLAN to which the frame belongs.
                    // The hexadecimal values of 0x000 and 0xFFF are reserved. All other values may be used as VLAN identifiers, allowing up to 4,094 VLANs.
                    // The reserved value 0x000 indicates that the frame does not belong to any VLAN; in this case,
                    // the 802.1Q tag specifies only a priority and is referred to as a priority tag. On bridges,
                    // VLAN 1 (the default VLAN ID) is often reserved for a management VLAN; this is vendor-specific.

// Ethernet 802.1ah header.
packet Ethernet1ahITag
    int ISid=0; // ISID