
Package: inet.transportlayer.rtp


module interface

Interface for RTP Payload Receivers.

These modules are internal to the RTP module; instances are created and connected dynamically by RTPProfile.

Inheritance diagram

The following diagram shows inheritance relationships for this type. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram.

Implemented by

Name Type Description
RTPAVProfilePayload10Receiver simple module (no description)
RTPAVProfilePayload32Receiver simple module (no description)
RTPAVProfileSampleBasedAudioReceiver simple module (no description)
RTPPayloadReceiver simple module (no description)


Name Type Default value Description
outputFileName string

use an empty string to disable this logging

outputLogFileName string

use an empty string to disable this logging

Source code

// Interface for RTP Payload Receivers.
// These modules are internal to the ~RTP module; instances are created
// and connected dynamically by ~RTPProfile.
moduleinterface IRTPPayloadReceiver
        string outputFileName;  // use an empty string to disable this logging
        string outputLogFileName;   // use an empty string to disable this logging

        input profileIn @labels(RTPInnerPacket);
        output profileOut @labels(RTPInnerPacket);

File: src/inet/transportlayer/rtp/RTPPayloadReceiver.ned